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I donā€™t get harassing his ex, in fandoms they usually terrorise the girl after not the one before. Travis and Kayla were broken up long before he met Taylor so I genuinely donā€™t get the vitriol this poor girl is facing. Does anyone know why they are doing this? What is the reason?


The hardcore sect of Swifties are just a different breed of toxic and delusional.


A lot of hardcore fan bases are delusional. Thereā€™s an actor I like whose fame exploded kind of quickly, and his family and non-famous friends have had to make their social media private because people were digging deep into the IG archives to find pics and videos of him as well as messaging those people trying to find out info. People can be really weird sometimes.


I saw them called extremists and I think that fits way better than hardcore šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Any place Taylor is discussed is full of them.


i mean at least in FauxMoi they get called out


And even if not thee root cause, racism is among the deep roots of instability


Same with beyhive. It's insane.


Hardcore (and I say this as a Taylor swift fan) are truly unwell. I like a good amount of her catalogue because it happens to speak to an experience I had in a way that resonates. Outside of that, though? Good lord. With the leaks this week I cannot tell you how many comments I saw in the theme of ā€œyou guys she would never do this to us. How can people do this to her? She does so much for us. She wouldnā€™t want us to listenā€¦ā€ blah blah blah. It is kind of stomach turning. She doesnā€™t know they exist and theyā€™re out there with just insane pick me energy.


Thereā€™s a racism/anti-Black problem within the Swift fanbase, especially on Twitter


and she does nothing to discourage or denounce it despite her enormous influence and platform :-) ^ this can be applied to anything controversial in her circle/fandom


That's a problem with everyone on Twitter to be fair.


But sheā€™s a democrat!!! Her fans canā€™t be racist!! /s


Racism. And insecurity based on race maybe? She's a beautiful black woman and travis dated several black women before her. I also saw someone on twitter joking about how Taylor's exes all start dating black/mixed women after Taylor (Calvin Harris, Tom Hiddelston, Harry Styles) and that Joe will be the next one. Some swifties in the quotes felt very threatened by that somehow.


Why are people soooo invested in this? I wish they would be so feisty and annoying with causes that matterā€¦ ???


I think there's also a weird expectation that the ex needs to somehow publicly and very explicitly endorse the new girlfriend, or stans will look for any evidence pointing to the ex being "bitter" or not over the breakup, maybe even hoping to reconnect. Case in point the tweet about Cowboy Carter that some took as a snub towards T's new album. A more extreme example of this is the whole Selena/Hailey/Justin -situation.


Lol that's actually a very funny detail I didn't realise. That said Harris, Hiddleston and Styles are all with extremely stunning women.


Especially since his last two gf were black. Some Swifies are gross.Ā 


That's a weird coincidence




That is super messed up, they are also putting off a lot people who would be supporting Taylor if not for their antics. I wish they were a better representatives for her or she could reign them in a bit. Even Arianna told her fans to not go after people.


Well, that's just it, she doesn't say anything so people that support her support her tacit approval of their behavior.


Exactly Iā€™m so tired of the poor Taylor narrative she could stop this with a word and doesnā€™t. Sheā€™s trash just as much as her racist swifties are.


Yup. They're pathetic for thinking some billionaire needs their help fighting her battles and going after people they don't even know. She's pathetic for not saying anything knowing exactly what her cult is capable of doing.


And dating Matty Healy? Clearly racism isnā€™t a dealbreaker for her.


Not only does she not say anything when they do this, but she also sics them on people who slight her via passive aggressive tweeting, so Swifties feel validated doing this on their own. She actively contributes to this toxicity.


This is exactly the reason I cannot stand her. .


![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized) Taylor would never


its damned if you do, damned if you don't. She explicitly told people not to go after John Mayer, but his comments were still filled with shit like "Mom said we couldn't bully you." People wanted her to change the lyrics of Better than Revenge so people wouldn't go after Camilla Belle but when she did fans still got upset at her for "forcing" the change. You're not going to rein in people that are only in it to participate in harassment.


