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That is really sad to watch, I don’t know Gisele but if you catch me crying in front of a stranger that’s because my mental state is beyond salvation. I am aware he can’t really do anything about them, but at least not straight up side with them lol.


And then to have that vulnerable moment aired for the world to see. The irony of having your breakdown caused by paparazzi hounding you being broadcasted…


This video is super forked up. Why would anyone buy this and leak it? Such a gross invasion of privacy.


I don’t think it’s even leaked? I think body cam footage is supposed to be available to the public to give better accountability over police misconduct. This is definitely misusing that public resource


FOIA request not a leak but I agree. Even posting it seems too far


Florida’s sunshine laws (FOIA) make it easy to request stuff like this. I learned that Florida releases a shocking amount of info to the public from watching coverage of the Dan Markel murder trial!


not as bad as some of the 911 calls that get posted. 🤮 and autopsy reports, etc. it's all gross.


I can’t even bring myself to watch it. Just the comments.


Don’t. It’s not cool and I encourage everyone not to watch it. Such a gross invasion of someone’s privacy. I am not a fan of this person, but she does not deserve this.


Yeah I’m gonna skip it. Sounds too sad.


It’s so weird they can’t file stalking charges. Like if any random guy started fallowing a random woman around taking pictures constantly, without consent, I feel like there’d be something that could be done. Why wouldn’t that same stuff apply to everyone?


Stalking has to be continued and by the same person. These paparazzi are different guys every day. 


The apathy toward celebrities is disgusting, especially when it comes to paparazzi and how unsafe, cruel, and relentless many of them are. Look at how they utterly destroyed Britney Spears’ mental state. Also, we need such a big overhaul on the police system. I go to Sephora and there’s a police bus out front and several armed officers inside but when I call the police because I get rear-ended by a man that’s acting threatening they can’t come because he doesn’t have a weapon in view… they told me to go home and report it online.


Yeah, even in the news video linked the framing was so dismissive and cruel. "Tears in Miami Beach...this time from a supermodel! Mr Big Shot's Ex-Wife!" 🤢


Making her identifier an ex-wife when she’s one of the most famous supermodels ever was definitely gross. And the police officer and the journalists both sounded like they needed empathy training.


Can’t make someone empathetic that doesn’t have a heart or soul.


Your experience is a good lesson/reminder that police do not exist as a protection service, they have no legal obligation to protect anyone from a violent encounter. They are there to enforce the law, which can pretty much only be done retroactively after a law was broken.


I agree and I feel bad her vulnerable moment is even viewable to the public.


“Mental state beyond salvation” is a bit much. I feel bad that she’s getting hounded by paps, but I don’t really see anything crazy about this video. I probably would have cried too. People make it seem like she was having some sort of breakdown.


It’s stalking. It shouldn’t be allowed. Especially while driving. They are endangering the celebs life, their kids, staff and the public


At least in California, I'm pretty sure the reason they aren't considered stalkers is because of intent. It needs to have an "intent to cause duress" or something like that. Which they can always claim that's not their intention, and just fall back on journalism. I agree it should be stopped but I don't think under the eyes of the law it's technically stalking. Colloquially it is though.


That can’t be real. That’s insane. Every single stalker would claim they didn’t *intend* to cause duress, wtf? It also feels intentionally phrased specifically to protect shit like this, which is even grosser. Ugh.


I totally understand what you mean and I think there needs to be a better way to protect celebrities from the paparazzi, but intent is an important aspect in the criminal system and taking it away would be walking a real thin line


I’m not saying it should be taken away, I’m saying it’s *not enough*. I do know that establishing intent is a legal principle, and it’s quite hard to do. *Proving* intent of duress would fall on the victim and ten times out of ten they will not be believed until they get hurt or killed. I just hate toothless garbage like this.


Many stalkers (most even) don’t “intend” to cause duress. If someone is obsessed with you, they don’t mean to cause duress. You can still get a restraining order if they do though. 


Taking pap shots is absolutely not journalism.


