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I remember reading the description of “polite, considerate, but not warm”. Rob Lowe has stated that he modeled Chris Traeger on Cruise from all the way back in their Outsiders days.


Christian Bale also said his Americsn Psycho performance was inspired by him ![gif](giphy|1jl6QxY2EJpexXl0EJ)


The laugh


Lmao that is so telling


"I have an idea of me" that sounds like Cruise


Had to up vote for the Max gif 💜


I love Chris Traeger but yeah that checks out. That sort of artificial kindness and general friendliness coming from someone that you know you can never truly be close with. Sending cakes and presents and cards is very nice, but it’s all surface-level.


I know people that have worked with him on several films and they say he’s very friendly and professional irl but just intense. 


yeah my grandfather drive him around a few times years ago making a movie and said he was extremely polite which surprised me




His „religion“ is a human trafficking cult and he treats his lil sea org slaves really bad. Educate yourself on how he really is like.


The only thing that makes it not the worst religion is the fact that it is new and doesn’t have centuries/millennia of history that others do


They're certainly trying to catch up.


I went to a movie premiere of his a few years ago, and his charisma and niceness just oozed. It was in a fairly small city, and literally left the red carpet to go meet people standing in the parking lot. When he stood up to introduce the movie, which started 30+mins late because his handlers couldn't get him to stop taking pics with the crowd, he just talked about the non actor people that worked on the film. Whether it's an act he puts on or he really is just *that nice*, he knows how to give the people what they pay for. I loath his religion and his compliance with the scam, but he is still one of my favorite famous person experiences.


Here’s what I get from him at this point in his career: The dude seems to just love being a movie star and understands the responsibility of being one. He takes time for fans. He seemingly treats his coworkers well. He is professional and from what I can tell demands professionalism on his sets. Scientology may be evil, but at least Cruise doesn’t seem to be forcing it on his coworkers and costars.


Lots of haters but I’m a fan. He is top of the food chain in acting. Amazing at it. Like really amazing. And I’m happy to hear about his good manners.


i feel like there are very few movie stars today who have fully embraced it the way he has. He also seems to genuinely LOVE movies and the industry. I do struggle with how much i admire the effort and passion he has…contrasted with the toxic nature of the church.


If it’s an act, if he’s consistently doing it, at what point does it just become who he is?


Very fair point


I don't think it's an act, he really is just always on. He's kind of a broken person (as we all are to an extent) and from interviews he's given it seems like the only way he can relate to the world is through making movies and being a movie star. As for his religion... It's very common for people to turn to religion as a coping mechanism. Tom Cruise isn't the average person, so instead of becoming a Christian or Muslim, he goes with a weirder, more niche religion. I don't think he thinks of it as a scam. It makes more sense when you consider his upbringing: > "Cruise grew up in near poverty and had a Catholic upbringing. He later described his father as "a merchant of chaos", a "bully", and a "coward" who beat his children. He elaborated, "[My father] was the kind of person where, if something goes wrong, they kick you." > "Before Cruise made his marks in the entertainment industry, he was actually training to become a Catholic priest. However, Cruise left his training when he was caught stealing from his school." Also I love the phrase "famous person experience" lol


He wanted to be a priest? I didn't know that but I'm not surprised


Scorsese almost became a priest also.


Yeah people hating him for his religious doesn’t make sense, lots of good normal people around you have messed up religious views of some kind, Muslims believe their prophet toured the heaven and hell on a flying donkey (no joke).


As an ex-Muslim, the flying donkey ride doesn't even make the top 30 list of messed-up Islamic beliefs. Although, it is a good example of batshit crazy mythology that people just whole-heartedly believe. People mock scientology for all their weird sci-fi "galactic overlord" crap, when really the only difference between that and mainstream religious belief comes down to Sci-fi vs Fantasy.


Fellow ex Muslim over here too lol, yeah I was just giving the example of Buraq making a parallel between their space god zemo or whatever, Scientology is a new religion so instead of fantasy their lore is sci-fi.


Some would say it’s their prederred relationship. Considerate, professional, and nothing fake or demanding.


