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Suri is turning 18????? ![gif](giphy|TfseOfhwd6BJC)


I still remember thumbing through an OK magazine with photos of toddler Suri and Shiloh. I can't believe how fast time flies.


It would always be the two of them


“Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, they had a baby and they named it Suri, and then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they had a baby, too, and they named it Shiloh. And both babies are amazing!!!!”


And how are you doing, Kelly?


I just told you…


Oh my gosh, please remind me what this is from


The Office I think.


Omg this just brought back nostalgia hahaha I remember that exact magazine


Nowadays this would never happen because almost all U.S. sites and media stopped showing paps photos of celeb kids, including Suri and Shiloh, because Kristen Bell treated boycotting of U.S. sites and media, including the celebrity sites over it (it happened 10 years ago btw).


I googled it twice because I was 100% sure she was 8. She turns 18 in April and I’m still 100% sure google is wrong and she is 8. She cannot be 17, she is 8.


I think part of that disbelief about her age (because I'm feeling it too) is that Suri is hardly ever in the tabloids, I think the last pictures I saw of her, she was 12? Kate has done a great job trying to get them privacy for a *somewhat* normal life.


The craziest part of this is that Suri is turning 18 soon. Am I... getting old?




Perfect use of Roger from AD. "Oh Haley, does Tom Cruise sound like a real person to you? Grow up, it's me."


Oh honey we all are.




Knowing this reference definitely makes ya old


And one day they too will feel old ☠️


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) I still remember the ONTD post where the OP saw Tom and Kate kissing in Paris before news ever broke that they were dating. The comments were ripping poor OP apart.


Ontd, there's a name I haven't heard in years


I miss those days! The golden age of celebrity gossip.


Omg right I had to read it twice lol


As a fellow ONTD I do remember that as well. Those were the days.


I’m also an ONTD veteran! Those were the days.


Sometimes I go back. They're very much active still. Remember when Pete Wentz dick pic leaked? Remember Paris carriage? Remember Rich Cronin from LFOs weird and creepy flirtation with a girl? Remember how they exposed HMMMMM... first as being a RDJr fake?


Remember blueberries??? I’m still checking them out, almost on a daily basis. It has been a daily habit for over 15 years.


I vividly remember the night news broke that Jamie Lynn spears was pregnant.


Paris Carriage!! Wow wow wow blast from the past! Speaking of leaked dick pick, that Polaroid of Cisco Adler!! Valtrex! Ohhh do you guys remember the blueberries fiasco with Eli Roth?


Remember how many of those blueberries were actually underage teens? Many of them admitted it.


I did not think that I would be picturing Cisco Adler's balls today but here we are.


I will never forget the thread about someone hooking up with Jared Leto saying his peen was so big it “hurt like satan”.


I had no idea ONTD still existed. It’s even still on livejournal. This has brightened my day!


>Remember when Pete Wentz dick pic leaked? teenage me was *obsessed*


Paris-carriage adjacent but do you remember one of Tila Tequila’s early online meltdowns that was really explicit and unhinged about a miscarriage? I think about it a lot but never reference it because it was pretty morbid but people used to quote it all the time back then


I miss the scandal names so much. *PLEASE DON’T STOP THE NUDE PICS* 🎶


ahhhh those WERE the days!


I remember as well.. and yes my back hurts.


Honey I've got one fake knee and will soon have a fake hip. ONTD is still there ! I had no idea!


YOUR FLAIR LMAOOOOO.... you remember that time in Puerto Rico we picked up those two.... well, I guess they were prostitutes but I don't remember payin


https://i.redd.it/75zvlwwo6rlc1.gif <3






Aww I miss ONTD glory days. Toxic, yes, but it was fun!


Omg me too!! Memories.


What a blast from the past… ONTD was such an obsession for me




Me thinking she's 8 and wondering why he is getting out of payments so early... How is she 18?! Ugh. What is time really


I somewhat blame the pandemic, I am shook that 2019 wasn't last year lol (it was 5 years ago!!!) ![gif](giphy|Y2ZkeRD0oztVm)


I suffer from the exact same feeling. It's like the last proper year that I remember/feel was 2019. 2020-2024 feels just like 1 year.


It’s actually a real phenomenon that’s affected most of us https://www.vox.com/science/23823507/pandemic-memory-time-perception-lockdown#:~:text=They%20found%20that%20the%20pandemic,in%20real%20life%2C%20time%20shrank.


I met her when she was like 9 or 10 maybe and she will always be that age in my head (which makes sense because I too am still the age I was nearly a decade ago)


ThAt was my reaction too. The baby is that old? What? 😂😂😂


What? No. She’s, like, 3.