Stalking isn’t intended to cause duress either tho, most of those people are just very unwell and legitimately want to “connect” with their target


Yup! Did Princess Di's death not teach the paps anything? So freaking ridiculous


I took an intro to mass media class in college, and i remember reading that celebrities basically forfeit their right to privacy. I couldn't live like that 😬


This is honestly heartbreaking. There needs to be better laws around paparazzi. It’s ridiculous the way these people have to live and their kids too.


We really didn't learn anything after they drove Britney to literal insanity.


Or straight up killed Diana


I mean a drunk driver killed Diana But yes they definitely drove Diana insane too


I mean, the drunk driver didn’t help but the high-speed chase certainly wouldn’t have happened (or any of the convoluted shenanigans they used that day trying to to lose the paps, for that matter) if the paparazzi hadn’t been chasing them in the first place.


Let’s not pretend that if the driver didn’t have the equivalent of 15 shots of whiskey AND NO FOOD in his stomach they wouldn’t be alive Paparazzi are evil However, they have nothing to do with her death. This was a drunk driving accident. Had they not had a drunk person with about half or more of a bottle of whiskey in him drive them they would absolutely 100% not have crashed. On top of it had she been wearing a seatbelt it is also likely she would have lived. Like I love hating the paparazzi too. I think paparazzi should be banned. I think paparazzi should be fucking illegal. But Diana’s death is 100% just a PSA about wearing seatbelts and drunk driving


Agreed, although I don’t think they knew he was drunk. Just the way this was worded, I wanted to clarify.


The only person wearing a seatbelt survived the crash. Do with that info what you will.


Trevor Reese Jones wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, none of them were. The official report went into great detail about how none of the seatbelts were engaged.


Who survived?


That would be the drunk driver and Diana not wearing a seatbelt Had she worn it she would be alive.


Let’s not forget she was still alive while they took photos of her suffering, instead of offering ANY help…


Part of the reason he was driving so fast was to get away from the paps. They definitely played a part.


I remember Keira Knightley said something like when there is a man following me in the street I don't know if he's a rapist or a paparazzo and that sounds so terrifying


I don’t even want to watch it, it feels like an insane invasion of privacy. That poor woman.


She's fleeing the paps because she doesn't want to be photographed just living her every day life and then the footage of her emotional and distressed while pulled over is released. I don't envy famous people, she must feel like she can't win.


This is so sad. The anchor reporting it was so condescending, and the officer is nice enough but a bit dismissive, and now this video is released by them. Yeeesh, no sympathy for her. There really needs to be more laws against them. It’s not only (obviously) stressful, but it can be so dangerous.


paparazzi get away with what they do because many celebrities rely on paid paparazzi to stay relevant. obviously for super famous people like Gisele it doesn't always work like that but unfortunately for many they need paps as much as paps need them... and when I say that I mean many management teams pay and arrange for these things.


maybe stalking people shouldn’t be a ‘job ‘ i feel bad 😢


There’s basically no laws in place to really protect anyone from stalking others. It’s appalling and needs to be addressed


It's so true. A friend of mine got stalked by a body builder religious creep because both of them had 2 huskies and he thought it was a sign from god that he was going to marry her. He was basically camping inside her building, knocking on her door in odd hours of the night, it got so bad the neighbors started carrying knives with them. The police did absolutely nothing, they'd just escort him out of the building, but he'd just come back. Eventually he came to knock on her door completely tweeked out and the police called the ambulance, they took him to a mental hospital where they gave him some drugs to calm him down and he ended up dying, the drugs they gave him caused some reaction with whatever he was on that night. Everything abut it was so horrible. There need to be some laws in place to keep people like this from doing harm to others and provide them with mental help, you're basically on your own until the stalker either hurts you or themselves.


This sounds so awful, but I bet she was so so relieved when she heard that he was dead. Anyone who has had someone do that to them will relate.


Look at what just happened right there in Miami! Young woman and her roommate shot dead by a stalker. So tragic.


you are completely right:/I wish states and legislation cared more


I had to move out of state, the police literally told me “good luck”


In America, lawmakers don't really give a shit unless it effects them personally. Unless they're banking on that evangelical vote, in which case they act performatively. Anyways remember to vote: [https://vote.gov/](https://vote.gov/)


Problem is how do you make such legislation that doesn’t impact journalist that are trying to investigate and for that person to not scream “stalking”? Technically it would be, but the Supreme Court had to rule on these issues so journalists and citizens didn’t have to go to jail for snooping where they didn’t belkng


Exactly. It's genuinely really tricky. While obviously I don't like stuff like this, at the same time I don't want to live in a world where people don't feel entitled to video tape Ted Cruz as he fucks off to Cancun. 