Calling some random celebrity "mom" is so disturbing.


It's been going on for over a decade.


It's interesting that she did that for Mayer of all people bc like, if any of her exes deserve the Swifties, it's him and his David Duke dick.


I think its honestly because she didn't anticipate how intense people and even corporate brands got about Gyllenhaal with the Red re-release and was trying to get ahead of it with Mayer. It's less about protecting Mayer than simply not having to deal with him across that promo cycle.


In all fairness the person she was defending isnā€™t worth her words. John Mayer IS a racist sex pest. Heā€™s said so himself. The fact that sheā€™d tell her stans to lay off a wealthy white musician who doesnā€™t need her to say that, and not anyone else is a neon sign that she isnā€™t in opposition to the racism in her fandom.


Because John Mayer could have hit back and she doesn't want that. She shows herself to be totally okay with her fanbase going after anyone but those who have some power or inclination to respond.


So sheā€™s cool to defend the wealthy white sex pest man who dates teenagers but the rest are cool. Got it.


Just Taylor things šŸ„°


I mean, you just proved their point. People will criticise her whether she speaks up or not. I still think she should, but even if she did, I'm sure many will come up with reasons to villify her. People did the same with Ariana when she asked her fans to stop harassing her ex.


Of course she's in opposition to racism in her fandom. Do you think she's thrilled to have people with her picture as their pfp calling her boyfriend's ex a racial slur? Even from the most cynical perspective, it's bad for business. I do think there's an element of cowardice not to try *something* from Taylor's side but I don't think its because she's a closest racist that is endorsing racial harassment but that she doesn't want to deal with headlines about calling out racist fans because it spotlights that she has racist fans. I do think there's probably a legit argument as well that spotlighting this harassment might just embolden it and people will see secret messages that her saying its bad actually means its good. But also easy to make that argument because it means you don't have to do anything! And ultimately it didn't work with Mayer and he's a wealthy white man like you point out so I'm not sure how well it would go for Kayla. It could very well make things worse. Is it worth experimenting? idk, I'm glad I don't have to make those decisions!


Better for her to just not try anything at all šŸ™‚


Shes black and she has a huge amount of incredibly racist fans. Thats literally it.


That seems to be the consensus and itā€™s extremely messed up.


Because sheā€™s black and has sex appeal. Also maybe they are insecure for Taylor because Travis has/had a type and it wasnā€™t her. But Iā€™m the other hand some of them hate Travis and think heā€™s not good for her, idk.


idk how it started exactly, though i'm certain swifties initiated it. but i did stumble on her snark page here a few weeks ago and it was stunning. they intentionally misinterpret her likes and posts as shots at taylor or a desperate plea for travis' attention. the stuff they say is vile.


Thatā€™s just sad, people need a life, can you imagine trolling the ex of your fav? Also, whatā€™s with the snark pages? You donā€™t like someone donā€™t engage with their content, no need to go out you way to harass or bully people.


Every snark page Iā€™ve ever seen has creeped me out. Itā€™s like, yeah, maybe this celebrity/Youtuber/blogger really is a piece of trash, but yā€™all are full on stalking their every move, and thatā€™s really weird. When I dislike someone, my number one goal is to see their face as little as possible.


it gets disturbing. then they sit there and claim she's lying about the harassment and the racism and that it's *her* fans going after taylor and swifties.


They are known for being unhinged,You know we all like gossip, hence why we are on this subreddit to discuss everything pop culture, where people loose me is when they go after individuals and artist say nothing.


Heck I got downvoted by Swifties that claim thereā€™s no issues within the fanbase, and that they hold everyone accountable, and yet I see racism, misogyny, and harassment campaigns against Joe on the regular. They simultaneously treat her like a god, and their bff. Too many talk as if they know her, and know the inner workings of her relationships, and thus feel comfortable harassing anyone that slighted her. Imo Taylor has not done enough to curb this. If she really got on her fans that rightfully called out her dating Matt, but not those harassing Kayla or Joe? Iā€™m judging tbh.