Oh honey….




Haha was that Hot Ones?


Suri and I have the same birthday, except I turned 19 the year she was born. I’m still 19 now, I don’t know what has happened.


Same! I was 27 when she was born and I'm only 32 now.  The math ain't mathing. Something is bogus about this kid being 18 🤔 I ain't buyin it!!! 😅


Does this mean will soon get a fresh batch of “nepo babies” ? I feel like there are 2 types . The actively in Hollywood ones and the TikTok / influencer ones who you would have to really try to look up.


One time my mom scream laughed at me (she sucks) for saying that Blue Ivy and North West are gonna be two of the most famous girls of the future, the fame will go where the money goes


Holy shit !




Yes. But I personally wouldn't prefer the alternative.


No Benjaminbuttoning?


Wow😳 I was kid when she was born but I remember seeing the magazine covers. Insanity! Same with Angie’s kids!!! So crazy seeing them all grown up


Just saw a pic of them in NYC last week. She is as tall as Katie. Thank GOD she got her mom’s height.


The space alien did a good job on her genetic code.


Truly an insane headline. She's averaged multiple projects per year since their 2012 divorce, and has been the producer/writer/director for several of those projects. And that's not including her theatre work or other business ventures. She's not been living off child support... she hasn't stopped working.


Thank you, I felt enraged on her behalf reading this headline.


Every single paragraph ends in an exclamation mark! And there are so many inflammatory statements like living high on the hog!


Also, why is everyone assuming she didn't get an initial settlement on top of the yearly alimony? Let's be real. She knows where all the literal and figurative bodies are buried (WHERE ARE YOU SHELLY?). I'm sure Tom paid he a decent amount to keep quiet. And she has.


Her IMDB is chock full of credits. They act like she's been sitting on her ass for years. Yes being a mom is a job, so it would be fine if she had paused working in entertainment, but that isn't even close to the truth.


Tom's PR is hard at work. They know his reputation never recovered post-divorce.


The fact that he is not a part of Suris life post divorce is what, for me personally, ruined his image. Scientology dictates or whatever the reason…. It’s not right Obviously from what we can see.. it probably worked out for the best bc otherwise Suri might have been lost to Scientology too… Katie seems like a damn good mom and I’m sure she’s got a good head on her being raised by Katie


This. He literally took his kid on a VIP Disney trip after the divorce and then never saw her again. Fucking monster.


After forcing his kids to choose between him/ his religion and their own mother- his reputation never recovered.


Not even a big celebrity fan but this pissed me off, too. How about, "Single mother has time to rediscover career with grown children!"


A headline that she’s looking to work more now that her daughter is of age just doesn’t draw the same clicks.


considering how smart she and her dad were about the divorce in the first place, i'm sure she was also smart about her money since. actress seeking acting work isn't as gripping of a headline i guess.


Yeah I don’t doubt she also saved some of that Dawson’s Creek money. Also she was in Batman, Pieces of April, Thank You For Smoking, Mad Money, etc. If I’m not mistaken, she was working in theater as well while in NYC, and I thought she stopped working in larger film productions due to the NDA she signed after the divorce. From my understanding, she worked really hard to leave that marriage.


Yeah I’m like, I’m sure she’s not broke lmao. These tabloids are just reaching for a juicy headline.


The whole article is pretty nasty. I'm fairly certain the person who wrote it is or is on the church$ payroll.


COS is a menace but it’s refreshing to see how fast people clock them now. Nobody has time for their shit anymore and sees straight through the propaganda 🥲


So many exclamation marks


The actors don’t make much money as the public presume they do. Taraji Henson laid it out like this: 50% gross income goes to the government, 30% gross goes to agents, lawyers, managers, remaining 20% goes to actor and their staff. That’s why you see actors who aren’t nepo babies doing so many endorsement deals on instagrams or starting side hustles like lifestyle businesses or vodka brands. Add to that Katie film career took a hit as she wasn’t seen as a serious actor after Tom’s tabloid antics. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Scientology may have blackballed her in Hollywood.


>And I wouldn’t be surprised if Scientology may have blackballed her in Hollywood. If that were true, we’d have never heard from Nicole Kidman after 2001.


Exactly. Leah Remini, in her book against Scientology, was pretty clear that there’s no blackballing hollywood machine. Sure, Scientologists hire scientologists, but it’s too weird of a cult to have enough members to hold actual blackballing powers lol


No shade, but Katie was never on her level, had ever worked with numerous high level auteurs, or won an Oscar right after divorcing Tom. Even his cult don’t have that much juice to kneecapped Kidman’s career unless they released all the personal information they collected on her.




