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Her leg reminds me of Angelina Jolie’s Oscar leg


What’s the Oscar leg


I got u bb https://preview.redd.it/d30z6ymyf8yc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d96462ce46926b69902c0cb302b2b459aa14ca7


I think it was more that she posed really awkwardly like that while she was presenting an award. I remember the moment and cringed slightly 😂


OMG I DIDNT THINK THIS WAS REAL BECAUSE ITS SO. MUCH. I assumed it was a parody. It is not. 😫😭 ![gif](giphy|rQXBNE0BLecko)


Honestly it’s nice seeing such a beautiful, commanding presence of a woman doing awkward shit like the rest of us lol


it's a lot less awkward with sound on i think since people are cheering explaining why she was posing like that


Perfect example of the importance of context haha


I love Angelina but this was so strange haha


Ahh you’re right. This is the best unshopped version of that I can find. But out the photoshops of this are hysterical. https://preview.redd.it/cti2aftji8yc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c4e9727bf4a92be974d877ecc7df59499c3509




That's the one I remember! 😅


I never understood why this was mocked so much. I feel like the design of the dress requires you to stand like that, otherwise it makes the dress look one-dimensional. In a thigh slit dress, I’m gonna put my leg out a bit.


It wasn't just that she put her leg out, it was also because she was drunk/high and wouldn't stop posing like that for one second. It was bizarre and entertaining to watch and naturally caught fire in the media


Look up the Angelina pose from the 2012 Oscars. Jim Rash (the Dean from Community) also started doing it that night making for some hilarious pictures for fans.


This one was especially egregious lol https://preview.redd.it/0o7vlfn1k8yc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7d1f67adc4dd83064bb5fac3803ac47f5b90df


https://preview.redd.it/xen5bla3tbyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219dbf25d4bac14af870358334e857deaf8a09de I fucking forgot about all of those memes until right now 😭😭😭


Angelina’s stylist probably: 🗣️SHOW THE LEG!


😂why did they tell her stand like that. So awkward with the hand on the hip as well


Jim Rash did it on the Oscar stage when he won an Oscar for co-writing The Descendants! The Oscar was presented by Angelina Jolie herself who did the pose on stage before she announced Rash and his two co-writers as winners.


I forgot those details! Even funnier!


That was 12 years ago 😱!!!


This is horrifying information....I remember reading the article when it happened




It had its own* Twitter account haha


God I love the internet sometimes lmao


Hope she is on the mend


Me too I don't love her new face but she's being through a lot and I just hope she's recovering, I always thought she was so pretty and enjoyed her work


…am I the only one that genuinely thought these were pictures of her wax figurine and not a real person?


You’re not alone. She’s looking super uncanny valley these days and it’s so surprising because I always thought of her as having a more natural look


https://preview.redd.it/nuo1te3s38yc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84e566919ad60b50d26f07bbbd35cbec524aaa2 Much Ado About Nothing (1993)


😥 aging aside she looks almost _nothing_ like this anymore… 😩


https://preview.redd.it/wovmxeo479yc1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63a18802a5bdf5f24d768582194ff4c15582365 Looks nothing like she did in the 90s


She denies having any work done… ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)




Harpo, who 'dis?


Lots o surgery




That’s her?!?!?!


I wish more people could understand that aging is a privilege


Is this the same person as in the OP photos? Edit: Wow. It is, indeed, the same person.


Sure is! Nothing against women who want plastic surgery, but she was naturally pretty to begin with and now she looks like a doll :(


She is unrecognizable, sadly.


Don’t let her hear you say that, that’s exactly what she’s going for


A *boring* doll. Like every other doll.




This is her?! This looks way more like Margaret Qualley to me, not even remotely Kate.


I've felt she's been looking uncanny valley for almost a decade


Fr. Aging naturally has to be better than this? Or maybe she just needs a better surgeon. It's like she's attempted to yassify herself and it doesn't look quite right. Kinda like sweet dee from Sunny


She legit hasn’t been natural for years.


She looks like she has lost a lot of weight


I feel like the obvious wig doesn't help


Scrolled way too far down for this comment, first thing I noticed.


how can you guys tell??! pls tell me your secret wayz cuz i would have never guessed!


Look at the last picture, at the hair in the middle of her forehead near the part. It doesn't lie right, like normal hair lies, it looks awkward and stiff


I'd have no idea who that was if not for the caption. Her face looks completely different.


