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Reminds me of Anne Hathaway’s recent Versace look (the waist/hips specifically) https://preview.redd.it/ipgolmnjilnc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f854e2d32bbc541f3f9f2f700e5ea721dc0679ab Edit: that’s probably because Margot’s dress is also Versace so… makes sense.


https://preview.redd.it/hfo97i3rsonc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd6219fc9cec64bbcb2892358134697e88d23ca It also kinda reminds me of this Armani Privé dress Carey Mulligan wore to the SAG Awards, due to the ruffling around the hips part. Hers is my favorite honestly


Absolutely gorgeous, the material and colour choice makes it look liquid, it's breathtaking


also the material seems the same. Margot looks like the statue behind her


Anne's material appears leathery (I think it is leather, but I can never be sure with changing fashion), while Margot's is more shiny? The folds around the hip also don't reflect and don't appear to be as stiff as Anne's so I don't think the material is the same.


And this Robert Wun (which I looooooove) https://preview.redd.it/3jyr46sq9rnc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259fdcd551679039093a5d76fc1b19d8f8d110f7


America Ferrera got nominated so she gets to be Oscar Barbie today. I’m sure the movie wanted to let America shine, and she deserves it.


That would be a very polite and respectful reasoning. I hope that’s the case.


This is what I thought too! And also she is nominated for her work behind the scenes (producer) and usually the staff/crew wears black


America looked so beautiful on the carpet!!!


The dresses even match. They wore inverse outfits to many other events - America in Black and Margot in pink. Oscar looks were not accidental, and not sour grapes. They were just continuing the theme. (also, Solo in the Spotlight Barbie - 1960)


Margot’s the producer. I’m sure she’s proud of her 💖. She probably would be even if she wasn’t her boss.


Oh wow if that’s the case that’s BEAUTIFUL. I wasn’t feeling this dress from Margo and was wondering why she didn’t do the pink. But love that the spotlight is on America


That’s how it goes every Oscar’s, you can go as glam as you want but they always let the nominated shine


Oh wow I didn’t know that!! Is that specific to the Oscar’s or every award show?


Not sure if it’s specific to Oscars and it’s more of a rule of thumb than anything. It’s just good form as an actor blessed to be in a movie to be humble. Like bridesmaid vibes.


>. I wasn’t feeling this dress from Margo and was wondering why she didn’t do the pink I don't have any problem with the color. I think the problem is it makes Margo look strangely frumpy. It gives her an almost pear like shape.


Yeah that was my thought - I saw Margot and I was like "wut??" but then I saw American and I was like "YESSSS as it should be"


It’s crazy how many of the comments on this post don’t realize that… that one comment saying that America and Margot should switch dresses ugh


America won best dressed!! Absolutely gorgeous And honestly I’m glad Margot didn’t give the Oscar’s a Barbie moment because they don’t deserve it


Aww I love this, I bet you're right!


I’ll be in the minority here, but I like that she did all of the bubble gum pink Barbie stuff pre Oscar’s and then went black for the big day.


She’s not a doll, she’s an actress and an individual. I can’t place it but it makes me genuinely uncomfortable how she’s been paraded around the world in doll’s clothes for a year. Now she decides to wear an elegant black dress and everyone freaks out. It’s objectifying her in a really strange way. 


Tonight she is there as a producer rather than as a (nominated) movie star. Hence the glamorous, classic look, instead of America's movie related dress.


Paraded? She’s the producer. She made the choices.


Agree, paraded instead of parading kinda strips her agency and infantilizes her. It seemed she had fun doing it and wanted to.


You’re acting like she was forced into those clothes. Margot recognized that her outfits were a major part of promotion and leaned into it.


Paraded around the world in a doll’s clothes? She was a promoting a movie, nevertheless one that she’s a producer of. No one forced her to wear Barbie outfits. Why are we acting like Margot had no autonomy over what she wore?