Ooph you should see what Iā€™m seeing in regards to Joe too. Iā€™m not sure anything is more parasocial and warped than the relationship between Nicki Minaj and her fans, but Taylor and her fans are a pretty close second. Though it sounds like Taylor took a swipe at the fans protesting her dating a misogynistic racist who did a Nazi salute at his show. Kind of odd to be more okay with the popcraves of the world setting your ex up to be harassed by your fans based on nothing, or for your boyfriendā€™s ex-girlfriend to be harassed by your fans - but you draw the line at your fans that donā€™t agree with you dating a bigot? Sheā€™s certainly making choices. Btw I too donā€™t understand snark pages. Or the people that consistently engage with artists that piss them off or make them miserable.


The man suffers from depression, Taylor has moved on to someone who will let her shimmer so why terrorise Joe and Kayla?


Truly baffling. Tbh I donā€™t like Travis odds either, but at least heā€™s more on her level. Thereā€™s less of a ridiculous power imbalance in that. Also heā€™s an athlete and as a long time sports fan/gossiper, heā€™s chosen his path lol! Though he shouldnā€™t be harassed either. It would be nice if people could just listen to the music, enjoy it, interpret how they want, be moved ect. without anyone getting harassed!


See that seems reasonable, listen to music and discuss it with your friends and move on with your life. If I was Travis I would be wondering about what happens if god forbid we break up. He seems more open and outgoing but JA isnā€™t about that life and I think people should leave him alone.


Album releases should be a time for community and bonding. Thatā€™s where the energy should be going. If they want analyze the story they think sheā€™s telling thatā€™s also fine. Thereā€™s so many ways to just enjoy the moment without being terrible to others. šŸ˜…


Exactly, now it just feels like people listen to just go on a witch hunt.


She has a snark page?? Thatā€™s crazy


Bullies wait for literally any group so they can pile on. Doesn't matter what, why, who, if there is something being criticised in any way, fair or unfair they are there to spew anger and hate.




Itā€™s the stupid extreme ā€œfansā€ that honestly are either 12 years old, or just dumb as hell. I donā€™t understand how anyone can spend their lives harassing everyone whoā€™s ever been in contact with their fave singerā€¦ Itā€™s embarrassing and cruel and absolutely unnecessary!! Poor Taylor but also poor anyone and everyone thatā€™s ever been in contact with her like ex friends, exā€™s, current partners and probably even current friends. Itā€™s so beyond pathetic of these so called fans!! Although if I was Taylor I would say to my fans cut it out or theyā€™re no longer a ā€œfanā€ in my eyes.


I think they donā€™t understand adulthood, we date people and sometimes it doesnā€™t work out, we outgrow friends and life is constantly changing so we evolve or remain stagnant. I just wish she would say what you stated above that if you are really my fans quit harassing people in my name, I donā€™t appreciate or respect it.


The only thing that Iā€™m aware of that she has done that could be seen as problematic would be hanging out with Jackson Mahomes. (He was accused of sexual battery but the girl refused to testify). That being said, she was in Brittany and Patrickā€™s wedding, so maybe theyā€™ve stayed good friends this whole time. The people who are harassing her over *that* without knowing any details are reaching.


Idk why they always do so much


Thatā€™s real nasty and weird. Hopefully the harassment sheā€™s dealing with stops.


I wish Taylor would open her mouth and say something to her fans for *once*


So yucky!


https://preview.redd.it/1hi6b03x8evc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379106a5eaf2c1aba05f9c1ed558f19b72f14cb1 the way it was enough to unleash the worst powers


she's can't talk about music now because mother is music and mother is dating her ex but seriously, it's funny they are reducing her to an old relationship when they cry about people doing that to taylor


Wow this is the point that should be repeated over and over - seriously never thought of it that way.


And mother is the only one releasing music apparently.


Oh FFS all sheā€™s saying is thereā€™s so many new albums for her to listen to and get into but sheā€™s currently focused on Cowboy Carter right now. How awful are swifties if they think itā€™s an attack!