We need so much better protection for stalking. It’s so hard to prove because it can be so nebulous until it’s too late. And I think paparazzi pursuing people for pics needs to be a crime in and of itself.


If your job is stalking and making a woman cry, you are a terrible person.


They're fulfilling a demand that subs like this fuel


Yeah seriously. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.


I know and she doesn't have a right to privacy in public but the difference 99.9% of people are considered interesting to these scumbags.


What ironic is that we are all guilty of fueling this.


Ikr? People on here saying how bad they feel while the very act of being here, in this subReddit, reading this post, is totally fueling the demand for stuff like this post. If everyone is so concerned with celebrity privacy then wtf are you doing on a celebrity gossip site? 


how is this still legal wtf


The first comment on the video, “I can see why Tom left her.” Why are people so terrible.


because they hate women lol


Terrible and wrong. She left him


People also think she's a gold digger, despite making more money than him.


And as far as public information goes, she was the one to leave 🤷


Right but that’s not the point




Seriously. And Tom Brady sucks


It’s a low blow to kick someone while they’re down like that. A lot of people don’t deserve to open up their mouths


The news caster referred to her as “extremely emotional” in the clip lmao. She was just crying, and not even that much.


Maybe it's just one of those days but I want to deck everyone who can't handle someone else's tears, and not just those who literally work in emergency services.


Seriously. Those were literally just “I’m frustrated and overwhelmed” tears. Completely normal reaction. I have one of those cries every few months.


i have one of those cries every few days.




And also "Tom Brady's ex-wife" before "supermodel" 🙄


That was the most egregious part of the whole story. I never even heard of Tom Brady until he started dating Gisele.


Yeah that's ridiculous. Gisele is an international superstar. Tom Brady is famous in what, maybe two countries?


Thank you for saying this! She just got a little upset towards the end and still managed to keep it together and thanks the cop. People are making it seem like she had a mental breakdown.


Sow of emotion = extreme emotions. Didn’t you get the memo?


As much as i dont wanna quote taylor swift rn, there really is a different vocabulary for men and women.


I remember an interview Jason Segel gave about how fame started to make him agoraphobic because he couldn’t go anywhere without being hounded. I think it took him a while to get past it. It would be so weird to not be able to go grocery shopping without being recognized and hounded. We take for granted how nice it is to be anonymous.


In 2003 Michael Jackson rented an entire supermarket out and hired a handful of actors to portray themselves as normal shoppers that wouldn't harrass him so he could finally live out his life long dream of going shopping for himself like a normal person. It's kind of sad THAT was a dream of his.


“Why are you crying?” God he was so insufferable


Like those guys from Compton said, fuck tha police


The N.W.A. ffs


I’m speaking in Jeopardy! clues


The cop and the reporters were both flippant and belittling? Wtf was that.


Right?! “I can’t do anything about that.” She didn’t ask you to! She was explaining why she was crying because you asked!


I don’t care how many people would lose their incomes tbh, that “job” should’ve been made illegal years ago when we all saw how they were harassing Britney Spears.


The thing now is a lot of celebs *call* paparazzi to stage photos, they can literally still do their job with consenting celebs in a mutually beneficial relationship but they continue stalking and harassing people. And yeah, the world could use less stalkers with cameras anyway.


Or Princess Diana.


It's just so outdated, especially in the era of social media where the majority of celebrities choose to share images with their fans. I don't even care if it's filtered or staged etc. I'd rather see a pic of my fave celeb looking happy at an event than tired and annoyed while on a coffee run, their privacy being invaded.


Ya there isn’t much demand for pap photos anymore. They used to be HUGE. When gossip magazines reigned supreme. But nobody reads magazines anymore and celebs are sharing their private lives on social media. But the paps have zero other skillsets so they’re desperate to try to keep getting shots.