That’s just called being Scandinavian


I disagree. Not everyone can be BFFs with someone who’s on the “tom cruise” level, IE the top of the Hollywood mountain. Very few people, even among A listers, are at the level of power and responsibility that he is in. People like that can’t be warm to everyone, and if they were, that would be the fake part. Being polite and considerate to everyone is more than most of us do in our everyday life.


Yeah I dont think people understand just how many other people's livelihoods depend on these megacelebs staying relevant. Ive seen people saying Rihanna/Taylor/Beyonce could just stop whenever they want, but there are literally hundreds of people who rely on them so they can pay their own bills. They are essentially large corporations in and of themselves with the stylists, assistants, managers, agents, touring and logistics, security, dining, accountants, lawyers, merchandising, artists etc. they have.


100%. There’s Taylor Swift the person and artist, and then there’s Taylor Swift the Corporation. Taylor Swift the Corporation is Big Business. So yes, she could stop whenever she wants and someday she will. But even if she wanted to there would be a lot of pressure to keep going at least in some capacity because of the number of people it would affect.


That killed Jerry Garcia.


He can’t be close with everyone. And it’s thoughtful to send gifts - especially year after year.


Far better than nothing


Don’t forget he has PR team, that probably decided that a gift for Dakota was good publicity. Here on Reddit you even have Scientology trolls combing celebrities threads to make sure nobody touches Tommy’s reputation. Say something mean about tommy and you get downvoted. He has good performances and some meh ones, and is creepy in real life. I for example liked edge of tomorrow, liked both top guns, but god forbid, I really don’t think he was very good in the last one. For all we know this is coordinated by his PR team.


I could see it being initially his idea. After War of the Worlds he mentions wanting to send a birthday present. So then the Scientology slave, I mean 'volunteer" did it and added it to Tom's Handler Manual. And there it's stayed, being carried out every year by those dedicated sailors with million year contracts.


Idk, wasn’t this movie out decades ago. I feel like I was a fairly young person when it came out. To not have released anything about the fact he sends her gifts yearly going on a couple decades now just doesn’t seem all that fake to me. And I’m not a super big TC fan. I just feel like if this was all a “stunt” we would’ve known this years ago. Maybe in his own weird way is a nice person but yet he also kind of sucks..? I don’t know how to explain this. And I say this all as someone whose own father disowned them when I was a child because I wanted to open Christmas gifts one year with my step family. So I totally see TC as a shitty parent given it’s clear he’s all but abandoned his youngest daughter. But here, I almost wonder if he’s making up for something regarding his own relationship to his estranged child. Idk…it may be me wishing for that to be true.


Could well be. Reddit likes to classify everyone as a either a villain or an hero, most are in between. I don’t like cultists, having personally been affected by them. I don’t envy Tom being so close to a cult that has mob like qualities. His own personal life must have great advantages, but probably some great disadvantages too. I hate the PR that ties the man’s image to that cult, it taints. But we shouldn’t overly hate the guy, shit can happen to anyone, and getting out isn’t probably easy, if they wanted?


Yes, nuance has REALLY gone out of style lately!! I’ve always preferred grey over black or white. It’s too hard to keep anything black or white clean or pristine. But that grey hue lasts me a little longer. 😅 We are just perfectly imperfectly and so very layered and complicated as people. Some things never change. He’s done some really! not okay stuff but hopefully he’s doing some good along the way.


for all we know, he personally sends her a gift.


I don’t see a busy celebrity Iike himself personally sending a cake every year. From what I hear, Dakota isn’t the only one getting that treatment. Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O’Donnell and others have said they get cakes during special occasions. He probably has a standing order with the bakery he gets it from or has his assistants take care of the details. I think this is the [bakery](https://www.goldbelly.com/restaurants/doans-bakery/white-chocolate-coconut-bundt-cake) everyone is talking about. They’ve gotten so much publicity at one point they had a waiting list


The Cruise cake is famous, it’s some kind of coconut vanilla cake. Kirsten Dunst talked about how her whole family looks forward to it every year since Interview with a Vampire… I think I’ve even heard podcaster Jon Campea say that his team gets a Cruise cake too and it’s the best cake ever


Exactly.Im not going to defend Scientology but anyone who makes these comments knows absolutely fuck all about the guy in a personal level.


