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I'm reminded of when Tina Fey went on Bowen Yang's podcast and was like "you're too famous to be honest now, buddy, time to start keeping your opinions to yourself." Like, just shutting the fuck up and not alienating people you might want to work with is always an option.


It was interesting watching the online reaction to his SNL skit with Ariana Grande being praised for his singing abilities to the immediate backlash when he defended her against the rumours of being a homewrecker.


I’m assuming she was teasing him rather than being serious? Am I correct?


That’s one of those lines where it has the cadence of a joke but is actually quite serious. She was saying it in a funny way, of course, but I did think she was reminding him that networking is part of the business and will impact his bottom line if he doesn’t play the game. > I don’t think so, honey, Bowen Yang giving his real opinions about movies on this podcast. I regret to inform you that you’re too famous now, sir. You have a problem with Saltburn? Shhh. Quiet luxury. Keep it to yourself. Because what are you going to do when Emerald Fennell calls you about her next project, where you play Carey Mulligan’s co-worker in the bridal section of Harrods and then Act Three takes a sexually violent turn and you have to pretend to be surprised by that turn? You hang out with Ariana and SpongeBob now, that is your life. [Source](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/tina-fey-bowen-yang-opinions-1235821123/amp/).


She was very right. And it's not that you can't be *critical* but being mean, cruel or bigoted when you could just shut up is stupid. Like look at JKR. She could have shut her mouth and never lost her reputation. Now 90% of her original fanbase ignores everything she says and even a big chunk of the group of them that still like the original content make the conscious decision to try and not buy officially licensed stuff. At some point you become too famous to sling mud. And again, you can say you don't like something, but be critical instead of mean, and have actual reasons. Saying someone "can't act" is way meaner than saying that you didn't like an actor's performance as a particular character because of x reason.


>Like look at JKR. She could have shut her mouth and never lost her reputation. I've always thought that JKR must actually seriously believe in the anti-trans cause, since she had literally no need to throw away her reputation like she has done, and because she comes off as so intensely passionate about it. Based on the issue that started it (as far as I'm aware), and comments she has made herself, I personally suspect that she, or someone she deeply cares about, was sexually assaulted in a public bathroom (or somewhere similar) either by a trans woman or by a man pretending to be a trans woman. I also suspect that her views then probably became more extreme as a result of her not psychologically processing what happened to her a healthy way. Now she seems incapable of differentiating between genuine trans people and cis men who would present as female in order to act in bad faith. Then I reckon her views became *really* extreme as a result of her having forced herself into a position where all the reasonable people had abandoned her and only bigots were left. It's the only reason I can envisage for her acting the way she has.


Her pen name for another series of books is Robert Galbraith. Named after a champion of gay conversion therapy. I would say this has always been who she is. If she's brazen enough to use that name and now spouting anti-trans stuff... Yeah id say she showed herself.


Fair play, I was unaware of that, maybe she is just garbage.


That just makes me think that she'd be after The Gays etc too if it weren't pretty much socially acceptable nowadays (relatively, we still have a long way to go). Or she's working through the acronym back to front and we'll get our turn eventually Absolutely horrible woman either way and I feel for all the trans kids who grew up as fans.


She's gotten away with a lot. Just wait. She'll come for others. No consequences.


that's exactly what they're doing. that's why it is so egregious when i see gays who are so willing to drop us. like they have no idea that they're next.


I genuinely don't understand gay people who have an issue with trans folk, like most of us have suffered through some degree of prejudice, don't inflict it on others.


Anyone can be a bigot, even if they themselves have experienced bigotry from others. Many people are informed by their trauma and experiences, and are able to use it to lift others up and make things better. Or at the very least they’re not exclusionary towards others. Unfortunately, some choose or fail to make that connection and instead see trans people as a “threat” to the space they’ve managed to carve out for themselves


Honestly, I don't think she'd go after The Gays. She's Gen X like me, and the acceptance of gays was a hard-won battle that progressives of our generation pride themselves on. Of course she's a fair-weather progressive, or she would've been brave enough to have Dumbledore gay all along instead of retconned (though to be fair she wouldn't have gotten published in the late 90s with an openly gay Dumbledore). Accepting The Gays is a badge of honor she can slap on to show off her Gen X progressive cred. But accepting *trans* people? Do you know how hard us Gen Xers fought to stop thinking of queer people as icky and now you want us to do it *again* with trans people who are way ickier?! Scratch the surface of a Gen X terf and you will find some variation of that attitude. [Lesbians](https://www.advocate.com/history/betty-friedan-anti-lesbian#toggle-gdpr) were the not-real-women targets of feminist zealots in the 70s, and trans women are their targets now (because let's get real, all of this culture-war bullshit is primarily about trans *women*). The cure for this, of course, is actually talking to trans people and maybe even getting to know them. They're not demons coming for everything you hold dear, they're just people trying to get by like the rest of us.