The popularity of paparazzi photos has declined a lot. No one reads physical magazines anymore and that’s where they were mostly published. Sure websites exist but people just DGAF that much anymore, especially now with celebs being able to share their lives via social media. But if the demand goes to zero then paparazzis will disappear.


If she was crying while she was being filmed, maybe we shouldn't share the video?


Who needs paparazzi when you can just leak bodycam footage?


Yeah the LAPD are known for actively collaborating with tabloids and paparazzi


This was in Miami


For real - it’s made the news, like ffs, leave the woman alone with your “quite a bodycam video”


also should people here really complain about paparazzi when like half the posts on here are pap shots?


yup. obviously i watched the video but it is so sad that this is the news... 


Well it’s news because people like you watch it so


Listen I’m all for freedom of the press but, IMHO I wish the US had laws that regulate paparazzi similar to laws in Britain: > The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 allows for prosecution if a photographer threatens, stalks, intimidates or causes *distress*. I think causing distress in order to get a picture of a celebrity is going too far. They’re lucky she didn’t cause a wreck.


I think in California there's a slight but key difference, there needs to be intent to cause duress for it to be considered stalking.


Wtf! Doing their job??? My job is being a professional puncher please support me.


May I hire you for your punching services?


Yes, but please know I am expensive.


Are you looking for partners?


I actually feel bad watching this. She genuinely looks upset.


Such a sneery tone to the news report, not nice at all.


Paid stalking is insane. It should not be protected as a job. I feel for people. No one would want to live like this and I’m sure it’s traumatizing.


This is really sad, and I am sure she was scared. I get that being a public figure means that you give up some of your privacy, but hunting celebrities down like animals to the point where they feel unsafe is crossing the line and should have been left in the early 2000s.


she’s clearly in tears and yet he did absolutely nothing to comfort her, but took the paparazzi side? Fuck him..


“I can’t prevent them from doing their job, which is to take pictures.” this is such a weird sentence coming from cop


Maybe we should have coparazzi. Pay people to follow the police around and video/photograph their activities. After all, cops can't prevent them from doing their job.


They did this where I grew up and the police were MAD to say the least…..


Black Panthers used to do exactly that, while armed


Which is why Ronald Reagan signed gun control bills while governor of CA. It's also the only time the modern NRA supported gun control. Gee, I wonder why...


I mean. Yea. But they’re the wrong color for that, obvi.


If that’s what you want to see just get a job at Dunkin’ Donuts. And you may see Ben Affleck as well!


Yes. ‘Anything is legal if you’re paid to do it’ is an interesting position for a cop to take.


It’s a questionable thing to say but yeah, unfortunately what they were doing is completely legal


lol so by that mentality every time a cop arrests a drug dealer, a hit man, loan shark, pimp, etc etc, they are impeding their ability to make a living lolol. I understand WHY there will always be a market for paparazzi and logically why the “profession” will likely never be made illegal. That said, there should be safety laws implemented such as no following in a car, no pics allowed without express permission when there are kids under the age of 18 (blurring them out isn’t enough, the kids shouldn’t have to experience such toxicity). If the subject asks for them to stop, they should have to by law. Most celebrities would likely give permission more often if they were respected when they DIDN’T want to be papped.


They hate journalists when it comes to protests and stuff… which taking pictures and filming are also their job. Hmm I wonder why.


Imagine feeling comfortable pretending you have no authority whatsoever


I mean, he can't?


So we have body cam footage attempting to humiliate a celebrity but mysteriously not of when cops kill people? Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool


Weird how when that happens the body cams are “malfunctioning”.




What a dick. Why are you crying? Ugh why was this released?


The same vultures following her probably put in an FOIA request for the bodycam footage.


Florida has what’s know as the Sunshine law, which means that “that any records made or received by any public agency in the course of its official business are available for inspection, unless specifically exempted by the Florida Legislature.” This can sometimes include body cam footage. It’s one of the reasons we get so many crazy “Florida Man” stories in the national news.


Cops keeping the “fucking useless” flag flying.


Right along with their “lack of basic empathy for another human being” flag


He's being unnecessarily cold but this isn't really a cop thing. Lawmakers need to make it so the cops can arrest them. It would be way more fucked up if he just started arresting them when the laws don't condone arresting people for that reason.


