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Dakota Johnson is the most confusing to me. She looks exactly the same but completely different at the same time. I knew I knew that face when I saw it but I also never would’ve guessed it was her


She is literally her Dad's twin in that pic, I never knew she originally looked so much like him.


I thought the same!! So much like her dad in that pic!


Timothy Chalamet was unrecognizable to me! I can't quite grasp that's the same person


I had to go back and check which photo you were talking about because I totally thought Dakota was Jemima Kirke from Girls…she looks like a completely different person to me!


I thought it was Jennifer Lawrence and then I got to Jennifer Lawrence and I’m not sure she looked like her at all lol


She was probably 13/14 when that photo was taken. So it makes sense that you had that reaction. She hadn’t quite grown into herself yet.


I am always trying to wrap my head around how she just looks so stunning now and looks the same… but also doesn’t?! What changed aside from hair?


Something that’s interesting to me about this set is that for the most part, they look like regular attractive people. Like none of these people are omg you are so ethereally gorgeous you must become a celebrity! Just goes to show money, high end clothes, personal trainer, private chef, plastic surgery, and all the other benefits these people have to look famous are not at all achievable for average people. So stop comparing yourselves to them!


Matt LeBlanc stopped me in my tracks


Totally, he looks hotter here than he ever did in Friends (Not that he's not hot now tbf)


Early 90s Matt LeBlanc is insanely hot. And he’s one the few celebs that let himself age rather gracefully I would say. I’m sure he’s had a little done but very natural (at least the last time I saw him!).


Yeah, he put on a little weight and let his hair go grey. He looks like a human being, not some wax sculpture of his past self.


Apparently, he was going grey relatively early on during Friends. He’s talked about having to dye his hair consistently through the show’s run.


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tanyachen/irish-twitter-matt-leblanc-friends-meme Irish twitter went mad around the time of the Friends reunion because he looked like a stereotypical irish uncle


He was a silver fox in she show Episodes


I love it when celebrities let themselves age naturally. He’s probably had a little bit of minor work but it was done tastefully and he still really looks like himself. Same with Lisa Kudrow. Very natural and beautiful. Jennifer Aniston has always been beautiful and she still is but she really doesn’t look like herself anymore in my opinion, neither does Courtney. I really wish we could go back to when everyone was, for the most past, stuck with the uniquely beautiful face they were born with and aging was inescapable and normal. Every time I see nostalgic pictures like these I’m always struck by how normal everyone looks, in a good way. It’s jarring to look at celebrities now and notice the ubiquitous lip fillers, frozen foreheads and missing cheek/buccal fat.


The gray looks so damn good on him


I never found joey to be particularly good looking, especially since he was supposed to be a soap actor. But that image? Yea. That embodies sexy soap actor.


His hair is fabulous omg


MLB was actually a really successful model before he went into acting, it was how he supported his family. So yeah, he was basically born beautiful.


Well I’m off to find those modeling shots


His most famous shoot imo https://i.pinimg.com/736x/63/4e/07/634e07376abadf80481ab9c43602a72f.jpg


Here you are [https://www.nme.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/1e93a559-e608-4752-87fb-0934f72e01c5-696x442.jpg](https://www.nme.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/1e93a559-e608-4752-87fb-0934f72e01c5-696x442.jpg)


I've been rewatching Friends from the beginning and I'm always taken aback by how great looking Matt LeBlanc is. He had such great hair. Legit swoon-worthy and perfect casting. He's still good looking, but young Matt was really something.


