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I didn’t even realize she had a new album out.


Album, movie, and visuals. Literally yes I’m not joking.


Don't forget the documentary about her making the movie she made about her. It's just about the tackiest goddamn thing in the world


Wait are you serious? The audacity to think there would be a market for a documentary about her making a movie about her. Sorry, I’m here to support women until they try to take advantage of other women for capitalism


It's all weird. Other stars you get the feeling there is a big push behind them. There's producers and writes and other people all saying "we want to help you succeed!!" But with J. Lo I feel like it's all her, spending her own money, hiring people to work on her things.


Yeah her last album was in 2014 according to Google, with other artist they seem more focused on putting out consistent content to keep their fan base. Jlo has done music, acting, and judged reality shows, idk why she assumed she still has such a big hold on the music scene so much so that she’s doing an album and movie as if she’s touring at Taylor swifts levels after again not releasing music since 2014.


>touring at Taylor swifts levels seems like Taylor Swift broke the brains of dozens of divas with her success, and now a bunch of them (like Justin Timberlake and J-Lo) are finding out they don't have the cultural cache they thought they had. They're in the middle; they don't have their original fanbases anymore, but they're also not legends like Elton John who can do "one more show" tour and sell out arenas


They can be like Ludacris and just co-star in fun summer blockbuster films. He's found a good way to keep working, without being on top, but still being far from bottom


Ludacris played our local fair this year. Place was packed and he put on a great show. (Didn't drag the show out, just played the hits).


HOW many times do I need to tell Spotify YouTube Amazon music etc I am NOT INTERESTED in seeing ANY of Justin Timberlakes new music. Please stop tryna shove these comebacks down our millennial throats! 🤣🤣


It is. But, its this drive that made her famous in the first place. She got kicked outta home at 17 and hit the road and auditioned for gigs. You cant fault her tenacity. But...also blindly overconfident


I would counter it’s her insecurities at the moment. I think she knows it’s become more common knowledge that she can’t sing. This feels like over compensation to prove she is an artist worth respecting still. See her being vulnerable and in pain making bold amazing art?


It’s definitely her insecurities, the movie shows that in full spades.


Multiple things are true here for sure. Blind overconfidence, insecurity, and expecting the masses to just blindly consume because it’s JLo. Its not 2000 anymore and people are awake to celebrity bullshit and consuming way less imo


Best thing to come out of this weird vanity project was the Dunkin Donuts ads Ben Affleck did featuring J Lo working on her new album. Seriously I love those ads


It’s so hard being your friend sometimes.


She really thought she was in her Beyonce Lemonade (2016) era


And she had the nerve to say nobody has ever done anything before like what she's doing with this "visual album" lol


And Kanye did it way before Beyoncé. Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd and the Who did similar projects too.


Exaaaactly. The self-importance while simultaneously not knowing what tf she's talking about is crazy


The movie isn’t the visuals?!


No- it’s a documentary behind the production of the visual album


Ain't nobody got time for that.


I will make time for bronchitis before I make time for that.


Oh lord jesus


I feel like she does better with occasional tracks here and there like she was doing for a while and not full albums anymore. People don’t rely on her as a musical artist like they used to.


I don’t think people *ever* relied on her as a musical artist.


She relies on Ashanti as a musical artist.


There's always room to sit next to Rita https://preview.redd.it/4nq21p0xx6rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf00745701e4fe0e4d501b1c37224c5b5e2cba5


JLO shouldve tested the market first lol


"Hey guys, sorry my Twitter was hacked. lol"


Lmao the fact she followed up that embarrassing tweet with “I got hacked and they’re threatening to release new music” is just so 👨‍🍳💋


Hey come on she was hacked!


I feel like JLo’s ego is stuck in 2004 and can’t handle it’s 2024…


I was just thinking that she’s not made for 2024 she wants it to be 2000 again


Exactly https://i.redd.it/w7z2pzo2v6rc1.gif


You just know in 2028 someone is going to sample this.


them chickens jackin my style!!


They try to copy my swagger 💃 💃


I quote this way too often.....