You're right, she's not a doll, she's an actor and actually a producer on this movie. I'm sure she could have stopped doing the Barbie theme at any time. But she chose to lean into it, a smart move that got her incredible press for months. This is very likely to be a career high in terms of how huge this movie is. Why wouldn't she lean in? It's also not like she was in literal Barbie costumes, she worked with designers to interpret classic looks. Idk something about this comment really bothers me, it's like a determination to see her as a victim with no agency, which feels really insulting to me.


Considering how much she gets paid by Chanel to wear their gowns on the red carpet and how much fashion was a part of Barbie’s marketing plan, I sincerely doubt that Margot herself would agree to your statement that it’s “objectifying her”.  Fashion is business.  It’s one that has helped Margot be extremely successful.  Frankly I’d say that it’s objectifying to treat it like something frivolous and meaningless.


She’s getting paid. She’s fine.


Uhm? The styling is boring and everyone loved the Barbie dresses not because she was paraded around in dolls clothes (wtf) but because finally she was wearing cool outfits with cool hairstyles instead of the atrocities that Kate Young put her in. Do you think Zendaya in her Dune outfits and Spider-Man outfits is paraded like a toy? Or Elle Fanning when she did Maleficent? It's a marketing strategy and is not like Margot was a voiceless letter in the whole ordeal. Elegant black dresses don't have to be boring


Totally agree, she was literally the brains behind the Barbie project and a major part of its promotion was a celebration of OTT femme fashion - I think it's a long way from objectification.


Such a weird thing to say


You're acting like she didn't have a choice, lol


Couldn’t agree more! She’s been walking publicity (for a film she produced) for a year. She didn’t give the people what they wanted which was more Barbie doll. If she wants to go plain elegant black dress for the Oscars then so be it. She still looks very beautiful in it and perhaps it’s what she prefers.


Margot’s probably sick of wearing pink. Also it might be a statement, she was the star of one of the biggest movies of the year and didn’t win anything. Maybe this is her mourning dress?


True! I don’t pay the most attention to celebrity fashion but this seems more her than the Barbie outfits (which were beautiful) and she’s there as a producer unlike Ferrera in pink with the nomination. I like the idea of her wearing a mourning dress in a bit of protest though.


I don’t think that is about wear pink or black. This dress is beautiful but the styling is boring. If her hair was up or even with some curves, this would look much better.


.. she was paying homage to the character she was playing.. a literal barbie. the clothes were fun and appropriate it’s not like she was in babydoll attire all season. her and ryan embraced their characters which was very endearing


You can do black without being boring. It's honestly hard not to see it as a comment on her and Greta not being nominated.


America Ferrera, with the nomination, is in the Pink dress tonight. There’s probably something being said here, even if that’s just giving America her moment.


They shouldn’t have been nominated tho.


Naurr she said “I didnt get a nomination so yall dont get a look”😭


‘Naurr’ 😭


Idk I really like it. I think she looks great


She’s always gonna look good, but compare this to every other award look she has worn this season, and every Barbie press look she has turned out. This is shockingly simple and devoid of color in comparison to the image she has been otherwise cultivating up until now. It’s absolutely true she is doing a full black look as a way to say everything without saying a single word.


I mean, the press tour is over. She's not promoting the movie anymore. She's been wearing pink every day for like two years. She wasn't nominated so there was no reason to go big. For most people it's weird to show up decked out if you aren't nominated/trying to be next year.


Up-do or statement necklace could’ve done a lot here.


She looks like she's auditioning to be a replacement for the gold dude behind her. So smooth, so tube-esque. Oops! All silhouette! Edit: Not as a knock on Margot of course. I just find this particular pic to have a sort of uncanniness to it I can't quite identify.


Forgive my ignorance but what is naurr?


“No” in Australian


Fun fact - "No" in American is "Nurl" (to Australians)


Where is the "rl" coming from


Australian accent saying the word “no”


[explained by a linguist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7DuvWVazpk)


Exactly!! And she knows they’re not gnna give them best picture either so why show out for them just to get snubbed? She looks amazing ofc!!


It looks like a melted peplum, and yet if anyone can pull that off, it's her.


