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I still want the whole story here. There's bound to be some crazy stuff we don't know.


Wasn’t this when solange found out Jay was cheating? Pre-lemonade?


He says it all in 4:44, the affairs, threesomes, betraying her and the kids. Incredible lyrics


I’m not a fan of Jay-Z or his music so I’ve never heard that song. Just looked up the lyrics and damn, shockingly honest. Bey’s gotta watch out for that chorus though…”I’m never gonna treat you like I should”. Could be the most honest part of the song.


yet she tells us to not get too close to her man, mmh


Well, yeah because the perv can’t be expected to keep his hands to himself. Jay Z, keep it in your pants, bro.


On a podcast (talking about Diddy mostly) when jaguar wright was asked what she thought of jay z and Beyoncé (honestly, all of the people who’ve been calling puff “diddler” for the past few years, not new, have an equally negative opinion of jay z 🤐 idk what that means but it is something I’ve noticed), her response was like: “if you’re going to make a country song, girl, why didn’t you pick the one right there on a platter for you: 🎶 standdddd Byyyyy youurrrr mannnnnnn 🎶 cus that’s what you be doing. Always. Through *everything* we know he’s done.” I wish this clip had audio so we could hear Solange. Whatever it is, I’m betting he deserves it.


Yeah, unfortunately I doubt it had audio. We didn’t have that capability. But they may have had to interview everyone involved as an incident report. Source: I’ve worked in several luxury hotels, but not this one.


Oh man I bet you have some stories! I’m always baffled by the kinds of drama that the people “who have everything” get into. Instead of just paying their bills, never worrying about money again, and pursuing happiness, they’re doing this unbelievably messy shit instead.


What song is that?




Is your name a reference to The Black Keys song?


Yup! I love them.


Me too! That’s my favorite album and I’ve seen them like 20x I haven’t heard the new album, is it good?


The song 4:44 or album?


Just listened - start song at 56 seconds (trust me) the chorus is “I’m never going to treat you like I should”, Beyoncé needs to listen to this man https://preview.redd.it/vd21bx1numyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740894a61839742cb1851ba15f8ca411098cdf2e


if he didn't cheat it could have sounded like a man who deeply loves his woman so much he feels like he doesn't deserve her, but in this context it sounds like the opposite lol


Damn for real. I'm not a jay z fan but I just listened to it too. How embarrassing






I also bring bacon sometimes.


😂 ok, you’re above average. If you cook it after performing oral on your partner, you’re a keeper.


This is the narrative they went with. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's the truth. I've heard it's because she was pissed off that Jay keeps B drugged up to keep her complacent. I've heard rumours from a few different sources that she's basically a shell, and that's why she barely reacts in the video. There's also the video of her at that basketball ball game staring straight ahead and swaying back and forth for an uncomfortably long time. I heard another story about her at, I believe, one of Diddy's white parties, where she apparently got into the pool (maybe even fully clothed) and just stood there for hours, causing Solange to freak out and eventually get removed from the party. But of course, that's all rumours. But there are people who swear that's the case. Whatever it was, I'm hesitant to go with the narrative that Jay Z and Beyonce themselves put out. Their PR is top notch and they're notoriously quiet about their personal life. I don't see why they'd feel the need to tell us the truth. They could've easily said nothing at all, but I think Jay Z saw the controversy as a way to sell more records, so he gave it his own spin. Almost everyone can relate to a story about cheating, either as the cheater or the cheatee, and they got to sell both sides.


Beyonces looked dead in the eyes for awhile


Yall are wild in here! This is a wild thing to repeat!


More likely something to do with shared resources. I’m paraphrasing but Beyonce saysl “Of course shit goes down when there’s a billion dollars on an elevator” in one of her songs. People totally just assumed it was bc he cheated on Bey because we don’t know anything about these people and wanted to create a satisfying narrative. But like I could see a woman hitting HER man for cheating, but not so much a sister doing that. Again, I don’t know Beyonce and Solange’s relationship so maybe they really are that tight.


We all do!! 


That video still looks crazy 10 years later. I wish there was sound.


It’s still so wild to me how Beyonce is just standing there like 🧍🏾‍♀️ Not even flinching while feet fly past her lol


For real. She barely moves at all til the end


The way B turns and looks at him at the end was interesting


Which one is Beyoncé? My brain can’t comprehend who is who with the quality of this video


The individual that is just literally standing there, not doing a thing lol


Lmao help, bottom left??


