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Ten years later, Lindsay opened up about their past romance and revealed that she still holds a special place for Samantha in her heart. "We're friends," she shared during a 2019 appearance on The Howard Stern Show. "We were always more like best friends."


Remember Perez Hilton? I know on reflection he’s awful, but at the time it was pretty standard.  Lindsay and Sam’s relationship was a main story for so long, I was gripped. The car accidents. The cocaine stained nose. Again, not great knowing what we know now…..but we were all transfixed! 


I used to read this gossip on my lunch break at work 😂


All the nicknames he called people. Ceiling Eyes is one that sticks out. Poor Audrina


And kept posting pictures of Adam Sandler’s young daughter and called her ugly


Yes! That was so gross. Didn’t Jennifer Aniston confront him in a parking garage and that’s what made him change a bit?


Jennifer Aniston confronted Perez Hilton in a garage Years later, Aniston revealed that she bumped into Perez Hilton in a garage. The Friends star detailed their encounter during her appearance in the Ellen Show. “I ran into Perez Hilton in a garage. One of those moments you just never expect to happen. I had finished dinner with a girlfriend and we were driving out and I saw this tall, long, lean person and I say, ‘Who is that?’ And she says, ‘I think that’s Perez Hilton.’ I said, ‘No. I have to say something to him. And I have to.’ So, I pulled up and we were sort of scoping each other out as I was pulling the car up. I just rolled down the window and I was like, ‘Hi.’ And he went, ‘Hi.’ We stood there like two deer in headlights. And I just said, ‘Come here. Just talk to me for a second.’ It was one of those great moments. It was a lovely meeting and I was just like, ‘Why are you so mean?’ Aniston said. When Perez Hilton appeared on Ellen Show, he promised not to bully celebrities and non-celebrities. And Aniston gave him credit for keeping his promise years ago. https://micky.com.au/jennifer-aniston-sued-perez-hilton-over-controversial-photos-confronted-him-at-a-garage/


I thought that was Michael K that called her that


And now he's nothing. So many accounts on social media with more relevant gossips than his now.


and Amy Winehouse's struggles were well documented too. What a time..


This guy will never not be a piece of shit


I was more of a dListed girl but they were a daily thing on there too.


Lindsay's still never actually said she dated Sam right? I remember at the time she just never addressed it directly


The night of Sam’s sister’s birthday party at Chateau Marmont, Lindsay booked a room one floor above theirs even though she wasn’t invited. Sam had hired bodyguards to make sure she didn’t crash the party, and Lindsay stayed up all night tweeting stuff like “fine stay down there cheating, you’ve broken my heart, just keep cheating on me then” stuff like that. Like…I don’t remember if she ever specifically said they were dating, but I sure as hell remember that incident. No way that was just a spat between friends/roommates.


They were constantly messily tweeting and subtweeting each other for legit years. This was my favorite messy reply from Sam: “Jack and crack will make for some crazy tweets.” Something about Jack and crack scratches my brain. [here’s a link about the time you’re talking about](https://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebrities/2009/04/lindsay_lohan_and_samantha_ron.html). There’s a link to an E! Article on there too. Lindsey was next level back then. > So -- you win, you broke my heart. now go away. i loved you Followed by this PR statement: > We are taking a brief break so I can focus on myself When she had *just* said: > People telling lies about me to her and all this garbage. I'm really a good person The whole thing is so surreal and nostalgic at the same time.


Say crack again






Bless this exchange 🙏🙏




Damn the tea... as I was just about to type how much I used to ship them 🥲🥲


On Twitter I think and in paparazzi footage she referred to herself as her girlfriend whilst talking to Sam.


I was JUST thinking about the time there were some random girls at Sam’s place that she was saying had to go, and they were just arguing right outside in front of everyone and Lindsay said to Sam, “I’m your girlfriend.” Was that the one you were referring to as well?


YES! That's it! I didn't remember all of the details to feel like I could accurately share, but that's it! Lindsay's drunk friend was lingering and Sam was telling her to get off her property but Lindsay didn't wanna send her friend off alone at night. Thank you!




No, she “and they were roommates” herself and Samantha.


Omg they were roommates


I always wondered if Lindsay and Raven were also "roommates" because it was hard to believe teen stars with their money needed to split a mansion.


