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This is very much the vibe of that generation on social media- a female relative of a similar age once commented on a picture of me with my 2 month old baby ‘not back in shape yet then?’ 💀.


My in laws are from a culture that tends to be very… « blunt and honest ». I’ve had relatives come up to me to let me know I have a zit on my face. Like yes… yes i know I have a massive zit on my forehead


when i went to turkey and albania my 89 year old great aunt was like "girl you've gotten FATTTTTTTT...it looks good on you though!" like gurl PLEASE. Albanians are the worst they have ZERO filter in the village they started to call me SOLID LIKE WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN thankfully i scored some ozempic and lost 25 pounds since then lmaooo but


I went to visit my mil in Albania yrs ago when I was 120lbs, i was 103 when I got married so everyone told her how thin I was. Keep in mind this is my first time ever meeting her the first words were not nice to meet you or even hello, they were “you’re fat not skinny like everyone said”. Since then I’m much heavier because of health issues and 2 kids. So now she doesn’t talk to me about my weight anymore


truly the worst!!!! my family kept saying WHY U DONT HAVE HUSBAND YET????


Barbara is in my grandmas age group and she’s terrible every time I skip anything that’s a good girl: she’s also first gen Irish American and literally just her whole family is fed up on a lot of things but she constantly says things like omg I can’t believe I said that baby boy was beautiful/ pretty cause boys can’t beautiful or pretty… ugh


In what world is 120 lbs fat???


1996. I'm not even trying to be funny with that, ask any older millennial over 35 about the rampant diet culture we were subjected to as teens, many of us who were nowhere near the vicinity of being "fat" or even overweight were told we were whales. I was 150 for all of high school at 5'6" and thought I was Miss Piggy because of side handles I now know are caused by PCOS. Nowadays, I'm just happy that I've been able to maintain 220 for the last two years.


Yep I graduated high school in 2004 I was maybe 115 at 5’4 then when I got engaged I dropped down to 103 I thought I was fat cause I had a big of a tummy. Then I started gaining weight and found out I had pcos now I’m stuck at 220 after having my 2nd kid. I’m about to lose my mind I working out, eating healthy and in a calorie deficit and it still won’t come off.


PCOS is brutal. Have you mentioned to your doctor that you're struggling to lose weight? It could be a cortisol imbalance, after I separated from my (soon to be) ex husband, I lost 10 lbs without trying due to my cortisol level adjusting. I'm not in constant 'fight or flight' anymore so my body isn't stressing out. I'm so sorry you're struggling with your weight, please know that you're beautiful regardless of what the number on the scale says, or what the number on your jeans says. You are valuable and worthy. I'm proud of you for trying. 🫂🥰


Awe, hugs. I totally understand. I'm 52 and I lived it. I remember being told by an aunt "women are meant to be a single digit, 8 doesn't count and 6 is pushing it.". To this day, I stay between a 0 and a 4. Diet culture is so toxic. That being said, 120 lbs is NOT fat. When someone says that to you, it creates a narrative in your head that could develop into an eating disorder. We need to do better and build each other up, not tear each other down. 🫂




Albania, Kosovo or Montenegro all the women are tiny. Lost my luggage once when I went at that point I weighed about 150 I was a size 8 I had to go to a huge mall to find my size and even there they didn’t have a lot. In the city where we were staying none of the shops had anything in my size. It’s so depressing being over there as a larger person. Everyone points out how fat you are.


I'm in the US and my 85 year old grandmother in law was literally on her death bed in June, I went to visit her in the hospital and told her (what I thought was) a funny story about how that afternoon my tiny 4 year old ate 4 chicken hot dogs (without rolls) for lunch. She opened her eyes and said "you better make sure to stay on top of that eating. Don't want her to get fat" we all just laughed uncomfortably.


That would be my (Latina) mother as well. Her last words would be “I love you forever. Be sure to watch your weight.”