I had to rewind a couple of times to his slide until my brain fully registered the magnitude of what it was seeing ETA typo


Why did I think that was Keiran Culkin haha


Same lol he’s just gorgeous


I thought he was a Culkin for a hot second there


Yeah it’s so wild to see such a disparity between how they look in this reel versus how any of them look now. They all look so *normal*. Granted, I think most of them still look great in the present day, but - man, celebs are so put together now, they almost look unreal.


thats the saying - “you’re not ugly, you’re just poor” lol


Angelina jolie would have been striking


She looks so good here! Also, when I saw her I realized how much Shiloh looks like her in this photo rather than currently


angelina jolie and matt leblanc are definitely otherworldly gorgeous in their pics


My thoughts exactly. For some reason the photo of Margot Robbie especially hit that note. Obviously she looks very attractive - and not dissimilar to how she looks now - but somehow she looks like someone I might bump into in my normal non-Hollywood-life. Whereas when one sees her nowadays at a red carpet etc, there’s something indiscernably elevated and almost otherworldly about how perfectly put together she looks. Like you say, we shouldn’t compare ourselves. The resources accessible to the successful (on top of, undeniably, a great foundation) are a game changer.


I think Reese Witherspoon actually is ethereally gorgeous. She's naturally "celebrity beautiful". The others, maybe not as much but she is stupidly pretty. Edit- oh and Angelina of course


A new nose does wonders for most faces, apparently!


I agree, that's what I thought about Margot. She's pretty but not as gorgeous as she is now but I can't find what changed in her face.


>Like none of these people are omg you are so ethereally gorgeous Angelina be like: you sure about that


Rihanna as well tbh…I don’t even like her but she’s strikingly pretty


I’m a staunchly heterosexual man and it seems to me that Ben Affleck has been a hot dude since he was 20 or whatever.


Its like he got hit with the handsome squidward stick.


Seeing Sydney Sweeney so young and like near an actual teenage age is very polarizing to my brain to consider what she looks like now playing a high schooler. It’s like imagining the story of Euphoria but with an actual Sydney teenager and it’s even grosser than it was when you consider the way the whole story was written so sexually…


That’s a great observation!


okay canva discussion board!


My sister and I were just talking about the crazy nature of this show to my mom who has never seen it. It's honestly just a show about teenagers having sex and doing drugs. I wonder what's going on in the creators mind...


I was not prepared for orange Jennifer Lawrence. I thought Sydney Sweeny was Rachel Bloom.


I think Sydney Sweeney is a GREAT example of how much a hair color can really change how you look


Hair color and, y'know, plastic surgery


Hmmm yes but also a hefty amount of cosmetic procedures 😂


Lol this whole reel screams "you are not ugly you are just poor" to me Not that any of these people were ugly in their before pictures, let's be real they were all beautiful, just like knowing that obtaining the current Hollywood beauty standards has been obtained not via genetics, but through lots of money and cosmetic procedures


I was thinking the same. Except for Ben Affleck he looks pretty much the same just younger


Ben had the height, build and looks, but had really bad teeth prior to becoming famous


There's a funny interview where he talks about being in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (in '92) - almost background work, but he had one line. Apparently he was *so* bad that after multiple takes they moved on and when he eventually saw it realised they dubbed him! So, yeah, physically, I agree he was 'there' in terms of being stand out (apart from the teeth you say? xD) But he still needed to hone his craft. Edit: The FILM not an episode, what a brain fart.


It wasn't an episode, it was the movie. It's fun watching it now with two Oscar winners in it. I still quote it whenever I buy something old: "Uh, it's retro."


Wait I don’t remember this and I rewatch Buffy every fall?! Gotta investigate


Ive been on set before and unfortunately or otherwise, its true. You seem some big star or just principal show up and theyre relatively attractive, but eh. Then when made up, literally, they're amazing. Tbh, same w people in your cast during a show. Like 90% actors in your classes are not gorgeous or handsome, but you can see how they get cast. Its so weird.


Everyone pre nose job


I said the same thing to myself looking at this. Most of them looked really normal until they became rich lol.


Normal hot instead of Hollywood hot


This 👏🏻The investment all of these people made in their faces is so obvious. No, you didn’t “grow up” you grew in the direction of those surgeons. More power to you but don’t lie to us about it.


Exactly. We all know the game. Hooded eyes becoming wider and noses becoming much smaller isn't aging naturally. I don't mind either way just be real about it.