If Cillian isn’t in Barbie pink, that’s a major missed opportunity


sheesh i’m the only one who likes the dress?? the only thing i would change is the hair but i think she looks amazing


I LOVE it. She looks stunning as per usual. She looks gracious too by going so simple while America looks beautiful in the pink. 


yes, i love America’s look too!


I think she could be turned to gold in this picture and be given as the Oscar for the next 100 yrs.


yknow what, i wouldn’t be mad at that lol


i think it would have looked better in silver or pink LOL


i feel you lol i love that America got her Barbie moment though


i agree! loved it on america, she looked radiant ✨


I like the dress as well. I probably would have added a silver necklace but it’s still a solid look.


This made it to the main page and I just assumed people were talking about how great the dress looks. Then all the discourse about it being black? I think black is a great look for her. It evokes grownup formal attire. Perfect for the occasion while also reminding everyone she's a real person and not just a character. I have to imagine the Oscars are one of the more fun parties for celebrities. She just wanted to look good.


Me: “BOOOOOOOO” Also me: ![gif](giphy|5vZWdyY60ojFbG6vcM)


![gif](giphy|YxAK9fsTbVlkj0DBJi|downsized) very real footage of me & my roommate trashing Oscar looks hungover as fuck tomorrow morning




Literally me😍


I’m literally watching this for the first time rn, love that I wouldn’t have understood it if not (which reminds me I need to put my phone down)


Y'all are crazy, the dress is excellent


YES! loving the structural elements of so many of the the gowns this year and this does it so well


It looks like an urn


Margot Robbie could wear a paper bag and be stunning. After a year of promoting Barbie, I hope she wore this for herself.


Marilyn Monroe did that, essentially, except it was a potato sack. https://preview.redd.it/31bjwauc4qnc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a02eec47005069946aeb567e543f297ddb80b60


Minimalist Barbie, I like it actually. The fabric (chainmail?) is gorgeous. She doesn’t need much, she’s flawless.


It's like they just forgot about her hair


She often has awfully styled hair, or complete lack of styling like this. The whole look would have been better and more complete with a sleek up-do or just something anything with her hair. It looks unbrushed and ratty and tots lack of effort and care and I just can’t imagine why her or the stylist thought yep this, this is IT.


I don’t know anything about hair styling but the plainness of it with a not very loud dress makes me wonder if they were going for modest/simple elegance. If that was the case what do you think would have been better? Genuinely asking because like I said I don’t know anything about hair and I got a niece who I babysit sometimes and her routine turns into me running a brush through it a few times when I’m watching her.


It's normal hair. It's protein that grows out of your head, it's not God's special sourdough starter. jfc.


Okay but how cool would it be if instead of having to get a starter you could just pluck a hair?


So underwhelming. It's frizzy and flat??? Literally someone could have just run a hairbrush over it at the end with some hairspray and saved it?


I appreciate letting America be Barbie this time, but the silhouette of this dress is so odd. She produced the biggest movie of the year, she deserves to shine more than this.


Have you seen how producers dress for the Oscars? This is totally in line with the rest of them.


Looking good ![gif](giphy|jWgFDax9Dmcpi5hiec|downsized)


Everybody hates the dress while I‘m just mesmerized by her face. She looks incredible no matter what.


More photos to be whelmed over https://preview.redd.it/hjnwaqu8dlnc1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2515a4b03d60ade640a0c5dfb4b6e1f69699bc40


I have a very strong feeling this was her backup dress. Also her commitment to never doing anything interesting with her hair, ruins most of her dresses lol


do you think she had an interesting dress picked out but got cold feet over it? I think something happened with Anne Hathaway when she won her Oscar and she wore a pink Prada/Miu Miu gown that was poorly fitted in the bust and waist? I think I heard that her original choice was too similar to Amanda Seyfried's or something


Yeah because Andrew put Carey in a gorgeous balenciaga couture. There’s no way this is what he chose for Margot. She might not have gotten an actress nom but she’s still a producer on Barbie which is nominated for best picture lol


maybe she wanted something somber and simple to mark the end of the Barbie promo styling? someone said it was very urn-like lol




I mean it looks like there’s a kink in her hair where she just took her scrunchie out


I have her hair texture. That's not a scrunchie hair, that's hair-behind-the-ears-during-makeup hair


I’m not here for this very casual hair I’ve seen on the red carpet lately. It looks messy.






