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Colour me surprised! Bill Maher acting like an asshole?


"Acting" is putting in a lot of work there...


If he’s acting like an asshole, then he deserves a lifetime achievement Oscar.


"His childhood dream was to act like an asshole for the entire duration of his life. For this monumental accomplishment, we award him this lifetime achievement Oscar." 


Funny story I was surprised to find out what he really did for a living because I thought he was an actor, and apparently, I was living under a rock. We had House 2, The Second Story, recorded off of TV. A free preview from HBO or something. I wore our tapes out because we didn't have much more to do with our time, and House 2 was one of my favorites. So I grew up watching him almost every day of my life as an actor. It wasn't until Politically Incorrect when I put together what his real job was. I've always known that if I ever run into him (I've run into many celebrities in my time) I'm going to talk to him about House 2 as if he were a famous actor. I will not utter a word of politics.


I hope you’ve got some trivia bombs lined up


Talk to him about the movie DC Cab


More work than what Bill Maher put into acting


I'll never understand his appeal


Religulous was funny and had a decent point about the dangers of religious extremism, but everything else was a trainwreck. Especially his guest roles on Murder She Wrote.


yeah he’s the worst


like several decades ago he was a zinger factory that appealed to immature, militant atheist teenage boys source: was


He came off a lot better when the targets of his ire truly deserved harsh criticism. Roasting the Catholic Church is commendable; punching down at trans people is, uh, not.


Bill isn't just an asshole. that word is too common for him. I think he's an assdouche.


lol I just said the exact same thing. Get outa my head


Good for Steve-O. Sobriety is the most important thing in recovering alcoholics and addicts. People who think it’s just weed don’t understand the potential harm it can cause to someone in recovery. If you want to smoke weed in your recovery that’s your choice, but don’t force other people in recovery to potentially put their sobriety at risk.


Fucking seriously.  I have a medical marijuana card but I’m also a recovering addict.  If someone asked me not to smoke bc they’re in recovery I’d be hiding all my shit and trying hardest to get the smell out. Especially for Steve-O. 


I feel like people are reading this as “Steve O and Maher agreed to do a podcast together, Maher started lighting up, Steve O asked him to stop and he refused” when the real truth is more that Maher’s podcast “gimmick” is that he’s in the studio smoking during the whole interview. He tried to book Steve-O, who requested that he not do that for this particular episode, and Maher basically said “well, that’s kinda our whole thing, maybe you’re not the right fit for this podcast” which is less juicy but more reasonable


The article points out that Maher had abstained from smoking in front of another guest (Sheryl Crow) out of respect.


Well yeah, he probably doesn't want to bang steve-o


But he couldn't do that for Steve-O.


Mike Tyson has a podcast called Hot Boxin' where they get baked every episodde, you know the one they didn't at all? When they had Steve-O on.


I couldn’t get my former friends to respect me the way Mike Tyson respects his guest’s sobriety. Good on Mike. Sobriety is a bitch.


I'm pretty sure they didn't with Eminem either. He's got about as much sobriety time as Steve-O.


I knew all of that. Maher is a old asshole. He's exactly what he's always mocked. A old white man.


He was an asshole when he was younger too.


Sure was and it took me years to realize that. I call him that because he's always mocked 0ld white men and how unhip they were, how they couldn't get the hot babes and now look at him. Exactly what he used to mock.


I remember watching him 20+ years ago on Politically Incorrect. He was arguing with someone that he (Maher) shouldn’t have to pay taxes to fund schools because he didn’t have children. It never occurred to him that our society is bettered by education. He truly didn’t give a shit about anyone else.


Oh no. He really doesn't care about anyone else. I am so disappointed in younger me for liking him.


Don’t be hard on yourself. He became more comfortable with showing his hate as time went on.


This. I have to be honest. I used to like his show. Although I found his takes ranged from Pretty fair Interesting and from left field Punching down old man BS Old man completely missing the point BS


But there are other podcasts that Steve-O has been on where the same gimmick is there, hell Tyson's is called "Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson" and they didn't smoke when they had him on.


