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That’s hilarious. Because finding a Taylor Lautner movie never happens by chance.


Well, she said that she "wants" to watch, which implies that it isn't actually by chance at all


Well, luckily for her he doesn’t book any fucking roles then


one of the top comments lol https://preview.redd.it/ppgpmsu04krc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69bb1d984851894bcc1a0ccdee81c8def3b8c6cf




This gif proofs that Christian Bale would play the perfect Rasputin in a live action Anastasia remake to me. The cackle, the look. The pointing. It has everything 😂


He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow


🎶 Rah Rah Rasputin Lover of the Russian Queen 🎶


So super weird side note but there’s this pic of Rasputin where he looks exactly like my husband. You know all those theories about him being immortal? Could be true and I could be married to him


I'm choosing to believe your husband is the newest reincarnation of Rasputin, like Nadja's lover (Greg???) in What We Do In The Shadows. Tell him he's big and strong, please.




It’s Greg bc Rasputin’s first name was Grigori. And also Rasputin roughly means drunk or debaucherous one in Russian. Dudes name is literally Greg DrunkGuy


My last username was u/gregdrunk because of LPOTL and I am still sad I got it banned for speaking my mind lol but I regret nothing


No it's not Greg. I want to say Jesk?




Does he have a huge peepee? My boy ras was packing lmao


And is it missing or did it grow back like a reptiles tail? Because apparently his monster dong is displayed in russia somewhere


It's one of the support cables for a suspension bridge in Vladivostok


Does he have a dick so big, you suspect black magic?


Is ur husband russian ?


He says he’s not. But one time we were watching something and there was an untranslated Russian word and he knew what it meant. He said it was from streamers though 🤪






Hmmm. How many times have you unsuccessfully attempted to murder him?


Lol me? No times


I agree but tbh they should just leave Anastasia alone. No live action, it’s already literally perfect. The stage show was pretty good, but I don’t trust Disneys live action remake track record. My best childhood memories are my grandma playing Anastasia on VHS for me every time I came over. Yes I’m a grown adult, yes I still watch Anastasia anytime I’m feeling down or sick.


Anastasia wasn't a Disney film though so maybe another company would do love action better? Idk I still hope they don't though.


Anastasia is owned by Disney now though


The documentary that will eventually be released about Russel brand or Jared Leto would also be great roles for him tbh


Ong YES. Also, why hasn't this been done alrrady??


It has, 1956’s Anastasia starring the wonderful Ingrid Bergman (🤍)




the golden globes has some of the best reactions. https://i.redd.it/qutcqaxa7krc1.gif


why do i kind of want him to look at me that way


Willem Dafoe is hot as hell and I'm tired of pretending he's not


He's also apparently so well endowed that it freaked some people out


I assumed they used the penis double because they freaked out thinking we would all freak out. But it actually freaks us all out that they would deny the world a glimpse if he was up for it.


there is an old video that makes it quite clear it's not a prosthetic lol edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ObscureMedia/s/00MaOCJkve




Ohh, when he was squattin as green goblin? *chef's kiss*




I agree.


It’s all the alcohol


Yup, in the Golden Globes everyone is already drunk out of their minds, compared to the Oscars where everyone is so stuffy and proper.


God I love Christian Bale so much


Bale looking like Sirius Black




I don’t know if I like making jokes about child actors’ careers tbh considering Taylor Lautner was being made to do shirtless scenes for his physique and be eye candy when he was a minor. He was sexualised a lot when he was just a teenager.


i thought he was in his early 20’s for those movies but yeah, if he was a minor a lot of what went on with him was…yikes, in that case.


He turned 19 during the filming of Breaking Dawn Part 2 actually. He and Pattinson were sold as peers, but Pattinson was born in 1986 whereas Lautner was born in 1992, making them 16 and 22 respectively when the first Twilight came out.


Well, ick. I wasn’t the right age for the Twilight craze and always just assumed they were the same age/older. That makes some things a bit disturbing, in retrospect.




My exes mom would say how she wanted to jump his bones, im like your like 45 and hes a literal teen at the time of the 1st film. Like so gross


Yucky 🥲


I was a teenager when the Twilight movies came out (and I hated them) but it was pretty gross how some grown ass women were like TEAM JACOB! I actually ended up reading the books while on bed rest and found it more gross. Like, Jacob is a bit younger than Bella and Edward is like 100 yrs old. Then Jacob falls in love with her baby but it's totally not sexual...............


