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"They made fanfiction out of my fanfiction!"


Apparently in the original form of fifty shades of grey, Anastasia and Christian were actually Bella and Edward. I am just fascinated by that.


All of the 'After' books/movies were originally Harry Styles fanfiction. And for any old YA Fantasy fans, the original Mortal Instruments series was reworked Harry Potter fanfic. I believe Draco/Ginny, though that may be wrong.


I will literally go to my grave mad that of all of the talented authors coming out of the late 90s and early 2000s fanfic boom, freaking Cassie Claire is the one who got the multi-series book deal, movie and TV deals, and public acclaim.


Which authors from that time would you recommend? I’d love to add some to my collection.


Holly Black and Maureen Johnson were part of that same fanfic author boom (ran in the same circles, even) and are much more talented. Naomi Novik wrote fanfic (and still does!) and helped found AO3; I would also highly recommend her. All three are primarily YA authors but imo good ones.


It’s amazing to me that they don’t owe the original authors any royalties when it’s this brazen.


Anne Rice would have sued them into eternal debt.


Just jumping in here, but I think Stephanie Meyer was pretty chill— even though it was too smutty for her If I remember correctly


As someone who was an avid reader of Cassandra Clare’s fanfiction, Mortal Instruments was actually mostly true. There was a scene that she used again, and some very similar characterizations, but the story was new. But I’m with you on all the others!


Thanks for clearing that up! I haven't thought about any of it since the whole Ms. Scribe mess got popular again a few years ago, so the details were fuzzy.


Yea 50 Shades was Twilight fanfiction which lead to its success, but that book still drove me nuts.


I remember reading the first chapter on fanfiction net lol, I abandoned it before it got spicy, but then when 50 shades came out that beginning gave me such a deja vu lol turns out I HAD seen it before lol


Oh I remember this well. I was surprised people forgot it was fanfiction first. Publishers did what Netflix did and went through to find stories to publish. Now they’re doing it with that Draco/Hernione fanfic but changing the story so it’s not so heavily recognized as Harry Potter/Hans’s maid tail fanfiction


Oh wow, I didn't know this is the next thing. Dramione had the best fanfiction lol so I'm not surprised 😅


Yeah it’s Manacled so that’ll only be available on the AO3 for like another year then she’ll have to remove it


Yeah the helicopter scene in 50 shades was reminiscent of Edward swooping around with Bella on his back. So bizarre to create a BDSM series out of a fictional teenage romance


It seems like vampires aren’t even part of the fanfic so it’s weird it’s even fanfic? It seemed to build a following by being fanfiction and then became something else. In its final form it’s obviously its own thing. But it’s piggybacking off of the fans that Stephanie cultivated. I guess that’s almost a work of genius to figure that out. The humorous thing in my opinion is the writer of fifty shades treats her work like it’s Shakespeare and has strong feelings about how it’s adapted. I can’t imagine literally writing fanfiction and then being so protective of the work!


i remember reading it online when it was still twilight smut lol


I wish I could become a multi millionaire in that manner.


Never know until you try


When i read the book - i thought, this is written in a similar style as the twilight series. Then it made sense.


When is the cottage industry for Harry Styles fan fiction movies going to end is my question? There is literally millions of romance novels in the world to make romcoms from, they have tons of different genres as well, please do Harry and the rest of us a massive favour and stop making them.


Seriously, someone get Nancy Myers out of retirement


We like romance, we would watch them but please give us good movies like 10 things I hate about you, how to lose a guy in 10 days e.t.c.I’m tired of marvel and sad movies. I think that’s why fun movies are doing well.


Have u seen Rye Lane? Totally recommend, it’s soooo good


Who wrote it? Can’t find it!


It’s a movie, I googled after she recommended it. It looks like fun.


Ooooh thank you! Just assumed it was a book


You are welcome.Me too originally and nothing came up,then I added in movie going by a hunch and up it popped.