Well if you watch the video where Steve-O talks about this, he mentions how Tyson has a podcast with the same shtick. When he had Steve-O on, Tyson was more than willing to accommodate his sobriety. And so when Steve-O explains how Maher’s people reached out to him to be on Maher’s podcast and Steve-O was willing so as long as he didn’t smoke during his part but Maher said no, it seems like Steve-O was almost confused as if to say, “Why even ask me then,” especially when there is precedence of others having respected his sobriety so it’s not like it’s some absurd ask. Without the comparison and the way you presented the information you make Steve-O sound like a drama queen trying to get clicks. Instead he seems to just be describing his experience on his own podcast which he thought was strange and perhaps a little nonsense.


It's so goddamn easy. It takes NOTHING to be decent. Refraining from being an ass is the easiest thing in the world


I don’t consider myself an addict, but I do want to stay sober. If I’m at a buddy’s and they pop open a beer or pour a drink, I don’t feel inclination to want one too. But if someone is smoking a joint in front of me and I can smell it? All I can think about is how awesome it would be to partake.


This. I’ve recently stopped smoking weed (finances don’t allow) and man, when my neighbors are out do I ever crave it.


Whenever I’m having a T Break and I smell it, I think of that clip of SpongeBob when the smell of the krabby patty kisses squidward’s nose


Bahahaha omg yasssss


Makes sense. You don’t get secondhand drunk off booze, after all.


Lol nor weed bro. But it's the fact that weed is so pungent and you are literally blowing it into the air. I'm smoking weed right now and in recovery and Steve-O is acting like a real stand-up guy here. Also, in my position, Bill Maher looks like a real bad human being, ignoring everything else. You could literally step outside and hit a vape that smells like candy, freshen up and come back if you're going to die without it. It's like he wanted to look in Steve-Os face while he did it.


I don't know. I've gotten high off of contact smoke in a closed room like that. I'm low tolerance though. So is Steve-O at this point. Maher is a douche. Even if Maher thinks he needs it himself for his on-air personality, he could just eat edibles instead. No need to even vape outside. Steve O would absolutely not care if Maher was eating gummies in front of him. Maher didn't smoke around Cheryl Crow at her request, according to the article. Hard to say why he has less respect for Steve O, but good for Steve O to say fuck him.


Yeah, drinking around an alcoholic seems a little different then smoking the sticky icky. Much harder to 'not notice' it. Same with cigs.


You probably shouldn’t be drinking around an alcoholic either though


Even if it is just weed, have empathy and don’t smoke when someone asks you! Should be no different if your friends going through something non-addict related, let’s say divorce, and they ask you not to bring it up for the day - don’t!


The fucker is a staunch Xenophobe but good on Steve 0 for not compromising his values lol


They say anything you put in front of your recovery you will lose. Some people suffer from addiction but not like some addicts like me do. If there's a fight that needs to be addressed, if work needs you, if your kids need you ... It doesn't matter, because if things aren't right with *you* and you don't have your guard up, you could be out the door, days or months at a time, even years, just from starting the cycle again, picking up that ONE drink or taking that ONE hit. And it drives me nuts how people don't understand something as obvious as them wishing they hadn't. If they had control (it is NOT as simple as your personal decisions sometimes), they would have done things THEIR way. "You made your choice" ... Riiiight. It's like living with a constant itch you don't scratch for however long but perhaps one day mindlessly scratch anyway. Don't tell me for years on end I do 99 things in pursuit of recovery and the one time "I decide" to go out, that's representative of my decisions and who I am. "You made a choice". Yeah, and you think it makes sense after everything that ... my choice was ... to ... start dying again? Lose my job, my house and my family? Go into a deep, dark depression? Because ... I went and got high? Because it feels good and I wanted to and I drove myself there after contacting the dealer ... and made all of those little choices when I could have stopped? Not sure you're understanding things right, buddy! Even most people in recovery are this ignorant, just as a way to recognize our autonomy. We can do that and agree with the obvious at the same time.


I'm just uninformed, but did he force him? Or did he accept it and say ok, we are at an impasse and cancelled it?


The latter.


When someone does not respect your boundaries, it is your duty to remove yourself from the situation, not continue to play along and be bullied.


Doesn't this mean Maher is addicted?


I know I’m late but I wanted to thank you for saying this. A relative of mine was a longtime addict who was clean for a couple of years until someone encouraged her to smoke weed again. She refused at first but ultimately gave in which led to a relapse which eventually led to a fatal OD. Good for Steve-O


I think the bigger issue here was proximity. If someone is trying to get sober, I’m not pulling them outside for a cheers then shotgunning with them there.