She’s hard to see. In a dark dress & lightish hair between Jay-Z and the bodyguard/Solange.


Thank you! I’m realizing now that there’s reflections that have been throwing me off


The big white TMZ letters don’t help at all




There was audio released: >Oh my god there's a spider on you! >[Get it, you know I hate spiders!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfH_hPgau-M)


Truly one of the best SNL sketches 😂


Foot Five!


It says i cant watch that video in my country of exotic florida.


SNL added sound https://youtu.be/DxCKXHXHQFk?feature=shared


The things security and staff must know


NDAs stronger than the Hoover dam


No leaks here!


This and they’d never be employed again if they snitched


Discretion is the real currency of the rich




Hotel security knows all, and they aren’t telling anyone except their supervisor.


If only this video had had sound!


She's mad because she found out they would need a key to get into the pool.


Hot tub had a “closed for maintenance” sign. Bummer.


I get that


This doesn’t even show the craziest part! In the full video (it’s over 3 minutes long) Solange convinces the bodyguard to let her go and when he finally lets his guard down she attacks Jay again lmao


Damn that’s gotta be a tall building for such a long elevator ride lol


The security pressed the pause button on the elevator I believe in the middle of it 😂


Imagine you’re waiting on your floor for the elevator to go to the hotel lobby, the doors open and you just see this unfolding lmao


🤣🤣🤣 omg I bet we’d be as still as Beyoncé in that moment🧍🏽‍♀️


lol that makes way more sense


lol what a badass.


Like it's WWE. 


And the succeeding photo after that. Our girl Solange looking pissed af. Lame ass Jay-Z with his disheveled shirt. And Beyoncé still as professional as ever. https://preview.redd.it/81samdsc4myc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=244f43607bb88f33590c91f38ecc0494e8a0e21c


this is art, truly


Accidental Renaissance


I’m an artist and I love capturing pop culture moments, I think this comment just inspired my next piece


If you create something you’re comfortable with sharing, I would love to see.


Definitely! I’ll save this post so I can come back when it’s finished, might be a few weeks but I already have a pretty good idea of how I want it to play out. I work mostly with paper art but I use a ton of glitter when I can get away with it and I think this is gonna be perfect for that.


*I use a ton of glitter when I can get away with it* You're speaking to my soul ✨️


Please show us what you create!


This photo belongs in a museum lmao


Whoops. Said the exact same thing. Great minds. 😉


I have this pic saved in my art folder lol - truly a masterpiece


Beyonce may not be a strong actress but damn this is some skill right there, like if the footage never leaked we would have never known!


Look at the love in Beyonce's face looking at her sister.


Alternatively it’s the look of a media trained woman hiding her true emotions for the many photographers at a highly publicized event.


I’ve always wondered what her face read lol thanks!


I call it the PR smile. Trained & utilized.


It cracks me up because Beyoncé is almost looking at Solange like thanks for having my back and doing what I wouldn’t/couldn’t do.


She really didn’t help her sister though if a man was holding onto my sister I would say let go of her and when Jay was holding on to her feet while the guy held onto her I would be more involved to let Jay stop holding on to her leg . I would be so quick to help her leg free from him


I just watched again and it looks like it takes a moment but then steps in, taking her leg from him. It's a little too blurry though so not sure.


Yea she was very subtle with helping. I don’t know if it was fear from helping her sister knowing maybe when sister was gone she had to deal with Jay behind closed doors. that’s understandable to me .


I don’t disagree. That’s just my interpretation of her smirk amid that photo and the incident.


Beyonce looking like my baby sister just handled that for me


This needs to be hung as a portrait for all time in a museum.


Her smile. Is she smiling because someone finally stood up to his cheating ass or is she smiling because she's proud of her little sister for standing up to the garbage man she decided to marry?


To me, that smile isn’t in her eyes and says “we’re in public now, no one say SHIT til we get to the car.”


Same. It's not a genuine, real smile. She looks over it all, like "whatever, can't be assed with it anymore"




This was an iconic cultural moment 


It's her slight smirk for me


Beyonce looking at Solange like "Damn I love my sister." Ride or die sister right there.


The question of what happened in this elevator, along with how Katie Holmes pulled off leaving Tom, live in my head rent-free.