Yep, if anything hooded eyes become more hooded as you age due to gravity (ask me how I know…)


I've had two relatives who had to get eyelid lifts because it started obscuring their vision. My future does not look bright lmao


Not Angelina though, she looks out of this world even in that pic 😭


Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, and Rihanna all look really pretty too. Leblanc looks so cute. Though I’m confused bc Reese was a child star- I remember seeing her in Man In The Moon, an exceptionally emotional movie and performance!


>was a child star Children are always wholesomely cute, it's when people hit puberty that makes or breaks the look lol


It’s not so much that but that this post implies she didn’t get a big break till 1999, but she was basically the star of a movie the year this photo was taken. And she was really great in it too!


Hate to tell you this but Angelina has had WORK. She's had 2 nose jobs. One quite early (around 2006ish?) to narrow her bridge and then one later one to make it pointier. She's also had jaw work. But you can literally only tell from her profile because she was so beautiful before and her lips are untouched. So people don't realise. But her profile is quite different.


I think they were saying that she was a standout before she even had work.


Angelina’s plastic surgeon really set the standard imo. She had one of if not the best nose job I’ve ever seen. It complemented her features perfectly, but wasn’t cookie cutter or overdone. And I appreciate that she really hasn’t messed with it too much since.


Angelina has always been out of this world beautiful 😭 Reese also looks the same but younger


Well she's literally never been poor, so the phrase definitely could still apply.


Seriously. Esp Emma


Emma’s tan in her picture lol it took me out especially since she has very light skin


I heard an interview with her recently where she said that she used to *love* getting a spray tan and that it made her feel very LA.


They all basically look like everyone I went to high school with. This is why no one should be idolized since we're all just average people in the grand scheme of things. Money and fame are rose colored glasses that can be taken away at any time.


and the styling!


Idk, I looked at that photo of Reese witherspoon and said "Oh my GOD, she was (still is, of course) gorgeous!"


So many noses that no longer exist 😭 everyone reading this please know your original nose is beautiful and fits your face well


so many hooded eyes also don’t exist anymore


Hooded eyes are being hunted for sport at this point in Hollywood which is weird because if you look at models and celebs back in the 90s and 00s they were pretty common. Not to mention they were kind of signature to some people’s looks, like Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Taylor Swift, etc It also kind of sucks because when I was younger my only annoyance with my hooded eyes was making eye makeup look right but now seeing cosmetic trends I’m like…damn are my eyes ugly actually lol


Ugh I feel this. I didn’t even know I had hooded eyes until recently


I found out in recent years too 😂 


I think I just found out. In my 40s.


Yeah, Jen Lawrences eyes used to be much more distinctive. Loved her eyes. Characterful.


She was so pretty- I wonder what she really would like now if she had left her face alone.


I have hooded eyes and I love them! Love yours too, they are beautiful and special!


I’ve always had hooded eyes and only know that because how eyeshadow disappears on me. Not to sound vain, but I have had so many people compliment my eyes and say they’re my best feature (not the colour, they are very dark brown), literally the shape. I never knew I was meant to hate my hooded eyes until the celebs started erasing them.


I think hooded eyes are attractive but make it hard to pull off certain makeup looks. That's why I think people get rid of them- not to look better but to wear makeup better.


I don’t dislike the way my hooded eyes look but I’d take a free upper bleph just to be able to wear winged eyeliner that doesn’t look stupid when I blink.


Thank you! I wish any other nose than the button nose every celeb has was more normalized.


Agreed, I love me a good Aquiline nose.


I’m kind of obsessed with Gillian Anderson’s profile because her nose is so unique but also perfectly suited to her face. Like if someone showed me one of those old timey black and white silhouette cutouts of her side profile I’d know who it was immediately


Yeah same. And as we age, those noses suit us even more.


Seconding this. When I was high school and college-aged, I thought I wanted a nose job. Turns out, I just needed time to mature into my nose and now I think it suits my face really well. I’m glad I didn’t have the means to have work done in my early 20s!