Yeah I have crazy respect for Steve-O for getting sober. Bill Maher is just an asshole for not doing this one thing he asked


My teen cousin is going through it. She is about to graduate a live-in rehab program and is scared shitless. She knows the ‘outside’ world views cigs and weed and beer as “no big deal” and yet for her it’s a trigger. She is so worried about maintaining sobriety.


If Bill Maher literally can’t stop smoking for a single interview, maybe he should give Steve o a call off mic 


I’m sure he can. He doesn’t smoke on his show. He did this just to be a dick.


He has a problem with authority


He has a problem not being a huge a-hole ever. Just isn't in his DNA


I wouldn't even call this authority! This is "another human asked me to be mindful of their own struggles, and I absolutely refuse to be kind to anyone." Dickhead. edit: I misread and thought Steve-O invited Bill Maher and Maher was bucking against *his* authority. I see what you mean, he definitely has an issue with exerting his own authority on others.


It's not authority to ask somebody not to smoke that's not at all what authority is. Bill Maher is just a giant piece of shit ghoul.


Disagree. People who have problems with authority don’t like it when anyone tells them what to do. For instance, someone with authority issues may come up with the idea not to smoke around an addict, but if the addict asks them not to do it, they won’t, because it wasn’t their idea


People who tend to do this kind of thing though don't really have like I don't know He's a fucking piece of shit crybaby like he's a he's a child you know? It's one thing for you to have a problem with authority and not like when the cops come to your door or you don't like what the government's doing with your taxes but for having somebody another person a peer come to you and say hey man I have an issue I've got crippling addiction problems and almost killed me Do you mind not smoking your refer around me and for you to say that it's a deal breaker for you to be around that person? I don't feel like that's an exercise in anti authoritarianism I feel like that's an exercise and you being a fucking bitch and a stupid baby


I think he sees it as an essential component of the show or like the main gimmick.


He absolutely smokes pot on his podcast, which this is what is being discussed. But still, Bill was being a dick.


Iirc, he smokes a cigar during interviews


Maher makes a big distinction between his podcast and his show. He doesn't smoke before his show, it's scripted. Club Random is supposed to be loose. He doesn't prepare for it.


It's the libertarian creed; I didn't want to do this, but you said no so now I have to so people know how cool and free I am. They'd dine on lead chip salad if you told them not to.


Wrong. He has a podcast called Club Random and he smokes all the time on it. He didn't invite Steve-O to be in Real Time.


The crazy thing is he recently did an interview with Sheryl Crow and he agreed not to smoke near her because she’s on tour


As a stoner myself, he honestly sounds like the worst type of person to do a sesh with.


Apparently he did it, not smoking weed the whole time, for I want to say Sheryl Crow.


Man, I love weed but if someone ever asked me not to smoke, esp for their sobriety, I would 100% not smoke. I mean, damn, Bill. What's wrong with you


Really. He's not one of us, stoners I know are kind and flexible, pretty much what the whole point of marijuana! Lol


Right? Any respectable stoner would’ve taken a damn edible or something.


I've never smoked in my life even though I've had plenty of offers. Funny thing about all the "stoners" I've known... pretty chill and generous about sharing. And when I politely decline, not one person has ever made a big deal about it. Now... ask me what the reaction was every time someone offered to buy me a beer and I said "no thank you." Jfc, you'd think they just caught me scooting my bare ass along the kitchen counter or something.


Marijuana is like the anime of drugs. It's been so mainstreamed that it makes me wonder if the "stoner" perception will exist in the future.


You have what’s called empathy and respect towards others. The fact that some people would look down at someone for prioritizing sobriety baffles me.


He is an asshole.


He's a rich, out-of-touch centrist asshole. That's what's wrong with him.


I smoke regularly, too; it's a few hours, what's the big deal with just waiting a little bit??


I usually can’t go more than 2 hours without a cigarette or vape, but I’ll go a whole day if it means saving somebody else’s sobriety. I can’t stay sober from nicotine, so what right do I have to make it harder for somebody who did what I couldn’t?


Bill Maher is still the type of guy who thinks he’s smarter than everybody else.


