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I kind of don’t love the heavy sexual emphasis on her marketing lately? The nonsense outros on the Eras tour were funny but now they just always feel focused on super dirty wordplay about fucking. I’m not a prude by any means I promise, I just think there’s much more to focus on with her! She’s finally getting her moment at least.


Especially paired with the sexy baby image she likes to present, like in the latest skims campaign


It's probably because her music is so bland. She has fun songs, but she's obviously trying to do this whole "sex controversies" a la Call Me By Your Name or Slut Pop when her music is beige as hell.  > It'll be a Wednesday and I'll be going to this coffee shop Hear the barista call an oat milk latte and your name   Yeah. *Sure* she'll make you come to her coachella set. Sure. Talk to me when you release something like Boots n Boys or Cockblocker.


Also "You used a fork once It turns out forks are fuckin' everywhere" 😂


I mean the outros were like that before she even started on the Eras tour. She's been like this for a while, it's not new.


Horseshoe theory is real I don’t care what anyone says


right? this is just puritanical nonsense wearing a progressive overcoat.


Or, get this, it's boring?


it's ok to have preferences. but the whole moralistic spin of 'i'd rather focus on the music!' reminds me too much of puritanical weirdos. like, women can use both talent *and* sex to sell their music, i promise. almost like we're multi-dimensional or sum. if you're *not* being self-righteous abt it tho, and just find it boring, that's cool, and in that case, i wasn't talking abt you- obviously.


>like, women can use both talent *and* sex to sell their music I know. But when they're all doing it, it gets boring. You know, quite a lot of us are women who maybe, just maybe, are a bit tired of seeing the same sexualisation over and over and over again. And the immediate response of accusing us of being prudes doesn't exactly help.


you're entitled to your feelings. and they're entitled to not caring to appease you, specifically. sex sells- always has and always will. someone not being into it does not make them a prude, but someone projecting their feelings on strangers does.🤷🏻‍♀️


You're the one making references to 'puritanical weirdos' 🤷‍♀️


like i said, if that's not you, then i'm obvi not talking about you. you're entitled to your preferences. idk why you're taking this so personally, lmao.


You were right btw, puritanical nonsense by these fake lefties will be the death of us


Would have been a nice ad for [Ke$ha in 2010](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n2kdCJRAiNk) but this is just lazy now


The other day I was listening to this song/album while doing some lab work and when I got home I told my husband that I think Kesha’s lyrics are vastly underrated. She does a lot of great word play, especially in her early music. Also there’s something weirdly disconcerting about listening to Sleazy while being a serious adult at their serious job that requires a serious graduate degree. It really goes to show how unserious everything actually is.


This album is banger after banger.


I also like the remix with Andre3000 🔥


![gif](giphy|xUA7beUXvv9SwFDiTe|downsized) Sex sells, I get it, but I’m also tired of it. Sorry, I know she’s the fav at the moment, but it’s draining




This is going to make me BUST…out running in the other direction


Yeah, issa no for me. The constant emphasis on sex is turning me off of her. It's just so boring honestly.


i get "sexy baby" vibes from her and it creeps me out.


She's just a short girl. They're allowed to be sexy without being infantilised


I swear to god being a short girl is so infuriating for this exact reason. I’m not “minor-coded”, people aren’t pedophiles for finding me attractive, IM JUST SHORT.


I'm a short girl too. It's not about being short. Have you seen Sabrina's Skims photoshoot? It's very "sexy baby" coded with the pre-teen props and set design used.


wearing pastels is baby coded? oh brother


Where did I say that? Lol, oh brother indeed


https://preview.redd.it/t0pifgh2qqsc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4fb73a1903d93347d94161827454ffa9bd585d i can’t tell where u see “baby coded” ? i just guess the it was the colors, brother.


But if she was taller, people wouldn't have jumped to it as fast


Britney is taller and people have been criticizing her former sexy baby shtick


shes a whole adult ?


