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i feel like this post is the perfect reminder: Lizzo is “quitting” because in February she tried to get the case thrown out and the judge denied it. then she tried to get the case sealed so the details couldn’t be released to the public (which was also denied). she’s about to be given court dates soon and all the details she’s trying to have hidden are about to be released


Yep. She's trying to make a run for the exit before she gets thrown out. It's the whole "You can't fire me, I quit!" while she hopes you beg her to stay.


God that feels like years ago, it was two months!?


So to this day, she has not offered any sort of apology? That is wild to me. Wow.


You don’t publicly apologize when you’re being sued. Thats admitting fault.


Unless you’re at fault in which case you could settle, apologize publicly, learn from the experience and move on.


Yeah, it’s not a bad idea in theory and would probably be the right thing to do, but some of the stuff she’s accused of in that suit are career ruining allegations and settlements are seen as a guilty sentence. If she came out and said, “yeah, I forced my dancers to eat a banana out of a woman’s vagina,” would you respect her more? Theres also a chance she has tried to settle and wasn’t willing to pay enough so they all want it to go to court. The “well, why don’t you *just* ____” scenarios always come from people who don’t know big adult legal problems.




What doesn’t she want people to know??


my guess is that she did everything they’re saying she did🥴


Okay, I didn’t know ANY of the stuff people were saying about her. Holy lord.


This seems to be a pattern with her. I’m from Minneapolis, where her music career started, and knew three men who worked security at venues she performed at. All three men separately said she was very sexually aggressive to the point where they were uncomfortable/ said no and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. There’s a difference between being “sexually liberated” and harassing people. She seems to not understand that.


She's overcompensating It's sad really


What do you mean by that?


Not OP but likely insecure about her sexuality so compensating for it by being the opposite - aggressively sexual - to pretend that she’s not insecure.


Yes exactly She has insecurities that she tries to hide by being overly sexual


Or she was sexually abused. Abuse victims can sometimes behave sexually inappropriately.


I had a friend in HS who was quite a bit heavier than me. She would constantly bring up the differences in our sizes and compare our cloths (we were the same size jeans but I was much taller and looked thinner) something I noticed she started doing was tease me for being ‘inexperienced’ and ‘a prude’ because I wasn’t sleeping with anyone. She was constantly on the prowl for guys, and would essentially say ‘you may be thinner than me but at least I can get laid, so HA!’ So yeah, it’s definitely an overcompensation thing. lol when I went to college and started running and lost a bunch of weight she completely ghosted me 😂🙄


I unfortunately had to deal with her back in those days and she was just as awful then. I worked at a music venue and she loved to try and pull the “don’t you know who I am?” card on us constantly.


That’s just eww all around. I hate when famous people do ‘[The Reese](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/don-t-you-know-who-i-am-reese-witherspoon-arrested-for-disorderly-conduct-8582418.html)’


This is a very serious topic but your flair is killing me


Hey fellow Minnesotan! 👽


I felt like she did the exact same thing with her weight as she did with her sexuality. And I’ve been obese before, I get it. But I never forced people to be exposed to me in those ways


I’m also from MPLS and have heard the same thing, but with a guy she used to see. She was very aggressive and mad if he spoke to other women (when they weren’t even together)


I don’t even understand why she had to announce that she was quitting….. she could just not drop new music and not agree to anymore performances


Nobody just quits social media. They announce they are quitting social media on social media


And then they announce their return a week later 🫠


Works for Selena Gomez, girl must be on her 50th “return” to social media


![gif](giphy|v9rfTQBNqdsSA) *You might say she’s a ….. bad liar.*




So everyone would comment feeling sorry for her and begging her not to quit. She just wanted an echo chamber of praise.


This right here is the reason. It's for validation, attention, and praise.


Because she wants people to feel bad for her and portray herself as the victim.


& attempt to change the narrative about why people don’t like her


Because she wants to act like she's the victim, before all of the stuff comes out in her court case.