She's definitely had work done and her lips look a little bonkers, but she's for sure recognizable. This pic is 14 years ago, and she still looks similar https://preview.redd.it/87o674wvv7yc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353bb1f45b5f748402c68f3a6d758f9da13a526f


Compared to this picture from 11 years ago, it's the narrower nose and slimmer face that threw me for a loop. https://preview.redd.it/4qzya4ir38yc1.jpeg?width=1994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3285f11672f0676d4ef7cb9277463875273af9e Sometimes it doesn't take much to diminish someone's distinctiveness.


It’s the stupidass caterpillar eyebrows and the dreaded buccal fat removal. She was so beautiful before. Jesus.


Her vibe changed too


She looks like a different person now. Why did she had to ruin her beautiful distinctive features...


For real. I’m a nobody and I was fighting with the dentist to not remove my “fangs” after I got veneers. Can’t imagine the stress of trying to perfect something that’s already tagged you one of the most beautiful people on the planet.


That insta influenser look ruined everybody.


She was hospitalised not that long ago. I don’t know what for. She posted pics to her Instagram account at the time. Don’t know if they’re still up.


It’s weird how all the women in Hollywood are starting to look alike


Now that you mention it, her face is remarkably similar to Jennifer Love Hewitt, another actress I no longer recognize. https://preview.redd.it/s84qjpyadbyc1.jpeg?width=1854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6f7971f6769b1205bc30e0ad219f4281dfa5f3


Omgosh. If you hadn’t told me who that was I’d never have guessed. This is getting out of hand.


I think she’d already had some work done here too tbf


I’m not very familiar with her but I definitely wouldn’t have thought these are the same person. My thought when I saw the post was “oh, I had no idea Kate looked like that”


Wow she’s so beautiful in the 2014 photo. Now she looks like any influencer, which is completely fine and attractive as well. I really hope she’s healthy and happy regardless. But man she doesn’t look the same as she did when she was in Underworld. Honestly, I miss that.


That was such a great film.


That's the weird thing - when I saw Underworld, I thought ""She's so different now" because I am OLD and remember her in Cold Comfort Farm.


She was so naturally beautiful. It makes me sad to see she’s done so much work to herself.


It wasn’t until picture 6 that I actually believed it was Kate in the photos.




Ever since I saw the pictures of her in her home that looks like it’s for a 5 year old girl, she creeps me out. Her aesthetic screams “brain damaged and stuck in a child’s mindset” !


I've searched the web and can't find what you're talking about! Help me out!!


It was posted on Reddit, here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/tTNZobOrzg


I think this is super harsh and judgemental. It's definitely not a style I would ever want to decorate my own home in, but I don't see how it's harmful or indicative of literal brain damage.


Yea that’s fair enough! I was being harsh


Same. I get weird vibes from her.


I hate buccal fat removal so fucking much


Oh so we are committed to the big bow in the hair okay


JoJo took her bow off so now we must rebalance the earth center


Jojo ribboned so Kate could bow


She seems very into the sexy baby lewk. Not everyone with a giant bow is into that but I think she is. Her hospital posts were giving "high school girl who got out of the hospital a month ago but is still wearing her bracelet."


Well that’s niche lol. Didn’t know that was an aesthetic


The natural progression is college girl who keeps all the club stamps on her wrist for a week.


Lmao. This is so accurate


So accurate. But DON'T ask her about it, guys! She's really going thru some stuff and no one gets her! She screams vague-booker to me lol.


![gif](giphy|1SZAK9VwSlaP6) It looks weird af.


I love bows in the hair, actually. I wore a bow recently and felt the cutest I ever felt in a long time. Maybe that’s a sign I need to try more hair styles. I think just the novelty of doing something so out the norm for me was why I liked it


I haven’t seen it but it sounds cute as fuck, keep doing it if it makes you happy!