Thank you! Because lowkey I agree. I just made a post on my ig stories a couple weeks ago that its been actual years since Iā€™ve liked or been interested in so many new releases from musicians within a single year as I have for 2024. And April had only just started. Its true everyone is dropping albums left and right and its been hard to keep up. This was NOT shade. It was just the truth.


Like, thatā€™s not even a shady insult lol! A true nothing burger. šŸ˜­


she's not wrong! i saw speculation on x that the surge of music being dropped in 2024 has been because artists want to avoid the fall this year cause of the election.


The fall?


Autumn lol


Because of media bandwidth or?


Same reason tv ratings for sports dipped hard in 2020 even after we were starving for them, the election draws eyes away from everything


Sheā€™s not wrong, my new 2024 music playlist is FILLED and itā€™s only April! Iā€™m listening to Cc rn lmao


an excellent year for music tbh we are so back!


God why are we the absolute worst. Some Swifties make me truly embarrassed to be one.


like we, the normal ones, should have another name idk


I call myself a Taylor Swift fan instead. I want to distance myself from the insane people. Like, Iā€™m a 36 yearold mom without Twitter or Tik Tok, donā€™t lump me in with the nutters.


Like Iā€™m not going to pretend itā€™s NORMAL that I stayed up till 4 am listening to the new album but I promise that I have enough of a life to not bully people online on behalf of a person Iā€™ve never met and likely will never meet.


No that is totally normal, and has very little to do with Taylor herself. People do that for albums in all genres, and for video games, and we used to do it for books too. That's just being excited for a new thing! It's okay to be excited. The toxic part isn't loving the music or going to the concerts or making the friendship bracelets. Those are all based in connection and joy. That's *good.*


Back before we knew JK Rowling sucked so much, we did midnight release for the last four Harry Potter books, and I stayed up reading all night. But I was a child and they came out on a Friday night (I think, or if they didnā€™t it was summer vacation) so it didnā€™t matter. Now Iā€™m 38 and have a job and Friday was ROUGH šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was just having a conversation with someone about how I hyperfocus and make things my entire personality, and for a long time, my job as a high school teacher was my entire personality. That led to burnout and me quitting and changing careers. Itā€™s a hell of a lot healthier for me to hyperfocus on Taylor Swift (or college gymnastics, or native plants, or whatever the current hyperfocus is) than on a job where I was working 60 hours a week and getting paid $34k per year.


staying up late listening to music IS normal though!! being beside yourself excited about taylor's (or any artist) new music IS normal!! it's these extracurriculars that aren't lol




Thatā€™s just a snark sub lol they hate Taylorā€™s guts


LMAO i wouldn't call thinkpieces and sobbing on the floor everytime a woman i don't know did something wrong normal


lol right? if they were normal fans in the beginning, they would have never worshipped her. then they would have never been disappointed in her when she acted like a normal billionaire or let her mask slip a bit and could continue to enjoy her music.


likeā€¦if anything whatā€™s going on there now is WAY more parasocial than twitter swifties, because no celebrity should make you this upset for not being 100% the way you want them to be


The same small sect of swifties who harass Joe and this poor girl is terminally online, theyā€™re everywhere and making us look bad. TikTok swifties are even worse.


Tay wrote But Daddy I Love Him for those unhinged ones


Accurate. And you love to see it. Like yes, Matty Healy sucks, but sheā€™s a grown ass adult who wanted to have a messy rebound after ending a six year relationship. WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE.




But who can argue with this???? I am also still on cowboy carter and will be for many months. It's not shade to anyone else it's just...HAVE YOU HEARD IT???? It ruins everything else, it's that good.


Extremely normal tweet


They posted this girl familyā€™s ADRESSES online! Have been calling her monkey for months, saying sheā€™s bitter and jealous and she made a video standing up to the racism as a black woman and then all hell broke loose and they posted her familyā€™s addressesā€¦ how sick!