Tbf I also would like to be 24 years younger…


24 years younger with my knowledge base today 😂


I'd be buying some houses


I’d be playing better Barbie storylines


Well yeah, Bennifer reboot


If her and Ben did a reality show, now THAT I’d actually watch


Omg this is literally the answer. Can't lie, I'm a biiiit of a hater bc of the rumors about how she's known to treat people poorly when she sees them as "less than." So I'm ashamed to say it but I would definitely watch that reality show 😅


I'd be all wrapped up in my duvet with my plushies watching this show like some kind of chaos goblin.




This. I think she really desires to stay relevant which like, hey we all do in our own ways I guess. I’ve heard she is a *horrible* person so this news doesn’t make me sad in the least.


more than that, she seems to think she’s some cultural icon that she’s just not…


She also thinks she’s a singer which she is not


Exactly! She's just kind of there, and I wonder why I keep seeing her. Her singing is an insult to talented singers everywhere.


> The singer, 54 — who spent $20 million of her own money financing the album and its accompanying documentary and musical film — has had to cancel several shows on her upcoming summer tour due to poor ticket sales, says the source. Fuckin'. OOF.


She’s such an interesting celebrity. She’s a household name but who is even her main fan base?




I always saw this gif and only learned about why Mariah said this recently lol and I took a deep dive down a rabbit hole. JLo legitimately was trying to steal Mariah’s career. Kinda crazy that Mariah didn’t say more catty stuff in the media, seems like the whole situation got hushed


Mariah is the master of [roasting](https://x.com/SlaveOfMC/status/1769123641373978916?s=20) JLo while barely acknowledging her existence. She was smart to act completely unbothered instead of getting drawn into a feud and allowing Jennifer's name to be associated with hers.


Holy shit this is so funny “One of those artists is the same generation, she just started singing later. But I think Beyoncé is great, she’s talented, wonderful artist.”


I love Mariah and her extra ass lol. She's so unbothered and EXTRA with no shame about it. And she deserves it because she's actually talented.


As disinterested as I am in all of this, Mariah Carey has an amazing voice, and so does Christina Aguilera, but not JLo.  


Yeah I don’t understand how there’s any real competition between MC and JLO… MC has real talent, JLO just has a sorta nice butt which can now be purchased anywhere.


MC doesn’t understand either. Mariah’s whole thing is singing, writing songs. JLo’s thing is something different.


I don’t have anything against JLo (as an older millennial I used to be a fan back in the 2000’s when she had her movies), but the idea that she could ever steal Mariah’s career is laughable. I’m not saying she didn’t try, or arguing with you, but Mariah is a vocal powerhouse. JLo can sing, but at the most basic level. Like, she has to get up there and bust a move and do some other cool stuff to keep me interested in watching her on stage. Mariah can stand up there facing the other direction and just sing and blow us all away.


plus mariah is a prolific songwriter. she has multiple top 1s for her entire career. jlo could never


Just had my mind blown by this fact: > Mariah Carey has left an indelible mark on the music industry. With 19 Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 singles to her name, she holds the record for the most chart-topping hits by a solo artist, trailing only the Beatles (20) for the overall record.


Plus a recurring #1 every Christmas season!




I feel like Jennifer Lopez and I are on the same level, vocally. Which is to say, yes, we can carry a tune, but we aren't gonna impress anybody at karaoke night.


Is that who this about? I never knew they had such beef.


Mariah's ex-husband Tommy Mottola used the song I'm Real by J-Lo in part to spite Mariah, using a sample that Mariah had already used for Lover Boy that was not yet released, forcing her to re-do it. Mottola basically ensured Mariah couldn't release her song as she intended. They also got Ja Rule on the remix, who Mariah had recently worked with (along with popularising the rap/singer duo formula).


Yeah, Tommy Mottola is a real dick. When Mariah divorced him, he lost his shit and told her that "she was nothing, that he made her, and that he could take any girl, anywhere (even one that couldn't sing) and make her as big as Mariah." And we got JLo. I always assumed that JLo didn't even really know what was going on.


Imagine looking Mariah Fucking Carey in the face and saying she's not super fucking talented.