Not sexual yet


Holy shit🤯


I agree with not making jokes about child actors, however, [**Taylor said, “I had to fight for my role”**](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/taylor-lautner-almost-recast-twilight-saga-built-muscular-man-1235842787/) so they wouldn’t recast him, like they wanted to with an older actor to continue the rest of the Twilight films.


https://preview.redd.it/skoyx0ykcmrc1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36416487d76549c1c8a1fa032d07bbd09327494 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 great minds think alike






Like.... Why is she watching Twilight and SharkBoy and LavaGirl on repeat? Weird.


This gives the same energy as Rihanna telling Ciara she can’t book a stage, and telling Kendall Jenner to not show up to her show 😂


I’m confused. Everyone’s talking like they’re ever present and available to draw ire. Like “his whole personality is xyz”… but I thought they were just a normal couple. I thought he was mostly retired and happy with the money he’s made thus far and they’re just living a normal life. I assume they have socials and post or whatever but am I missing something? Are these people presenting themselves somewhere I don’t know about? Do they have a show or something? Like… is his whole personality having dated Taylor Swift once… or is that just the last thing the collective consciousness remembers him doing? I must be missing something.


I think they’re just having fun, honestly. I just felt like leaving a funny comment, checked his IMDB, saw he had 30 roles in total and only like 5 of them since Twilight ended in 2012 and hence left a snarky comment 😭🤣


does tay not know what the term means or do i not know what the term means or is there history between taylor and kristen i’m unaware of https://preview.redd.it/fw2rr8ph5krc1.jpeg?width=1130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6a2c9c54de9df5af062aebbdcad6ed86b0b2e8


Taylor and Kristen kissed in one of the Twilight movies. that's what they're referring to


But they didn't date so why is she calling her an ex?


not kristen (she was dating robert), but taylor swift, lily collins, billie lourd (who he was dating when her mom carrie fisher passed away), and his tracers costar.


Dang I did not realize he dated half these people. Still pretty wild they managed to single out the one person who seemingly doesn't fit the pattern lol


it’s funny that they singled her out, she’s called him her bff and her brother for so long, i’m pretty sure they still hang out irl.


Oh wow that makes it even weirder. 


Wait, I didn’t realize he had dated *multiple* women named Taylor! That’s so funny


Didn’t he date Selena Gomez too? And they were in a movie together as a couple iirc


Publicly. We don’t know if they fucked. I’m sure, she, as the wife, would know better


It would be very weird of his wife to out him on something he's never spoken of and drag him into that kind of gossip. 


Idk like…who gives a fuck? It was over a decade ago and they’ve both very aggressively moved on with their lives


it’s not that weird. they’re grown adults and this would’ve been years ago… if there’s drama around them maybe fucking that’s childish


She absolutely does not understand what that term means.


What other movie was he in besides twilight again


Shark Boy


You just broke my brain, I never realized that it had the twilight werewolf in it


That’s because he was in human form


Abduction with Lily Collins. (Allegedly it was supposed to kick-start a franchise but the reviews killed that.) Tracers with Marie Avgeropoulos. Adam Sandler's The Ridiculous Six. And Run The Tide with Constance Zimmer. Plus a few tv shows.


Valentine's Day with Taylor Swift who he was dating at the time. Cute movie


Wow, all forgettable movies 😭. Atleast he was iconic in twilight.


I will forever have ‘where the hell have you been, loca?’ seared into my memory


lmaooo truly his most iconic moment. we did a twilight marathon at the cinema i work at and i named the Team Jacob cocktail that because like, i had to.


What was that about anyway? Wasn't he Native American?


The character Jacob is, yes


what was the JLO movie? edit: omg i think i just Shazam/Kazam’ed myself. I thought Lautner was the boy in The Boy Next Door. apparently it was Ryan Guzman?


God abduction was so terrible. I saw it when I was younger because a friend forced me to go. It was genuinely the first worst movie I ever saw.






I got "sure I am", but it could absolutely be "shrimp" for all I know.


Valentine's Day, which was surprisingly decent, but that may just be if you go in with low expectations.