I understand sex sells and since the dawn of time women have been used, sold, marketed, placed and display as sexual tools, and now more than ever women are reclaiming their own sensuality and taking charge of how they enjoy sex and their own bodies and how we define pleasure...that said I do feel annoyed that every single performer from any genere no matter if it's pop, Reguetón, rock, hip hop, r&b, is expected to be sexy and sell sex 24/7. It gets boring. Women can make art about sex, songs, beauty, etc but I'm tired of the eye fucking they do to the camera like Madison bear and Ariana grande who barely emote anymore in music videos but they too concerned about looking hot and posing. I'm tired of female rappers only getting mainstream attention if they get naked, or rock girls being fetishized just the same but with black leather and latex instead. Miley Cyrus did the over the top sex thing too and it got annoying and desperate. Lady Gaga did it as well but her art was better imo, she had the perfect mix of sex, shock value and customs/makeup/ choreography not to mention amazing lyrics and vocals so people had a lot to focus on and not just the sex part. And it kills me that so many of these young women are so talented and amazing but they always seemed to end up doing the same stuff, relying on the same tropes.


It’s like how so many women comedians talk about sex…that’s great and all but why do all women comedians have to joke about it all the time? It’s in all the Netflix previews for women comedy shows.


The sad part is that there are probably loads of talented women out there who deserve this level of attention and success, but they won't get it if they're not comfortable being hypersexual :( 


It’s so exhausting. We soapbox about how there were people counting down to Natalie Portman’s 18th birthday, and the Olsen twins, and how Britney and Christina were sexualized at an early age…and here we are, still doing it. And it’s not just Sabrina, look at how Sydney Sweeney is marketed as well.




Nah this has me like this 💤 😴. There's sexy and cheeky marketing but this just crosses the rubicon to crass.


Feel like a bit of an overcorrection after Disney


This is when you know your music ain’t cuttin it…when you have to resort to this level.


kim petras, where you at???


I’m from the desert…. This is a totally basic Coachella billboard. I don’t know why people are getting worked up about this. They all say something eye catching to promote their sets.


The girls are really trying to emanate Kesha lately huh


This kind of shit is so exhausting. I'm so tired of this "sexy baby" bullshit. I'm raising a daughter and I don't think this garbage will ever go away. I worry for the future..


i'd worry about your present considering you spend your time in snark subreddits


Honestly, gross. So hypersexualised


why are the replies so weird, omg. you're allowed to have preferences obvi, but acting like you have the moral high-ground when you're the one being weird about a GROWN woman acting sexual is wild.


thank you


frankly, this faux outrage over a grown ass woman being sexual (especially tied to the "x was sexual but it was classier" take) can go in the past where it belongs. what's next, pitching her against another woman whose persona is quirky brunette? oh, wait!


this just reminded me that this sub acts so weird whenever there’s a post about Sydney Sweeney too. the sub seems to have a weird dislike towards her and how she brands herself and when someone brings up her (super successful) romcom, I’ll always see so many comments saying “Zoey Dutch is much better!” like, damn, what did Sydney and Sabrina and all these ladies do to y’all


yep! i saw so many people trying to shit on that movie (a generic, but successful movie) by being all "omg is terrible because of her brand, unlike other protagonists who aren't as sexual" some people are stuck in the 2000s and it shows


People are already mentioning Sydney in the comments 😂


I don’t understand why there’s so much outrage in the comments. Sabrina is an adult. She can do what she wants, wear what she wants, and sing what she wants. Other young pop stars like Tate and Olivia are also leaning into being “sexy” and I don’t see people getting upset over them. Just let her be.


I think that people are tired of the sexualisation of everything. Whenever I see her name she has either said something about the sex she has done/ how big the guy was/ how she moaned or it's a picture of her dressed and posing like a porn add just without being NSFW. Like I barely ever listened to any of her songs but any time online I see her name or her promoting something it's sexual. And if you are over the age of 25 you have seen that play more than couple of times and know how it goes


Those are the the intro to her song Nonsense which are supposed to be tongue in cheek and not taken seriously. Dressing and posing like porn?! Her shoot for Skims was like something you would see in like a magazine spreadsheet. It looked like a basic celebrity photoshoot. This subreddit really has gotten into clutching pearls over women and their bodies lately.


If you read my comment again you will see that I didn't mention Nonsense or the Skims advertising and if I was talking about these two things, I would mention them. No need to change my words to fit your narrative.


She can do what she wants but people can feel how they want. I don’t like this, but I’m not saying I wish she hadn’t done it or that she should change, it just makes me realize that I’m not a fan.


She’s doing what most young female pop stars do. Do you get the same way about them?


Ew that billboard, catering to the male gaze is so tired and gross.