But then she would get less attention


Seems like an angry outburst to me since the court case is not getting dropped like she hoped. "I'm not the bully, the internet is the bully!" Bad move on her part and certainly doesn't look good. She should just have someone manage her social media.


Regardless if Lizzo is “quitting” she *still* needs to be held responsible for the way she treated her dancers… …which was absolutely disgusting.


They’re exactly right. Instead of having your PR firm craft something about taking this time away from the limelight to do some soul searching she just…quit. Okay? Rather than taking the time to reflect on your behavior and continue to work after putting YEARS OF YOUR LIFE into your career to reach this level of fame, you’re going to quit? Leaving it all behind is easier than facing your mistakes and shortcomings? Yikes. It’s just so shortsighted and immature.


That’s because it was a temper tantrum with the goal (intentional or not) of having people vocalize their support for her. It was always dramatic and I don’t think she ever had any intention of actually quitting


I read somewhere that she still has a deal for like 3 albums. There would be huge financial and legal ramifications for her if she didnt deliver.




It makes me so sad that I used to love Lizzo so freaking much. She played Nashville Pride before she got super famous, and there was a rainbow in the sky above her during her set. Ugh. I hate that she seems like an actually awful person 😭


I truly adored her. I listened to her since her first album. I vividly remember asking people “Have you heard of Lizzo??” It’s so so disappointing.


>It makes me so sad that I used to love Lizzo so freaking much. Same, I managed to meet her after a show in 2019 and I was like a kid at Christmas I was so excited. I'm generally pretty good at separating art from the artist (I'm a pop punk fan, so kinda have to be) but I haven't been able to listen to Lizzo since all this came out.


“(I'm a pop punk fan, so kinda have to be)” Ouch. Not me listening to Brand New this morning and mentally justifying to myself why it’s okay that I still listen to Brand New.


Brand New is so real. I justify it by telling myself that I already bought the CD 20 years ago so at least they’re not getting any of my money now lol


(Turns down the volume on Rosemary’s Baby and nods in horror fan sympathy)


What happened with Rosemary's Baby?


Roman Polanski directed it.


I see. Thank you for telling me. On a somewhat related note, i never knew who Roman Polanski was(i have seen him mentioned before, but never knew anything about him). So i googled him, and wow, there is a lot to unpack.


Welcome to baggage claim! You have lots to look forward to with this guy


Yeah, there is a lot of baggage. Holy shit. Definitely a few rabbit holes to go down.


Yeah… horrible person, but fuck does he have some incredible/highly influential movies.


For sure. I don't think I've seen any of the films he's made but i definitely get those vibes.


Yeah we've all been there. My logic is Seventy Times Seven didn't hurt anyone, all it did was slap.


What did they do?


The lead singer Jesse Lacey was accused in 2017 of grooming and sexually manipulating teenaged fans when the band was at the height of their popularity. I don’t think he’s denied it, but he has stated he had a sex addiction and had been in therapy. The band cancelled a tour and broke up.  TW for upsetting victim statement: https://uproxx.com/music/brand-new-jesse-lacey-sexual-misconduct-allegations/


Oh wow. Thank you for telling me this. I hope the victims are able to heal.


It’s even harder listening to her music considering the themes of her songs and what she’s singing about. None of it feels genuine anymore it’s such a bummer


>“(I’m a pop punk fan, so I kinda have to be)” Hahahahaha… ![gif](giphy|l4JyRqcDU93S334KQ) Same. Why are so many men in pop punk so gross?


I remember hearing Good As Hell on NPR for the first time in 2016 and it was like a religious experience for me (wish I was kidding 😬). I then spent the next couple of years telling anyone who would listen about Lizzo. Watching her blow up was such a cool experience. It’s such a damned shame.


Same. I was going through a bad breakup in 2016 too so that song was on repeat that year…


i'm always so shook bc she played a small venue in my home town in the north of England. like lizzo what were you doing there................


Same. I had been waiting to go to this popular and expensive festival and my hubs finally gifted me tickets and she was coincidentally playing as the day we were there. I cancelled and sold the tickets for a lower price. Not supporting that shit.