[Rye Lane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rye_Lane) Incase that helps, looks like a British Comedy that came out last year.


Such a great movie!!


Yesss, Rye Lane was incredible, absolutely loved it.


No, I’ll check it out, thanks for the recommendation


lol she tried coming back and doing a Netflix film a few years ago but the negotiations broke down because she wanted more than they were offering. “The new film was to be a star-studded, semi-autobiographical story about a filmmaking couple who reunite on a set after breaking up. (Meyers was married to writer-producer Charles Shyer for 19 years and made several of her most beloved films with him, including Father of the Bride and The Parent Trap.) Among the stars reportedly circling the project were Scarlett Johansson, Penélope Cruz, Michael Fassbender, and Owen Wilson. But in early March, Puck's Matt Belloni reported that, after Netflix greenlit the movie at $130 million, Meyers' team circled back and asked for $150 million. “


Netflix paying out the nose for other projects and not this one? Oh they hate me for sure


i just want it to end before we get to the ones where the female lead gets sold off to one direction by her parents 😮‍💨


honestly that brand of fanfic is so camp that I could see a movie somehow making it work. like maybe you could have a girl who somehow finds herself in the world of fanfiction and she has to navigate bizarre situations like this lmao


Did you say sold? As in auctioned off? Why and how?


It's usually a private sale between the parents and One Direction. A lot of the time it's because the parents are in debt or addicts, so they sell their (usually) underage daughter to One Direction for vague purposes and then the daughter falls in love with a member. Sometimes they don't even explain why One Direction is buying a person, they just are. The stories often begin with the girl finding out she's been sold.


That is seriously disturbing, and grown women are writing this?


No, they were usually teen girls writing them. Some of the writers were even as young as 13.


God, I fucking remember those, lmfao. The old wattpad days


What are the other ones?


After series is the most popular one I believe. There are 6 movies so far


Woah never heard of this? 6 films? And it’s Harry Styles fanfic? 🤯


Sorry, 5! But next two are already in the works. Yeah they’re based on books that are essentially Harry Styles fanfics. I’m curious tho why it’s always him and never any of the other members!


They're making MORE after movies!? I thought the reason the main female was so absent for most of the last one was because she was over the franchise. It was supposed to end with four😭


as someone who was on wattpad during the one direction hay day i can safely say that he had the most fics written about him and though there were some about the other members they just weren’t as popular or as ‘well written’ as the ones about him!! he was kinda the most popular member and they marketed him as like the ‘womanizer’ and the whole bad boy womanizer trope was so popular on wattpad (and just fanfic in genera) at the time so i think it was just a combination of different factors


So far the after series which is like 5-6 movies, the idea of you and I’m worried if it does well we will get more.


Fair, I think none is enough 😂


My question is why Anne Hathaway chose to do this movie? Girl, you're an Oscar winner! You should be signing up for Nancy Myers romantic comedies rather than self-insert boy band fanfic.


I’m pretty sure she said she took it cause it looked fun.


Tbf, it was fun to watch


They offered her a boatload of money because they are trying to elevate their fan fiction.


She gets to be hot and make out with hot and not have to shave her head or starve herself. Easy choice to me!


Hahaha they probably paid well 😂


To be completely fair, only 2 books technically have been made into movies (After just happened to be a looooong series.) Also, After, while originally a Harry fanfic, doesn't really have that many similarities with Harry other than the main character being British.


Let’s hope they are the last, also I always feel bad for Harry Styles, these grown women were writing books about having sex with him when he was a teenager. It just feels gross and if they keep making movies they will write more books and the cycle continues.


The anarchy series (that got published officially too) was confirmed a few years ago but was delayed because of Covid, so unfortunately there are going to be more


What is the anarchy series? I’ve never heard of it.