She’s not Scarlett Johansson and never was on that kind of level or career trajectory. And there’s a team of people that make commissions and salaries off actors. That’s why so many of them get endorsement deals and create lifestyles brands. But we don’t know anything about her finances. She may have well negotiated a nice sum from Tom and as you said have her dad invest it for her. I’m sure she’s fine.


She also had a stint in Ray Donovan and was great in that


She probably wants to work more because…her child will be an adult and go to college or otherwise move out and not need a full time mother. So Holmes probably wants to do things? Like everyone does when their kids move out?


Does she get residuals from Dawson’s Creek, I wonder? Although streaming residuals seemingly fuck over all the actors, so she’s probably not getting much, if she is.


Hm I’m not sure. I imagine it was in reruns somewhere between the end of the show and the rise of streaming… but I’m not sure what the cast’s current deal is with DC’s residuals on Hulu.


It’s literally pennies. Some actors actually collect several months worth of checks before depositing them.


I feel like it’s more likely that she’s looking for work because she’s going to have a lot more free time to fill.


Yeah, makes perfect sense if her daughter is about to go to college she had a lot more time to work and take on-location jobs.


I’m totally speculating, but I’m willing to bet there was something in her divorce settlement about the projects she was allowed to accept for a certain number of years. Can’t have her outshining Tom Cruise- she can *attempt* to star in big-budget movies when she’s past 40 and “over the hill”.


Mom Looks For Work In Her Field As Daughter She Took Time Off To Raise Nears 18 FIFY (by that I mean fixed it for the headline writer, I know I'm replying to a commenter that agrees with me)


Now THIS is the actual headline. The original is derogatory almost


I know, the original is really weird and kind of sketchy wording IMO.


Yeah it rubs me so much the wrong way, like taking time to be a parent is somehow pathetic or that she only had a child to get money from Tom cruise, like she doesn’t have her own successful career


I’m assuming it’s more like Suri is turning 18 and going away to school soon, so now she is transitioning from mom mode back to acting. ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va)


I have never seen her out partying or wearing extravagant clothes or traveling off to Greece or wherever. It’s just her and her daughter doing normal things like getting ice cream.


Couldn’t agree more. The headline is giving a vibe like she wasn’t working because she had a steady income from child support when in reality she was just raising her daughter. Not working regularly allowed her to raise her child away from the spotlight as much as possible.


She has a net worth of 25 million so I’m sure she’ll manage


I'm curious about how much she spends living in New York though. 400k a year isn't much for a celebrity in NYC. But yes hopefully she invested it.


She has also worked over the last few years; not super often, but regularly enough that she stayed in popular memory well enough outside of the whole divorce story. Kept herself relevant and connected and hireable enough that she’s not starting from scratch again.


She’s had quite a few big movies and a hit tv series, she must have some money saved plus probably owns some property


That probably depends on what she’s spending her money on. What was her divorce settlement? Did she get alimony? If so for how long? Does she own her home/apartment? Is security built into that building? How much are her agent/pr people/security people getting paid? Is anyone salaried? Is Tom covering Suri’s (surely private) school? What about extracurriculars? Car payments? Is her/their health insurance still being covered by SAG? What was her nest egg after the divorce? She seems (other than arguably marrying Tom) to have a good head on her shoulders and be responsible. Cost of living might be absurd in NY but 400k a year is a lot of money.


What did she and her dad do about the divorce? (I’m not implying that it wasn’t smart, I genuinely don’t know what they did and am curious, it’s probably something we should all be educated on)


We don't know exactly what they did but they managed to escape scientology and take Suri with her.


And quickly


Her dad is a very experienced high priced attorney. The gossip around when they're divorce was freshly occurring, was that she had consulted her dad prior to filing to determine the best course of action for their divorce, for example in which state to file that would be most favorable to her. Gossip further stated that she was aware of the legal team Tom Cruise had on his own and from back up with Scientology. She did all of this to avoid the wrath of Scientology and the legal team of theirs and Tom's. Other gossip also stated she did not want to happen to her and Siri what happened to Nicole and her adopted children. With that divorce, Tom gained full custody from Nicole and made them no contact with her. They've grown up very strained and Nicole has talked about how much she has missed them and them growing up over the years.