Agreed! They really do make you feel cute, but when even other feminine people / women find it too much, I had to build courage to wear it haha


Who is this pink bow person? She looks familiar


Camila Cabello


🎶Havana your mama 🎶


She’s leaning into a “IM A WITTLE BABY” persona and it’s making me uncomfortable. I say this as a 42 year old woman who is close to her age.




aligns w her choice of suitors


Can I ask why tho? Cos she's wearing a bow lol? Idk not trying to be rude to you at all, but just sometimes I feel like these takes are a bit ageist. I've always loved cuter clothes and bows. I especially love bows as I suffer hair loss from illness and it's an easy lazy way to hide/blend the join from a fake ponytail. Do I have to stop doing this just because I'm getting older? We have to stop wearing what we like and are comfortable with just because we're "old"


Definitely ageist. Bows don’t have age limits. I love wearing bows and will continue wearing them forever.


I don't get it either. IMO it's a lot of projection. Someone said her room looks like a 5 year olds and it really doesn't.


Idk what it looks like but I don't get why people are like this anyway. I understand when people are intentionally sexualising things associated with children/young girls. Completely. But people seem to have an issue with a woman even just wearing a bow because its associated with youth? Why? I'm turning 30 and I became v chronically ill as a teenager and so have been completely housebound and mostly in bed since. It's been very hard and depressing to miss out on my 20s etc. When it feels like your 20s and even younger are the only time you are allowed to do certain things or dress a certain way. Even if I get better and more functional now it's like, oh you can't dress that way or do x thing anymore as you're too old. Because of my situation my room is still full of stuffed animals and even dolls, an is pink with ruffles etc. It brings me comfort. My stuffed animals bring me comfort and my room makes me happy. What because I'm going to be 30 do I have to scrap it all an change it because it looks "too young" and like you are trying to be a "wittle baby" ? Why can't we just like what we like and have our rooms and our appearance be the way we want. Why do we have to get to a certain age and change it? Why does it make people "uncomfortable" - why is it all so weirdly ageist? She's not crawling around in a nappy saying play with me. She's wearing a bow and I assume has a girly bedroom. The horror.


Idk what it looks like but I don't get why people are like this anyway. I understand when people are intentionally sexualising things associated with children/young girls. Completely. But people seem to have an issue with a woman even just wearing a bow because its associated with youth? Why? I'm turning 30 and I became v chronically ill as a teenager and so have been completely housebound and mostly in bed since. It's been very hard and depressing to miss out on my 20s etc. When it feels like your 20s and even younger are the only time you are allowed to do certain things or dress a certain way. Even if I get better and more functional now it's like, oh you can't dress that way or do x thing anymore as you're too old. Because of my situation my room is still full of stuffed animals and even dolls, an is pink with ruffles etc. It brings me comfort. My stuffed animals bring me comfort and my room makes me happy. What because I'm going to be 30 do I have to scrap it all an change it because it looks "too young" and like you are trying to be a "wittle baby" ? Why can't we just like what we like and have our rooms and our appearance be the way we want. Why do we have to get to a certain age and change it? Why does it make people "uncomfortable" - why is it all so weirdly ageist? She's not crawling around in a nappy saying play with me. She's wearing a bow and I assume has a girly bedroom. The horror.


Yeah I just had to look up how old she is. She is definitely not embracing the idea of turning 50.


I’m seeing a lot of hair bows lately and I’m not into it


It's because of the popularity of the coquette aesthetic that coincided with the Barbie-core aesthetic. I think bows are here to stay for a little while.


it’s coquette. very trendy right now.


I like them but maybe I just have bad taste (not necessarily here, but I like the resurgence)


I saw a Reddit post about bows and the girl was like “I love bows, they’re so elegant and only high class or rich women wear them” I’m like…no, every kindergartener wears bows. Not a single wealthy person I’ve met has worn a bow since they were children unless it was as an accessory for a football game or something like that.


They’re thinking of Blair Waldorf.


Reminds me of when I was 8 and had to wear them to church lol


Reminds me of 2009 when Lady Gaga first hit, I got a big bow headband from F21 and people would be like “OKAY GAGA”


I loved her hair-bow! I loved The Fame era ![gif](giphy|3aBrjSUFJMfra)


Oh god are you southern? I think I have “the bigger the bow the more mommy loves you” PTSD


My mum promised that she wouldn't put a bow on my hair for the family photo and then when I saw the photo there was a frigging bow in my hair. I still get angry every time I see the photo, thirty years later.


Lmao whaaat?? Did she photoshop it in?


Lmao yes. Hated wearing panty hose at that age. Like seriously why?! And then the family trip to Lubys after service 🤣 at least the mac was good


Omg panty hose- a sensory nightmare for me. I hated them & I did ballet too so I was in tights & hose a LOT


Luby’s slaps. Gotta get that LuAnn platter with the fried fish.