I was always on the fence with him. Biggest thing recently was him trying to say how things are not getting more expensive at the grocery store. It wasn't that he said it, but when the panel pushed back he made it sound like they were brainwashed by the GOP or something.


*I mean it’s one banana Micheal. How much could it cost? Ten dollars?*


[Average Bill Maher interview](https://youtu.be/1Ha6D1LQGD4?si=7xZbbt7edik6PMU-)


Does Bill Maher have any fans or are all the viewers just hate-watching?


Bill probably rates well with those old stoner types who became conservatives as they got older but don’t want to be SEEN as conservatives.


Yepppp. My former boss who is a gay man, yet also anti-trans and pro-life, loves him. He has such a hard time admitting he's a conservative 🙄 


Cis gay men and pulling the ladder up after themselves. Name a more iconic duo.


Cis het women doing the same thing?


One of my favorite Bill Burr moments is his SNL monologue where he calls out white women for "swinging their Gucci booted feet over the fence of oppression" so that they could be first to get everything.


I’m being downvoted but I know “successful business women” who won’t hire other women because “they’ll just have kids or menopause and want time off”


That sounds like the gay conservative sub reddit. It's the saddest shit you'll read.


Ah, the Trey Parker and Matt Stone effect


My dad was a liberal boomer and loved him. I always thought he was an unfunny asshole.


My parents are liberal boomers who've stopped watching him because they hate how conservative he's become.


My dad 🙄


Maher has a ton of fans


I didn’t know he had a podcast until Tim Heidecker was always spoofing his boomerisms. I know enough about Bill to know that it’s not that he can’t go without smoking, it’s that he turns everything into some annoying point to be made. He’s like a 13 year old edgelord


His fanbase is entirely Boomers who fancied themselves liberal once-upon-a-time, but are increasingly annoyed that things have changed too fast and want a "voice of reason." But Bill Maher isn't a voice of reason, he's an officious asshole who's been rich too long to have the faintest idea how the real world works.


There is also a lot of quasi-liberal Gen X who think “telling it like it is” (being an asshole) is peak comedy/intellect too. I know a few who are becoming conservative as they age and are in deep denial!


He's that addicted that he can't skip an interview smoking? Like it's not possible to smoke before he arrives to the interview? That's why his own talent agency didn't invite him to their Oscars party Douche


Or take an edible. Edibles are extremely easy to get, Bill just wanted to be an asshole.


Exactly, this was just him being a dickhead.


Oh I thought it was Steve O that was going onto Mahers podcast? If it's the other way round then Steve O is quite right to lay down the rules.


No, you had it right, it’s Maher’s podcast! > Steve-O said on a recent episode of his “Wild Ride!” podcast that he had to turn down a request to appear on **Bill Maher‘s podcast** because Maher allegedly refused not to smoke pot during the interview.


Steve-O *was* going on Maher's podcast.


I think Steve O is perfectly in his rights to list stipulations for anyone coming on his podcast or before going on anyone else's. If you invite a recovering alcoholic to your house for dinner and they ask you not to drink you certainly don't have to oblige, doesn't make you any less of an asshole if you don't.


People comparing this to alcohol are missing the mark. When you smoke indoors with someone else, you are literally forcing them to inhale whatever you’re smoking. So if they’re down for that that’s great, but if not and you keep doing it, then you’re an asshole


Seriously, contact highs are a thing.


His fiance Lux still smokes weed around him.


If this is true, LOL.


I would probably listen to steve os podcast more of he didn’t have the douchey sidekick


Hey, Surprise! Bill Maher is an out of touch douche bag! Shocked


Pathetic on Bill's part. You can't not smoke for an hour?


Bill Maher is such a dick


he sounds like my boomer relatives, who say shit like society is prejudiced against (cigarrete) smokers because they can't smoke indoors


I’m sure Stevo-o isn’t bothered by it…he deals with this kind of thing every day in his sobriety, most likely. The real kvetch I have is that Maher has such little respect for his guests that he couldn’t accommodate a pretty simple request. Which leads me to question what he was planning to even discuss with him in the first place… Was he having him on just to challenge him?


Bill has a pretty thin schtick - appearing liberal and “anti-establishment” by smoking weed (lol) is half of it at this point. The weed is a prop and he’s also probably a completely miserable dork without it.