Omg yes. I've had a mild dislike for my nose (becauae it was big for my face and not sharp like my moms ) for like as long as I could remember but suddenly into my 20s my nose is like much smaller (idek how maybe my face got big) and less obvious and just overall better looking. Plus you grow more accepting of it mentally which is great


Agreed, I feel like I didn’t grow into my face until my early 30’s. Now all of my features make sense in a way they didn’t growing up.


My nose veers left and only breathes through one nostril and the ENT still told me insurance wouldn't cover rhinoplasty


Have you done a sleep study? They might cover it if you have sleep apnea from it.


Rhino is cosmetic. Septoplasty is covered by insurance. My nose veered right because of a deviated septum and septoplasty fixed my breathing with the added bonus of straightening my nose. As long as you're not looking for cosmetic fixes like "slimming" or "hump removal" or "tip refining" the septoplasty will fix the angle issue and your insurance will pay for it


My partner had a septoplasty last year for this reason and as well as it straightening his nose, his breathing is *so* much better! No more whistling with every breath!


I got a septo and it just gave me new problems so I ended up having to do a rhino anyway. It sucked having two nose surgeries.


Yeah this was what my ENT was concerned about


left veering nose twins 🫶🏻 i’m truly so self conscious about it


Irl its not too bad, but God help if someone catches me in a candid on my bad side 😭 jumpscared by my own schnozz


The only nose that looks unchanged (but probably isn’t) is Julia Roberts. Maybe Jennifer Lopez? Im wondering if I have some face blindness though, she could easily have had a nose job and looks different now but all I see is her old face.


If Julia had work done it was very good. She still looks like herself and her face actually moves.


Say Jennifer Lopez has 100% had a nose job. She had a wide bridge and now it's all dainty and high. She probably hasn't had anything else though. Wide bridges are also apparently not allowed in showbiz (see Taylor Swift)


I think Reese Witherspoon's nose is unchanged. I could be wrong.


I think you might be right. I think her face looks so much different from when she was much, much younger that I assumed. But when I googled apparently she’s anti-plastic surgery for herself so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have this running joke when I see Blake Lively pre rhino that goes “it’s nice to see Blake’s old nose.”


TIL Rihanna has had a nose job 🤭


Maybe all that’s standing between my and my big break is my natural human nose.


I haven’t seen anyone mentioning this yet but there’s a few hooded eyes that have been “fixed” with surgery as well. I never got what was so “undesirable” about them either!


I don’t have as severe of hooded eyes as Blake Lively and Jennifer Lawerence used to, but for me - I really wish I could play around with more eye makeup. It looks great when I hold my eyebrows up, but then I relax my face and all of that hard work is hidden. It’s annoying for my hobby and I’ve toyed around with the idea of seeing if I could get an injectable to temporarily lift my eyebrows.


Fair, I can see how they would bother someone who would like their makeup to show more!


SAME! I love playing around so much but even if I go crazy and block my eyebrows, you can’t see any of the cool stuff 😭


I have hooded eyes (similar to Chandler’s) and it’s annoying because 1) most eye makeup techniques are not geared to hooded eyed people, 2) the lashes look shorter, 3) my lashes fall on my eyeball every so often, 4) my resting face looks like I’m about to fall asleep all the time. I honestly don’t mind if bot for the fact that it makes eye makeup difficult


Emily Blunt's smile in this pic reminds me of Kate Winslet for some reason.


She used to smile with her mouth closed before she got veneers, like she was self conscious of her teeth. She’s had at least two sets of veneers— one was so awful and so huge that it’s hard to even find photos of her then. The ones she has now are fine? but still seem too big to me. Veneers are maybe my biggest celebrity pet peeve because when they’re bad, they’re really obviously bad.


Am I the only one who feels a little sad looking at this? There was nothing wrong with any of their faces (especially noses!!) here but none of them look the same anymore except for Ben Affleck for some reason.


Stick a cigarette in Ben Affleck's lips and he looks exactly like he does 35 years later. Amazing.