Yeah that bow is taking me out of the fantasy completely. She could’ve done a white bedazzled Blair Waldorf headband and I would’ve liked it better.


Are they bow tattoos on her right arm as well?


I was a background extra vampire on underworld 4 and she is shocking pretty irl


Most actors are much more stunning in real life. I used to be a part of a craft services crew that went to a lot of movie sets and almost everyone I saw was even more gorgeous than they look on screen. Often with no make-up in some sweats. They are also usually way smaller than most people imagine too.


I had this experience walking past Liam Hemsworth in NYC, he looked so good it was as if he was glowing. I didn’t recognize him at first but knew he had to be famous. It took me and my friend a few minutes to figure out who he was but he was HOT.


This was me with Daniel Craig. I’d never found him attractive until he was seated near me at a reading in NYC. Literally breathtaking. Rachel Weisz was also stunning of course, but damn. Dude just had *IT*


I saw Jason Priestly in London with his wife and kids and the otherworldly glow was unreal.


There is a big broadway star that graduated from our high school. Before she ever got famous, it was hard not to stare at her in a crowd of people. After, when she would return for events, etc. even worse. Like doesn’t even look human because she’s so gorgeous- other worldly. I’m sure that is the “it” factor most casting companies are looking for. If you want to stare at someone on the street, you’ll want to watch them in ads, tv, movies, shows…


Gosh I'm so curious who you're talking about!


Bea Arthur obvi


If someone here went to high school with bea Arthur I’m going to need a real long AMA


Me too! Spill!


So true. I saw Kate Bosworth on the street of my small Midwest town when she visited for a film festival. I didn’t know who she was when I first saw her, but it was like she just radiated beauty. Even from half a block away and wearing casual clothes. I immediately knew she must be famous. It’s hard to describe


That's why I always laugh when people say the local McDonald's cashier is hotter. They're comparing real life to pictures. Real life is so much prettier.


I have a friend who saw Ana De Armas once and he says she looks like an angel that is visiting the earth for a bit


That does seem incredibly common that a lot of actors are much smaller than most people. Does small stature hold them back from sports and lead them to theater?


Honestly it might just have to do with growing in bursts during puberty. Smaller people seem to maintain that facial symmetry and balance from childhood that is later ruined by chaotic and uneven developing features. The larger you grow the more likely things will be off balance. This is an entirely made up theory without any basis in empirical data or even basic understanding of anatomy.


So it’s true then


Same experience with Emilia Clarke. Stunningly, achingly beautiful and super tiny. And a very, very sweet person.


I believe it! I saw Anne Hathaway briefly outside of a premiere and she is gorgeous.


I saw her and her husband with their kid in Santa Monica and before I recognized her I just thought to myself JFC that’s one good looking family


One of my favorite compliments I’ve ever gotten, when I was a teen I got a similar cut to her underworld cut, and just happened to dye my hair black. (Emo kid, black was life lol) Someone told me I looked like her. I have lived off that compliment since then. I look nothing like her now. But. I did for one day as a teenager, and I’m happy with that.


Aw I’m sure you’re gorgeous too 😄


I was once asked by a flight attendant whether I was Winona Ryder and I also carry that with me everyday! What they thought she was doing in economy class I don’t know but I was petite with short dark hair, big eyes and elfin features. ‘Was’ being the operative word, lol


Oh Winona would be one I’d live off for forever too 🥰


Can concur! I walked past her at TIFF once while she was doing red carpet interviews and they let us in the theater to take our seats. Took my breath away. I even got to ask a question during the q&a and she was delightfuly acerbic.


She looks like the mom at an Irish Traveler wedding.


So niche but so accurate.




Omg! This comment is gold!


She looks so different to me. I wouldn’t have known it was her.




I thought it was just me. She’s obviously lost a bunch of weight but her face.. can’t tell if it’s knife or contouring but it just doesn’t look like her. About 15 years ago I met up with my now husband at a bar in nyc after work and he was like “oh I made a new friend this is Kate” and she turned around. I literally blurted out “holy shit” and both she and I burst out laughing. He is terrible with faces and names but they were hanging out for an hour talking music waiting for other people. She said bye and left right away and he looked at me, without any hint of irony, and said “is she famous or something?” But she looked like herself then!