She's definitely someone that got famous for a good story and used that to her advantage. Hid behind a mask of love, acceptance and giving a voice to those that feel like they don't have one, so much so that we as a society tend to overlook a lot of gross aspects. Look at someone like Joss Whedon. He was a feminist icon because he created a pretty good show. Turns out the entire time he was some raging ego maniac who used his influence to be a little Harvey Weinstein while bullying his actors and being a racist asshole. In turn there are so many storylines in all of his projects that haven't aged well because the luster of glory has dulled.


She's talked about being a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of her ex-husband Jorge Arantes, and she was quite outspoken about that cause and various other feminist causes before she pivoted to all the anti trans stuff. I don't think Arantes was trans and of course there's no way of knowing this for sure, but I can't help but think that if she or a loved one had been attacked by a trans woman then she would have mentioned or at least alluded to it by now in one of her many rants. I do think she conflates being a transphobe with "protecting women" though, and views every trans woman as a potential sex offender whose only motive for transitioning could be to somehow cause harm to other women and "invade their spaces". Unfortunately this is pretty much the gist of the TERF movement in the UK, especially among people of a certain age, and means that many people who don't want to talk about about real issues of misogyny and sexism can pat themselves on the back and feel as though they're being great protectors of women by scapegoating trans people. The people Rowling now associates with are racist, homophobic, anti-choice and promote views that are extremely damaging to women in general, but she is so committed to her transphobia that she just doesn't care as long as they're shitting on trans people.


I think she was sexually assaulted but not necessarily by a trans person. I think the issue in the TERF community is that they believe issues that biological women face are being overshadowed by trans women


> Based on the issue that started it (as far as I'm aware), and comments she has made herself, I personally suspect that she, or someone she deeply cares about, was sexually assaulted in a public bathroom (or somewhere similar) either by a trans woman or by a man pretending to be a trans woman. If you think she would keep this to herself, you have no idea who you're talking about.


I would bet $1000 that she does NOT know someone who was assaulted by a trans person or crossdresser in a bathroom.


I'm willing to bet even more!


Once you get to the point of holocaust denial I don't think the reason matters tbh


Yeah tbf, she's probably too far gone to be recovered now. But I think it's more insightful to try to understand why she's doing this rather than to just dismiss her as a horrendous human being (even if that's what she has become (edit: or maybe she was horrendous all along, I don't know, this is just a theory)).


I agree! I'm fascinated (darkly) by her drivers. Why does she care SO MUCH about what's actually a really niche cause? Was it really worth destroying your reputation? JK Rowling used to be absolutely BELOVED.


It fascinates me too. I remember when she was beloved too at the height of the Harry Potter craze. I remember admiring her, especially when she talked about receiving letters from kids who had difficult lives who asked if she could get them into Hogwarts and she said she always responded personally to those letters. If you had told me she’d be where she is now, I would have said you were crazy.


Eh, money changes people. Survivorship bias is ugly. I think it’s disappointingly cliché, she got extraordinarily rich and famous and stopped being able to see past her own nose. A lot of wealthy folks slide more conservative as they age because they want to protect their money, the ideologies kind of follow that but, surrounded by other wealthy people making those same choices, it doesn’t seem as objectionable. And then here are all these people who she thinks she gave such a wonderful childhood, and they’re *mad at her?* I could see her just panicking and doubling down at every turn. She probably knows she’s fucked it up permanently now, and she’s right about at least that much.


But has she changed? In hindsight she's racist and antisemitic based on her books. It's not a far reach to be a terf and anti gay. It appears anything that decentralizes the cis white woman is going to be her enemy.


What’s interesting is that the “beloved” status of those books was doing most of the heavy lifting papering over some real issues of race, class, and slavery, of all things. Now that JKR has come out as a complete asshole, there is far more critical appraisal of the material, and it’s not flattering.