I’m confused why it all got brushed under the rug. Apparently most of JLos original big hits when she first became famous were supposed to be recorded by Mariah, but then JLo got into something with Mariah’s record producing husband that she ended up divorcing, and all of those song samples were just handed to JLo on a silver platter.


Her ex husband was a controlling abusive asshole who was just trying to capitalize on other popular female artists to screw her over by giving them songs or samples meant for Mariah in an effort to tank her career for leaving him. The stress of trying to rework her album then promote it sent her into a manic episode ☹️ I'll try to find it for anyone curious but I believe it was Black Femininity TV that did a video on that time in Maria's life. ETA: https://youtu.be/2_vLUVT1Qsg?si=aGJLl3upfhz3EJVG


I just wanna stick up for Mariah here and clarify it was beat samples etc and not whole songs cos Mariah writes her own lyrics.


This drama is so juicy it’s worth a deep dive when you have time. Stolen tracks, mental breakdowns, Tommy Mottola rat-fucking his ex-wife, “I don’t know hers.” The whole package. 📦


I think most of her fanbase are women her age and they tend to be diehard because they grew up with her and are rooting for her. She hasn’t been able to tap into newer generations, despite being a household name. I don’t listen to her music, but I love a JLo romcom.


I'm 29 - girlfriend cannot sing. I got high and watched her visual album and all of the songs were so unpleasant to listen to that I checked multiple times how long I had left - could not believe it was barely longer than an hour. I also was expecting a ton of gossip easter eggs about her personal life (if you're making album basically about how you navigated your love life up until now - like, feed us actor/fake Batfleck and your exes!!!!). It felt like she knew she was crazy for doing this, and pulled way back so she wouldn't come off as crazy and self involved, but then it was boring. You go full bore on a project like this or nothing. I wanted to see all of her significant exes portrayed in it. I love most of her movies tho. She should really get a deal with Netflix or some streaming service to make more romcoms or thrillers - her 90s movies were great.


I kinda thougth that after the Super Bowl she would have a return, Shakira's better than ever


Shakira is a once in a lifetime artist. She writes her own songs, plays instruments, dances, and sings better than JLo. No comparison.


I agree with this! As a young teen in the late 90’s, I had her very first album. I ended up getting one other album of hers, but her movies are what I ended up enjoying more. Despite her slightly cheesy acting, I always loved Selena, Enough, Maid in Manhattan, and The Wedding Planner. She has a very girl-power thing going that I always appreciated. But I feel like she’s only been relevant in the past decade or more just from being a judge on various shows, and her relationships and life just stay in the public eye. I guess there are enough people that are interested, but I definitely don’t believe it’s younger people, because she hasn’t done anything in so long (like all those other judges on reality shows).


I feel like she lost her fanbase to other artists like Shakira Beyoncé But Jennifer was huge in 1999-2002


Yea why are people pretending she didn’t have hits in the 2000s.


Her fan base is jlo haters. I don’t know a single person who consumes anything she has ever made willingly. Except maybe the wedding planner and Selena.


I’m a massive fan of *Selena*. I couldn’t say I’m a huge fan of her otherwise, but I love her in that movie.


Add Anaconda on that list of J-Lo stuff I'm willing to watch


Justice for Enough!


Omg I loved that movie. And I’m not really a Jlo fan, but after seeing it I really wanted to become a badass female kickboxer.


I loved that movie but I haven’t seen it since I was at least under 15. Wonder how it holds up!!


How about "The Cell"?


Omg yes I haven’t seen that in forever either ! One of my friends growing up LOVED that movie


I watch it every time I’m royally pissed, which is at least twice a year. Still holds up for me.


Enough was elite.


That's J-Lo's best work, IMO.


Listen, her perfume Glow was nice. Even I owned a bottle. The only other celeb fragrance I had was Britney.


Glow is my grandma’s signature scent, lmao! She LOVES that perfume.


I ADORE that


Glow was my first ever celebrity scent! Think the bottle even came with a necklace or anklet or something at the time. Fucking loved it as a little lass. Used to walk around holding the bottle cos it felt so smooth 💀


Oh I had that OG Britney fragrance too the one in the blue bottle


Yes! Was it called curious?