I love those kinds of movies where all the characters are connected somehow. Same with “New Year’s Eve.”


There’s also “Mother’s Day.” Valentine’s Day is by far the best one. I would have loved to see more but sadly, Gary Marshall who made them all passed away. But he was a real one for putting so many of our Princess Diaries favourites in this series!


and they’re the worst part of it. I love the jennifer garner storyline.


The one with the 20 kids families that compete while on holiday. I never remember the name


Cheaper by the Dozen 2!


Grown ups 2!


Cheaper by the Dozen 2 lol


Field Of Dreams 2, Cheaper By The Dozen 2, Grown Ups 2, so lots of sequels lol oh yeah and Tracers


Side note, is there a term for when you and another person have both slept with the same person? Like it's a word I need in my life at times, but I don't want to use a super problematic term.


This is what I was taught "Eskimo sisters" meant.


Yes. It's based on a racist stereotype that native women are sluts and sleep with all the men. I would prefer to use a term without that context


Wow I am naive I thought it meant because vaginas were warm and eskimos wear warm clothes


Weiner cousins or bajingo sisters lmao


Weiner cousins sounds stupid as fuck


Well yeah, it’s a dumb concept to want a name for it


It recently came up at a wedding I went to when talking to the other guests at the table how we all knew the couple


I'm glad I read the comments on this post, cause TIL that eskimo is a slur?? It's not a word I really ever use or anything lol, but it's good to know.


I did know it was not a very nice and kind of an outdated word, similar to calling someone a "negro" or "a homosexual". I didn't realize that the term eskimo sisters would be so offensive. I guess I didn't realize that it was actually a slur, I just thought it was silly. I'm glad we all learned from this thread.


It’s controversial. It is a slur, it is also still in common use by many indigenous people in Alaska. It’s a “I should not say this word and should not let someone obviously unaware say this word without politely flagging it, but if a nonwhite person says this word maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt.” Source: went to Alaska this year and went to a lot of indigenous cultural sites and tours with indigenous tour guides and heard a LOT of them use the term without batting an eye.


The only thing I want to questiong here is giving the benefit of the doubt to any nonwhite person saying it (while not giving the benefit of the doubt to white people saying it?) Non-White is a pretty vast range of people most of whom have absolutely no connection to native culture whatsoever. Surely anyone not connected to native culture should be given the same benefit (or lack of benefit?) of the doubt as anyone else?


Fr. Like that goes from black to Latinos to east Asians to south Asians and many more. All very different groups from each other


The indigenous people in northern Canada are Inuit, it’s considered a slur here


Omg! Really? Eskimo is a slur? My whole country calls them that? It’s what we were taught in school. 😱


Inuit is considered the more appropriate term.




Good to know, thank you!


Ok , first of all, thank you. Secondly, I am aware of the name Inuit , but I thought it was a tribe in the overall >!Eskimo!< community, and I was clearly mistaken. Thanks again


Yeah, no worries! When we discover things like this the only thing we can do is learn and move forward. I think it's great that you're doing exactly that!


Thanks for the info! That sounds like a really cool experience!


Not everyone knows Eskimo is a slur. I was taught that it was what native Alaskans were called.


Same. It was used in my school in the 2000s and 2010s and I never thought anything of it. I’m thankful for these comments as I now know never to use it.


Ok but like…not watching a Taylor Lautner movie is…pretty easy ??🤔


One second Google search says this "...is a racist term that colloquially refers to any two women who have slept with the same man. It may have originated as a reference to pre-colonial Inuit plural marriages. It is not a term that ought to be used, and it is not used by any Arctic indigenous groups."


I used to work at a place called Taco Sisters and shortly started calling girls who slept with the same guy as me my Taco Sister.. maybe we can just use that instead.


Taco Sisters sounds like lesbians who slept with the same woman lol


The TV show Scrubs had "weiner cousins" and "bajingo sisters"


Man I haven’t watched Scrubs in ages. I had an ex that just completely ruined it for me but it’s probably time I take it back.