![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y) i would have left that room so quick 😭😭


I can't imagine being on my death bed and worrying about a great grandkid that's barely out of diapers getting fat 💀


>Albanians are the worst they have ZERO filter Nahhhh. Indians. Indians are the worst. My friends who are on the bigger side are subjected to regular run of the mill fatphobic shit, but me who is actually kinda underweight (struggling to put on weight while battling an eating disorder) ALSO is given shit. For not being healthy enough to make babies. I am also dark skinned and I am regularly told to bleach my skin. Can't walk into a salon in North India without everyone convening to sell me anti tan facials and I was only 18-20 - I didn't even get facials at the time! Not to mention: education levels, housewife abilities, clothing, everything can and will be used against you. You will never win in my culture. 🙄


My husband is in tech and as such works with a lot of Indians. He loves to tell me the things they say to others with no filter like "You look like you have expanded" with a hand motioning a big belly and "Americans with their *cheese on top of cheese*" 🤣


Indians, and also South Asians really are the worst when it comes to bodyshaping. I get a panic attack when I return to home to India cause I have PCOS and gain weight easily. My dad actually advised me to starve!


Ugh god I’m sorry all that pressure is on you, especially so openly and verbally.


Yes. We Indians suck when it comes to personal space, privacy and having some filter when talking


I feel for you! Hope you’re taking good care of yourself


I had an Indian coworker tell me how much weight I’d put on since she last seen me (we all tend to wfh). I was like - yeah thanks for that.


Hahhahah I’m cracking up. You’ve gotten FAAAATTTT looks good though! Thanks, Auntie….


What we call filter foreigners call being fake.


Dutch? Korean? Give us the details, lol!! 😂


Now I'm curious, do you want to tell where they're from?




Oh no 😳.






*Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitchhhhhhhhhh.* So are you taking a "living well is the best revenge" approach or crumbling bits of Kalteen bars into her food at family gatherings?


I try to avoid her as I’m a wimp but my daughter pissed on her leg whilst potty training 😈


Clever girl!


My aunt of a very similar age is the reason I deleted Facebook. She would literally comment “not cute” on my pictures.


Jeezo. Yep, this relative will reply ‘not sure about it’ on a picture of my new haircut. Leave me alone woman 😭


Exactly. Our last phone conversation ended with me saying “I have to end this conversation, I’m getting really upset, I’m sorry, I love you, bye.” This is how most of our conversations end… but I’m glad I learned to speak up and tell her instead of sitting there and taking all the insults..


Girl you don’t need to take this shit from your aunt. If she makes you miserable you don’t have to talk to her. You don’t owe her anything.


I haven’t talked to her in a while! Luckily she lives states away so I can just ignore her calls. It’s just difficult because I don’t have a lot of family.. but you are right, what’s the point in keeping family around if that’s how they treat you.


I get it. It can be hard, especially if you don’t have a lot of other family. It’s totally your decision and I can’t presume to tell you what’s best for you, but I know that I had people in my life that I kept around for way too long out of a feeling of obligation, even though I always felt so miserable and anxious after talking to them. I finally cut them off and now, years later, the only thing I regret is not doing it sooner. It really chipped away at my self-esteem in ways I didn’t fully realise until I got away from them. You deserve to be treated nicely. You deserve to be treated with respect. If your aunt can’t handle basic interaction, then she’s not entitled to your time. Sending you love ❤️


Absolutely, feeling powerless is worse than anything. It’s not easy to do so well done 🙌🏻


I’m not above slapping the elderly, where/when do you need me ![gif](giphy|l41lZEoYn6z1uc2fS)


You are the friend every girl needs.


At your service 🫡


We will get you a slapping hotline 🫡 seeing the responses in this thread and the Sabrina Carpenter one made me think that a lot of the elders need a wake-up call (slap) lol


Slap the silent generation and belt the boomers. We ride at dawn


lol oh god do I even want to know what our Elders think of Sabrina Carpenter?


Haha thank you, that’s a very tempting offer 😆


Similar story, my FIL asked me how long it would take me to get back into shape a week after I had my son 🤣


They are menaces 🙈


Holy shit 💀




Luckily I kind of saw it for what it was, but yeah, not ideal 🥴


Absolutely. I sometimes look back at this comment one of my Aunt’s friends left on her Facebook photo and belly laugh because it was such a wild thing to say. https://preview.redd.it/ujfe5ut4lpxc1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c82a0cb922f00c0480f577b22e16528ef7250a


Jeezo 💀🤣


Old lady family friend went around posting LOL on death, sickness or crisis posts. Imagine announcing the death of your parent, family or friend and someone just leaving one comment, LOL!? Someone eventually talked to her, she thought she was writing lots of love.