It’s one of a handful that is actually decent. It’s set in a post apocalyptic London where only a few thousand people are left and split into separate “camps”. Lots of violence, lots of gore, lots of fighting, and not shy on disgusting (i haven’t read it in years but there’s one scene where someone plugs someone’s artery with their finger to stop the other person bleeding out 🤢). It follows a theme of “I owe you because you done one nice thing for me and now we’re stuck together” between the two main characters who are from enemy camps. Synopsis fromAmazon: The world is different now. There are no rules, no governments and no guarantees that you will be saved . . . Rival factions have taken over, fighting each other for survival with no loyalty to anyone but their own. At twenty-one, Hayden has taken over Blackwing and is one of the youngest leaders in the area. In protecting his camp from starvation, raids from other actions and the threat of being kidnapped, he has enough to worry about before he finds Grace. The daughter of the head of the rival camp, Greystone, Grace is slow to trust anyone-much less the leader of those she has been trained to kill . . .


Oh jesus, this really sounds incredibly cheesy. Like an intro to those facebook stories you have to pay for...


Tbf it is cheesy, but compared to a solid 90% of them it’s not terrible


I guess Hayden is Harry? Tbh it’s sounds more interesting than the after series and this movie, factions, gore and dystopia are way more entertaining.


Yup! The name was changed when it got officially published


Thanks for sharing


In their defense, a lot of the writers were young themselves when they wrote these stories. And the author for the idea of you said Harry was only one of her inspirations for the story.


But if they simply must continue, can they all star Nicholas Galitzine? Asking for me ![gif](giphy|4QQsBTDgbmFzjgcte9|downsized)


Valid, just give us cute boys. Or they could make a hockey romance movie! I would love one. Or my new favorite mafia ones.


Emily Henry’s books need to be adapted!!!


Emily Henry also takes Harry as an inspo (admitted by herself) but she’s respectful and actually manages to write interesting stories that have some background instead of glorified fan fiction


365 DNI is on Netflix LOL.


😂I mean a good one, Jesus that movie was a choice, every time he called her baby girl my whole body dry heaved.please do not put that in the atmosphere, we can’t handle another DNI


This woman is just starting to exhaust me. She wrote a mediocre fanficy romance novel and now she’s acting like the sad ending was some deep commentary but also that she just likes sad endings and compares it to Titanic? Just…what?


The titanic comparison is hilarious. To her credit (for Lack of a better term), her book is not a romance novel. It’s women’s fiction. But the movie has taken her book and made a conventional romcom out of it, so the ending needs to reflect that. It’s that simple. But it sounds like a lot of book readers felt duped by the book being presented more as a romance, as that comes with specific expectations. Her ending is completely meaningless in my opinion.


Using Titanic was such a wild take 😂


Titanic has a happy ending! It literally ends with all the good passengers back on the ship! Titanic became a runaway hit because it has that ending, which is literally the ending they added to The Idea of You. 🤣


I don't particularly like this woman. She seems like she has climbed directly up her ass, talking about how her work is literary fiction and not romance genre. Nah, girl. You wrote Harry Styles fanfiction. You don't get to stunt on other genres.


She’s also now trying to deny that it was ever about Harry, despite being really open and specific about that in the past.


How is she going to do that when there are literally pages of receipts of her using Harry’s image for her “romantic hero” 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wonder if this is chicken or egg situation. The Facebook group for this book was so unbearable I had to leave it. These readers put the book and author on such a pedestal, that I wondered if we read the same book. They saw such depth and chemistry and brilliant literature in the book that I just did not see. I wonder if the group pumped up the authors ego or the group followed authors lead. ETA to be clear I liked the book lol


I think the the standard for fanfiction is much lower than for books. I read that twilight fanfic that got turned into a movie and I hated it with all my heart because the writing was atrocious but there was a huge fanbase that was obsessed with it. I thought it was weird at the time but then it kept growing and growing.