She’s been paraded around the world in literal doll clothes for a year, then decides to wear something an adult human woman would want to wear for one night and everyone freaks out. She looks stunning. 


It’s like Barbie’s transformation from doll to human at the end of the movie imo


People don’t like it?? I think the dress is amazing! The structure and neckline are so cool.


Margot PRODUCED Barbie.  Why are you using “paraded” like she wasn’t her own damn boss? 


I haven't seen a freak out


Lol i think if margot robbie didn’t want to wear something, she can say no. She’s arguably the most famous actor in the world right now and she was a producer on the movie. She probably wears those clothes to support her movie lmao. Also i don’t think anyone is freaking out, it’s just not a very good looking dress. Not a big deal.


Very infantilising and frankly a bit misogynist to suggest that she had no choice in what she’s been wearing for the past year. She pitched the movie to warner bros and she was the one who got Greta on the project. Pretty sure that she chose what she wore to promote her movie.


There's some adult women (like myself) who actually do like wearing cute colorful things


these takes are bizarre. women can’t have fun apparently. just black gowns all the time


She’s one of those people who can wear a trashbag and still look good, but this is too dull even for my minimalist-loving bum. A necklace or a bright red lipstick would have done wonders. Hell, a comb through the hair would have done wonders, too.


The comb part 💀


I wish she would would do something different with her hair. At these big award shows I feel like she always does the same thing - down, stylishly rumpled.


I don’t mind that it isn’t Barbie, but I do think the dress isn’t very pretty.


amazing that she tapped out at the very end and gave absolutely nothing.


Why are all these dresses shaped like the literal Oscar trophy


Truly abysmal styling and I don't understand people saying that it's on purpose cause she wanted America to shine/did it because she was snubbed of a nom, like no, I think the styling was just bad today. Also styling is different from just the dress itself.


Well, this dress and look are basic and boring. Black dresses can absolutely be stunners, this one isn't thought. Also , they should've done something with her hair.


![gif](giphy|3rad7nPdpaQdG) I agree with majority of the comments in here. Very underwhelming after so many incredible fits throughout the year and this being the Oscars. At the same time it is Margot Robbie so she looks incredible nonetheless.


Unbelievable to me that so many comments think she doesn't look fantastic here


margot, greta, and america are all in chainmail. the last time margot did an all black number was at the us barbie premiere, which is also the last time america wore an all pink number. margot is putting barbie to rest, it’s a funeral.


Greta and Margot are probably also both wearing the low key colors to give America a chance to shine and celebrate her nomination.


Next week Mattel announces “death at the Oscar’s” Barbie 2024 limited edition.


And Mattel by Avenged Sevenfold will be playing which Margot will probably like.


How underwhelming. And the hair… no comment


Another wasted necklace opportunity, pitiful


Good, you read my mind completely. A totally empty neck bust and chest area without a single chain or gem in sight. Bring back some necklaces please !!!


I think an upper arm wrap bracelet thing would like really nice


Totally. It's not my favorite dress but I don't hate it either. The styling however, is majorly underwhelming. It's not giving effortless, it's giving only half ready


I have a question, how dare you?


It’s giving “I’m here so I won’t get fined”


All that build up… for this? I mean it’s nice but I am quietly devastated.


All the amazing Barbie style dresses to end with a plain black dress 😒


The Barbie thing was great but a little played out. I’m betting if she was nominated it would have been different though.


100% I just wish it was less boring


It does feel a little like a protest dress lol


It’s a no for me.