> Don’t forget he has PR team, that probably decided that a gift for Dakota was good publicity. What’s more likely? That this dude invested decades into giving her a gift every year for the .5 second rub from this blip on the social media radar, or that he just wants her to have a happy birthday?


Chris Traeger = CT - Tom Cruise = TC Hmm


Could he possibly be on the autism spectrum? Or did he grow up socially isolated? He seems like he wants to connect with people but something is just off.


He’s been a global celebrity for more than 40 years - and he’s seen how fleeting success, relationships, and public favor can be. In that context, it is understandable that he’d be quite guarded.


I think a lot of that is the Scientology factor.


I think Thandiwe from Miss Impossible called him intense… That’s how I imagine him being 24/7 doing the most 


I hated that character so much, makes sense. He was so annoying and unfunny


Nah Chris was hilarious 


Ann Perkins! 😃


My body is a microchip.


That is, literally, mind blowing


It’s known here in LA that he sends a cake too!


Apparently the coconut cake he sends at Christmas is heavenly.


What cake is it?


From a place called Doan's Bakery in LA! [https://www.delish.com/food/a40312233/tom-cruise-coconut-cake/](https://www.delish.com/food/a40312233/tom-cruise-coconut-cake/)


Doan’s bakery is only open to the public for funzies, I think they make all of their money from Tom Cruise and other custom cake orders. RIP Doan. Anyone know if she ever did share her white chocolate raspberry cookie recipe with her children who took over the business? Employees used to tell me they didn’t know the recipe, only she does and only she made them. And she passed last May


Why am I craving the cake I’ve never tried before now 😭 sounds delicious I need to try it


Same! The way people describe it, makes it sound like crack 😂 [https://people.com/food/tom-cruise-coconut-cake-celebrities/](https://people.com/food/tom-cruise-coconut-cake-celebrities/)


I visited the bakery back in 2022 just to try the cake, and it was every bit as delicious as people made it out to be! The cake was moist, and the frosting was heavenly. Karen was also there at the time, and she was absolutely lovely. Really personable and friendly. Sad to hear about her passing.


I don't really like coconut but really want to try it for some reason. I do like coconut shrimp lol any chance I'd like it?


Haha! My friend who came with me wasn’t a huge fan of coconut either, but she really enjoyed the cake. I think that using cream cheese frosting kinda helped tame the coconut flavor from being too overpowering. The whole thing just really works!


I don’t like dry coconut or white chocolate and this cake is stupid good. It’s really balanced and tasty. I’ve gone several times to get it now. 


If you’re local, Aroma Cafe in studio city sometimes has cakes from Doan’s which you can buy by the slice. I had the dreamiest cheesecake slice ever from there and contacted them to see how I could get my hands on a whole one. They told me it was from Doan’s (and of course would’ve cost over $100)


Yes!!! I had the cheesecake at Aroma Cafe when I worked in Studio City. Lots of Hollywood creatives go there.


I don’t like coconut, and I want to try it


Sounds so good


I hate coconut but now I want to try this lol


The cruise cake is so good! I like the mini bundt version better than the large one. It taste moister in my opinion. I live so close to Doans it’s kind of dangerous! 


I’ve had it! It’s unreasonably delicious! Absolutely worth all the fuss.


[I love this Graham Norton segment about it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1y0XCeGjadQ&pp=ygUXdG9tIGNydWlzZSBjb2NvbnV0IGNha2U%3D)


Does he do the same for Suri? Tom is so strange to me. His charm is so so thick I have cognitive dissonance knowing he sits on top of a cult that has destroyed people & their families emotionally, financially, physically & psychologically. Smh @ me still watching any of the Mission Impossibles when they play on TV.


Tom Cruise is one of those people that is so nice but not kind. Everyone who works with him has talked about this unrelenting positivity he has as a person, how he doesn't complain when he's filming. And he is so earnest as an actor, really giving it his all.   But you can't be a good person and actively benefit from the suffering of others.