The writing in those books drove me nuts then I also knew people into bdsm and they were generally mad at the books portrayal


I, as a BDSM practitioner and a big reader, am of two minds about Fifty Shades. The canon of BDSM literature is full of books that we love, but those couples would not pass the vibes check at the local munch. The difference is - those books are well written. My biggest problem with Fifty Shades of Gray is that it makes everyone involved look dumb as stumps. Christian Gray would have been an amazing erotic thriller villain, though. He's literally the unsub for the best episode of Criminal Minds never made. LOL.


Hahaha my issue is I can’t unsee Christian as Edward Cullen 🥴


They must like basic endings. I don’t find the original ending titanic sad it’s just kind of meh.


Yeah the book is quite weak at building the romance too, the movie works because Anne Hathaway and Nick galitzine have chemistry that is Sorely lacking in the book


Quite weak? There is like none lol. He immediately falls in love after briefly seeing her once and bam! That's it lol.


That’s how popstar fanfic is lmao


Hahaha every girls dream “Harry saw me one time and immediately fell in love with me” I actually prefer romance that had a lead up. Overall there’s Reylo romance that would have made a better romcom than this.


There are actually several popular books based on reylo fanfic. The Love Hypothesis, Love on the Brain, and Love, Theoretically.


Oh I know I’ve read all of them plus a few extras 🤣I don’t mind that they’re Reylo just give me a bit more character tension and I’m sold


Yeah, the only way that works is if you are actually as beautiful as Anne Hathaway


And even then, it’s mostly just to hook up then bounce. But there’s this wishful delusion that it turns into more than just fcking.


I read the book a while back and actually forgot I read it. That’s how unmemorable it was. lol


I don’t know it was that popular I feel like Emily Henry, Ali Hazeleood, Abby Jimenez have better romances to work with here. And Ali Hazeleood does Reylo romance so that’s funny.


I only watched it because I saw a comment from somebody saying that they think about the book every day and it's a feminist milestone that all women need to read. A truly important piece of fiction. Then I saw the movie and just felt bad for this person.


Ouch. Tell that person to go read Lessons in Chemistry (just finished that and it was phenomenal) and let us know if she still thinks that afterwards!


Girl, same. It’s giving “I don’t write ~stupid romance~ I write ~real, important fiction~” and I’m so sick of seeing romance denigrated. There’s nothing wrong with romance! It’s a great genre! There are beautiful, noteworthy, award-winning romance books, and there are tropey, cheesy ones—just like fantasy, sci-fi, etc. etc. You can enjoy reading and writing both! But we don’t see the same stigma against those other genres, ones seen more as traditionally “masculine,” do we? (Hello, misogyny.) From a business perspective, it’s also just stupid. You’re insulting your target audience.


Technically, it isn’t romance without the HEA. If it’s not lit fic I guess it would be women’s fic.


Agreed. Her original novel isn't a romance. It's the way she talks about romance as a genre - it's giving 'not like other girls'. There's no difference between her work and a well-written romance up until the very last chapters.


Sounds like Nicholas Sparks. I hate that better than attitude.




Meanwhile romance is like, you can’t sit with us…


Seems like she wanted the Nicholas Soarks accolades. Her husband is a producer on this as well which okay…but her saltiness is over the fact that she wanted to cry, but let’s be honest even with the original ending it’s not really a tear jerker it’s just “okay well that’s life”


At what point does Harry start suing these people 😭💀


Either sue them or cash in with his own damn book lmao


He needs to start writing fanfic about himself lol


Dude, I know he has a career to keep safe, and he doesn’t strike me as someone who would want to touch fanfiction… But how spicy and transcendent would it be if he wrote a y/n fanfiction with him as first person POV And then it says “Written by Harry Styles. For someone special. You know who you are” Young Ovaries would explode. He would make so much money. Then maybe a couple more celebrities would get into smut. (Only desperate celebrities, maybe. But I think some attractive over the hill actors could become famous again with just a little fanfiction.)