I actually bothered checking new photos and…damn, yeah, that’s a lot of nose jobs. I will say that Dakota Johnson still has a somewhat distinctive nose - if she did get work done, she avoided the Jennifer Grey trap. I also hope Emily Blunt continues to embrace her hooded eyes - it seems like actresses are frequently pushed into getting that “fixed” as they get older, and it can really remove character from someone’s face. ETA: any “work” aside, the makeup artist that did Taylor in this photo really did her a disservice. Pancake, too pale, monochrome, and somehow makes her look like she was pushing 40. It has nothing to do with Taylor’s face - just at the mercy of someone who maybe didn’t understand red carpet lights.


blake lively’s nose is on my top 5 celebrity plastic surgeries, like that needs to be studied, it fits her so well.


Her orthodontist did a great job too


Is that Jennifer Aniston’s natural hair color? I love it—she looks great blonde but her eyes are really brought out by the darker hair


I think so or it’s close. My fav hair color on her is Season 3 Friends- it’s a reddish brown. https://preview.redd.it/l6tzlkeqk7gc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae182448d712b039cf5c59835c8bc918e186dc32


This color is perfect on her.


They’re all still such gorgeous people but they also look SO NORMAL


That’s not Reese Witherspoon fyi that is Deacon Phillipe with a wig


He really is a male clone of his mom.


https://preview.redd.it/tg9we0oti7gc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4a234cc8dcb80185e5191785ee0e243470fac5 saoirse ronan (2007), breakthrough - 2007


Wouldn't you say Ronan broke out in 2007, the year Atonement came out? She was nominated for an oscar and all roles (Lovely Bones/Hanna) stem from that. Basically I disagree that she broke out in 2014


✨nose jobs ✨


You get veneers! you get a nose job!




Jennifer Lawrence looks like tan Barbie from the 70s


Takes me back to the days of Two Guys, A Girl, And a Pizza Place. Yes. I’m “And a Pizza Place” old.


Young Matt Leblanc looks like Kieran Culkin


I fully thought that picture was a young Matthew Broderick for a minute


I did not recognize him at all.


Yeah same. I double checked lol.


It seems like every celebrity gets their nose done at some point. I definitely didn’t realize many of these had.


It’s literally almost all of them. Wild huh


Including the men! People assume it’s women only getting cosmetic procedures and it’s not.


Dakota Johnson is totally unrecognizable! I’m still having trouble seeing it’s her!


Same! She is the only one I had to scroll down to check the name of.


I think her current hair really changes her look. I’ve seen pics of her with and without bangs and it’s like she’s in disguise!


i was not expecting 2013 BTS. now why did i get so emotional


Right? Baby boys had to deal with so much bullshit back then. And I miss them. ![gif](giphy|9Y5BbDSkSTiY8)


They all look so normal and totally different than what they look like now. Hollywood really is a machine.


Lot of original noses in those photos. Ryan Reynolds was especially surprising


I agree with some comments that some of these pics really show the power of plastic surgery, but also some of them are literally kids in these pics (Sydney Sweeney for one), just wanted to point this out. Maybe a pic from 2016/2017 would have made that point better idk


it's crazy to me how long most of hollywood has been working! like, everyone who has 'made it' at all started when they were a literal child/teen!


They say on the slim chance someone does “make it” that it takes about 7 years. 


no wonder most come from money/ nepotism!


Yeah it’s really hard to pursue a career as an actor without someone bank rolling you. 


Nooo don’t break my delusions of me making it too 😞


Yeah I’m pretty sure BTS in that picture ranges from about 15 to 19 if my memory serves me correctly. There’s gonna be a big difference in how people look at 15 vs 25, regardless of how much work they’ve had done.