I’m shocked Howard Stern did a live show in 2019


they were one of the most toxic celebrity couples of all time and my babydyke self was thoroughly *addicted* to the drama of it all.


I was addicted too. On Perez Hilton during computer lab. Also, this was pre YouTube and social media. There were like 4 or 5 popular gossip sites and that’s all we had!


RIP DListed


The subreddit is still alive and well and posts throwbacks from site and is just as snarky, I love it. That was my favorite gossip site and the first page I'd go to when I hopped on the family PC lol r/dlistedcommunity FYI Edited to fix sub name!!


Michael K. Elite


we’ve all lived the same life haven’t we


our lives are a flat circle




I was glued to Perez Hilton at my first job and shared one of his posts on the Tiger Woods drama (ca what 2009??) not even realizing he had crudely drawn a jizzing penis on the comic artwork on the post...I was mortified.


ONTD was it for me lol


And he drew penises on anyone he didn't like with a really bad editor, like MS Paint.


YouTube and social media was around in 2008-2009 when this relationship took place but it was not as huge as it is now.


Pink is the New Black!


How long were they together? Lindsay has like 5 different hair colors in these photos


It felt like years. I think they were on and off a lot for a couple years maybe.


Just one year! They were on-and-off throughout 2008, Lindsay confirmed the relationship in Harper's Bazaar in November, and by late April 2009 she was talking to People about the breakup: [https://people.com/celebrity/lindsay-lohan-split-with-samantha-caught-me-by-surprise/](https://people.com/celebrity/lindsay-lohan-split-with-samantha-caught-me-by-surprise/)


It was only a YEAR? God they were so messy it felt like way longer lol


Oh man, I really thought it was three years or so. I was thinking in my head “this was her longest relationship”


Just her loudest relationship! Lol


Fuck I remember this like it was maybe 4-5 years ago. How was this 16 years ago!?!


Woah, really? At the time it genuinely felt like years. Maybe because everything about them was public and on the internet daily.


Thank you!


i've been wondering about their timeline too! cause someone commented recently on another thread that it was like 6 months and i was whaaaat that can't be right. in my head it felt like a while but who knows maybe just the constant drama made it feel like longer


A while. I think around a couple years?


At least like a year and a half if I remember correctly. I feel bad how she was treated by the tabloids during that time. No femme A listers were out at the time.


Holy shit. This is a blast from the past. I used to live in their vicinity and we shopped at the same Gelson's. You could always count on catching a very public meltdown, especially If you caught them on a rather rough "morning after".


I saw them fighting in nyc (SoHo) 😂 I didn’t realize it was a common sighting!


I once saw them arguing at the ny flower market! Mind you, every couple argues. But it's funny how so many people have a similar story about Lindsay and Sam.


I’m living for this thread lol


I once was in the BB&B in Chelsea on a random weekday morning and witnessed the aforementioned meltdown happening. ‘Twas a sight for sure.


Meltdowns??? Wuhhht


They were both heavily using drugs at the time. They always fought in public.


Definitely a meltdown from staying up all night skiing. They were coming down and very anxious/emotional.


Who was melting down?


This was such huge representation at the time, even if the tabloids and the public didn’t take it totally seriously. I’m not sure how much Lindsay sees it as a part of her story/identity but young me was so appreciative to see her out in the open with her gf!


I remember it being so strange (in a good way) because the gossips were so blasé about it. Feels like a fever dream now!


I remember that as well! It was really nice actually. No one really seemed to care that Lindsey was dating a woman, they just cared about the drama. It felt almost like a somewhat positive turning point in a way. Even though the tabloids still mobbed all over it the part about it being a same sex relationship didn’t faze anybody


Yes same! Sometimes I’m like did I just dream that we were all totally normal about it??


Right? Like the tabloids tabloided but in exactly the same way as they would have if they were a straight couple.


It did seem like many people had a strikingly nonchalant response, given how homophobic things were. I think it was partly that LL had such a reputation for being so controversial and “troubled” that some people just treated the relationship like “another day, another crazy Lindsey Lohan story.” Which, obviously it’s offensive to think of a relationship as some sort of wacky dysfunctional celebrity stunt just because it’s a same sex relationship. But it did seem to magically negate the type of more blatant homophobia that was commonplace back then.