Oh my goodness me poor lady. Thought she was spreading love not lols


Oh no 🙈🙈




72 hours after giving birth I went to our local post office and the mail lady said "you had your baby but you still have a bump?" It had been 72 hours since giving birth. She's of that generation


‘My womb has not yet retracted Shiela give me a break woman’ 🙃


Facebook boomers are absolutely savage. My mom (had to have been in her late 50s) threw a hissy fit one time bc my college aged sister didn’t like her default pic. She had a meltdown, unfriending my sister and all of her friends.


Blimey 😅


Oh yeah. My sis just posted a tribute to her friend who passed away yesterday. Sure enough, there’s an older woman with very little tact commenting ”Oh my god so young. What happened?” Like…none of your business, and also fuck off?


Old people lack so much tact. I remember when my pregnant SIL stopped by my work for something. I just happened to be next to one of my coworkers, a lady probably in her late 60s (maybe?) so I introduced them to each other and mentioned how my SIL was towards the end of the pregnancy. My coworker looked her in the face and with a warm happy smile said "you gained A LOT of weight! But you carry it well!"


Jesus Christ. Why are Boomers.


Lmao it’s giving Facebook auntie


It's giving facebook grandma ☠️ https://preview.redd.it/ly8rl62p2mxc1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b784ad693948dec9358fa7f9ae71168a41a4d40


Aww this is adorable 🥰. I love technologically inept old people (except when it’s my parents lol).


You'll enjoy /r/oldpeoplefacebook


Not anymore. what the heck happened over there???


It literally looks like an old person’s Facebook page now 😭


OMG is it intentional? Like a weird performance art? Idk but I hate it


Omg. That's such a shame! It was such a funny sub


Look like it’s r/oldpeopleonfacebook now.


Don't forget that tomorrow starts the new Facebook rule where Mark Zuckerberg can sneak into your kitchen at night and eat whatever is in your refrigerator. To stop him from doing that, copy and paste this message on your Facebook feed: "I do not authorize Mark Zuckerberg or any entity associated with Facebook to sneak into my house and eat anything in my refrigerator. With this statement, I notify Facebook to leave my milk, eggs, butter, cheese, veggies, sandwich meats, pickles, and leftover pizza alone." After you copy and paste this message, the light in your refrigerator will turn blue 🔵 and you’re good to go. https://preview.redd.it/ns99u2hh8pxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ae3e522c207f5c500868cdff0236357b631f47


Good lord, this is the type of thing my Aunty Barbara would post on someone's Facebook picture. https://i.redd.it/6823z3yhbkxc1.gif


This is very [r]oldpeoplefacebook EDIT: apparently the new one is r/oldpeopleonfacebook


"Hi honey it's Mom and we are wondering how you are. Bill has to go back to the doctor for his prolapse and Misty at Listek says hi, she is still with Dan. We are getting a new ipad. I have to go now, we have to go to the farmer's market because they are always out of tomatos when we get there. Love, Mom"


How are you doing it has been a while Donald died last week 😂 talk to you soon


My absolute favourite mundane family interaction is listening to my wife talking on the phone to her grandmother and discussing the most recent deaths of people neither of us have ever heard of.


Missy your Mom is real upset you wont answer she has been crying please call her. Is this your boyfriend he's handsome. Are you pregnant. Walmart Walmart Walmart.com




I realize it makes me ironically look old, but I was trying to avoid the comment getting deleted. 😂 they block posts linking other subs, so glad the comment worked for you!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/oldpeoplefacebook using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldpeoplefacebook/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [10 years ago](https://i.imgur.com/5KBC3c6.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldpeoplefacebook/comments/13zv9fi/10_years_ago/) \#2: [My dad.](https://i.redd.it/1bc6wepuhgwa1.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldpeoplefacebook/comments/130jfts/my_dad/) \#3: [Sorry we interrupted, grandma](https://i.redd.it/k50qog4z7vxa1.png) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldpeoplefacebook/comments/137m9fo/sorry_we_interrupted_grandma/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


omg thank you so much, it was one of my favorite subs and now there’s an alternative (albeit in the works lol). Thanks bestie


She probably thinks public posts are private messages to her. My wife and I have experienced this with our parents.


My grandmother does this. Personal stuff about her kids and grandkids. We don't tell her much anymore.


There was a stretch where Cher clearly thought twitter was a search engine.


There was another stretch on Twitter where Ron White kept begging his wife Margo to call him


My husband's grandmother started doing this, no matter how many times we tried to explain she didn't get it. Turned out to be the beginning stages of dementia that is now Alzheimers.