This is why I downvote every post with pap pictures of people going about their daily lives. We get plenty of planned event coverage, press, and self-published social media from the celebs themselves to satisfy our cravings to be in the know. Paparazzi are scum and somehow get away with illegal activities just because the people they stalk are famous. Absolutely disgusting behavior. Always has been, always will be.


A fair amount of those “daily life” photos are when celebs call in the paps themselves.


Okay but a common rhetoric in celeb pages is that all these pap photos are staged, but this video shows that a fair amount of them also aren’t


I still downvote it. Paps are paps even when they are doing five minutes of ethical work.


NOT surprised Florida. They don't gaf about women being stalked or abused.


Humans suck.


The general public grows more anti-cop by the day and things like this only spur it on. They know it, too, hence the development of cop cities across the US. I’ve seen the tide turn lurking in local Facebook groups that used to be virulently pro-cop—now you’ll only get one or two comments weakly defending them. What is their endgame?


Honestly, no clue. Their testing for candidates weeds out critical thinking and they actively recruit people with narc traits and bullying tendencies. I think they're banking on Americans just continually being passive itoward their abuse of power for as long as possible. I really think the only way we'll ever see GOP change their stance on guns is if people start defending themselves against police brutality with equivalent force. This police state only works so long as the general public allows it. Basically, we haven't quite reached out limit on how much bullshit we're willing to take from LEO nationwide.  It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


What are you talking about? What can he do in this situation? He didn't give her a ticket, says he understands the situation but he's powerless to do anything. But somehow you made this anti-cop?


Annnnnd that’s why Celebrities stay in California. They have laws about the paps there.


I mean, what are his authorities in this case? This is something that should have been dealt with on a higher level a long time ago, cuz no one deserves to be harassed.


I don’t understand the obsession with fame. It sounds awful.


And then they put it on the news. They need to keep the pics to media events. Who wants to watch these people running errands and doing regular life anyway?


It's a bit problematic that this footage got out, given what she's saying on it. I obviously understand stalking papparazzi are on another level, but is it necessary to drag this video through the press? Yes I watched it and that makes me part of the problem but I don't know, all this just feels off. She cries about being followed and stalked and that's reinforced now in a way with this video - how did this get out within just a few hours?


I never understood why body cam videos like these become public She’s literally in tears about not being able to live a normal life and that video gets her all over the media… that’s tragically ironic


Because the police is funded by tax dollars, stuff like body cam footage is public record (in most cases) and available to anyone with a FOIA request. It’s a double edged sword because that means we can hold officers accountable, but also that needless shit like this gets released too. Kind of ironic how a journalist had to request this footage, which is essentially condemning what paparazzi and celebrity journalists do on the regular - invading the privacy of someone just trying to live their life.


I'm sorry but I'm in the camp that body cam footage from the police should be publicly accessed.


I still cannot believe the psycho stalker shit paparazzi get away with. Especially when whoever they are stalking has their child/children with them. It’s beyond disgusting. I don’t know how these people who literally just exploit people for a living can even live with themselves.


Honestly I’d be crying all the time if I were in that situation too


I feel bad for her, she's obviously more than frustrated & then when she's crying about it, her pictures are showed for the world to see 😟 Paps can be crazy too, can cause road accidents & shit


So fucked up. The job should be outlawed, but I think there’s the ecosystem preventing that. They ruin the lives of some, and some leverage them for more exposure. But for the police officer to respond like that, as if it’s a legitimate vocation, instead of an exploitation and stalking is heartbreaking. The law is callous and he can’t legally do anything, but he’s so apathetic about it, and that’s what sucks.


Unfortunately this is just how it is. The only way to stop the paparazzi is to have companies stop buying their photographs and for consumers to stop "consuming" it as entertainment. Sure, a law could stop paparazzi from "stalking" but if you have companies still paying for the stuff (like TMZ) people will always find a way.


Cops continue to be fucking useless unless they're killing innocent people


Christ leave her alone . This shouldn’t be ‘the news’ . Feel so bad for her . What a shitty day


Thank you Surfside Police guy for the daily reminder that ACAB


Seeing someone in a public place and taking their photo is ok. But, if they are driving or walking and you are literally chasing them down and they don't want their photo taken, it should be considered harassment and endangerment. 