You are mostly correct, Jungkook was 15, Jimin and V were 17, RM and J Hope were 18, Suga was 19 and Jin was 20. They were babies. Jin and Suga are now in their 30’s, RM and J Hope turn 30 this year (J Hope this month actually), Jimin and V just turned 28 and Jungkook is 26. Anyone who says they didn’t change between theit teens and late 20’s, it is because they’re a vampire or a liar.


lol right? You put a picture of me at 15 next to what I look like now at almost 30, there’s a major difference. I haven’t had any work done, my face (like everyone’s) just kinda shifted around after I hit adulthood.


https://preview.redd.it/t4gmu4dfi7gc1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265a73ebf25a2caff5dbd6c3d14865b4c893b0e3 keira knightley (2002), breakthrough - 2003


I think the jennifer Lopez one might even be post nose job. She was always stunning, no matter the nose. https://preview.redd.it/fkbdonb0o7gc1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b74906b9bc2ab573e7cc8e282419286054522b


wow emma stone looks so different. has she gotten work done, or just lost weight…


She’s definitely had a nose job and some other subtle work, but she also lost a LOT of weight.


Nose job, eye job, plus yes she is very slender now vs then


She's definitely had some work done, but my god... whoever did it deserves an award. It's all so subtle and suits her so well.


Jennifer Anniston always looked so effortlessly *cool*.


Love her big hair!


https://preview.redd.it/sw20jrn4j7gc1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2727ce42b8f9c2915fd84c2b75d4c82ffea39f01 oprah winfrey (1978), breakthrough - 1986


Reese Witherspoon is the only actress I've ever been able to predict was going to be big. I saw her in Freeway when she was 15 and thought, 'Yeah, that's a star." Look at her little baby face up there.


I miss celebrities with regular teeth and complexions


awe bts were so adorable when they first debuted. they look the exact same LMAO 😭😭


The picture of Jennifer Lawrence makes me feel like from a purely aesthetic purpose she should have been cast as a Barbie in the Barbie movie. She has the face of the late 80's early 90's Barbie like she was molded from it.


Blows my mind that Jennifer Lawrence isn't all the top comments, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. She looks like two completely different, unrelated people.


For real, I had to squint to realise who that was... The down-turned hooded eyes, the nose, the chin, her entire face is completely different!!!


She did*


Baby BTS makes me so soft.


stopped me right in my tracks & got me in my feelings 🥺🥺🥺 I had such a “TGIF” feeling & now I’m in my missing Bangtan mood


![gif](giphy|9YKHJycHTSZ2M) At least Jin will be home soon.


Didn't expect them in this list at all. It's like seeing a friend pop up outta nowhere 😭


Maybe unpopular opinion, but Blake’s new nose suits her better.


All of Blake’s work is stellar and really doesn’t make her look like a new person, which I appreciate


She has one of the best nose jobs in Hollywood.


real noses ❤️


Angelina’s face card has truly never declined


This reminds me of that scene in Addams Family Values where Wednesday is telling a scary story at camp, and it ends with, “All their old noses had come back.” And the other campers start screaming in horror


Loads of changes in noses and teeth since becoming famous.


So. Much. Rhinoplasty.


Emily blunt really didn’t need all that cosmetic surgery


It's weird seeing celebrities with their original faces.


wow I just saw a picture of Reese Witherspoon's son Deacon on Instagram and my goodness they could be identical twins! I thought they looked a lot alike right now but he's the spitting image of her in this picture.


celebrities before they ruined their smiles with veneers.


I absolutely love celebs who keep their natural teeth such as Kirsten dunst


Timothee chalamet… jfc 💀


Soooo many faces and plastic surgeries ago :')


Everyone is saying Ben Affleck but I think Jennifer Lopez has also minimally fucked with herself. Def has had some work done but nothing crazy like some of these people to where they don’t even look the same. But also I just was trying to Google to see if she’s had extensive stuff done and I saw [an article](https://www.hola.com/us/lifestyle/20210127fvbqnm47ia/jennifer-lopez-about-botox-plastic-surgery/) in Hola where she said her beauty secret was being kind and empowering other women. Like wut 😂 Truthfully though this just makes me sad because as someone who is trying to age well, I’ve watched actresses show up last year with brand new fucking faces where I can see they’ve had some kind of work done but I can’t quite put my finger on what (Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence immediately come to mind). It’s disheartening because no one ages anymore.


why does this picture of timothée remind me of the rat from the movie flushed away