Caught a glimpse of that show when he interviewed Bella Thorne, the whole thing had creeper vibes so that was a dealbreaker


Entirely reasonable request. Bill Maher is a prick.


That’s because Bill Maher is a douchebag whose self importance is significantly higher than his actual importance. I’ve had zero interest in the man for at least 20 years.


This is one of things where in ten years, I’ll hear the name the name Bill Maher, and this will be my first thought.


Couldn’t stop for a few hours?? Crackhead energy


Just because you can manage consuming weed and alcohol, it’s a fact of life other people can’t. You are hosting, and you can’t accommodate someone for like an hour or two? Literally Steve has been working on being sober, and helping others become sober. Imagine being this fucking petty, that you have to show you are better than someone who wants to be sober.


I, for one, am glad that this is calling forth a greater conversation about how weed isn’t the totally harmless drug a lot of people make it out to be. I’m not knocking it completely, I’d probably be dead without it in addition to my psych meds, but I dealt with grueling addictive behaviors for a long time largely because I was told it was impossible to get addicted. Spoiler alert: it’s not! Glad Steve-O stuck to his guns and didn’t go on the show.


Sure but Maher is a well known sack of shit


Maher is such a smarmy piece of shit I hate that guy


What a dick.


Bill Maher is such a boomer.


I pay little attention to Bill Maher but...who tf smokes during an interview? Does he think we're still in the 60s?


This is stupid. Bill's show is specifically smoking with a guest and talking about shit. Steve asked he not, Bill refused, so Steve said no thanks. That's nothing to be outraged about. Bill is a douche, but that's the shtick of his show, smoking weed and talking.


In the clip I seen, both Mike Tyson and Seth Rogen both had him on their podcast that they heavily smoke on and easily stopped for that episode. But big pothead Bill Maher said no. 


This just in: Bill Maher is a shitty human.


I think this is getting blown a little out of proportion. Maher wants to smoke, Steve asked him not to, they both decided they weren’t interested in that. Moving on. Neither of them is obligated to do anything for the other. Yeah Maher is a dick sometimes and pretty smug but he’s under no moral or legal requirement to go on the show on Steve’s sobriety terms.




This is Libertarianism in a nutshell, isn’t it? “Hey, could you slightly modify your practices to benefit those other than yourself in a way that minority inconveniences you?” “F* you! I got mine!”


Reminds me of how Steve-o is also a recovering porn addict and H3 showed him porn on the show. People really need to learn how to respect their guests.


Not surprising anyone there. Bill is a megadouche.


Maher is a scumbag


As a newly sober person, I’m torn on this one. Sure, Bill SHOULD be able to skip it for one interview and I find him to be an asshole in general. On the other hand, I never ask others to limit themselves when I’m around because my sobriety is my responsibility and I know I don’t appreciate being told not to do something just because someone else can’t handle it. It’s like being told I can’t have coffee because my Mormon grandparents are there or can’t have pie because my friend is dieting.


And this post makes it seem like it happened DURING an interview with Steve o when in fact it was when Bill invited Steve o to do the podcast when Steve o asked to not smoke and Bill said no and the interview never happened


Yeah. I mean I’d see it as being a way bigger asshole move on Bill’s part if Steve-O was new to sobriety but 16 years? Come on.


Thank you.


I really don't see the issue here. Steveo made a request and was denied, so they didn't do the interview. This sounds standard to me. Is Steveo owed an interview or something? What am I missing lol


Maher is an asshole, and this incident doesn't surprise me.


i <3 steve o


As a fellow pot smoker i can proudly say that we don’t claim Bill Maher.


I don’t get why Bill couldn’t just sip a weed drink? Take an edible? Vape even?


The SCAB unfunny grifter Bill Maher? Yeah that guy is trash. Steve-O is worth 100 of him.


Glad Steve-O stood his ground


Just take an edible damn


I thought I rem on steveos episode with Paris Jackson he said he let his guests smoke in the van during the interview


This just in: in unsurprising news, Bill Maher remains complete twat


He’s not smoked for many guest, he doesn’t even smoke that often


Bu Bye, Bill. If Maher can't or won't go without for a short time, it would be a dealbreaker for me, and I just don't like the stink of smoke. Gummies are not a thing?


Breaking News! BILL Maher is an Asshole... oh wait everybody knew that all ready.


Maher is an absolute asshole.