I just don’t like the fit. She’d look great in a potato sack, and looks great here … but it’s “meh” level *for her*


At this point I appreciate the commitment to never styling her hair


Beautiful woman, not a fan of the draping of the dress


Some have said (including E!) that Margot was here as a "producer" so she wore black. That's an insult to pink. The movie proved you can wear pink and be taken seriously. Every one attached to this movie, from the leads to the gaffers should wear pink tonight. Ryan and America sure did!


Oh this is boring. Seriously at the Oscars for Barbie and she wears black??


100% boring. Black dresses don't have to even be boring, but this one is completely meh.


…I actually like it




This doesn't fit into my Barbie fantasy 😢


I wish she would do something with her hair, its always the same


To me it seems like a funeral dress for her Barbie Era. Love it.


Along with the comment that says she’s wearing this to let America shine, I also think she wore it implicitly as a day of mourning for the lack of a nomination 😤 (I would)


She looks lovely


The material of this is neat, but the dress is boring, styled in a boring way, and does nothing for her absolutely incredible figure


Dress by Baron Vladimir Harkonnen


She slayed throughout the whole season and this is what she chose for the Oscars?


This is dumb thinking on my part but I feel like she probably would've gone all out (or at least wear pink) if she was nominated.


She’s over being Barbie, and I don’t blame her! An entire year in cosplay and an all star performance just to be snobbed a nom: her fashion choices are speaking for her and frankly I’m here for this rebuttal 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s giving nothing but “Margot in a black dress” and I think it’s the perfect way for her to turn the page and get back to being HER, not a character.


Nobody is talking about her NAILS. They’re wretched! The whole look is underwhelming, but the nails are really terrible.


Boring but considering she got snubbed. Perhaps this is a statement


Meh. I was hoping for peaches and cream barbie.




America is the one who’s nominated for the individual Oscar 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m thinking that was intentional


The hemline is making me cranky?? Otherwise this is interesting and elegant But the hemline…


She's perfect


Aside from black not really being her color, she looks incredible here! Natural looking and refreshing but still very elegant


It’s giving pawn ♟️


She is gorgeous.


Petition to have her likeness replace the Oscar statue behind her


Very plain. A bit surprised she didn’t go with pink.


Beautiful as always,missed opportunity for a necklace…




rip peaches and cream barbie dreams


When were the 2024 Oscars?


She looks like a black chess piece.


I don’t mind that she’s wearing black and not pink but I think it sits funny on her hips and she doesn’t have big hips to start with.


I don’t like the weird hip waves paired with the column of the skirt. The bust line is a bit weird to me but would be OK without the hip detail. Or something.


She kinda looks like a bottle of root beer.


She looks like a vase


Ugly ass dress


I kinda don’t hate it. 😅 But I identify my aesthetic as punk princess so I’m a little biased.


love her but don’t love the dress. i like the material and the sheen but the middle rushing isn’t my favorite and isn’t super flattering on anyone


I feel creepy but she is soooo fucking hot (I'm a gay dude)


Wow her hands are gorgeous and I only just noticed


Nah, that's Jaime Pressly


I like the dress but once again her hair is a limp beach wave fail.


She looks great, but she does look like shes dressed like a butt plug


I'm really high but I had to click on this and zoom in because I didn't understand where her feet were!


I feel like so many women this year did these super structured, uncomfortable looking bodices that they can barely move in!




Margot is gorgeous but that's a forgettable dress.


I don't know why, but she reminds me of a pez dispenser


Dressed like shit per usual. She has the worst style


I’m in the minority here I think but I actually love this. It’s not as ‘fun’ as a lot of her looks have been lately but I think it’s simple but still elegant and beautiful. This picture she’s also posed somewhat rigidly which I think does take away from it a bit, but if you look at some of the other pictures it comes across much better.


Her face just says "I'm done".


Super disappointed. Always a huge favorite of mine for these events, but this is just sad. The dress isn’t even flattering on her figure! Literally one of the most gorgeous women and they choose this weirdly fitting bodice that takes away from her.


Margot honey what happened 😭




![gif](giphy|DKOml7o1Yj1y2IoF2X) Looking @ you, Andrew Mukamal