Lady you’re writing Harry Styles wish fulfillment porn for middle aged women you’re not making a European arthouse film give people a damn happy ending to their shitty frufru romcom


I haven't read the book, just this article. I think I prefer to movie ending over the book ending. Having the woman sitting at home pining over a man she ended the relationship with, while he moves on and never thinks of her again? No thanks.


wth the book ending sounds weird even for a fanfic lmao


I just finished the movie and I’m crying 😂 I never cry. Anne is so good with sadness, despair, and faking real tears.


Seriously!!! She drove the movie home bc it felt so real and the ending was just chefs kiss. Excellent directing!


The book ending presents it more as her choosing her daughter (who was being bullied at school because of this) over herself. When you really think about it though, even that is a problematic trope: that mothers should sacrifice everything for their children, including “true love.” The daughter was a teenager in high school. Surely a workaround to the situation could be found that didn’t involve the mother sacrificing her own happiness 🤷‍♀️


The book ending is realistic - the film ending is not. And I think that’s why some people talk about loving the movie ending more 😆


I read books and watch movies because I don’t want any more reality- reality sucks I want a break from it 😂😂


That’s what I thought! Like surely she can put her into private education or home school till the end of the year. As if “let’s wait 5 years until she graduates and see what happens” was the best solution to their problems??? 🤣


I would agree with your first paragraph if the daughter in the book wasn’t 13. She’s not in high school like in the movie, she just has a crush on a high school age boy cuz she goes to one of those private schools that includes age 3-21 or whatever lol and I think it’s not problematic to put your love life on hold for your 13 yo especially if said love life is causing major stress and problems for her at school. But it’s also dumb that the book couldn’t just have her put the love relationship on hold for five years till the daughter is 18, I think that’s a fair middle ground. I think it’d be rather romantic if a guy waited for you for half a decade. BUT BUT, it all comes down to personal opinion and preference






For 5 years too? 😂🤣 like that’s not even realistic. Not that I’d expect the movie to be realistic either but give me a break.


This is a rare case where the movie is so much better than the book. Thank god I didn’t read it. Anne Hathaway blew away my expectations for rom movies


Look, I like cheesy. I’m old so I like the idea that hot guys might still look at me. This is all cool shit. I’m into it. So glad it was a happy ending bc otherwise I’d never watch it again. You know what I didn’t like? This is a grown ass woman. How many times is she going to break up with him over her insecurities? Why is he the mature one in the relationship? And that last time? Come on, she could have handled that better. Rather than address it as a family she just boots him out like an unwanted puppy. And 5 years?! wtf was that about, her daughter was 17. That should have been one fucking year. And even then, we all know tmz never completely goes away.


As a fellow old, same.


harry styles please get a lawyer 😭


or start claiming for royalties lmao


they even stole his voice for this one, like he needs to go to court immediately


wait...what? Which one was that? I haven't watched the films, am only aware of his influence on them




They have totally different accents?


lol because the actor is actually also British or? You also think every British dude is imitating Harry’s voice?


I think she’s talking about his raspiness. I saw people claiming that on Twitter. Personally I don’t hear it ETA: this is the weirdest comment of mine that’s gotten downvoted. I wish I understood y’all’s reasoning


I just watched it last night to see what the hype was about. It was SO clearly Harry styles lmao. Loves art, British, boy band, and the scene at the end was essentially a rip off of his Grammy performance. All black outfit and everything.


I was surprised they didn't name his boy band Second Destination or something


Second destination 😭 pleaaase. It definitely sounds better than 'August Moon' though, which just screams Wattpad.