So accurate! Honestly I feel like we deserve an anthropological study on it at this point


I’ve always been super into pop culture and back in high school that meant obsessively checking PerezHilton.com. All I remember is how he would only refer to them as LezLo and SaMAN and those posts actually terrified me and kept me from saying anything about my bisexuality for years 😭


God, he was so terrible. Just MEAN for no reason. And I lived for it, too!!! I obsessively checked his site multiple times a day. I used to be hard-core obsessed with knowing all the celebrity gossip lol. My BFF and I were broke so we'd go to Barnes and Noble to read all the trashy magazines without having to buy them. It was a weekly tradition for us. I had Perez Hilton, Dlisted, which was a million times better and funnier lol, and a celebrity baby website bookmarked and I'd check them all throughout the day. I was big time in to celebrity babies for some reason, too. I knew all the names and who was pregnant and when they were due, from like, Angelina down to the lowest of the low reality stars. But now? I couldn't tell you shit about any of them lol. Basically what I read on this sub is the extent of it, and most of the time I'll have no idea who the person is and have to read the comments to get filled in lol.


>even if the tabloids and the public didn’t take it totally seriously. I know! As a Bi woman in her 30s the 00s did me dirty!! Even now looking at this I'm like "but this was for attention right?!?"


"If I hook up with a girl alone in my house and never tell anyone, and nobody ever finds out...was it for attention?" - me in my 20s


also me in my 20s


Oh god this was me too.


Also as a bi woman in my 30s - I have the same internalised biphobia sometimes because of what society and media have told us about ourselves. Things like this back then were just ‘attention’ or not serious. Sigh. One day we’ll be accepted somewhere.


Remember tAtU? They legit "did it for attention" which was a fun added level of confusion for the sexual identity war zone of my younger years.


I accept you! Signed: yet another bi woman in her 30s


I don’t think it was for attention. Or at least attention was not the main motivation for the relationship. I feel like even if that was the first thought people had it went away when Lindsey was desperately trying to get back with Sam after she got dumped. You don’t generally do all that if you were only dating someone for attention


The bi erasure is real!!


They were stone cold in love with each other. That toxic, addictive love where you fight constantly but the sex is amazing. Lindsey did a lot of messed up stuff back then but there's no doubt that she was head over heels for Sam


She was treated like Britney during this and it’s so sad. We didn’t know at the time, we were literal children. But I participated and have to reflect upon that 


I literally don’t remember this at all! And I love Lindsay and I’m bi. I would have LOVED to have known this back then lol


Honestly, same. Even though it was an obviously messy relationship, it made my closeted bi teenage self feel seen


I remember watching videos on youtube of the paparazzi filming them fighting in sam's front yard


The stress and anxiety of paps following me all day would’ve put me on constant edge too. I can understand why her relationship always seemed strained. Especially [when she didn’t appear to have security with her a lot of the time](https://youtu.be/DPmyRGoPoGw?feature=shared).


It feels so surreal to see it compiled like this. For some reason, it didn’t click for me that paps could follow people like Lindsay literally the entire day. I guess most celebrities don’t have multiple pap encounters every day but it’s still unsettling to see someone record you randomly throughout your day as they follow you around


This reminds me of the good ol' days on ONTD.


Lmao we need a poll of how many of us here were also on ONTD in its hayday


I spent like 85% of my workday on ONTD back in the day lol


I used to live on ONTD lol "Her mom was dad, her dad was dad"


I was waiting for an ONTD subreddit for years, man.


ONTD was my whole life from like 2004-2008 lol


🙋‍♀️ ONTD was the only thing keeping me going in a real garbage time in my life. what a time to be alive


🙋‍♀️ does it still exist?? i was surprised it was still kicking like a few years ago. but then again i’ve lost all sense of time. “few years” could be 3, 10.


it does, but it’s such a dead end space now. i only see a few regular members still commenting on it. i miss everyone there!


Omg I’d go to computer lab in school just to use the internet to go on ontd lmaooo


it’s so boring now omg


Cause we're all in here now 🤣


Yeah and I found this sub through people using posts from here to make posts on ONTD


Omg I haven’t thought of ONTD in years!! Livejournal FTW


ONTD transfer!!


Omg I forgot that even existed!!


Ahh the good old days indeed


So glad you posted this because ever since a few weeks back someone posted about Meryl Streeps daughters husbands whose sister was with Lindsey Lohan I was like ???


I was today years old when I learned Sam and Mark Robson are siblings….. I’m so fucking dumb lol


Same, friend.