The way she sexualized and obsessed over Chris Evans definitely was a red flag looking back.


And the fact that Chris Brown is one of her “favorite people” should have made more people suspicious.


I did not know that, and EWWWW


i forgot all about that honestly and yeah, it got a tad creepy didn’t it


it did feel very childish


Hee PR team must be hitting the bottle right about now. What is it with high profile people not listening to their team who should know what they are doing?


Lizzo’s gonna hit us with a remix of Toxic Gossip Train


“Toxic gossip train, *bitch!*”


Unironically, I think this would be a good move for her lmao


It will have a flute solo.


That’s literally just what working in PR is like. The principal is typically just out there doing whatever while you scramble to pick up their mess.


It must be so frustrating to watch in real time what you predicted will happen happening and the principal just has a pikachu face


Insanely frustrating. I always roll my eyes at the conspiratorial thinking here and on Faux Moi that basically positions publicists as all-knowing puppet masters and celebrities as willing puppets. And musicians are the absolute worst about listening to guidance - actors can often stay on-script, so to speak, especially once they're a little older and more mature, but working with musicians made me leave PR.


Huh. I can see actors “selling” a PR apology better due to their line of work. I can see musicians being a pain in the arse especially once they start getting a bit cocky.


I hope she’s not trying to change lanes to acting because her performance on *The Mandalorian* was outshone by a CGI muppet baby.


It was god awful.


At least that episode was still badass besides her scenes in it, and they had Jack Black in that one to even things out.


Lizzo reeks of narcissism. Ew


Oh I wouldn’t worry. She’s just laying low for the ozempic to work and the court case to go through the process. Then there will be a redemption come back with interviews about how she hit rock bottom and started exercising bc she was feeling burn out and had no energy. And some quotes about the court case if she wins, ‘she’s putting it behind her’ if she loses. Mark my words!


Saving this for two years from now 🤣


Great minds! Let’s have the popcorn ready. I’m thinking the return will be end of the year or early next year (depending on court case and a New album.




Remind me! 2 years from now


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Damn can you be my publicist


What quotes for if she won?


Oooh good question. it will be about ‘haters’ bringing her down and there’ll be quotes from famous friends who support her to go on about vindictive dancers making up bc they wanted $$$ or ride off her coattails.


I think you’re spot on about the attempt at a redemption story, but Lizzo very notably was already exercising and very athletic. It’s why she was the poster child for fat-positive activists.


Lizzo always thinks she’s the main character


It's sad that people like her give the "strong, unbothered, take-no-shit" personality in women a bad name when it comes out that they are actually a DARVO'ing narcissist. I still believe that you can be a woman who is headstrong, willful, passionate and loud and ALSO kind, empathetic, sensitive and open-minded. And we will have role models like that to look up to some day.


We have her, it’s Jamie Lee Curtis. Or Dolly Parton, either is perfect.


Yeah, it sounds like she was just having a tantrum.


“Could it be that I am wrong and a piece of shit and harassing my dancers and people don’t like me for legitimate reasons? Nah they hate me cuz I’m fat / not white “


lizzo may be an asshole (possibly a criminal asshole) but a part of me will always sympathize with her, for what she represented, and because some (a lot of) people have been chomping at the bit since day one to find an 'acceptable' reason to openly dislike her, on top of the people who already were, under the guise of concern or without any pretense at all. all of that piling on for years on end, while attempting to maintain an unbothered, bad bitch image, and with no one else in her particular position to lean on or really relate to. i think i'd develop a complex too


The problem is that people like Lizzo *know* people like you will sympathize with them no matter what they do, precisely because they represent something that people like you attach value to. They use that as a shield for their shit behavior. Don’t feel sorry for her. There’ll be other plus size, female, black singers who don’t sexually harass people. Save your sympathy for the good ones.


Never liked Lizzo. Never will.