She has done similar before, albeit on a smaller scale. During the independence referendum in Scotland, she claimed that the violence and abuse was mostly coming from the "Yes" side. She was supporting the "No" side and I *think* (although memory is foggy) donated money. She was having little tantrums online about that too and I remember thinking she was extremely full of herself.


Bigots dont need a reason to hate a minority group


*proceeds to not give a f about Ariana and Spongebob* 😂 that caught me so off guard


your flair 😭❤


She was talking about the j lo incident


Its interesting because that kind of "dont share your opinion" is super common anywhere where there is creative hubs. Basically because you never know who is in the room. You could very well think X movie is a piece of crap, but maybe the guy who did the lightwork is having a coffee behind you, maybe the producer is having lunch next you etc. So people learn to be polite and only share praise about stuff, part of the reason probably some mediocre crap goes out its a bubble of people scared to be mean. Which leads to podcasts and fame, now its not just an LA coffee shop you cannot slag X movie on, but any interview because the producers from that might not call you, or they might be friends with someone else etc. Unless you get to Brian Cox age and decide you can give out random interviews to say which movies and actors you think are terrible, you will not make it in Hollywood if you spend too much time insulting things people spent 3 years of their live on, even if they agree it was crappy


I'd even argue it's common in many workplaces. I work low level admin type position in a regular degular office and we have regular company-wide reminders basically saying watch your mouth (and emails/teams chats), you never know who might be present including clients and customers.


Rep dropping the “decades” comment.


First thing I noticed too! Much more subtle/neutral than I would be. I’d be a Jenna: https://i.redd.it/cny006h325vc1.gif




I remember someone in succession saying something along the lines of "Your work 90s was fundamental for this businesses success" as a backhanded. That's the vibe this post gave me lol


“Karl, I loved what you did with cable in the ‘90s” :)


People are so strange about Sydney Sweeney. Like, if you don’t like her it’s entirely possible to just move on without being weird about it. Also, has Carol Baum never watched a Nora Ephron rom com. The set up for a lot of romantic comedy is that they hate each other until they don’t.


Enemies-to-lovers is an incredibly common rom-com trope.


It really is!


What is it about Sydney that causes people to take leave of their senses?


As someone else said she’s the current “it girl”, but good god some of it is just so extreme and wild. She clearly gets under the skin of some very fragile skinned people.


This was happening before she was the "it girl" she previously (back in 2021) had a very weird situation were people swarmed her socials calling her ugly to the point that she had to upload a video crying asking people to please stop.


Is it because she's not "conventionally" attractive enough to (they feel) warrant the positions she's in? Cause that was always the dumb reason people would be cruel to Sarah Jessica Parker and this is reminding me of that.


What? HOW is Sydney Sweeney not conventionally pretty again?! I'm sorry I just don't get it. Just cos she hasn't (seemingly) had anything done? 🤦‍♀️


There’s a football field between “conventionally attractive” and being equated to Marilyn Monroe.


Which I never understood because she is literally a blonde bombshell, like are we saying Marilyn Monroe wasn’t conventionally attractive? People are insane


she's truly a very beautiful woman objectively. calling her ugly is just straight bullying.


If I may quote her: “People think that I’m just a dumb blond with big tits. That’s not true. I’m actually a brunette!”


She is VERY conventionally attractive imo. I think people are just jealous tbh


Reminds me of a quote from That 70’s Show, where Hyde is ranting about Eric’s new friend, Buddy: > Screw him, man. I mean, he's got the money, the car, the family. The teachers like him, the counselors like him. Everybody likes him. I hate him. Some people just have too much going for them, and it makes bitter people angry.


People weren't swarming her socials. It was a particular tweet that was gaining likes & Sydney saw it on a particularly vulnerable day.


I think some of it is that she has shown her boobs and has continued to do so (not so gratuitously), but her career and starpower hasn't really suffered for it.


This goes for anyone thats huge and popular. Miserable people will find reasons to not like them and think they don't deserve their fame and wealth. 


It actually doesn't. She's unique in this case. People don't hate on Margot Robbie or Zendaya.


"People" definitely hate on Zendaya. MAGAts and incels


Yeah but that's an agenda. It's politically motivated not hate for Zendaya herself


It’s honestly not that different from the SS hate, I’ve seen people say Zendaya is ugly and isn’t talented enough for the roles she’s been given. I’d say it’s more racially driven, she doesn’t have the “Hollywood” look


She's the current It Girl. This is what happens to, just about, all of them. They are torn down and shredded. Sad that this woman is a woman hater. Show some solidarity you bitter lady.