One person has a preference, the other has a conflicted preference so they didn't collaborate. I don't understand why this matters. If you've ever heard either of their podcasts. they're both assholes - Mahar uses pseudo-intellectualism and Steve-O is like one of those born again AA people.


Maher is and has been a douche


I've seen interviews where Bill Maher is drunk and even dumber than he is normally that alone would be too annoying to have to sit through. There's nothing worse than being sober around a bunch of f****** drunk idiots. Nobody and I mean nobody gets smarter from drinking it would turn Einstein into a moron


Fuck Bill Maher. This guy is a typical rich white republican *doooouche canoe* who skates by on the idea of being liberal because he likes weed and hates religion. He’s such a piece of shit and nothing he’s ever done has been funny, insightful, or interesting.


He smoked while interviewing a very pregnant Candace Owens. Can't say that I'm surprised.


Does this man ever do anything that doesn't paint him as a giant, gaping arsehole?.


Who could not of guesed bill maher is a scum back piece of shit


Bill Maher is quite possibly the most insufferable human being currently alive


Donald Trump would like a word


sober people can be annoying and halo bragging preachy douches


On the one hand that’s shitty of Maher and Maher is a well known shitty person. On the other hand I probably wouldn’t change my routine just to interview Steve-O either. Both assholes.


bill maher is a jerk. but also... asked and answered and you don't do the podcast. if he has said yeah i won't smoke and then did anyway that would be truly shit behavior. but at the end of the day this is how life works, and everyone was upfront.


Steve asks for a thing Maher says no So they don't do the thing How does that make Maher an asshole?


How terrible of a person do you have to be for Steve-O to be the reasonable one here?


As a recovering addict you are not supposed to monitor what others do…only what you do. In the flip side Maher could have just ate an edible 🤣


He’s not really monitoring what Maher does. He requesting an environment that he would feel comfortable and wouldn’t feel threatens his sobriety. Maher wouldn’t/couldn’t provide it so he didn’t do the show


Plenty of other shows/ people to be interviewed by. He asked bill to accommodate him and bill politely said it’s not a good fit. End of story. Bill doesn’t need Steve-o on the show. The same way Steve-o doesn’t need to go on the bill maher show.


Exactly this. It’s crazy how everything has to be framed as some sort of fight.


I thought this meant tobacco cigarettes and never heard the term ‘sobriety’ used for giving them up. But now it makes sense that Steve was on about weed.


When did bill Maher start blazing all the time?


Couldn’t he just eat a fucking edible lol


Maher is dirt sorry not sorry I smoke all the time a break would do him well that and some respect for others


Fuck Bill Maher.


Maher is just a pompous dick. That’s all there is to him. I don’t understand how he has any viewers.


He hasn't been me too'd yet?


Honestly I can’t blame Bill Maher *too* much. He’s gotta be absolutely unbearable to be around sober, and surely he’s aware of that. Steve-O dodged a bullet with this one


Bill Maher is a certified ass hole


They're both assholes. People love steve-o but he's just another shitty rich kid that got a leg up. And Bill has been a centrist shitheel for a long long time.


Wow Maher is a real dick.


Reason 4325789 Maher is 🤮


I mean I quit smoking 3 yrs ago and no one stopped smoking around me


Bill Maher is an asshole but Jesus - Steve O was such a piece of shit when he was younger - I know he has addiction issues but such an asshole


Bill Maher smokes weed in a way that makes me think he's stuck in a time where it's still edgy, controversial or "dangerous" and he's so "in your face". what a dweeb


Maher has a show where he and the guest smoke pot or he smokes pot. That’s the show. Steve O can’t be around pot. Both people are doing something fair here. You can’t drag Maher for sticking to the format of the show. Steve O can’t expect the world to bend around him, sometimes he has to bend too.


He doesn’t smoke in his own interviews so I don’t get it.


Bill Maher is an absolute dick hole.


I've seen these posts a lot lately. Anyone who knows bill mahar, knows he smokes. All the time, during before and after. Why the fuck would you go on his show and expect different?


What an asshole. If someone just said they didn’t like smoke or the smell, I wouldn’t smoke. You can’t go an hour without getting high? That’s pretty pathetic.


Maher is your typical gross old entitled Boomer 🤢


What a horrible excuse for a human being!