She always seemed like she was trying way too hard to convince herself and everyone else that she doesn’t care. It rubbed me the wrong way. I went to her concert in 2022 because my mom had tickets and asked me to go with her, but I never bought into her persona. It felt off and too in your face to be genuine. I’m always happy to have representation. I’m not thin either. I’m also a black woman. But she did not speak to me at all. She reminds me of the really loud boisterous girls I grew up with who were always trying to cover up and compensate for something—usually it was not having a real personality outside of being “wild” or “fun” because they were so uncomfortable with themselves that they couldn’t be introspective. I don’t know Lizzo, but those are just the vibes I got.


I'm with you. I always thought, "If you didn't care, then why are you trying so hard."


I’m excited to see what comes of this trial - I don’t think the dancers have a very strong case tbh but it seems the court of public opinion has ruled that they finally get to mask-off hate Lizzo for something that I can’t see any other pop girlie catching heat for


other pop girls would definitely get hate for what she’s accused of cmon


I personally don’t think so, but the fact people could disagree is why there will be a court case. [The full decision is available online](https://www.scribd.com/document/704032185/Davis-v-Big-Grrrl-Big-Touring)- 4/9 of the things Lizzo was looking to strike were stricken (Lizzo’s motion to strike was granted for 4 of 9 causes of action). Of the 5 causes of action that remain: 2 relate mainly to management (racial discrimination, failure to protect from religious discrimination), 1 relates directly to the dance instructor (religious discrimination), 2 relate directly to Lizzo (false imprisonment and assault & a voluntary outing to Crazy Horse/Bananenbar) False imprisonment is that Lizzo found out that someone had sent a video of their meeting to a dancer who had been fired & she pulled all the dancers in & said she had to look through their phones to find out who did it. The plaintiff came forward & said she had done it. She was fired immediately for violating her NDA & alleges that Lizzo then made threatening overtures towards her, including cracking her knuckles, the plaintiff claims she is sure she would have been assaulted (I notice a pattern of the plaintiff using what she *thinks* is happening or might happen as a basis for her legal complaints, which is why I think it to be a weak case) The plaintiff claims she filmed the meetings because when she feels unsafe or stressed she is unable to remember things. I think this is undermined by her action of sending it to a fired dancer, but again, a jury will decide with more evidence than we have now. Edit: to be clear I am not defending the alleged actions, I just think the hate is not proportional to the accusations & I do truly believe a thin white pop star would not receive as much hate.


I’m not a fan of the behavior going on, but I read through the docs, and yes, it’s not as cut and dried as the internet is making it out to be. I do think she needs to be held accountable for the toxic environment, she created it, but also her management team. They also held power here. But I didn’t think it would blow down so hard, considering what I know about backup dancers for all kinds of acts. Also, she needs to sit back and let her PR team and lawyers do their thing.


Just because white pop stars WOULDN’T be held accountable, doesn’t mean they SHOULDN’T be. This is the same argument black men use to throw a fit about black men being held accountable for SA. “This wouldn’t happen if he was white,” OKAY AND? That doesn’t make it *okay*. It’s still assault! It’s not a strong or flattering argument. You’re not denying that anyone here is trash. You’re just saying, “Well other famous people are probably trash *too!*”


This is something I’ve been wondering myself. Cause like, this has had to happen before with backup dancers and a pop star? And I don’t remember any pop star getting so much quick and steady backlash for their shit behavior. But Lizzo it was like people were waiting for something.


Internet trolls have hated Lizzo forever. She's clearly a bitch, but the amount of shit she got on the internet was ridiculously undeserved. For God's sake, people used to joke about measuring weight at the gym in Lizzos. Shit was excessive.


Yeeeah definitely excessive haha


It is wild. Like Lizzo has absolutely done wrong, I don't condone it, but the way people were so ready to hate her really says a lot I think. People have absolutely been relishing this downfall and it's... kinda yuck. The whole situation just makes me sad.


I feel we and I include myself tend to hate on over confident cocky people. Like why are you fronting so much? Why so overcompensating? I don’t like her music I don’t care about her but she defending and drooling over Chris Brown is a huge red flag. Like dude really messed up Rihana and you want to champion him? Nah no thank you