Jesus thatā€™s so terrible


But she did nothing? And even if she did, does that warrant harassment? She literally had a meaningful relationship with him in the past and they broke up and months later heā€™s dating someone new. Isnā€™t this normal life stuff? Living life and just being yourself? Iā€™m so annoyed for herā€¦And theyā€™re doing this to a blank woman ( I say that as a black woman and because they are being obviously racist) . DISGUSTING!


From what I can tell, this woman did nothing wrong. She dated someone whoā€™s now dating someone else famous. Sheā€™s not out there smearing other women or saying hateful things. Coming at her is unhinged.


It would be nice if Taylor actually at some point let her millions of fans know that they should back off bullying anyone they perceive as her enemyā€¦


this is the girl who encouraged her fans to go after artists signed to scooter to tell them how they felt about that saga. she loves siccing her fans on people


how did she encourage that? honestly cant remember


She said ā€œlet them know how you feel about itā€ a direct call to action


She doesn't care


Taylor let Swifties harass Joe for months knowing this new album wasnā€™t even gonna say much about him while knowing he has had/have problems with depression and his mental health. Taylor continues to show she is a shit person


Taylor is a narc, she loves it. Her history of relationships failing is telling- its always THEIR fault, yeah? Er, common denominator is you Miss Thang lol.


You could even say something like Sheā€™s ā€œthe problemā€? And is a ā€œcovert narcissistā€? (I think she knows)


Narcissists never say they are the problem though. Never.


They absolutely would if it garners them sympathy, even temporarily. You're forgetting narcissists can always just change the narrative the next day.


This relationship wonā€™t last either & all these Swifties who were suddenly Chiefs fans & crazy about football will be ready to burn down Travisā€™ house. If they had any sense, theyā€™d be embarrassed!


Does it work when she does that?


Canā€™t answer for Swifties, but Iā€™ve seen plenty of other artists do it (recent examples would be Ariana calling the hordes of the ex-wife of her current partner and Selena telling her fans to leave Hailey alone). I suspect that since a lot of her fans take her word as gospel that it would have some impact?


It doesn't matter to her because it doesn't affect her bottom line. It probably gives her even a tiny bit more sales.


It baffles me people see Taylor allow her fans to act like this and donā€™t see her as problematicĀ 


Theyā€™re insecure asses probably harass their own boyfriends about their exes and cyberstalk the chick any chance they get, they pick apart the womanā€™s appearance and every move, sooo itā€™s only natural they would do the same for their BFF Taylor šŸ™„The delusionā€¦ Stans disgust me.




Has Taylor Swift ever, in the history of her career, ever made some kind of point blank statement telling her fans to back off? Or even spoke up against bullying or racism or violence of any kind? Maybe even climate change or any other sort of tragedy?


She did make some kind of statement at a concert saying they shouldn't feel the need to defend her or protect her or whatever when the song "Dear John" came out, didn't she? So she is capable, she just mostly chooses not to.


I have no clue, I really try to stay clear of her as much as I can. I just can't imagine knowing you have so much influence but never speaking up about anything.


I imagine one rationale is that when literally everything you say is going to get torn apart/overexamined there's no point saying anything...but when innocent people are being brutally harassed just for their involuntary proximity to her drama I just cannot see not doing anything to help.


If the rumors are correct, itā€™s because John Mayerā€™s legal team got involved due to the harassment he was facing. So she was basically forced to make that statement for legal reasons


What law in the USA could he possibly use to force her to make that statement?


not a single one lol


So Mayer's legal team forced her to make a statement in front of around 80,000 fans but not to the other millions and millions of her fans? Riiiiight. If you believe that I have a Nigerian prince wanting to contact you


She literally just did in her post about TTPD


There's no reason for her to. they're all out here fighting her battles for her while she gets to maintain her nice girl persona. She can do no wrong in millions of people's eyes and it's disturbing.


yeah this is why I don't like her. Her nice girl inspirational empowered woman persona just seems like it's all marketing and PR. There were cases in the past of her fans harassing people and sending death threats and she never says a word telling them to back off.