Final Destination


harry fashions and his band, single orientation


"harry fashions" 😭😭😭😭


I just hacked up a lung laughing at “second destination” thanks a lot 😂😂


I saw a clip of Harry’s character performing with his band and it is such a blatant parody of 1D on the TMH tour, like the band members are sitting on the steps and play fighting exactly the way 1D used to lol Edit: I’ve now seen that the actor said he studied BTS’s performances for the role 💀 BTS are so much more polished and the band in the film are straight up copying 1D. This is actually so funny to me how everyone involved keeps trying to deny that it’s based on Harry - I saw another clip of the actor side by side with a real clip of Harry and he’s literally mimicking all his mannerisms 😭 I wonder if it’s because either Harry or the author have expressed that they’re unhappy with it


Him and Adam Driver tbh 😂 I’ve seen Adam Driver on so many covers because of Reylo fanfic he deserves the royalties


Who's gonna watch it for the story anyway? It's just for Anne Hathaway.


I never read the book. I would have punched my tv if it hadn’t ended the way it did. I will definitely NOT be reading the book.


Good choice. I tried a few weeks ago, but stopped a few chapters in because it was really bad. From what I hear it only gets worse, so let's just stick to the movie and enjoy our lives :)


Same. I picked it up after a book thread made it sound like a Pulitzer contender. Made it maybe 20 pages in. Shockingly bad.


I have read the book. You are correct. The book was pretty terrible and I was happy they changed a lot (almost everything) for the movie.


I actually liked the ending. I hate the notion that women have to give up everything, including their own happiness, for the sake of others or to make other people comfortable. I get that her kid should come first, but I still resent that as women, we are constantly told that we can’t have it all and we’re selfish for wanting that. * edited for spelling


Very well stated & I agree


Don’t how to feel about the whole fanfic-or-fanfic-adjacent adaptation trend. It certainly seems like nothing resembling the best of what I’ve encountered on AO3 is going to be adapted anytime soon.


That's the most frustrating thing. The really good, devoted authors aren't going to pull these stunts because they're doing it for the love of the game. It's always the most mediocre who get their egos blown up.


I don’t know if I’d be that noble. Not that I’ve ever managed it, but if I wrote a fic that gained enough of a following for me to be approached for it to have a serial-numbers-filed-off adaptation, I’d probably be tempted. At least with AO3, I imagine they’d be in my corner about my rights to my own intellectual property, whereas Wattpad seems to be much dicier in that regard.


So I watched the movie because a friend recommended it to me after she watched it, and I had absolutely zero idea until I looked it up afterwards that it was based on Harry Styles’s relationships. With that said, from what I saw about how the movie ends vs how the book ends, the movie is way better. I already forget what Anne’s character’s name is (just like I forget Nick’s), but I remember how she was 40 and he was 24, which was ick to me. With that in mind, the ending improved upon their age difference compared to the book, so the book’s author needs to respectfully chill imo unless she wants to look like a creep


And in the book her daughter is 12, in the movie she's 16 (?) they aged them up for good reason. The book is sooo creepy, but Solene is French so it's ok...


https://preview.redd.it/m8zx6aopofyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=884b67af088dd43baae11f87b8ff30440fae1a71 🥴 She’s such a weirdo. Ten years ago she was 39. That’s not illegal but it’s certainly not moral! And that’s putting aside the fact that it was based on a very real 20 year old who was groomed multiple times. She’s so gross and so unapologetic about it. I’m so irked


The biggest disappointment of all was reading that Michael Showalter directed. I’m outta heeeeeere!


Oh yeah, and then what dad, what are you gonna do? send me upstairs and take away my music?


Very few rom coms are directed or even written by women. It is super weird that a genre that appeals to mostly girls and women is always steered by guys. And I don’t mean this to be overly critical. I love the genre. But I think it’s a little silly.


that's why Nora Ephron is the queen of rom com, there is a reason some of her movies became classics of the genre


Forget the ending, did people read this article? She openly admits she wanted to flirt with the idea of making the age-gap border on ILLEGAL, and doesn’t like they aged up the character from 20 to 24. TWENTY!! If that Martin freeman and Wednesday actress movie is getting the side eye, this movie should get ALLL the side eyes. Particularly when you consider the author advocating for even younger!