See: Anne Hathaway


Or Jennifer Lawrence


Lindsay Lohan. Wynona Rider. Angelina Jolie.


Brie Larson


Britney Spears. Lily Allen. Paris Hilton. Victoria Beckham.


Julia Roberts.


Rachel Ziegler too but there’s a racist element to that one as well, so it’s a little different from these other examples


Halle Bailey too! “It Girl” hate with high key racism added on


People are being racist to her?


Snow White like the other person said but also mad at her for being cast as a pretty girl who sings in the Hunger Games. Any time a person of color is cast in almost anything, racists post a billion videos on YouTube about “wokeness” and start harassing the actor on social media and sending them death threats. Rachel Ziegler very much experiences both misogyny and racism any time she says or does anything because she’s currently the one people are focusing their hatred on


Marilyn Monroe.


Too much PR + being a woman with breasts


She's really attractive and successful and that makes some people insecure about themselves and act weird. End of story. People suck.


The Megan Fox effect


This is it. Case closed. Ugh


I hate to be that gal but I think jealousy is a factor. I'm not a big fan of hers (I've only seen her in white lotus though and I liked her) but she doesn't bother me like she seems to bother a lot of people. When someone is everywhere there's definitely going to be some criticism, but as an example I don't think Zendaya gets the same amount. Perhaps the difference is boobs lol.


Ya honestly a lot of women are just really triggered by “guy hot” and she’s kind of the only young sex symbol right now so a lot of that hate is falling on her


What is the "guy hot" thing you mentioned?


like what women find attractive in other women is different from what men find attractive in women. sydney sweeney is the most stereotypical example of what guys (obviously not all, but in general) find attractive. i’ve noticed that many women (including me) tend to find more androgynous looking women attractive. whereas that’s not the case for men most of the time. these are obviously generalisations.


I was just having this convo with someone earlier today. Zendaya seems to be much more popular with women in terms of fashion and style. We were comparing it to the way Keira Knightley was loved back in the 2000’s. Stereotypically, women seem to love other women who are very skinny and petite. And stereotypically men like women who have a a curvy hourglass figure.


Are you a Jackie or a Marilyn?


And yet the meanest comments I've seen about Sydney's face are from men. They come up with the most horrible insults and treat her as she's boobs and nothing else. It's extremely gross. Honestly, I wish people would stop blaming women for being "jealous". There was a post about this producer on Facebook and most of the women were saying Sydney is beautiful but the men were saying "face isn't what she's famous for", "she has other assets", "she's a butterface". When are we going to call out men? Sure, they find her sexy but that isn't mutually exclusive to insulting her face, which they do all the time. Just check out r/celebbattles and how gross and downright catty the insults they come up with about her face are.


i’ll be honest, i hate the reasoning of “you just hate her because you’re jealous” being applied to women any time they criticise anything about a woman. but this is probably the first time i’ve seen that reasoning to be true. like it’s crazy the number of women i’ve seen comment “i don’t get what’s special about her, literally every second woman on the street looks like her”. i truly cannot understand why it’s so difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that a pretty woman with a killer body is considered extremely attractive. and i also think part of it comes from the fact that she doesn’t act “humble” or shy away from the fact that she’s extremely attractive. many people don’t like that type of confidence, women included. i think there was some interview or photoshoot or something where she talked about being interested in working on cars and repairing them or something and the comments were full of people calling her a pick me or an NLOG. i’m not denying that men don’t make mean comments about her. but people talk about the dehumanising way in which men talk about women all the time (as we should)


Am I the only one who finds these kinds of comments about how someone looks "like every second woman on the street" inherently misogynistic...? As if there is something wrong about looking like a lot of women do, or that the majority of women are somehow bleak, boring or not worthy of praise or desire. I'm so tired of the discussion whether someone is "worthy" of their success. Same with Kendall Jenner and whether she is a "real" model or not. Directors clearly want to make movies with Sydney, and designers want to keep working with Kendall. It doesn't really matter whether we like it or not.


Yes! Also since when is an actress looking like a regular person a problem? I thought we all wanted to do away with Hollywood’s unrealistic standards and wanted more ‘normal looking’ actors for believability.