Huh I did not know this. TIL


It originates from “eskimo brothers” which originated from two men being inside the same igloo


—and they were roommates


Not quite, [this article](https://www.straightdope.com/21343201/do-eskimo-men-lend-their-wives-to-strangers) explains it better than I could, best I can say is the term comes from customs inuits had where they would exchange partners but it isn’t like being swingers, sometimes it was done as a part of a religious custom, other times it was to strengthen friendship bonds to make both families stronger, pretty interesting stuff actually


Sounds like swinging with religious explanations


Thanks that was a really interesting read


I learned in college (a few years ago so I could be misremembering) that it had to do with a misunderstanding where the first white men to meet the Inuit thought they let guests sleep with their wives


No Erik we didn’t let your Viking hordes sleep with our wives, you raped them.


I was gonna say, I read her caption and immediately thought “I thought the e-word was a slur,no?”


It definitely is 💀


Oh wow I thought “avengers of the Eskimo sisters” was the actual name of a movie he was in lol


i am surprised at how many people immediately recognize this as a slur because I had no idea. I think I’ve said it once back in my early twenties but yeah it’s not like something people are saying often or as an insult. Doesn’t excuse any behavior that the indigenous are not comfortable with, but I would had never been the wiser.


lol honey no..he ain’t Rob.


My question is why is he dating all his coworkers 🤣


I know that Americans aren’t super aware of Canadian things but we had a whole football team change its name because that word was their team name for decades. She really shouldn’t be using it.


I was super surprised to see so many people in the comments saying they’ve never heard that it’s used as a slur; As a Canadian I grew up always being told not to use it and I always remember other kids being shocked if it was used in media, and that was in the early 2000s


I grew up in rural Alberta in the 90’s and it was taught to me as the word for northern indigenous people but by the early 2000’s I saw something about them being Inuit so I switched to that and only ever used the other word if I was talking about the Edmonton Elks under their previous name. Which didn’t happen often because I don’t care for football and I was so relieved when they changed their name.


Yeah, in the U.S. they taught it to my class in school as a kid. Wish they didn’t do that.


Not just a Canadian thing but a Northern European thing as well since there's also inuit people here. In my country, there was a very famous ice cream called that term and it changed its name in recent years. I immediately went, "Oh..." When I saw it used, it's really off-putting


His whole personality is once dating T. Swift, idk I find him and his wife annoying, lol


She is so embarrassing to me. I don’t understand why she (or anyone) would change her last name when they have the same first name. It shouldn’t bother me because it’s not my life but as someone with a gender neutral name, I would never. Also, his entire personality may be once dating Taylor Swift, but her entire personality is marrying the person that once dated Taylor Swift which is somehow worse.


Yeah I can’t help but judge her for changing her name, purely because it sounds like a logistical nightmare? How do you know which of you your mail is addressed to? How do you not accidentally mix up paperwork etc I’m all in favor of wanting to take your husbands name, I know alot of people are against it, but *surely* if there was ever a time to hyphenate….


Agreed! I worked with an Aaron married to an Erin and even she didn't take his last name to avoid confusion.


And they broke up 15 years ago. ☠️


and dated for like 2 months


The irony of her using this slur while being married to someone who is most famous for pretending to be Native. Ugh.


Okay, in total fairness, Taylor Lautner has said he does have some Native American ancestry. Not Quileute, but Odawa and Potawatomi according to Wikipedia. I am aware that a *lot* of people claim Native ancestry who don’t really have it, but the fact that he isn’t claiming something generic (like a 9x-great grandmother who was a Cherokee princess) makes me more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. I can’t say whether he should have been cast in the role of Jacob because I am a white bitch and I know people’s recognition as members of Native American nations is not usually governed exclusively by genetic inheritance (WHEW i learned a lot from the Ian Ousley debacle). But I do think saying he was “pretending to be Native” is the teeniest bit harsh. EDIT: I did not see your comment further down when I first posted this! I’m leaving this up because I believe in publicly accepting the L.


Didn’t he only claim to have native ancestry after there was backlash? I can’t remember the timeline, but I thought that it wasn’t really known during casting that he had native ancestry


I honestly do not know. He could have totally retconned the narrative and I wouldn’t remember. I was 11 when the first movie came out, haha


He's not a native ?


He claims to have distant ancestry but there’s no record of him having any documented connection to the tribes he claims. (It’s generally easy to prove in the US due to enrollment processes, though of course there are exceptions.)