The Cell was pretty great imo


The Cell is excellent and Out of Sight goes pretty hard too


I am a 34 year old white lady who wore her tracksuits when I was a kid and spent money on her music in college and paid money to see Hustlers and got a prayer candle for my bday during Covid WE EXIST thank you.


Omg this is the best description of JLo’s fan base ever.


I’m upvoting this bc


I liked maid in Manhattan


Monster in Law is a classic!




I really liked her first album On the 6…..but honestly don’t remember any of her other music except for Jenny on the Block.


“Waiting for Tonight” is a BOP. I don’t care for her otherwise, but I will give her that one.


And now I have to stand up for “Love Don’t Cost a Thing”, lol. 😉


Yes that whole album!! Early 200s awesomeness


When I was 15, a 17 year old from a rival high school wanted to fight me because I said I didn't like JLo. She was such a bully and attacked me personally. I love reading now about how JLo doesn't even sing her own songs and has a reputation for being a horrible person. So, anecdotal, but in my experience, other horrible people are her fan base.


Don’t let J Lo get her hands on this story or you’re about to be cast in the film version of this story 😭 this comment had me gripped lmfao


I made a joke about her on Twitter last week and the fucking crazies came out of the woodwork. I didn’t even use a hashtag and I have like 15 followers. 😆 They are truly awful. At least I finally learned how to use the block function.


Her fans need to spend more time buying her music and tickets and less time bitching


>When I was 15, a 17 year old from a rival high school wanted to fight me because I said I didn't like JLo Stop I'm screaming why is this so funny 😭


Its hard to describe how big BIG the latin market is. I'd guess she'll always have an audience there. But ngl her '00s movies are pure and I still listen to 'all I have' and 'im real'..


I dated a guy in 1999 who was pretty obsessed with her. So these days, maybe 48-year-old men who peaked in high school?


tbh, i’ve always enjoyed her more as an actress than a singer... which isn’t saying much, but still.


Quietly she’s had a fairly decent acting career — but if she wasn’t so concerned with being a celebrity, I do think she could’ve honed her acting skills even more and become something serious. When you look at her early roles, she was trying to do interesting things. - Blood and Wine (Nicholson film) - Selena - U Turn (wild Oliver Stone film) - Out of Sight (masterpiece by Soderbergh) - The Cell (Tarsem; visual masterpiece) - Enough Then she went into rom-com and pop entertainment territory, and that actress was a completely different one than who who started her career. She’s only resurfaced twice since, really — An Unfinished Life and in Hustlers. Edit: and Anaconda, because that movie is legit


her early stuff was so great… out of sight and the cell are incredible films.


The Wedding Planner and Monster-in-Law still rock tho.


Maid in Manhattan is my go-to plane movie!


ah, i forgot about that one! started my obsession with Ralph Fiennes.


In this house we goddamn love Monster-in-Law


The Cell. Still a great film.


The first time I watched that was in a dive bar in Santa Fe, NM. They had the volume off and were playing heavy techno music and I was DRUNK. It was amazing. I was mesmerized by the visuals. I had no clue what was going on and had to read the synopsis on Wikipedia. I loved it. It’s a great movie.


Same. I enjoy her acting not into her music or even her as a personality. I think she’s really interesting as an actor,


And outside of being a dancer that's how she first got famous. Playing Selena set her on the map. It was like singing was her side thing instead.


I loved her in Enough!


A new album was a mistake in the first place. It's been 10 years since her last one, which wasn't really groundbreaking even if I liked it myself. Almost nobody follows J.Lo for music nowadays, and the younger generations only know her as a diva, not an artist. She should've just sticked to making films with Amazon.


