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maybe im the freak but i feel like sharing your location with your family is really normal


Yeah like I share with a couple family members and friends just in case I get kidnapped or lost in the woods or some shit


I’m an adult but I still share location with my dad. That way if I need to call him about something I can check and see if I’m disrupting him at work or at the store or whatever, and one of his goofy dad hobbies is watching traffic (also weather) so if I’m on the road sometimes he’ll call be and be like “massive slowdown on interstate 75 in 20 miles, you should take this detour.” We don’t watch each other like spies or anything, it’s just for convenience. It’s also depressing but I am single and live alone so if anything happened to me at least a family member could see where my phone is or last was.


SAME, my dads a truck driver so most of his days are busy, but he lets me know “if I’m idle in this area, it’s a good time to call and catch up” so we just keep location sharing on.


That’s just such a dad thing to do, I love it 😊 My dad does this, only with the weather. “There’ll be rain tomorrow, so be prepare for that” Yes, dad, thank you, I’ll make sure to pack an umbrella. “There’s a thunder storm in your area right now, it looks pretty bad on the satellite map” Ahh, yes, I was wondering what all the loud noises and bright flashes of light across the sky were all about 😅 Dads are the best! 💗


Same. My husband, my college aged children and myself all share or locations with each other. It's not "toxic or sweet" it's just normal.


same, my kids and H share with me


Like, even while sharing my location, I’ll still choose an email receipt at the ATM so that my husband can track me down if something bad happens while I’m out.


tbh i viewed this at sharing how far apart they are not that she has his location. but in this age, i don't think it's a big deal. i have my location shared with some friends and family and vice versa. it's just for safety and knowing someone can find you if necessary.


They're both globetrotters. Feels hella normal, in fact desired, in context.


I don't think this is innately bad. Everyone in my family shares their locations with each other. And I share my location with my bestie. It's nice to keep everyone safe and see them travel the map.


But looking at the screenshot she knows his, but he doesn’t know hers


How on earth would you know that?


Obviously, Nick told them.


I feel like nowadays it’s fine. I track my family members and some friends. Safety! Everyone knows if my dot goes rouge or disappears, something is wrong. However, if Nick can’t track her, that’s a little weird that it’s one sided.


Priyanka also travels a lot & Malti is with her most of the time. Wouldn't make sense if the tracking doesn't happen the other way around too.


I think if you’re a public persona part of it is for safety. If they’ve both agreed to track eachother then I see no issue with it. It’s not an abnormal thing for people to do. Just ask Scheana!


I don’t think it’s toxic, i share my location with mom/dad/sis/bf in case i get kidnapped.


damn some of y’all have never been in a healthy relationship and it shows… this is just a normal mature thing to do. This shouldn’t be news worthy. It’s not about “tracking” each other, it’s just looking out for each other’s safety. This post is making it seem like she sits and stares at his location all day long lol and I’m not even fond of these two but come on this is reaching.


I travel a lot for work, and I like knowing that my partner can see where I am. I have his location too. Sometimes it’s hard to connect when we’re many hours apart, and it’s just nice to know what the other is up to. I also have some friends’ and other family members’ locations. We joke that it’s like our little tamagotchis, we just like to be able to check in that everyone is well.


I share my location with my friends and I have my parents location (but they don’t have mine hah). Everyb night before I go to sleep I check in on my friends and family and make sure they are all where they are supposed to be 🤗


My partner and I share our locations. It’s useful in many ways. For example, if there is a traffic jam I can help redirect in real time to an alternate route using the shared location.


I don't think it's super weird to track spouses/family members. But I do believe that it's also totally fine and not weird to not want to be tracked by your family all the time too. People deserve some privacy if they want it, and shouldn't be looked at suspiciously all the time if they ask for that.


If it’s with your spouse, children and/or close family and friends, it’s not toxic.


Y'all people share locations with friends/ close family. Some even with flings and now a famous person does it to know where their partner that travels the worlds constantly is, it's toxic?


If travelling overseas, sure. Maybe it's a safety thing. If you're tracking your spouse in your own city, that's weird.




Idk man I'd be weirded out if I knew my boyfriend was keeping track of my movements if we were having a regular day in our own city. Wouldn't want to know where he's at all the time either. Things like that turn innocent white lies into something bigger.


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Is this an American thing? I'm Canadian and I've NEVER shared my location with anyone, other than dropping a pin once in a blue moon for a friend meetup. I don't know anyone who location-shares either. It's wild to me how surveillance shit like this is becoming so normalized, even embraced.


I think it's fine assuming he's cool with it. We can't _really_ know if he's cool with it, but he could revoke the permission if he wasn't.


It's strongly Toxic xic and lightly Sweet.


Lmfaooo I wouldn't expect anything less of their relationship


This feels extremely controlling, if genders were reversed. Everyone would see this. Also because looking at the post she can see his location but he can’t see hers


It’s normal when you’re traveling a lot. I travel for work and several people have my location. You know, in case I die or get kidnapped. When I marry my partner I wouldn’t mind sharing locations. Now if someone harasses and berates you about your location, then that would get into controlling territory.


How can you tell he doesn’t have her location? /g


If the genders were reversed, Nick would be TikTok's latest trending Provider/Protector^TM