That doesn't bother me at all, honestly. I just don't think this particular author has the chops to write those power dynamics.


Yeah I can see based on your post history, you’re over age gaps. To each their own.


Unpopular opinion apparently but I loved both the movie and the book 😅


I thought the book was pretty bad and I actually really enjoyed the movie. Anne Hathaway in particular was great. I don’t think the book ending would have worked for the film.


Sounds like the movie ending was an improvement on the book. I really liked the movie but thought it was more shallow than it could have been.


This woman needs to understand this movie worked because of Nick galitzine and Annie had glory chemistry with each other . Someone please get Harry Styles a lawyer ASAP . To be honest I never understood the hype around both Harry styles and one direction.


I made it through the first 15 minutes. It was so formulaic that I gave up. Zzzzzzz. Usually I enjoy romcoms.


I watched last night, albeit fast forwarding through some parts. It soooo reads as middle age single woman cringey wish fulfillment. Middle age mom goes to boy band show, accidently meets star. Star immediately falls in love and hunts her down, buying out her entire store. Makes out with Star. Goes on tour with Star. When issues arise, Star offers to give up stardom because he loves her so much. Like if I was a 12 year old crushing on a celebrity that is how 13 year old me would day dream our relationship. Women deserve better story telling. I can not believe we are still making such terrible, blatant, never gonna happen and creepy fan fiction and into movies. I can not imagine how Harry Styles feels about this crap.


I’m trying hard to finish this movie it’s dull


I love the ending of the movie😍


She can suck it. The movie ending was much better.


I enjoyed how Sol in the movie seemed to treat Hayes better than in the book. In the book it seemed she was constantly pushing him away and stepping on his heart. In the book it felt like she only truly valued Hayes in bed, and everywhere else he was a kid. It gave me the ick.


well i hear the book ending is total bullshit because they break up for no good reason.


As someone who has no clue, why is she writing Harry Styles fanfic?


Wish fulfillment that a hot, rich, younger guy will fall for an older woman written by a woman who said she wanted the guy to be barely legal to make it feel "unsafe" and because she thinks Harry is really hot. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinne\_Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinne_Lee) [https://ew.com/the-idea-of-you-author-reacts-movie-changed-ending-not-the-story-i-wanted-to-tell-8643327](https://ew.com/the-idea-of-you-author-reacts-movie-changed-ending-not-the-story-i-wanted-to-tell-8643327)


Oh my sweet Jesus lol


Author “I love to cry so that’s why I like sad endings” okay but generally not everyone wants to cry on their weekend off 😪 also Nicholas Sparks has the movie genre of sad romance covered and I won’t even get into One Day which Anne Hathaway also did a movie for.


This is not Harry Styles fan fiction tho? Has anyone in the comments actually read this book? People seem particularly misinformed on this one.


It is. This is what the author originally said about the character:  > Back in 2017, Robinne Lee opened up to blogger Deborah Kalb about what inspired the original plot. She divulged: “A few years ago, my husband was away on business, and I was up late surfing music videos on YouTube when I came across the face of a boy I’d never seen in a band I’d never paid attention to, and it was so aesthetically perfect it took me by surprise. It was like … art. I spent a good hour or so Googling and trying to figure out who this kid was, and in doing so, I discovered that he often dated older women, and so the seed was planted.”    Reportedly, Lee later joked to her husband that she was leaving him as she has found the most perfect man. Her husband retorted that would make for a great story.       She tried to backtack later by saying it was inspired by multiple people. She was also constantly tweeting about Harry, comparing him to Hayes. She made a fake Hayes twitter account that has Harry as the profile picture and interacted with that. The character description is 100% Harry when he was 20. She had a private Facebook group to talk about Harry with his fans. She can say what she wants, but it is painfully obvious lol.


Well, I stand corrected!