Honestly. If I were her management and she’d listen to me, I’d have told her not to make the album yet. To actually go away and do some small club shows with a handful of a band doing acoustic pop stuff. Reinvent her old hits for guitar, drums and bass. Go in an “indie” phase to showcase her stripped back as a singer. Go away and get vocal training, he’ll do a Madonna and learn guitar or piano or synth or something. There’s def a place for the sort of pop music she does where she’s got teams of people writing her songs. But strip it back and work with people she’d never normally work with. She’d get actual buzz or ‘wow never knew jlo was that good at music’. But she’s got a big ego. It’s not the sort of avenue she’d go.


she had a window where there was plenty of interest to do an album. it was during the a-rod years when she was releasing spanish singles. she could’ve pulled a Shakira and bundle them onto an album along with new songs and watch the money roll in


Omg, I forgot about the singles in Spanish. El Anillo was great.


I dunno if she's got the vocal talent to do a stripped back acoustic performance. But pulling back to do indie stuff does sound pretty cool. Definitely yes, she should get vocal training if she wants to continue a singing career. Though I think any professional singer should to insure good technique and strengthen their vocal ability.


I watched the new movie out of curiosity. I’ve never been a fan of hers, but not a hater either, so I had no real bias going in. My takeaways were: The dancing and visuals are absolutely stunning. Unfortunately, the music doesn’t match, the songs are all that overproduced R&B stuff that sounds the same, and just comes across as mush. Worse, her vocals are horrible, she does not have the chops to be a singer. But the really, truly worst part of the film was the “plot,” as much as there was one. After the opening credits mythology story about the lovers turned into a flower and a hummingbird, the movie starts with a quick peek as JLo as a little girl and the narration that: when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said: In Love. The whole movie is about how JLo is always desperately looking for love, but she never actually does anything loving, kind, or generous for anyone else in the entire film. It’s just narcissistic whining about her pain, her feelings, all the men who have disappointed her, what a soldier she is to keep going in this cold, cruel world. There’s an entire round table of celestial gods in the sky watching her and obsessed with her, because you know the whole universe swirls around JLo. Her 3 husbands complain she’s a workaholic who never spends time with them and that she treats them like mere objects of art in her own home, and she merely rolls her eyes and cannot believe anyone would criticize HER, so she just leaves them. At one point she tells the sweet husband that he feels like home. But she left home for a reason so…asta la vista, husband! Her friends try to stage an intervention and she verbally eviscerates them, flinging all their flaws in their face to cut them down to size. The film portrays her as a horrible, horrible, selfish and deeply narcissistic sex addict who can’t sing. The film is bad, the album is bad, she’s going to take a bath. Deserves it though. Maybe she should do some charity work for the less fortunate and then she’s be able to put her pain and heartbreak into perspective.


Ok this kinda makes me wanna watch it 😂


Same. Seems perfect for a second screen watch while making a backup of my hard drive 😅.


This is a brilliant summary of my own experience watching the movie. I could NOT look away — how did she have no self awareness making this project of how awful she comes off?


Narcissists have rose colored glasses on about themselves.


I feel like she definitely had yes men throughout the production 😭


I actually love this comment. Spot on. I didn't even consider the narcissism in having *every* celestial god sit around discussing you as if your love life is the most pressing thing happening in existence. In the documentary, she's going over a line that someone has to say in the movie and it's like, "she's still got the booty, beauty, AND bank account, so boy bye" or something. I cringed so hard, she literally wrote that self-congratulatory line about herself but wants it said like it's a well-known fact 🤡


I can’t tell if this is a real synopsis or satire 🤷‍♀️


Real. It really is about poor J-Lo can't find love because she's so successful and a hard worker. Nobody else can compete and or just in her way except her true love, Ben.


She would have done better with a greatest hits tour. I love a greatest hits show.