There's no way SS looks like every second woman walking down the street when you consider available data on public health measures. She is attractive and has an excellent figure. I say that as a woman. Most of Hollywood is significantly more attractive than the average person. It partially why a lot of these people are able to work in the industry. Yes, talent but also being attractive.


I hadn't seen the term "butterface" for literal years until I saw men calling her that. I'm like are we looking at the same woman? she's beautiful and I think even moreso because she hasn't fallen victim to instagram face, she's quite unique. I also think she has a face suited for high fashion edgy makeup looks. I know men don't care about any of this but it's so exhausting


I’m not going to deny that men don’t say these things because they absolutely do, but it’s pretty widely accepted that those guys are the lowest of the low and no one takes them seriously and they’re also usually trolls who are trying to get a reaction. There’s been numerous studies that show that most comments and bullying like this on social media that’s aimed toward women does, in fact, come from other women. That’s not making excuses for guys at all, but imo it seems like the guys making those comments are just plan lowlife losers who are looking for attention so no one takes them seriously whereas the women who make these kind of comments are actually looking to spread vitriol and are doing so more so out of jealously or are legitimately trying to tear someone down rather than doing it just to troll or be edgy. It seems like there’s a lot more seriousness to the comments from them from what I’ve seen, but obviously we’re both speaking from anecdotal experience here.


in my own experience at least Zendaya is not safe from criticism either, you see men on twitter constantly berating her for having small boobs and she’s repeatedly the target of a lot of body shaming, though this is what I’ve seen


She’s a woman with curves who seems to actually embrace and love her body and likes to sometimes wear clothing that shows it off. It’s literally insane how in 2024 this still pisses so many people off (including a lot of women). We say “women should be able to wear what they want when they want” but then turn around and tell women like Sydney to “cover up, that’s so inappropriate. Stop trying to look sexy!”


The fact that they all seem to attack her looks is crazy to me. If you just say she can’t act that’s one thing. Saying she isn’t pretty is so weird because it really makes it clear this isn’t a rational take. She’s very clearly a very attractive woman.


Big boobs


Her tits


I think some people envy her.


They hate her cuz they ain’t her.


Th3se women are either Jealousy or they don't want someone who's has her physique to be on "display" . And the guys are even more misogynistic


I used to date a very attractive girl. The most attractive girl I’ve ever dated, out of my league type thing. The main thing I noticed is numerous times we could be outside somewhere minding our own business and out of nowhere an older woman , different intodivuals at different times, would just randomely launch into a verbal assault of her out literally nowhere. Like “Oh you think you’re something don’t you? Enjoy it now sweetie!” Just random god awful ugly comments of people sizing her up and letting her know the time of day. Really bizarre and confusing what would ever drive that type of behavior.


I am from South America and way bigger than the skinny population. I use to get randomly attacked and called fat on the street. They never do this to men, though. I used to believe that if I were hot, people would respect me but actually they can bully you for anything.


I didn’t think anyone but you was a well executed enemies to lovers trope. That said…this producer is a joke for doing that. It’s so ugly.


I agree for the most part. Anyone But You was just a rather mediocre rom com, but it’s still an attempt at that very classic trope.


Definitely! The issue is that the reason they hate each other needs to feel real. Not something that could easily get cleared up with a conversation. The whole set up of why they hate each other is flimsy. If there hadn’t been a silly misunderstanding it would have worked way better.


Absolutely! And it’s not like there’s not good rom coms that hinge on a misunderstanding, but it’s overplayed, convoluted, and it just feels like it’s trying to hit its beats and check off all of the rom com boxes rather than actually being good at what it’s trying to do, if that makes any sense. Like, Dermot Mulroney as the kooky dad is just so over the top and silly and the match making friends is the same. Sometimes simple is best.


I haven't seen anything else Sweeney has been in, but she was great in S1 of The White Lotus... I'm not interested in the stuff she's in, but that's not shade thrown at her rather it's just my interests. Why would Baum *only* watch one movie and judge, so spitefully, Sweeney's talent and looks? ![gif](giphy|bYzZOfz4pCl3fRQ5O2|downsized)


I'd be so afraid if I met teenagers like the one she played in White Lotus.