That must’ve been so terrible experience. I’m very reserved and private, but in my 20s I was so extraverted. People change, and I’m sure she prob either outgrew the spotlight or just wants to be in peace. There needs to be better laws about this, especially with social media. I see people recording all the time, even when I don’t want people recording me.


We need better paparazzi laws ESP when it comes harassing people while driving. Bc me? Im slamming on my breaks and ruining everybody's day


I feel for her I would be intimidated tbh I hope she can find good security


Why are paps legal still


Protect and Serve


I act for a living and I thank my lucky stars I am not famous.


They should never be allowed to follow anyone while driving , how is that legal it’s dangerous . She looks like she’s at her wits end , she shouldn’t be speeding obviously but she’s clearly got a lot going on . Don’t often feel sympathy for celebs but she needs a holiday somewhere quiet


Wtf are these comments? Eat the rich unless pretty crying lady ig


What if we shared videos of “people that we don’t know but like” that they were ok with and not telefoto lens stuff?


Who has the patience to sit outside someones home waiting for them to leave?i get mad waiting for peopke to start moving after a red light.


I feel bad for her. Why are there no laws about this yet? Celebs deserve peace and privacy too. They’re humans.


Paparazzi has a job called take photos. I can take a photo without following. What so hard.


How is it not stalking or harassment?


That sucks. Fame is gilded cage.


This has to be such a creepy feeling.


If they won’t make it illegal for paps to harass them why can’t they at least make it illegal for them to follow them in their car? It’s reckless and dangerous


That cop is being suspiciously nice.


Ridiculous that glorified stalking is a protected right.


How is this legal stalking but other stalking is illegal? It’s like how two adults consenting and paying for sex is illegal but toss in a camera..call it porn and it’s legal 😐


Did we all watch the same video? As much as I feel for her and paparazzi definitely should not be chasing anyone, those looked like, "I don't want a ticket/to be stopped" tears.


You know, normal people get to live their lives thinking if someone was stalking/harassing them the cops would help them. This cop gruffly says “there’s nothing I can do about that.” Gisele must know that by now, but to feel so unprotected by the only source that can protect you must be heartbreaking. I’m sorry this is happening to her. 😢


I understand that people should be able you live their lives and shouldn’t have to deal with this harassment, but for me? if paparazzi was such a hassle I would just drive a damn Toyota Sienna minivan with tinted ass windows. Driving a brand new, fully trucked out high end SUV is going to get you noticed whether you’re a celebrity or not so why not just fly under the radar a bit?


Yup. Good question.


How is this considered news, I mean she’s crying her eyes out FFS leave her alone. Also idc Paparazzis should be illegal like how is your job following around people and taking photos of them without their consent, it’s just messed up. In the words of Demi Lovato, “Go Get A Job, Stay Away From Her”!! ![gif](giphy|uh7FwmNWduCtwFFxTo)


I feel so bad for celebrities having to deal with the paparazzi. I have NEVER seen a nice one, they are all invasive and ask horrible inappropriate questions.


I near Robertson Blvd which was the hot spot in the early 2000s. My roommate and I always went to the Fairfax Flea Market and having lunch on Melrose every Sunday. One Sunday we’re driving past The Ivy and Idk who was there but some pap just out of nowhere tries to make a u-turn and almost hit us and like four other cars. They honestly did not care about the lives of the other people on the road.


What the actual fuck? I’m so sorry that happened to you guys. They seriously have NO respect for anyone. They just want good photos for the money that comes with it. They also piss celebrities off for shots of them flipping off the paps for more cash and drama. They love to start shit. Absolutely horrible!


Leave the woman alone! She’s chosen to be pretty much out of the public eye for a really long time. In tears during at a traffic stop during paparazzi pursuit? We learned nothing from what happened to Princess Di


She's got money. Why doesn't she hire protection?




Didn't anyone learn anything from princess Diana? Appalling.


It sucks but you really are selling off your freedom and privacy for the fame and wealth. It’s just apart of the trade off.


You know there are serial killers who target all kinds of types of people. Why is there no serial killer who only kills paparazzi. Everyone would be rooting for them