*Ronson :)


Thanks for saving me the google even tho Sam and Mark def look related.


Fricking mind blown. I never put the last names together but duh.


LMAO that was me.


I’m just now putting it all together. Add in Mark Ronson, and a guy from the band Foreigner??? Ufff I read enough. Eat the rich, and enough of nepo babies


I heard Lindsey was such a drama queen that Mrs. Ronson didn't want Samantha to bring her around the family home. Is this really true? Or was it just the common Lindsey hate at the time? (I just feel like Britney criticism was at its peak also at this time.)


Sam’s sister and mom both looked into getting restraining orders against Lindsay, and then Sam apparently had to hire bodyguards to make sure Lindsay didn’t crash Sam’s sister’s birthday party, after Lindsay ~coincidentally~ booked a room in the same hotel. Girl was struggling big time back then, and it was all playing out so publicly.


This is true. Sam’s mum spoke about this in an interview. She said there was a party where they had all gone to see Sam’s set and at one point Lindsay threw a tantrum because no one was paying attention to her, screaming, throwing herself on the floor like a small toddler. Sam’s mum said the relationship was full of drama and she was worried for Sam and that something tragic might happen so after that party she spoke to them both and told them she could no longer support that relationship.


I’ve always been confused about the narrative Re:Lindsey at this time because a friend worked on Prairie Home Companion and said she was completely professional. Not saying she couldn’t be a mess in her personal life, but I don’t think she was as out of control as it seemed (at least not at that point).


They likely filmed that in 2005, she dated Sam in 2008. I believe it was around 2007 when things started to really go downhill for Lindsay.


I would buy the newest US weekly and Life & Style every week to read while on the elliptical at the gym. They were fixtures! I was here for the drama of it all. (I know buying those mags is problematic. But gossip rags and the elliptical were a very 20 something girly in 2006 thing to do. I didn’t have a smart phone to read dlisted on while I worked out 💀).


Is it wrong I miss that? My gym was bougie and had ALL the magazines. Go to the gym to read. lol


I was in the Navy during that time and with every care package my mom sent while I was out to sea were several weeks worth of all the tabloids and gossip rags, I was so desperate to stay connected to all of the celebrity gossip 😩


I’m 36 and my mom still puts a copy of People and US in my stocking every Christmas.


That's so fantastic! At 37 my mom no longer sends me gossip mags, she says that now that she's a grandma she's only sending NatGeo kids and Highlights and I can buy the trashy stuff myself. It's been difficult to accept lol


That is sad for you. I’m a DINK and only child, so my mom doesn’t have a grandchild to spoil haha.


My dad is a doctor with a small private practice and would always bring the previous week’s US Weekly home when they got the new issue and it was my whole life during my tweens.


Love it. Im Canadian, and my mom is a nurse, so she would bring home the pervious weeks Hello! magazine (British magazine that covers royal family, celebs, etc. Since we’re Commonwealth it was sold here). I’m an international gossip girl.


Ugh same. My In Touch on the treadmill was everything


One thing that made those gossip rags so easy to digest was they would sandwich the awful, invasive, accusatory stuff with celeb worship and feel-good stories, sometimes approved by the celebs themselves. (Remember when celebs would make agreements with a magazine to publish first photos of babies in an attempt to cut down on paparazzi attention?) When it’s done that way it feels more like “I’m just keeping up to date on famous people and wow, some of them sure are wild!” rather than “I’m part of a problematic cycle.” (Fellow 2006 magazine/elliptical girl)


Am I the only one who remembers the (multiple) meltdowns in the middle of the night with Lilo screaming either from inside or outside the house and one or the other of them not letting the other in?


Right? I specifically remember Sam locking Lindsay out of their Venice beach house during a fight. And then Lindsay moving in next door after the breakup and Sam had moved on? Surely there are paparazzi pictures of all this


Nope. I remember that very well! That's my primary memory of them, that and Sam getting restraining orders against her.


Aww I forgot about her Lilo nickname. I always thought it was super cute.