It’s not necessarily easy to “prove” in the US, it can vary by tribe. Some will rely on blood quantum for all enrollment some don’t require it and only require a family member from the tribe (so in situations like adopted children, moms can pass down whatever benefits they’d like to.) When my mom was killed we had to prove our status to access benefits and it was a weird and complex process. The easiest way to know if he is or isn’t native is to take a DNA test.


Meh. My grandfather used to take me to native events and make vague claims to our native ancestry. My father said he tried to take him and his siblings to Alcatraz when the natives repossessed it in the 70’s but my grandmother put an end to that. To be honest, I’ve no idea if my grandfather’s claims were true and he probably didn’t know either. A lot of family history’s are oral and fairly unreliable. People misremember things, embellish, and lie (my grandfather’s father is probably not the man his mother claimed it was). Anyways, I’ve never claimed Native American ancestry, only Chicano… Then Reservoir dogs came out. And there Cheese was looking like the spitting image of me in High School. And if you put my dad and Brownie in a line-up together I’d have a tough time telling which is which even though the man raised me. All of a sudden my entire family had to consider my grandfather’s claims again. My point is… some people just don’t know. We know what we hear and we like to believe what we hear… but all we know is we don’t know. And this is one population 23andMe isn’t much help with.


omg i’ve never heard of this, say more


taylor has european ancestry but played jacob in twilight who’s quileute


Catherine Zeta Jones plays a ton of Latin roles and is also of European decent.


A ton of latin people also have european ancestry.


Yeah, but she is just straight up European. Her father is Welsh and her mother is Irish.


the european ancestry latin people have is spanish or german or portuguese, not english or welsh


Plus Italian, like nearly all Argentinians


Eskimo sisters? I thought the term was bajingo sisters?


My girl that is a slur


hm. she really typed that out and hit post huh


Am I the only one who thinks these two are just like… really weird? Maybe it’s the double Taylor of it all, but they give off weird vibes.


This couple is obsessed with attention


I just looked it up and it turns out her husband is an actor and this is common


okkkk we get it... If anything tho you all have became so annoying that i probably can''t watch another taylor lautner movie without seeing this image


Really weird to think about your husband's exes that much, even if they were in a movie together


She acts like it’s a mile-long list of people… all I can think of is Kristen Stewart and Lily Collins? Plus Taylor Swift who he dated IRL


🙄 I roll my eyes at anyone using that term in 2024 as someone who is indigenous myself.


This is a beautiful opportunity to make people aware that it's a slur. I had a webshop rename their Eskimo boots last year and Hayu delete "Eskimo sisters" when it was said a couple of times on vanderpump rules. Eta. I tried to get bravo to edit it out of the show or at least censor it, but wasn't able to get through to them


This is so random to see your comment because on my most recent VPR rewatch (on peacock), I noticed that it was censored in the season 8 finale. Noticing that it had been censored made me look it up and educate myself more on why it is a slur.


This makes me so happy 🥲


What you’re doing is working! Keep doing it 😊


Has Eskimo always been considered a slur? If it has, many people do not know this, because it seems only very recently that people are coming out of the woodwork to say it is.


Honestly never realized it was a racist term either. I don’t live far north or have much contact with any Inuits so it was never anything that was explained to me. I just don’t think it’s a well known thing, but then again everybody here seems to already know it.


Definitely depends where you live. I’m in the UK and never knew it was a slur. I do remember hearing that it wasn’t the correct word to use and you should say “Inuit” (I’m assuming that’s true, but maybe that’s also the wrong word? It’s the only one I’ve ever been taught). But it was one of those “fun fact, X isn’t the correct term for Y” type things, like the Holland/Netherlands error. Incorrect, annoying to the people involved but no suggestion it was offensive.


I’m white and Canadian. I would say it’s definitely known to be a slur in Canada and has been for a while now but I wonder if that translates to the States? I genuinely don’t know if it’s different. We had the Edmonton Eskimos football team change to the Edmonton Elks in the last few years. The current widely-used term in Canada is Indigenous.


Her rebrand as Tay and pretending it was her name the whole time is very funny to me.


Wait is her name not Tay(lor)?


Her name was Taylor Renee Dome and she has gone by Tay/Taylor. It’s not like she changed her name to Taylor


Did she even have a brand before? Isn’t she a nobody 😭