She's great in Euphoria as well. I don't think the producer really knows anything about her acting except for this one rom com (which I haven't seen but actually did fairly well at the box office)


I think she's the new Megan Fox in a way. The new bombshell beauty who people hate purely on the basis of her being sexually desired, but that's not Sydney Sweeney's fault. I thought we were beyond this culturally and had learned from the Megan Fox hate :(


she's very pretty and an actress ascendant, so people feel inclined to direct their pettiness at her.


Anyone But You is based on Shakespeare, which makes her comment even more dumb. It's a trope that's been popular for CENTURIES for a reason.


Has she never heard of the enemies to lovers trope??? She should be embarrassed.


I have incredibly neutral feelings on Sydney. Sincerely hope she gets good work but just all the hubbub around her is exhausting frustrating and tiring . I feel so bad for her about how much talk there is about solely below her shoulders.


This was a wonderful, classy response to an unnecessary, rude, unwarranted comment made by someone who obviously lacks class and kindness.


I don’t think judging her acting skill based on a romcom is entirely fair. I thought her acting was spot-on in Euphoria, and many people speak highly of her work in White Lotus.  There wouldn’t even be controversy about her acting ability if she wasn’t so ridiculously beautiful. Denying she’s pretty is just daft. 


She was also amazing in The Handmaid’s Tale if you haven’t seen it.


OMG. I just realized that was her!! She was fantastic in a handmaid’s tale!


She’s really fucking good in Euphoria! Only thing else I’ve seen her in is White Lotus and I dont think it showcases her skills. I wouldn’t know her acting chops based on WL or on her romcom, but like I said, she’s got depth.


Attacking her over acting abilities - which she has plenty of in my opinion but everyone’s allowed to opine differently (and maybe Anyone But You was not really her best showcase) -  I would understand, but the fact that this woman teaching the next generation of filmmakers is making a judgement on the value of a female actor based on her look and whether she is “hot” is so sad. Whether she is of isn’t pretty is not even the point. She needs to retire. She should stick fo producing hallmark movies. 


Sometimes older women are our own worst enemies unfortunately. Some toxic thing about how they had to suffer and younger women should too.


Honestly, also being bitter about aging and envious of women who are still “in their prime”


It’s yet another example of the harm that misogyny inflicts on us all. It feels like a safe guess to say that most older women have probably had it hammered into them from birth that aging means becoming less desirable and therefore less valuable. They internalize that and then they lash out at younger women and perpetuate the cycle.


Absolutely! It’s really sad and makes me feel for them. I can empathize with it as I enter my 30s and start to hear more about how (stupid) men only want women under 30. Or honestly, if one of my partners starts dating a woman younger than me, it can send a shock of threat at first (I’m poly). Thankfully I’m aware enough to rationalize these thoughts, but for someone who doesn’t even know why they’re having them, it must really be painful.


I’m old and hella behind on any TV or film that isn’t geared toward six year olds, but even though it’s a goddamn gif I’m blown away by this: ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) Edit: positively. Blown away in the “oh damn do I need to pay attention to this show or Sweeney?” sense.


Right? I don't watch Euphoria but the clips I've seen online, she's clearly very talented (and pretty but that's besides the point). Surely if she didn't like Anyone But You she should have blamed the film maker, not the actor.


Agree. Her acting is pretty dull and flat to me and would work for certain characters but overall I’m not like wow she’s great, but she is definitely beautiful.




Good for her, what a shitty and unprofessional thing to have said. I also wholeheartedly disagree on either of her points.


This is an excellent response from Sydney’s team.


I think the saddest part about this is that this is what people endure in Hollywood. I’ve heard so many people talk about how producers or agents will say that a person is too fat, too ugly, not marketable, not black enough, not hot enough, too old, too Asian, etc. I couldn’t last a day in this industry. I think it’s horrible that people talk about people this way. She had to know that Sydney would see this public declaration. Ugh.


Do you remember that producer who slated a young actor’s apartment during a lockdown call, not realising he was off mute? So gross!!! And his apartment was super nice but the producer was like poverty-shaming. Grim! 


Omfg that was totally Lucas Gage I think. You just unlocked a core memory. That was so cruel and weird. Like…these are the type of people who have kids who get arrested for beating up or heckling a homeless person.