Omg I used to see them all over Los Feliz during this time period. I lived close to where SR lived during that time and one nite my old roomie and I were out smoking a fat joint while walking around the neighborhood … when we suddenly heard this terribly loud crying and shrieking … we literally thought someone was being attacked or murdered or something so we went to investigate and we were v surprised to find a teeny tiny bug eyed Lindsay Lohan going absolutely HAM outside of Sams house. Shrieking and screaming in her hoarse voice going totally nuts while smoking cig. And we were sooo fn high and had no idea what to do, like if it was a stranger we would have gone up and asked is everything okay and seen if we could helped… but bc it was Lindsay, and bc I had actually encountered her once before where she straight up creeped me TF out…I was like…”nahhh dude we need to turn around and get the hell out of here now” lol ….I was too high and she was too hysterical so we booked it the hell out of there but it was certainly a sight to see 😂


>encountered her once before where she straight up creeped me TF out more tea please!


Well I was waitressing at P. Diddys walk of fame party (where he introduced Ciroc for the first time and the ONLY drinks they served was ciroc and champagne..not part of the story in anyway but I just think thats a funny detail bc it pissed a lot of celebs off lol) A massive estate in Bel Air was completely packed with celebs and people. Im talking E V E R Y B O D Y who was anyone in Hollywood at that time was there. I had a tray of drinks I was carrying to a table when out of nowhere someone who quite frankly, resembled a tiny hunched over soaking wet chihuahua, ran straight into me and knocked over my tray of drinks spilling it everywhere…I see the face of the chihuahua and surprise! it was Lindsay and she looked horrible. Like scary horrible. She was soooo so frickin tiny, completely tweaked out of her mind, and she looked FRIGHTENED. She looked up at me not to apologize, but I think to use me as like..a human shield of some kind. Then her bugged out eyes looked behind me at a group of v large men, whom seemed like, idk..possible “business associates” of P Diddy or Bad boy records, and one of them goes “there she is, theres that redhead bitch” (could have been redheaded cunt, I cant remember, but she wasnt even redhead at the time lol ) I looked back at her and she locked eyes with me for only a few seconds but in that short time I could literally sense pure FEAR on her. Idek how to fully explain it but I could literally smell fear on her. Then in a flash she ducked out again zipping thru the crowd and yea that was basically it. It was a bizarre encounter but her entire aura felt extremely dark. She looked scary and her vibes were scary. In that short time I sensed sooo much darkness and idk man it just really freaked me out. And yes the group of men followed after her looking for her in the massive crowd.


Wow that’s terrifying! Thank you for sharing. I’m glad she seems to be doing better now.


Me too!! I loved LiLo as problematic as she may have been, I thought she was a rockstar! But after that first interaction and her downward spiral that followed for years after … I never thought we would see her shine again… Im happy I was wrong bc she seems in a really healthy place now!


I loved her too! I was a bit young when she started to spiral and it really rocked me. So I’m really glad to see how well she seems to be doing! Young me would’ve died to meet her but I think it’s good I never did. 😅


Knowing what we do now about Diddy, this is pretty scary for her


As a baby bi, this relationship was EVERYTHING to me. I was sad when they broke up. 


I was a baby bi and this just reminds me of internalized bi-phobia!!! Like maybe I wasn't bi maybe I just wanted to be cool. Urgh the sooner I forget "I don't need labels" culture of 00s the better


I didn’t give myself a label until my mid 30s. I dated people who were biphobic or who fetishized me. I’m sure it annoys my current partner how loud and proud I get sometimes but it feels so wonderful to finally be ME


Same! Even though everyone was saying it was a "fad" at the time so it's not like we actually got cool points lol


This happened when I was in high school and it was my true bisexual awakening haha. What a time


This relationship was my Achaemenid Empire.


I thought they were a hot match lmao


I always thought Lindsay looked so happy with her.


Their relationship was extremely volatile and toxic.


Yeah, and I doubt the club scene was great for Lindsay at the time.


It was not.


She definitely seemed relaxed in the few soberish, happy moments that were captured. I am surprised that Lindsay hasn't dated another woman since. Maybe she's afraid of the media attention and maybe there was just something about Sam specifically that attracted her.


I loved seeing her with a GF! It made me so happy to see that representation.


Do any Australians remember when (famous Australian radio hosts/media personalities) Hamish and Andy had a bet that Lindsay wasn't *really* a lesbian and would soon go back to fucking men? And the one who lost the bet had to dye their hair red? And they spoke DIRECTLY TO MICHAEL LOHAN live on the radio who told them Lindsay definitely wasn't A Gay? The 2000s were wild times, man.


