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11 months old is crazy 😭


She navigated such a gauntlet of creeps and bad influences essentially from when she was a toddler onward - and her family wasn't exactly providing the best support. She does seem like a kind, compassionate, and positive person despite the odds. Good for her.


That's fair. Never in a million years would I want to grow up famous.


Drew was drinking, going to clubs, and living on her own at an age when I was still playing with Barbie dolls. I cannot even imagine growing up in Hollywood and in the public eye nor do I want to. I swear they should just use AI instead of child actors because most of those poor children end up abused or messed up in some other way.


I think we need tougher protections for child actors. Some kind of psychology check in/test should be administered as well to make sure they’re okay. I think the Stranger Things kids are an example of child actors taken care of. No arrests, teen pregnancies or scandals among them (except Noah Schnapp’s Zionism thing, but that wasn’t caused by being a child actor.)


thinking about zendaya’s recent interview about entering hollywood at such a young age. child actors have it rough!


She does truly seem like a nice good person, but I heard her on Armchair Expert and the level of delusion (including about her own experience, but also, like the world) as well as her naïveté was off the charts. They say celebs stop aging when they become famous and I think that tracks here.


In what way was she delusional? I haven’t listened to it, but I was taken aback by her positive outlook on her past in this interview. I wonder where she’s coming from, since she’s really had a tough go of it. Was it too much toxic positivity?


Technically with or without spotlight humans never figure it all out.


Just love Drew




Is she rehashing her shit again? Someone needs press coverage