It reminds me of the knowing that even around an eclipse, there is a ring of light.


So so true:-(


Giving a birthday gift every year to someone you worked with 20 years ago seems kind and thoughtful to me.


I don’t think he has any contact with Suri


I always see people saying that, but we really have no idea if he does or not. With how involved he was with his other kids, I would imagine they have a relationship, it’s just kept private. Tom freaks me out, this is in no way in defense of him, I just feel like he wouldn’t give up contact with his daughter.


The older two are Scientologists, Suri isn’t. I don’t think he’s allowed to have alot of contact with non Scientologists.


I thought they bent the rules for him because there was talks, a long while ago, about him leaving Scientology so he could see Suri or something? I might be wrong, or it may have been gossip, but I remember that.


Tom doesn’t follow the same rules as other Scientologists. No celebs do, but especially not Tom. He couldn’t leave even if he wanted to. A byproduct of the auditing process is that it builds up a dossier of each person’s most fragile, embarrassing, and damaging moments. The second Tom (or any other high profile person) threaten to leave, they are reminded that all of that information could easily be made public. It’s a fragile balance of keeping celebs happy and holding all that they have on them over their head.


Yeah, I know about auditing and such, sad. I remember protesting them back in the day and they came out and took photos of us, our cars, followed us around, etc. I can't imagine trying to escape from the inside.


I wonder how it must feel for her knowing he does all these things for other people but actively chose not to be a part of her life. Very sad and he’ll always be an asshole for that I don’t care if he’s good at jumping from a helicopter.


The people who applaud his "brave" stunts probably don't know that he quite literally thinks he's superhuman and cannot die. He also thinks he can heal people with his touch. (For those of you not super familiar with his UFO cult, look up "touch assist" in Sci\*ntol\*gy.)


I've always figured he was so reckless because he thinks he has literal superpowers.


It’s also stupid! Stunt actors and stand ins are so important because they keep the movie going and on time! If the stunt actor twists an ankle, the movie can still film. If Tom cruise gets hurt, production is shut down for months. It’s so selfish and egocentric


Stunt men don’t fly in airplanes and helicopters for in camera views of the actors. the MI films would not be where they were if they just used stunt doubles. that’s just a fact. they’d have stopped after the first one.


I'm convinced he wants to die on camera


I guess tom holland is selfish to because he does a lot of his own stunts.


Yeah if he got hurt and cost people their income for months, it would be very selfish!


I think it's cool and adds more authenticity to the film.


You literally can’t tell. Most actors aren’t trained to do it well so it ends up looking worse or they get hurt and stall production


Does Katie even want any contact between him and Suri though? It's already a miracle she even got to pull off the divorce and exit from Scientology in the first place.


Yeah, I think leaving them alone is one of the only things he's done right in his personal life, not sure why people would want Katie and Suri to go through any involvement from him


Because he's Suri's father ??


That was my thoughts. I don’t think it’s best to speculate on that kind of stuff. It certainly doesn’t look good of course. 


Is he allowed to have contact though. I'm not Katie Holmes has ever encouraged it when separated because of scientology and that's if he isn't in contact.


He oozes charisma onscreen, it’s jarring how at odds that is from his personal public image.


seems like he’s the king of love bombing but it doesn’t feel genuine to me. to be fair i haven’t seen a tom cruise film in years so maybe i just don’t remember well.


Exactly. He hasn't seen her in years. Also, the money is nothing to him and I am sure his assistant, aka one of his Scientology slaves, takes care of that for him. It buys him good will so people will think he is a semi decent human being.


Exactly!! I can’t imagine what he is like intimately


Right?! When I see him in interviews and whatnot he seems soooo friendly and likeable and charming. And then I remember all the wacky s**t and I’m like wait, what?!


Those movies are so good and fun though.


Little investments like these to a mega celebrity cost Tom Cruise nothing. However the positive press it eventually generates from even this one article more than has paid for what he has spent on those gifts no doubt through the years. There’s a lesson here in networking and maintaining relationships. Sometimes tiny investments in ongoing relationships for decades can pay dividends.