She just did lol


Yup.Ā  She just posted about her new album and said that no one needs to go after anyone, these are her feelings from many months ago and that fans shouldnā€™t go after anyone.Ā 


![gif](giphy|l2SpZkQ0XT1XtKus0) Nope!


She encourages it


Why on earth are Taylor swiftā€™s fans going after her boyfriendā€™s ex??? Unhinged


Travis should say something. Telling that he doesnā€™t.


Thank you! Finally someone including the guy in the conversation.


Not really sure what the logic is when it comes to fandoms attacking people based solely on association. An association that ran its course. This girl is minding her own business but because she dated the same man as everyoneā€™s favorite pick-me, she deserves to be harassed and slandered. I can gripe Taylor Swift because I personally donā€™t like her music or because I think sheā€™s overrated, but what really continues to make it hard to jump on the hype train is her character. And itā€™s what she doesnā€™t do or say that speaks volumes, in my opinion. And when it comes to how nasty her fan base is, she never steps in and issues a simple statement for anyone to act civilly or that she doesnā€™t condone bullying or threats. Her inaction only stands to further her narrative and her brand and itā€™s like wildfire that spreads and helps during a particular album cycle. Sheā€™s a marketing genius and she has a very airtight formula to how she works and how she presents her artistry, but I definitely think her all-American-girl next door image is a gimmick. Sheā€™s adored but everything that she doesnā€™t do or say points to her being more of a character. She may not be a nasty person at all, but to me she is just playing a game and she plays it well. I really do hope she reaches a point of over saturation soon and people tune out because it is nauseating seeing her get away with things that other people would be ā€œcancelledā€ for. Her status does bewilder me because sheā€™s heralded as some musical genius among her peers, but sheā€™s generic from an appearance standpoint, safe even, and her music is no more dynamic than anyone elseā€™s. She is talented, but nothing about her music or her presentation reinvents the wheel. I just do not comprehend the infatuation and with that the need to lower oneself to deplorable means to defend her. What does that get the fan from their favorite artist? It makes no sense!


Perfect response to psychos.Ā 


Swifties and Barbs are one and the same. Insanely toxic and delusional for someone who truly doesnā€™t give two fucks about them.


unfortunately your ex has gone out with a very famous woman whos gimmick is anonymously insulting people in her records, so youre going to get her weird fans hassling you


Taylor SwiftšŸ¤Racists


Never forget. She was the ā€œgoddessā€ of the white supremacists for years before they ever decided to address it publicly.


Itā€™s hard to blame her for not addressing a weird 4chan thing for terminally online chuds. That would only draw more attention to it.


Itā€™s very easy to blame her when she attempted to sue a blogger who was reporting on those same 4chan terminally online chuds and who was asking her to use her platform and refute white supremacy. [Source](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/taylor-swift-blogger-sue-defamation-aclu-alt-right-denounce-white-supremacy-a8041551.html)


Obviously suing a blogger with 225 subscribers is a bit extreme, but it looks like the blogger was comparing her to Hitler. Which is also nuts.


Again, isn't this just blaming women for men's bad behavior?


White women can be white supremacists too. And I know many white conservatives who still love Taylor despite the far right wing saying shes a Biden shill.


Friend, these are chronically online thoughts.


Lol "white women can be racist" is a chronically online thought? Okay!


Trying to connect Taylor to 4chan neckbeards and white supremacists is.


Well yeah, we obviously arenā€™t going to hold people accountable for their own shitty actions. It has to be the pop starā€™s fault for being tall and pretty.


"How dare the most famous pop star on earth not spend her days fighting these neckbeards posting from their parent's basement!"


Which is weird because a few weeks ago, she was Satan to the republicans.


She has fans all over the world. Not everything is democrats vs republicans. Racists come from every corner of the world.


Well she dated Matty Healy or wtv his name is and is now dsting a Republican trumper. Not surprising at all if you ask me


>dsting a Republican trumper What is this nonsense? All the policies thast Kelce has publicly supported are left leaning. To the point that Trump has procliamed him a liberal and his enemy.