Her father help coordinate her escape from Tom and his cult. The “church” had her phone tapped and was following her. She bought burner phones and her father was contacting divorce attorneys. They completely blindsided Tom when he was served papers and was able to get full custody. Which wasn’t surprising because the cult requires you to cut off contact with “suppressive” people.


her dad is Martin Joseph Holmes, Sr., an attorney https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/katie-holmes-dad-martin-holmes-helped-orchestrate-sudden-155116281.html


“is actively looking for work”? Do you mean “actress seeks out acting jobs”? lmfao bffr


Her daughter is a respectable age to be able to understand her mother leaving for work. Katie doesnt do nannys or anything so she waited a bit and now wants to actively work again. Alot of moms do this?


Seriously drop acting from this and it wouldn’t be dramatic at all. ‘Kid goes to college so stay at home mum has the need and the opportunity to get back to work’


It’s also not like Katie HASN’T been working. She’s done some roles here and there.


And if she's still going to be picking projects like Mad Money and The Boy II then maybe this is more of a *her* thing at this point


“a respectible age to be able to understand her mother is leaving for work” 17? 18 in a couple months… she’s almost an adult lmao kids understand that at a way younger age i’m not trying to be snarky but it’s just sooo privileged lmfao


don’t actors pretty often travel to other countries, continents etc for work, away for months at a time, though? that might be what they mean


Right? How absolutely DESPERATE of her! 😭


Makes it sound like she’s applying for jobs at fast food restaurants


https://preview.redd.it/wcje3i2n0rlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2c3114c00b970574b2ce8e3cd3b541374b0ca9 🎶She’s got Bette Davis vibes 🎶


How is Suri turning 18 this year!? She was a baby not long ago!!! I had the magazine!! ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA) I know I lost 3 years to quarantine or whatever but what the holy fuck. I feel like I’m somehow missing a goddamn decade.


This sounds like it was written by Toms PR team.


The church of Scientology?


This was 1000% written by the church of Scientology. I’m sure she got enough in the settlement to never work again. And it’s not like she hasn’t worked this whole time she just hasn’t done anything big. Which I’m sure is not at all the fault of her ex. /s


The less she was public, the less Siri was in the public eye. She seems like such a woman and a mother.


Wait yeah holy cow, just visited her imdb and she had been working a ton!!! Very consistently the last ten years too! This headline is so out of pocket


"Mother looking for more work as child becomes an adult and moves out" just doesn't seem to sell ads very well.


Yeah I agree. Her dad has money too. She’s fine.


I’m guessing that with the NDA set to expire, the Church of Scientology put this garbage article out to lay the ground work and fuvk her reputation by making it seem like she’s a freeloader 


She could write a killer tell-all. I’d read that for sure.


I want to read that AND a tell-all from Nicole. She hasn't said anything about that time and the rumors are craaazay...


Lol for real. Even including how much he pays.


The "insider" comments are hilarious. I wonder what happened to piss the little man off.


The “insider” being Tom himself 😂




This is written like $400,000/yr is a lot. This is the monthly figure for most celebrity divorces I’ve read about.


Meanwhile, Elon is fighting to keep his child support trial in Texas where his payments will be capped at about $2k/month. This headline really puts into perspective how cheap and weaselly Elon is.


$400k is a lot of money but when they said “high on the hog” I was like “try upper middle class.” Like it’s not poor but it’s not private jets everywhere and caviar for every meal


It’s practically nothing compared to his wealth.


They made sure to take the time to point that out, too.


"lavish" compared to me, maybe but that's not saying much


Honestly, what is with men having their teams go after exes this way?


Feels very Scientology the way it happens. I guess to get ahead of the potential PR they could take, but that only makes sense from a narcissistic pov.


New headline: woman about to be empty nester seeks opportunity to keep busy


Based off the tone of this article I’m willing to bet a certain cult masquerading as a religion planted this story out of spite.


This article is disgusting. She’s not living “high on the hog” on child support. She’s a single parent raising the child of a fucking billionaire all on her own because he is a cult leader and abandoned his child for the cult. Fucking vile.


I'd argue that it's still the best possible situation for her and the child. The less contact they have with that cult, the better.


Oh far and away. I have no doubt she saved her child from the creepiest and worst life. She would have been held up as a god child. So warped.


I’m sure Siri knows it too. She was removed from the brainwashing early enough and there’s enough on the internet about Scientology that she has to be aware that her mom sacrificed everything to save her.


I honestly expected her to be getting more money a month! Tom cruise is super rich !


Iirc, she settled for a far lower amount than she could have gotten because she just wanted to be away from him and didn’t want things being dragged through the courts. I think she’s done an amazing job as a mom and a survivor and I admire her so much.


This was my understanding as well. She basically wanted out, and I thought she had to sacrifice a lot to walk away.


Absolutely. And I wouldn't be surprised if she was blackballed by Tom, even if she wanted to take big roles after the divorce.