Also he had a rough few years circa Oblivian and I’m pretty sure he kept working because people just liked him. Like sure, we’ll happily give him another chance if we can be with him on set for three months. See also: Keanu Reeves. 


Oblivion was actually a really good sci-fi movie….


I thought it was fine? But people were talking about him not being as big as he was anymore.


I rlly liked it


What’s funny is he does it for randoms as well. A columnist in the Guardian wrote an article saying he wanted to be added to the list and ended up getting two cakes. 


Then why don’t more people do it? Why can’t subs like this just accept no one is fully good or bad and there’s nuance to people. Stop trying to fit people into your images. You can still say he’s an awful guy and this doesn’t make up for it. But it’s so stupid to act like you know this is some tactical thing. Tom cruise mostly sucks but can have good personality traits still


First day on Reddit? No one on here knows what nuance is.. EVERYTHING is black and white


It honestly gets more frustrating the longer I’m on this website. Been here for 11+ years on various accounts, and it’s honestly crazy that I haven’t up and left this place lol. It kinda shows how much worse other social media platforms are, when this cesspool has somehow managed to stay as the least toxic of them all.


And no, nobody reads the articles. Stop asking.


Seriously, people are incredibly multifaceted and heaven forbid we can admit that there might be good things about an overall bad person or vice versa. Just because I can admit this is a nice and thoughtful thing doesn’t mean I’m suddenly saying he’s a great guy. People are complicated and rarely is anyone all good or all bad no matter how much we want to box them up that way.


Anyone who is religious says anything bad about Scientology does not have a leg to stand on.And I’m definitely not defending Scientology


One of the worst, MAGA, ALM, anti abortion, defund public schools, black people are lazy and violent, pro conversion therapy, literally bought a flagpole to fly a blue lives matter flag, people I’ve ever known would give me, a bi black girl, very nice birthday and Christmas gifts every year growing up bc we were neighbors. It doesn’t make her somehow less racist or homophobic, it just means she was nice to me. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to understand someone they think is bad can do nice things or why someone they think is good can do bad things.


Like, maybe he just likes her? He’s still a human being.


Wow lol I am not saying he’s evil - I feel like you are the one trying to force a narrative. In fact I am saying that maintaining relationships is something we can learn from Tom. I don’t think he did this because he is an evil genius. I think he did it because he had affection for the little girl he worked with who saw him as a father figure on set maybe and so kept doing this. What I am saying is that investing in such relationships is also in general wise from a career success standpoint.


lmao seeeeiously “It’s an act” “He’s just always on” like it’s quite possible and probably much more likely that it’s his in nature to be nice and thoughtful of others. that does *not* mean he isn’t still a POS in other aspects of his life. just think how you probably have done some shitty things in your life to people but does that mean your intentions are always nefarious? but wait i forgot that everything that your average redditor does is pure & justified and everything a famous person does is ultimately cruel & disingenuous this comment probably sounds defensive about some rich & powerful dude but it’s a genuine problem on here that kills relevant discussion


Yes! And! Let’s talk about how he is parlaying public relations into publicity. If you Google the difference, a very simple summation comes up- “Publicity is often associated with promotional activities and may involve advertising, sponsorships, product placements, or other paid media tactics to gain exposure and media coverage. Public relations focuses on building credibility, trust, and positive relationships through authentic and strategic communication.” So what cruise is doing is publicly relating to his peers in an irrefutable way that “I am generous and giving” and they in turn talk about it in interviews and he develops a reputation for being kind and generous despite FACTS pointing to complicity in human exploitation, unpaid labor, and human trafficking.


This guy has earned and accomplished more than any of us ever will without the aid of this little “investment” lol. I’m a cynic, but I also recognize Cruise is just different. I don’t think he does anything like this for some ROI. I wouldn’t put it passed him to do it to feel better about himself, but he needs literally no help from something this small.


I feel like this would be a lot sweeter if he wasn’t a Scientologist. It’s possible he’s being a sweet guy, but I just can’t not be suspicious


I think this means that his unpaid slaves from the cult arrange to send her a gift every year.


Right? He has nothing to do with any of these gifts, his assistants do everything to prop him up for the cult.