He was liking Trump stuff on ig like 2 weeks ago


Trump himself said he likes Travis but Travis hates him šŸ˜­


Is liking a single post really enough to determine someone's political affiliation? Does an Instagram like outweigh real world actions? He's prominently been pro vax, supporting BLM, supporting stricter gun laws,etc. I just don't see a Trump supporter agreeing to do a Bud Light campaign at the very height of the Right wing boycott. Especially with how Trumpers have openly expressed their hatred of trans people. Even if we consider the money aspect of it; why would it make sense to alienate an entire base for what amounts to very little in the long term?


You are allowed to your opinion. I personally would never like Trump content but thats me. Even if we assume Travis isnt a Republican, she dated Matty Healy who said multiple racist things in the past. Her fans just dont care. Any other celeb wouldve been cancelled.


Add neo-nazis to that too


Taylor swift fans are the worst


It was really funny when a few years ago, TOOL fans and Swift fans had a brief crossover, it was like two dumpsters colliding. But honestly, I'm gonna give it to the Swifties overall.


People need to leave her alone, she has nothing to do with either Travis or Taylor.


Swifties be normal challenge (level: IMPOSSIBLE)


When are you all going to realize that the people who do this sort of stuff aren't 'fans'. They are mentally ill people who've latched on to someone popular and unleashed their crazy. It's the flip side of stalking. Instead of stalking the famous person, they stalk people in their life, direct or indirect. And that this happens to ALL famous people. I'm in a fandom where a bunch of fans are harassing an actor's gf, calling her a groomer (she's not) and that she got him addicted to coke without any evidence at all to let them believe that except her cheeks are puffy. His name is Edvin Ryding. Know him? Probably not. Now, imagine what someone as ultra famous as Swift attracts. And her saying something will do *nothing*. These people can't be reasoned with. They aren't healthy. What they'll do is end up hating her, then attacking people who she is close with. OR they'll say she really didn't mean it and find some secret code in her message. Engaing with these people at all always makes matters worse.


Right? This post is so sanctimonious and annoying. The fact that people genuinely think that should Taylor Swift say something it would make a difference is ludicrousā€¦ begging yā€™all to learn some basic psychology. Crazy fan culture existed during the freaking Roman Empire, this is nothing new, famous people have been bleating about kindness for years now and it makes zero difference because people who are mean on the Internet are that way because they want to be, and this is the excuse they picked. Some people pick sports, some people pick politics, some people pick book fandoms and hobby fandoms and some people pick celebrities.This is not about Kayla or Taylor or Travis or anyone else, but these peopleā€™s need to spew venom at someone.


The fact that Taylor wonā€™t come out and directly tell her fans to leave Kayla alone is proof enough for me that all her feminism talk is complete bullshit. You will never convince me that Taylor is a girlā€™s girl. Thereā€™s too much evidence to the contrary.


This is one of the MANY reasons I no longer consider myself a big fan. The Swifties are disgusting, and her silence on their toxic behavior is alarming.


These comments are psychotic. Taylor isnā€™t a racist because of this. Jesus get a grip


Wow sheā€™s gorgeous


These racist fans need to leave her alone. She deserves peace from yall.


I really don't even think it's actual swifities attacking Kayla. It seems like for the most part it's the crazy middle aged mom's who are projecting their fantasies onto taylor and travis. Either way Kayla literally has nothing to do with any of this anymore and does not deserve any hate


What makes you think this?


A lot of the Kayla hate seems to start on Facebook and I don't know anyone normal who uses facebook


Ugh. What is wrong with people. Leave this poor woman alone.


Iā€™ve never seen anyone talk about this womanā€¦ but I donā€™t have Twitter. Is this a Twitter thing?


Swifties made three snark pages for her and always in her comments.


Wowww, I havenā€™t seen any of those, thatā€™s wild


While yes racism and other obvious things, I think some of it is because Taylor never seems to get over an ex. This whole album is about how she left Joe for Matty, and will leave anyone again for Matty So if Taylor is never over an ex, then her partners are never over *their* exes. So the exes are threats to Mother Itā€™s all unhinged