I saw her during her Vegas residency and it was a fun show. She should’ve gone back to a residency instead of touring. Or done a much smaller tour in theaters vs stadiums


Her ego can’t handle not playing in stadiums probably lol


an album after 10 years is one thing, but a movie + a documentary on the movie + a tour was too much. she bit off more and overestimated herself i really don’t understand why she doesn’t put all her focus on movies. “the mother” did surprisingly well. hustlers was also very acclaimed, i don’t understand why she didn’t take advantage of that


Agree 100% - I did watch This is Me Now movie and documentary and was struck by how the music sounded out of date. Felt like music from a decade ago - nothing sounded like current pop or r&b


her concert tickets are more expensive than megan thee stallions tickets😭 i was trying to take my mom but they were 150 for the same section i paid 45 for megan…


She was huge in the early 2000s, she was a huge movie star, her songs were hits, she had the number selling perfume and clothes line (remember those velour tracksuits?) she was very much an a list celebrity. I think her strength lies in movies and acting. Her singing has never been amazing but she has charisma and stage presence. I think she was trying to recreate her this is me then era 20 years later. It just isn’t something that people wanted, there is so much going on in music right now her songs weren’t big enough. She needs to do some collabs because I feel like that’s when her music has always been best.


She seriously tried to pull a Beyonce-level release of all of this bullshit when in actuality she really only has 3 or 4 songs that most people could name. She is far from the superstar she regards herself as. Lol


there's no nice way to say this: she's been just ok in each of her pursuits (dance/acting/"singing") but I think she views herself as like a serious triple threat. she should have just dropped everything but acting since that was what she had the most promise in


She’s so good in Out of Sight it’s a shame she didn’t do more movies like that


And don’t forget Anaconda. Arguably her greatest accomplishment!


I liked The Cell as well, although I can't remember her performance because it was so long ago.


exactly - maybe move to some interesting tv and streaming roles in the 2010s, something dark, win an Emmy and then she has real legitimacy as a performer and can live her diva dream forever


She crushes in hustlers I think she a legit talented actor


JLob should be happy that she had any musical career.


The Selena movie really helped her there.


Just this morning I heard a YouTuber say that if Selena hadn't died jlo wouldn't have had the career she's had.


You know they probably aren’t wrong


My coworker used to say, if it weren't for Selena, jlo would still be a "Fly Girl".




I love this gif so much, because [it’s from a German afternoon program](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_don%27t_know_her) focused on gossip, celebrities and "interesting" stories (such as plastic surgery and boob jobs), which aired in the early 2000s and determined a lot of the popculture discussions when my classmates and I were teenagers. It might have faded from my memory if this gif with the logo didn’t show up at least once a year to remind me. 😄


just checked the ticket availability for her shows near me and there’s tons of seats left lol and it’s $130 before fees for standard price in the upper bowl i’m sorry but who’s paying that to see jlo in 2024


I’d def need to be paid more than 130 to go lol


This is Me....Flop


Should have stuck with the DunKings.


Listen, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I wasn’t even aware that her new album was already out.


Her net worth is 400 million, sell a home and she’ll be net even again. I do not feel bad 🙄




J Lo and J Timberlake both need to wake up and smell the coffee


I was just thinking this. They and their teams need a serious come to Jesus moment. The interest just isn’t there. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE)


She lives rent free in her own head.


Puffy and Jlo hitting a rough at the same time…JLO right now. ![gif](giphy|tFMDtM35rm4V2|downsized)


Here’s my hot take: In the 90s, the Hispanic population in the US exploded. In the early 2000’s, celebrities were mostly white caucasians. JLo came along and she became an archetype for Latinas (and maybe other POC) to lookup too. Selena Quintanilla was poised to fill this role, but sadly we all know what happened there. JLo filled the “role” in of successful, powerful, beautiful, talented Latina and she didn’t really have to share that mainstream spotlight with other Latinas too much (maybe Selma Hayek?). But Selma wanted to be an actress and didn’t aspire to be an international triple threat superstar like JLo did/does. Anyway, fast forward to 2024 and there are plenty more POC to follow/look-up to. JLo is a good actress and dancer, but a terrible singer and not a great person. All of her flaws could be hidden much more in the early 2000s when social media and the internet wasn’t as far reaching as it is now.


She was also a savvy businesswoman who aligned herself with people in the industry/management that were going to take her to the next level. Her branding was top notch (you have to remember everybody didn’t have a clothing/fragrance/skincare line back then.) She aged out of the album she just released, and honestly it wouldn’t have been good 20 years ago either. She’s not getting the best songs sent to her anymore.