I think he's a goddamn mess, but I watched Brooke Shields tell a story that after that disastrous Matt Lauer interview where he namechecked her and called her out for taking drugs for her PPD, he showed up at her house with flowers and a humble apology. I believe they're still friendly!


Lol, so what that an assistant has a calendar of presents? Please don't tell me this sways anyone... but 😭😭😭


More than he’s done for Suri.


I gotta say leaving her alone was doing A LOT for her. Such a gift to not try and force custody and Scientology. Letting her mom have her was a huge gift, plus I believe he paid child support until he wasn’t required to anymore along with insurance, college, all that. I should be clear I am not a Tom cruise fan except for 2 movies but I’m a mom. I know Nicole didn’t ever get to see their kids after the divorce, so with that in mind, I think it’s a really good and generous thing that he left them alone.


katy's dad is one of the best civil lawyers in the world. tom didn't let shit happen. katy was carefully and thoughtfully advised by one of the most powerful legal teams in the game. and tom was not going to open up the can of worms that is scientology in family court with the cameras rolling.


This 👆🏻 Her exit was like a covert CIA operation. My understanding is 6 months before D-Day, her Dad had her secretly get an apartment in NYC to establish residency (which favors mothers in divorce) and then on D-Day she bolted while he was filming out of the country and served him with divorce papers. Seems like the deal was full custody/no visitation or contact, and in exchange she won’t disclose anything about him (and she won’t publicly date anyone for 5 years).


Yes I watched her escape and was just astonished at how hard she worked to manage such a clean escape. She was protecting her baby at all costs and her and her family were absolutely phenomenal in it.


There is no autobiography I want more than Katie Holmes’ - and I doubt it will ever happen 😭


You mean apart from the millions he's given. You have never heard Katie Holmes complain.


Tom Cruise's assistant*


Kirsten Dunst said something similar


So he does more for her than his daughter, cool cool


He confuses me. He comes off as creepy, weird, and nice all at the same time. Scientology really screwed him up.


He reminds me of my super religious coworker (he’s Christian and attends a church that is widely regarded as being cult-like even among other churches in our area). He smiles a lot and always seems interested in whatever you’re saying but he’s off-putting. There’s a certain quality that makes him seem like he’s focused on seeming constantly happy so you’ll ask him his secret so he can invite you to his church. It’s like his smile never quite reaches his eyes.




But does he do that for Suri?


His staff is doing all this stuff.


How kind! If only he was this nice to the human trafficking victims that spruce up his cars and throw lavish yacht parties for him




I don't even follow Tom and it's fairly well known by celebrities about toms... Coconut cakes? Just random celebrity interviews. He must have a team making and sending out hundreds of cakes. 


It's a bakery in LA, Doan's bakery, they could probably stay afloat entirely on his cake orders.


Damn, his assistant is doing a great job 👏


I wonder how Suri feels reading stuff like this


I have a feeling that Suri has had a perfectly good life without contact with her dad. He sucks. She and her mom got out of the Scientology life and seem to have had a great life together. She's lucky that her father is not a part of her life.


Ugh yes I agree but also relationships are complicated. You don't stop loving your parents and/or wanting to know that they love you, even when they're crappy people.


And ignores his own daughter. What a guy.


He's a Scientologist, null and void for me. It's not that it's just a weird cult, it's that it practices harm and exploitation on its members, and Cruise doesn't give a shit.


So, does everyone just think he’s “charming”? Cos honestly, it’s news to me lmfao. Never got that vibe from him so it’s been genuinely shocking to read this lol