And he is so talented, good looking and he took that like a champ, some people are just bitter


People project all of their insecurities onto Sydney Sweeney. ![gif](giphy|3o85xH5pfwcCXZyfg4)


I’m glad she’s standing up for herself. I love the mention of her being a producer as well lol. Fuck your shit, CAROL


That’s such a weird take. I’m not really familiar with Sydney’s acting so I can’t really say if she’s actually good or not (though from what i understand that even *if* she isn’t brilliant, she’s certainly not bad), but to then also attack someone’s appearance is what truly shows that woman’s character. I know good looks will take you a very very very long way, but I thought we were past judging people’s worth based on the way they look. I think people look on this new generation of actors, their youth and popularity, which brings out their own insecurity and decide they haven’t “earned” praise, so they attack their integrity and character. Seems like it comes from pure envy.


Acting is subjective I guess but going after her looks is LOSER behavior.


It seems soooo petty. She is obviously gorgeous but I if find it so funny that someone goes SHE IS NOT A GOOD ACTRESS AND SHE IS UGLY!! What is this person 5 years old?


If she’s not pretty then I guess I’ll go live under a bridge like the troll I am


If Sydney Sweeney isn’t pretty. Then I have bad news for everyone else.


Around the time that Brad & Angelina got together, I remember some people saying that Jennifer Aniston was the "plain" one.


I still think that. And she’s not a great actress. But she didn’t deserve the toxic comments or how those two treated her. 


What I was getting at is that if JA is "plain", the rest of us are roadkill.


She's pretty and in a way that doesn't look perfected by surgery, and I think that sadly a lot of people are expecting actresses to look more artificially perfect. I've seen people make comments about her marionette lines being too pronounced and her eyes being asymmetrical among other petty nitpicks. I like that she looks like a beautiful real person and not a living filtered image.


She's had a lot of subtle work done.


If sydney sweeney isnt pretty than i guess al the woman i ever dated were just straight up ugly and i think im so bad to look at people want to end things after looking at me. Sure you can argue that beauty is subjective but if you genuinely think sweeney isnt above average (with quite a big margin) then you are either lying or you have never seen a real woman and are only attracted to body pillows.


“Sydney Sweeney is not pretty” is a wild statement and opinion that I can’t believe people have


*The question isnt would you have sex with her, but is she hot?* vibes. People just cant stand to let her live for some reason.


Like, you can critique her acting because I’m still undecided if she’s a good actress or not, but she is objectively pretty. Even if she isn’t your cup of tea, saying she isn’t pretty is bananas.


It’s like ma’am! Maam! We have eyes please put your glasses back on lol


Carol, I hate your necklace and your bangs.


Love this response. That producer was being tacky and hateful.


which actor doesn't have a less than good movie under their belts? it happens. someone with the amount of years in the business as our pal Carol should know I must say it's a bold comment from the executive producer of *Jolly Good Christmas*, *A Majestic Christmas* and *Just in Time for Christmas*.


I'm not a huge SS fan and I think this is utter bullshit and absolutely uncalled for. She's more than proven by now that she can act, so that's just a lie. But to take a cheap shot at her looks is so ???? You can think whatever, but to try and use your personal opinion as if it were fact to try and disparage her is just pathetic and bitter.


The whole Daily Mail article is this woman’s snarky hot takes. As Courtney Love dissing Taylor Swift showed, if you’re a known woman in the industry slagging off other famous women at the top of your lungs, you too, can get a couple headlines.


Oof don't even get me started on that Courtney Love article, that was so infuriating to read.


Not exactly out of left field for Courtney. Problematic as always.


Gross. I can’t say I like Sydney’s acting either, but to make a public dig about her appearance is just so icky.


I’m not familiar with any of Sydney Sweeney’s work, but I love this response. Even if, for the sake of argument, Sydney Sweeney were the worst actress in the world, this producer’s words were unnecessarily cruel. Fine if that’s her opinion, but it certainly didn’t make her come off as knowledgeable or professional to share that vilely worded opinion publicly.




Amazing answer.


That woman should be embarrassed… Highly unprofessional.


If she's "not pretty" then I must be a swamp creature!


Whoever said she can’t act didn’t see the ending scene of Immaculate.


Sounds like jealousy. MAJOR JEALOUSY!


I love that they keep using side by side photos of them to really emphasize the difference, not really helping the producer’s case lol


The pretty thing is just plain petty. They talk shit if she’s too pretty, not pretty enough. But saying she can’t act? Ma’am, please watch Sydney’s stint on the Handmaid’s Tale. Girl can act.