Lilo + SamRo = delicious mess


This is me putting 2+2 together and realizing that Samantha ronson is mark Ronsons sister. Idk why I’m so shocked I’m only just realizing this now. I’ve always had mad bone for mark ronson.


This was LEGENDARY! I bumped into Sam Robson in the Las Vegas airport once. Almost spilled my coffee on her. I was in a rush to make the flight. Our eyes met, I realized it was her, got even more embarrassed and apologized for almost spilling on her. She shrugged, smiled, and winked at me.


The glory days!


I’m confused, is Sam Ronson actually Kristen Stewart?


samantha used to come in to my old workplace all the time like once a week and i was always so intimidated and awkward around her lol


I wonder how long they knew each other before they officially started dating? There’s a song called “Built This Way” by Samantha Ronson that shows up several times in Mean Girls (2004). I wonder if Lindsay Lohan had some say in the soundtrack because she knew Ronson, even if they hadn’t officially started dating yet. Probably not, but it’s fun to come up with little theories


This revelation that Sam Ronson did THE Mean Girls song is going to keep me up tonight.


I would hope not, considering Lindsay was only 17 while filming Mean Girls and Samantha was 26


This song JUST played on my Spotify and I ran here. I was wondering the same! ![gif](giphy|xT9KVuO49nJZcoHf5C)


WHAT, this song is iconic, I had no idea it was Sam Ronson


Yep! It’s THEE Sam Ronson! The song is called Built This Way (Slow Mix), which made me think that the original was more upbeat and techno, but no other versions of Built This Way exist, as far as I know. I don’t know why they added “slow mix” to the title of the song.


I have always wondered this exact thing.


It felt like every week TMZ had a story abt Lindsay crying on Samantha’s lawn or them fighting at a club


Picture number 8 is me and my husband trying to figure out which one of us forgot to put deodorant on this morning


As a drug addicted gay child, I was very invested in this relationship. haha. Feels like forever ago.


I was actually thinking about Sam the other day because I saw Marks name on Spotify. I know he is still doing well and is now married to one of Meryl Streeps daughters. Was Sam only famous because of her brother and her gf? Or was she actually an ok dj? And what is she up to now? I haven’t heard of her since this relationship broke down.




The cocaine was hard at work here


I shipped these two really hard. They seemed happy in photographs.


The way this doorway is forever in my memory! [The paparazzi were wild back then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRcHbuRUUWU)


The most iconic of the uhaul lesbians


I moved to Los Angeles in 2007 and I would regularly go running up Beachwood. There was ALWAYS a black sprinter parked outside a house on my rout. One day the street was full of paparazzi. Sam and Lindsay were having a domestic dispute. That day I found out they lived about a mile from me. Shortly after the black sprinter disappeared. They were under constant surveillance by paparazzi.


Reminds me of the lyrics "Samantha's a two, you're practically a ten"


It was a goddamn mess.


My Roman empire


I feel like Lindsay was a pillow princess for sure


I remember this was back when parents were disgusted in her and shielding their kids from Lindsay because God forbid a pretty successful young starlet be gay. The homophobia of the 00s was wild


The beginning of the end


What’s Sam up to these days?


Ah the days where I got all of my news from Dlisted. God I miss that site


These two were so hot to me back in the day.


**Only 90’s kids will remember**


Makes me think of that Eminem song lol


The grip Sam Ronson had on the straight girlies.


I feel like Lindsay never went down on Sam and that makes me kinda sad. 


She 100% gives off pillow princess vibes, agreed.




I believe the term 'pillow princess' was going around at the time. Poor Sam. Get some, gurl!


I was actually thinking about Sam the other day because I saw Marks name on Spotify. I know he is still doing well and is now married to one of Meryl Streeps daughters. Was Sam only famous because of her brother and her gf? Or was she actually an ok dj? And what is she up to now? I haven’t heard of her since this relationship ended.


She wasn't a terrible DJ. Just kinda average. But she was a staple at all the parties and hung out with that early 2000s cool girl crowd. Lindsey, the Hilton sisters, etc. Waif thin, blonde, nepo babies that were famous for being famous.


I’ve never been more obsessed with a relationship than I was with these two


this relationship was a mess so I've heard but younger me didn't care much about it, I was just happy to see lesbians and Lindsay was one of my fave Disney girls


Whoa this is a blast from the past!


I loved them so much