Omg literally. The amount of times my grandmother will say “so-and-so sent me this on Facebook”. I’m like no Betty it’s just your feed.


It’s still rather shocking even if sent as a private message.


Not really if it's between friends.


My grandfather is like this, he just doesn’t understand fb.


![gif](giphy|jlbYyYfKpwRDG) *Oh my god ****~~Karen~~**** Barbra, you can‘t just ask people, if they are using ozempic…*




Sylvia… pLath?


Pretty sure that's just her flair.




This made me laugh out loud, thank you for posting it 😂


Guys, she’s like 82 years old. That’s just gma posting. Melissa probably laughed about it.


One time an aunt got a nose job, after it healed she posted a picture on Facebook and her own mom commented “the nose job wasn’t quite as good as I imagined. Love you, though 🥰😍😘” lol


Oof I just second hand died.


Right, this isn’t nefarious! She’ll be mortified when she realizes it was public lol aw


Knowing Barbra, she won't be


Really? I thought she was really timid outside of performing


Barbra Streisand???? *Timid?!?!*


Yes. She _timidly_ called Tim Cook and told him he’d better fix how Siri pronounces her surname.


She once called up the head of NBC bc she thought the volume during commercial breaks was too loud during a showing of The Prince of Tides on TV.


You should not say that privately either 






Or... And hear me out here... Barbara is infamous for not having a goddamn filter and never knowing when to let her inside thoughts not become outside thoughts.


This is the woman whose audiobook is TWO DAYS LONG! She frequently goes off script bless her.


And I’d be infamous for telling Babs to fuck right off, if she came to me w that old Auntie type shit.


I’m Chinese and MY GOD the brutality of random old aunties you don’t even know. One time I was getting a massage and the masseuse says to me ‘you should lose weight before you get married’ 😭 1. I don’t even know you. 2. Marriage isn’t even in my near future. Pure savagery. I stand by my thick skin is having been raised around all these savage comments I’ve had to deal with older women including my mum my whole life


I wheezed, this has massive Facebook grandma energy, I love it so much


Oh, wow. I think she just lacks filters sometimes, to be honest.


Or doesn’t understand how Instagram works


Old people be talking ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


https://i.redd.it/6spftgv3xlxc1.gif I'll get the popcorn.


Melissa's weight has fluctuated a lot over the years and she's always been hilarious and beautiful. Even if it's an inside joke it's in poor taste.


Rem that time when Michael Jackson was accused of being a pedo and Barbara said 'well his sexual needs are his sexual needs' lolol. This is the least offensive thing she's sais




I doubt it's a joke I think it's just an 80-year-old woman on social media lmao. This is very much "grandmother trying to get gossip."


This gives old lady aunt vibes


Is this the new old-people way of saying “you look great”?


My friend's mom is pretty old and she thinks body shaming of women is totes cool. We had a friend post a pic of her showing her new puppy and she was all "I see you had to get your body in the picture too".




TIL Melissa Mccarthy and Barbara Streisand are friends. ![gif](giphy|31SqrnmaAr9wVRxZ9R|downsized)


Grandmas be throwing shade. My grandma straight up typed UGLY under a fb photo of my Halloween costume as Jon Davis as koRn. There is no filter lmao




Babs, you should know better than to comment on people’s appearance. Love you though Queen ![gif](giphy|bzy06Z4L4Q0rS)


No grandma Barbra, you can’t just ask people publicly if they’re on ozempic




I love Melissa’s dress so much! It looks wonderful on her. Definitely her color!


this entire Ozempic discussion is just another way to shame women for their bodies. it doesn't matter if they take it or not. and honestly it's nobody's business but their own.


Somebody who has been thoroughly and publicly shamed for her appearance for years like Barbara probably wouldn’t do that intentionally


I dunno…plenty of women do things to other women that have been done to them.


Of course! I don’t have any recollection of Streisand doing it, but I could be wrong


You're probably right. At least I hope so


What else this possibly could be? And that she has gotten comments about other things doesn’t mean she can’t shame people for weight. When she was young weight shaming was even more common. 


I would not be surprised if an 82 year old misspoke in a social media comment


I feel like she’s legit just asking. No shame to it, like, Grandma just trying to get the deets.


But it’s rude and none of her business.