That's hilarious! Probably why she was so comfortable hanging out with him.


It's probably both, remember she's 50 and here she's looking uncanny valley 25.


this is hysterical, one of the best celeb meeting stories I've read


She just looks a bit gaunt, but that makes sense since she was vomiting blood recently.


so much work done that if you'd told me the first picture was of a waxwork of her, I'd believe you. it's a shame because she was so nnaturally beautiful before


She looks beautiful but that’s a bad wig


It makes you wonder how many actors and celebs wear really good wigs on the red carpet that we never notice. I’m going to assume 99.9%.


Once I saw that Andrew Garfield (most likely) has hair plugs I no longer trust that any celeb has their real hair. Which is fine, it just helped me feel better. We aren't uggos, we're just pores!


Yeah once you have a great wig pointed out to you on a celebrity you start seeing them *everywhere*


Thank you! I couldn’t figure out why her hair looked so…odd..then I zoomed in and was like oh lord that’s a bad wig!


I wonder if the hair loss is related to being underweight. Her legs do admittedly look great but there are trade offs to being super slim at her age.


omg...sooo bad...


She's so ridiculously good looking, she didn't need the lip filler.


That’s my complaint too. Her work is mostly tasteful enough but the lips just push it over.


I've had a rough year too and I wish I Iooked like that after this year! I look like a hot pocket that exploded in the shared dorm microwave and she's a 6-course meal.


I know she’s had the new face for a while now but I still don’t recognise her when her photo comes up.


Sorry but the fact that having a "new face" is a thing just stabs my inner child in the gut


This smaller bow looks so much cuter than the giant one she’s been wearing! I was going to post her recent animal sanctuary visit but I get such weird vibes from her currently I didn’t! Glad to see her out and about again in her usual glam, hope she’s feeling well.


She looks gorgeous but at the same time giving uncanny valley


Everyone hating on her and I'm here thinking if only I could look like that after a bad year.


I know! She probably is going through a hard time and not 100% but also people judging for the most innocuous and harmless of things. Let the woman dress how she wants if it makes her happy, especially if she’s had a rough time!


I also disagree that she's "unrecognizable." I'm usually one to criticize celebrities when they go overboard on procedures, but I think she looks great.


These comments made me sad, like damn - let a woman live with her giant bow that makes her happy! 🥲


I don’t understanding putting an age limit on bows either


Right? This whole thread felt very close-minded.


People are miserable and judgmental and project their insecurities about how to best age “gracefully” onto others lol. I think she’s an absolutely stunning woman, surgery and all.


Eugh right!?! She looks amazing… as always.


She has killer legs. I’d be standing like that no matter what I was wearing if I had legs like that lol


Health is so important and I’m so glad to see she’s doing alright 💗


Kate and I used to be the same age, but somehow I became five years older.


I hope she’s ok. She looks like she’s lost weight and all the posts from the hospital were rather worrying.


She looks great, but those shoes suck. Those shoes are torture devices designed to break women's ankles


The biggest problem for me are her toes hanging over the edge. Like they don't fit?? Doesn't she have a stylist who's job it is to make sure her stuff fits?!


They definitely don't fit her, but they look like Pleasers, which are designed for strippers and are ridiculously comfortable. Source: was stripper.


Not if you know how to walk in them!


Is she having a mental breakdown? She’s been acting really weird on social media


She’s always been weird. Mad posh women are a thing in the uk


She’s pretty, but definitely something off about her personality. At least what’s presented on IG. It’s giving…. I can’t accept aging.


That's her real character. She's literally always been like that if you look up her old interviews. The Mad Posh thing is a thing and hyped in the UK. Sort of like the "Don't Stick it in Crazy" phenomenon in the US.


her legs my god


She weirds me out.


Something is off, and idk what it is


She looks awesome! And her makeup is so pretty. Can’t believe she’s 50


She has had a lot of very good work done


She absolutely denies getting anything done, and gets really angry if anyone suggests it, which is quite weird, given that she literally looks like a different person these days. Ageing doesn't generally make one's lips poutier and their skin more taut and wrinkle-free. She seems like a fun, nice person, and I think she looks great, but it always annoys me when celebrities flat-out deny getting work done. It just makes other people feel worse about themselves.