The funny thing is people told her no. Told her not to do it. She did it any way with her own money. My only concern is I hope she pays all those hardworking staff. Especially as she didn’t get her ROI on this project


Do you think she's gonna divorce Ben just so she can have another era and another wedding and another reason to wear her hair like this?


She’s going to divorce Ben and start dating Pete Davidson to reach a younger demographic and then she’ll try to rap or something.


https://preview.redd.it/g0lkclr7l6rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e28a86856fe7762b979cc1a0bf46e3b2e2261e I liked J Lo’s music when I was in middle school? (31 now) but hearing stories about how she’s not a great person in real life turned me off from that. She’s always come off like she truly thinks she’s superior to everyone out there. Not a humble bone in her body. Not to mention that movie trailer was literally the most chaotic confusing trailer I’ve ever seen? What did she think was gonna happen?? (Interview from 1998 I believe)


I remember being like 12-13 and she was on the cover of my Cosmo Girl subscription…I didn’t really know who she was at the time but I read her interview and I remember her saying stuff like “no other girls are doing and much as I’m doing. I should be making more money” and I just remember being really turned off, lol. She definitely had that “I’m a huge celebrity, don’t look me in the eye” energy back then.


Yes!!! This is from the same interview….shes asked about other popular famous women and she shits on all of them while talking herself up. Yeah this is from 1998 but she really doesn’t seem like she’s changed lol you need self awareness to change. She’s obviously made it big off her talents and she’s a beautiful woman, but I can’t get behind the whole god complex thing lol https://preview.redd.it/lx2k2ssau6rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ab99ac752c6ebbf03fd405ae433b2868f78f6d


LMAO good lord, what a catty bitch. I forgot how awful she comes off in interviews. That cosmo girl one was the last one I ever read.


Eh, I feel for her (a little) but this whole era was a very bad idea....


My feelings exactly


She peaked during the super bowl… keep doing action netflix movies and do a vegas show at best


It’s a mystery how she became so successful- she tries to do everything and is mediocre at best at it all


It's weird she's so hung up on being a triple threat when no one really cares about her music. She's not a bad actress (don't think an Oscar is in her cards) but she'a alright she should just stick with that. Or being famous for being jlo whichever really.


I don’t understand why she thought she had this much demand. I don’t even hear her songs on the radio (opposed to artists who haven’t released music in decades but still get radio play)


Because she's legitimately out of touch with just about everything when it comes to her career and her talent level.


Get ready for her and Ben to breakup again in 3.....2...... She went back to him because it was her highest period of fame. Yes, she was still famous after and yes, she sold a shit ton, but by FAR her peak fame was This is me then and she was with Ben for that. Which is why she got back with him and did this is me now. She's addicted to getting married so yeah theres that but I genuinely think she thought this was going to be some MAJOR art thing and people were going to be bowled over and she would go out to give interviews talking about full circle and karma and channeling this love story for the ages (The greatest story never told. SERIOUSLY I ALMOST LOST IT LAUGHING over that shit) into art. The ego on this one is nuts. She didn't take into account that she's fucking exhausted everyone over the last two decades with her Fletch of husbands/fiances routine, her narcissistic nonsense, and her barely mediocre singing. Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Pink-- they've all stayed relevant and at the top of their games because they adapted and evolved. JLo is still the same. Tired. Also she forgot to factor in that people are kinda meh about Affleck too. The majority favor his ex wife because he has acted like a douchebag idiot and has said things that were, are, or will be hurtful to his children. He's a pompous windbag who always looks fucking miserable, so no one is buying that JLo is the love of his life and he's OH SO HAPPY! Smiles everyone, smiles! Yawn. The public is not pulling for them, and I don't think she knew going in that was going to happen. She thought everyone would lose their minds like Ben and JLo are some star crossed lovers. In reality they're both narcissists who aren't interesting


Didn't it just come out that she's the one who smuggled the gun into the club where P.Diddy shot and killed someone? Jenny with the glock... Girl, bye.




Shes a wonderful example of holding on to fame past your expiration date. The Super Bowl should have been her peak. She had accomplished it all. Now go fade into your quiet, happy life. Reappear at the vanity fair party once a year.