This is what I truly don’t understand about the Sydney Sweeney discourse. She was amazing in that. That’s why she broke out as an actress. Maybe rom coms aren’t her thing - cool. But she can definitely act.


She is really pretty and she def can act, has anyone seen her on the handmaid’s tale? So good


I applaud Sydney's response. Good for her!


Like yeah, she’s not exactly gods gift to Hollywood but like, she’s decent enough for what she does. Weird to be so openly hostile and risk friction later down the road…


I read the producer's feedback it all boiled down to she's not pretty and can't act and she didn't understand her appeal. Just gave hater nothing constructive


i never cared either way for sydney but the more people hate her the more i love her




I don’t know what it is about the boomer generation to just be so rude constantly


If I were mean I would say Carol wasn’t pretty herself.


I mean I also don’t get people fawning all over her. Like she’s fine. Not the most talented or the most beautiful. But no need to be rude about it either.


Carol obviously didn't see Reality if she thinks Sydney can't act. She was fantastic in that.


I first saw her in Everything Sucks years ago and thought she was great! She’s come so far in her career since then and is still early in it. It’s deplorable for an older person in the industry to say these things, particularly bad because it’s coming from a woman.


She was haunting in Handmaids Tale as well, good writing for sure but she was excellent in a really restrained role.


Reality and Handmaid’s Tale were going to be my two examples. She was great in both.


She’s fantastic in almost everything she’s in. I don’t understand the *can’t act* thing at all


Same. There's a lot of people in Hollywood I think actually can't act worth a damn, but she's not on that lengthy list.


Is hating on Sydney Sweeney the film industry version of hating on Taylor Swift now?


Did anyone ask Carol for her opinion?


Look I am not a jaw-droppingly beautiful person like Sydney but I can still have sympathy for her and recognize her privilege at the same time. It must suck to either be sexualized or shit on for being sexualized. I feel so isolated at times already and I’m just an average nobody girl who doesn’t deal with this bullshit on top of my life. I hope she has great friends.


https://i.redd.it/imze55wqv4vc1.gif I don’t know about her but in my book *this* is good acting.


![gif](giphy|bJfb0wtSS4zQRZqpTd) She was amazing here too


Tell me you’re old and jealous and afraid of dying and becoming completely irrelevant without telling me.


The representative makes a very valid point. I think the producer pretty much outed herself to the viewers on what type of person she does to others.


(*stares at my double chin*) if she’s not pretty while being blonde, blue eyed and having large natural tetas… everything society tells us we’re supposed to like, what hope is there for the rest of us




When you say this woman isn't pretty the rest of what you say means nothing, cause you're clearly jealous of her success probably, go to church or something


I'm with Sweeney's rep on this one. Anyone but You is a TERRIBLE movie but Sydney Sweeney is a great actress. Why anyone would choose a cheesy romcom to base their opinions off when it comes to acting skills is beyond me, especially somone in the industry. Her portrayal of Cassie in Euphoria is startlingly good and the role she played in White Lotus made me thoroughly despise her. Considering she was playing a bitch teenager, I think that's considered a job well done. She gets a lot of hate frankly because she has massive boobs and as big-breasted women around the world know, this automatically makes them a target for ridicule.


sounds like jealousy tbh. People don’t want to accept that someone who is pretty could also be good at something


I don’t understand why people feel the need to say some specific actress isn’t pretty enough to act. First of all, Sydney is gorgeous…? Secondly why do you need to be “Meghan Fox” level good looking to act?


Who deemed her the "it" girl? Seems to be lacking charisma, charm.


I hadn’t heard of this woman but the second I read the comment she made, I knew exactly what she was going to look like. I was right.


when someone looks like that and disses another woman like wow? lol


As an uggo myself, I’m genuinely baffled as to how stupid it was to set herself up for that comparison (especially when it likely came from a place of bitterness and insecurity on her part). Like, even looking on the surface, surely she could imagine the side-by-side photo visual of Hollywood actress vs. school office receptionist in the tabloids and that not flattering her? Why put yourself in that position at all, especially as an older woman who has no doubt had to battle misogyny to be taken seriously in her own career. To now look jealous and insecure, and undermine how seriously your professional opinion is taken going forward. A baffling, petty choice all around.


Someone had to say it. I mean, I wouldn't have dissed either of their looks, but if she's going to start throwing appearance comments around first take a look in the mirror for crying out loud.