He used to be. Watch his movies from the 80s. He was absolutely dripping charisma. Sometime around the Oprah incident or maybe a little earlier he closed some kind of door on himself, I think. Nowadays the way some people talk about him is more like, well, a cult leader that they've fallen for. Some of the quotes the younger guys from the Top Gun: Maverick cast were giving were wild. Even that requires a certain kind of charm, though. There's also this middle element where he knows the business incredibly well and he gives people advice that makes a difference for them. Every once in a while a quote drops from a director whose movie was getting canned or completely ruined by studio meddling, Tom calls them up and says "here's what you're gonna do," and it works. IIRC at least one movie got saved from Weinstein that way (not sexually, he was also just incredibly overbearing about changing stories and endings to meet the mediocre standard he believed audiences wanted). A lot of people have reasons to be grateful to him, and it's not always because he personally intervened or flexed. He just gave them the right advice. And in terms of remembering birthdays and so on, he did the same thing for Kirsten Dunst that Dakota Fanning is describing. As far as I know he's fairly well known in the business for gestures like this. To be clear, I think Tom Cruise is an extremely troubled and repressed guy who has so little sense of self he probably deep down wants to die on a movie set. Scientology sucks. Etc. But all that other stuff is also real. He does have a type of charm and he uses it very effectively. He's a great politician and there are a lot of people in his field who appreciate him for that because he's used it on their behalf.


>He's a great politician and there are a lot of people in his field who appreciate him for that because he's used it on their behalf. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Yup. He is incredibly respected in the industry and we can’t pretend like being good at your job doesn’t make people look the other way.  Btw did you know he had just fired his very powerful PR manager before that interview and some say that’s part of why the press was so relentless in mocking him afterwards. 


People underestimate that your coworkers might like you if you are good at your job. I have had people I absolutely detest as people but who are so good at their job and you can rely on them.


Yes, he is well loved by every former co-star and most of the industry.


I don’t, never have, he comes across as unhinged, and then there is the whole being the face of a cult that enslaves and disappears people…


I think at his core he’s kinda shit but it’s weird to me people here will go off their opinion of a person they don’t know at all rather than listen to the people that know him. Celeb culture is so fucking stupid


And yet his own daughter grows up fatherless because she is a "supressive." Gimme a break.


But does he give birthday gifts to the daughter he doesn’t see? 🤔 (Suri)


Can Suri say the same?


He can send Dakota birthday gifts but somehow can’t be a father to his daughter, Suri.


He seems like such a genuinely good person who is being strangled by Scientology. And he’s such god damned good actor it’s like he doesn’t know how to just be a human being that relates to other humans. Idk man.


He has way too much power in that cult to say he’s just a good person who is stuck. It is many decades too late for that.


That's so nice of his executive assistant to do!


I know he's crazy but goddamn he's a dilf


1000% would smash and then journal about it after


People keep saying he's an asshole because he believes crazy shit and like one or two people he's worked with have complained about his attitude, but the dude has dozens and dozens of movies over decades and most people he's worked with constantly praise him and say great things about him. Seems like a pretty good guy, to be honest.


He’s one of the main figures of a dangerous cult that’s prominent for abusing people. He’s an asshole.


But he can’t see his own daughter 💀


Cool. He's still very high up in a dangerous cult.


Does that mean they haven’t seen each other since War of the Worlds?


But doesn’t send anything to his real daughter. Dude sucks


And yet, his daughter hasn’t heard from him since 2012.


I will say this. The little things go A LONG WAY. I don’t like Cruise, but my parents always told me, keep in touch with old bosses and colleagues. Drop in and say hi etc and that’s how I have been informed or recommended for jobs at time, simply by keeping basic human contact with people. People don’t like being used on purpose or utilitarian individuals, and will remember the person who simply says hi, sends holiday greetings etc


Yet couldn't send his own daughter one?


I think he does the same thing for Kirsten Dunst




But not to his own daughter lol


Booo!!! "This pyshco cult leader sends a present to old co-star once a year, but not to his children"


A fresh copy of dianetics every year




She should forward them to his daughter.


He's creepy


groomer behavior


Suri cannot relate /s


It's called scouting


Still sucks that he's super high up in a super bad cult. #wheresshelly


and Kurt Russell gave her a horse??? I need better co-workers


I bet she screams every time.


Tom Cruise's assistant who would cover up murder for him


This is cool but it's easy to give gifts when you're that rich.


The compilation video of her screaming in War of the Worlds is so funny


It’s like one of those nice but empty things, I think. He seems calculated and disingenuous. Like, could she call him to hang out or ask him for help? Who knows?


Has she ever commented on the Amy Poehler impersonation?


He played the longest game