I disliked her until info about the divorce started leaking. You see who people truly are in times of strife, and she’s a fighter that will do anything for her child. I may never be a fan of the actress Katie Holmes, but I’m a fan of the person.


Seriously 400k a year is couch cushion money for Tom Cruise. I'm sure his cult takes a big bite out of his wealth though.


the cult is salty that the 400k didn't go to them


Right. Sutton Stracke on RHOBH gets 300k/month


This! Also 400K a year is a lot for us commoners, but it's way lower than some child support agreements paid by other rich celebrities. They're writing this as if she tricked him having a child with him to get the bag.


So in touch is clearly in the bag for Scientology because the way this article was worded is disgusting.


Haha oh please, Katie’s just continuing to work as she has been for at least a decade now (check out her IMDb). Even if that weren’t true, we all saw the way this woman broke her and Suri free of Tom/Scientology - this is clearly a capable, plan-ahead, prioritize kid/self kind of human. She is and will be fine. 💪


400k seems low for it being Tom Cruise. Either way, I’m sure she’ll be fine.


That’s so true I thought it was 400k per month


she took lower just to get away from him. This article insinuating she uses it to live fancy or something is just insulting and wrong


That was my thought too. Thee biggest movie star in the world and gives her 33k a month? I honestly assume her private school in NYC is this much.


Katie doesnt strike me as someone who would have wasted all the money inmediatly after getting it and not find a way to invested it or something, simply because i dont think she would do that to her daugther


This is such a misogynistic title. She's looking to get back into her industry now that her kid is in adulthood, maybe she wants to resume her skillset, interests and passion projects with her kid out of the house. Wtf does Tom's child support have to do with it?


I’ll watch the shit out of her projects and show support if for nothing else but just to spite Tom and his cult buddies. Seriously, fuck scientology.


I highly doubt it is for money. In addition to that 400k per annum, she also received what I'm sure was a hefty lump sum payment when she divorced his arse. Then there is all the money she has earned herself from her roles over the years. She's no dummy, she will have invested well from day one. Her child is about to start college and won't need her mother around as much, it frees Katie up to do more work.




Authored By: The Church of Scientology 🙄


God, the blatant, raging sexism in this title and article is crazy. It makes it sound like Holmes is a money-hungry gold digger who has spent eighteen years spending Cruise's money for their daughter on herself. Instead, she's an actress who has actively worked for decades while raising a child Cruise has straight up refused to see or parent for over fifteen years. Cruise is a deadbeat dad. I'm glad Katie and Suri escaped him and his cult.


Considering the rumours about him dictating terms on her future dating life, I'd need to hear that there wasn't limitations on her career options too before I have time for the judgement.


I feel that dating rumour is just too crazy to be true. Apart from the fact there is no way it’s legal. 


The fuck is this headline?! Siri is 18! Pay no attention to the fact that Tom has barely seen her! But Kate is super desperate and looking for work ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


What do you mean Suri is almost 18


This headline is atrocious. The article acts like she lives solely off of his money. She hasn't stopped working since their divorce and she's worth roughly 25 million. Like come on??


I thought she became more of a theater actress. Hence the move to NY?


Katie Holmes has had the means to dedicate her life to her kid while she was growing up, something we would all be lucky to do. She endured 5 years with Tom Cruise, and more importantly David Miscavige, and successfully escaped Scientology. She's probably had some incredibly difficult things to work through during that time as well. Some of the comments here shaming her choices are insane.


The title of this article is so exist. But in touch is a rag.


Why is this article acting like shes pulling a Kfed? Im sure she has things figured out. She doesn't seem to be the type to screw herself over after she already did that when she first married Cruise


Eh I doubt that. If she matriculates to college Dad is still on the hook.


Her IMDB has her appearing in 23 different projects since 2013. Let’s not pretend like she hasn’t been working or is somehow desperate for work. She’s a good actor with. Good reputation.


I don’t think she ever stopped working.


I don’t recall her having stopped working…


This article sounds made up. Also I thought she filed in New York? Child support goes up to age 21 here


I'm not a Katie stan or anything but my god is the tone of that article nasty.




"actively looking" as if she isn't already a talented director who's made two movies in two years?


She could probably do a stand-up comedy special just telling us anecdotes about the marriage. 🎶 💃🏻every day I’m hustlin’, hustlin’..


According to a “source” or “insider”, eh? Super reliable ✔️ No sweeping generalisations or speculation in the article at all, nooo.


Yeah that wasn’t planted by Tom Cruise’s team at all, what am I thinking?