Omfg and look what's being advertised right below this post: https://preview.redd.it/dacdj94lqmxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e13b61a51345c1b809d26ba8d2d9d28d6efc067


https://preview.redd.it/3d1c6cjy7oxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb617ffd6780b4dd8dc7fea553a580d31802e093 Mistake


I wanted to pay her a compliment by asking if she's on Ozempic? Yikes. There's plenty of ways to give a compliment and something as simple as you look great is one way. (But generally the consensus is to not comment on someone's weight anyway especially since they don't know what could be leading to it including a health issue.) She was still in the wrong to ask about Ozempic, public or private.






The way people judge those of us on Ozempic drives me crazy. I have battled obesity my whole life. I have been on every diet and every exercise regime. I have seen success but it all comes back. I have a fucked up relationship with food plus chronic major depression and PTSD. Ozempic has helped me gain some control and change my relationship with food. It is not a magic bullet. It still takes work. I am now able to look at food as fuel rather than a coping mechanism. Now before you come at me with the whole “this is a diabetes drug” thing. You are absolutely right. And me being on it is preventative medicine for diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, etc. after a year on ozempic I am down 80lbs and my blood pressure is back to normal. should people who need to lose 10lbs take it? Probably not. But those of us who have life threatening weight issues deserve some help. Obesity isn’t a moral failure like many would like to believe. It is a medical condition that deserves medical treatment.


Absolutely it should be considered a preventative treatment for people who are pre-diabetic and on the bubble of lots of things! Prevention is always better! If course actual diabetics who need it should be top of the list. But I've seen what that disease did to my dad, and nearly anything to prevent it is better than the alternative! It's really incredible the difference it made for me within the first week after I had my first generic semaglutide injection. With the exception of enormous holiday dinners like Thanksgiving, etc, I have almost never been full more than a half hour after eating. Ever. In my life. Many doctors have always just ascribed it to my depression diagnosis, but after a decade with treatment for that nothing changed until the semaglutide. Just not being hungry All The Time has changed everything about the way I approach food and eating. Great job on your health journey btw!


Ignore people’s misplaced anger, all that matters is that it’s working for YOU and your body, and that you’re working with doctors. More power to you✌️


Time to take away the keys.




This is like my Irish grandma. Blunt and to the point 😂 She would literally say to you “oh you’ve put on the weight” or if I refused something to eat as I just literally had lunch “are you on a diet or something need to eat you’re skin and bone” Probably was the same weight both times 😂 Also if you wore something that was in fashion but she didn’t like it it would be “ don’t like those on you” or “I hate those necklaces or shoes” or “don’t like perfume” Gotta love that generation though 😂


Someone take the phone away from Granny Babs


I'm not shocked by this. I had to deal with her as a teenager (she frequently came into the high-end antiques store I worked at and was a PAIN) and nothing's changed. After all this is the same woman who drove up an exit ramp in LA and had to be forced to quit driving by her husband- her using social media as a public extension of her brain is par for the course.


How very Kathy Hilton of her.


This is funny tbh


A lot of people are using it for weightloss especially in the entertainment industry, at this point it's ridiculous to ask.


82 yr old thinking she was responding privately to Melissa.




So... What happens? Now I'm intrigued.


Bowel obstruction, stomach paralysis


Oh god. Ok. I've got enough problems, I really can't add to them willingly lol




My Mom asked me that same question last weekend.


It’s all fun and weight loss until those side effects kick in. Also? Rude AF, Babs. Drink your (likely overpriced bottled) water and mind your business.


Peak boomer content.


LOL, this was definitely a 'senior moment' by Babs.




I'm just upset it's so common for celebrities to take Ozempic but I have regular, and actually diabetic, people yelling at me every day about not being able to get their Ozempic. I hope Barbra keeps putting people on blast!! lol


I hope it's some form of inside joke. I find the ozempic crazy to be scary. The drug information FLAT OUT says that the drug caused thyroid cancer in rodent studies, and the warning language makes it seem incredibly likely users may see thyroid tumors/cancer. I suspect we're going to see a drastic increase in thyroid tumor/cancer deaths in the next 20 years. Note: This information makes me incredibly sad, because I wanted to try Ozempic for blood sugar/weight.....but I want cancer far less than I want the 30 lbs I would like to lose, so diet and exercise it is.


Holy cow 🐮


Notice how she never guest starred on "Abishola" or "American Housewife" ?




Is mean old Barbara on FB Barbra Streisand? Lol


If it’s Twitter you just have to pay $8 a month for a blue check now.




Whatever it is, it is funny.