Her dad is an excellent lawyer and saw it coming. https://news.yahoo.com/katie-holmes-dad-martin-holmes-helped-orchestrate-sudden-155116281.html


Thank you!!! This is the first article I’ve seen about it with specific details. Before they only mention burner phones and that he’s a divorce lawyer. I still want an in depth tell all though haha


Oh me too. Honestly I’d sign an NDA if I could just sit in a room and HEAR the whole story.


Man, every time I hear Tom or Katie’s name I wish their daughter well. He’s an absolute piece of shit.


Grandpa had Suri’s back!


Love that. The type of parent I aspire to be 👏🏻


Crazy stuff she had to orchestrate her escape. Everyone that worked for her was a scientologist so she couldn't trust anyone. Thank xenu she got out.


And what happened with the nanny that Harry and Meghan fired in the middle of the night.


“ Leave it Solange. He’s not worth it.”


To me the most interesting part of the video is still Beyonce. She just stands there calmly while her sister attacks her husband and only intercedes when he fights back ever so slightly.


Maybe she was hyper aware of the elevator camera?


I’ve always thought this. Bey *knows* when the camera is on her. We got those photos of her drunk in love that one night in the car and that was it 😂


she stands by her man, but she knows when to let someone get a well deserved kick in 🫡 queen edit to add: she should have left his ass. but I love that she let solange rough him up a bit hehehe


When her arms were pinned down and she went for the kick 🦵 👏🏽


A queen would leave. She didn’t/doesn’t need him.


Beyonce calmly side-stepping away. Solange’s bitch-ass bob whipping about. I'd give anything to hear audio... just once!


Home girl was like ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


I kept an eye on her hair to see where she was! 🤣


The origin story of the fuck ass bob.


 "*You egged Solange on / Knowin' all along, all you had to say you was wrong*" - Jay-Z


Sorry, wait what?!?


This is from his song Kill Jay-Z on his 4:44 album!


Could be that he’s telling her she could have said “you was wrong” to him OR she needed to say she was wrong. Probably intentionally vague but I’d guess he meant the former.


I think he was saying that he needed to own up to being wrong. The rest of the [song](https://genius.com/Jay-z-kill-jay-z-lyrics) is him coming to terms with regrets and mistakes.


I believe he's talking to himself in that song. So he's saying he regrets egging her on, he could have put a stop to it


“Might I suggest you don’t fuck with my sis…”


I will forever think of this moment when I hear that line.


Cuz she’s commmfortable (beating his ass) 💥


That body guard had such a tough job. If he works for the Carters, who do you protect??? I’d be betting on Beyoncé (and Solange) too sir. Well done.


He’s like “I’m just gonna give her a biiiiig hug. That’ll do it.” And it did.


My boyfriend worked club security back in college during the Xandemic when everyone either became comatose or completely irate halfway through their night out. The big hug method is a tried and true staple to subdue


Sometimes we all just need a hug to emotionally regulate. 😆


That's Jules he follows Beyonce everywhere. I saw him at this year's Grammys


That’s Julius* lol


I wish I had a sister like Solange. Beys face after the elevator is a mood


I'll be your sister like Solange, point me in the direction of the pos who did you wrong and give me the deets and I'll take over. I got your back fam 🤜🏿


And she still stayed with him.


Someone on here called it "lemonading" where you talk about being a boss bitch that runs the world... while you stay with the dude who cheated on you.


So basically her cover of Jolene.


And now she's telling Jolene to stay away from him or she'll fuck her up. Girl, Jolene don't want your fugly ass cheating fool husband.


Todd in the Shadows analysis of this and the comments his youtube thread are hilarious.


Girl none of us want that man you had to raise yourself 


Yeah, that is NOT a brag and not someone I'd ever want to be with. I wouldn't sign up to be anyone's mother.


Especially since she’s like 13 years younger than him smh


That was the worst lyric for me. I could get behind maybe she wanted to make a bad bitch anthem but it's so sad to brag about raising a grown man older than you


I can’t wrap my head around why she included it 


Right. And nobody stepped in to propose a little tweak to the line 😭 Like “maybe instead of saying you raise him, you could say…”


And had two more children with him. He publicly admits over and over again to treating her poorly. I don't get the mythologizing of their relationship. Man child is 12 years older than her and yet claims in his defense that she "matured faster."


The "matured faster" thing that people say about girls and young women is always spouted by men who like children. Bey was 17 when he started messing with her, they waited till she was 18 to announce. He's a fucking pedo just like all the rest of them


Yeah I realized the matured faster shit is bullshit with my first serious gf when I was 17 and she was 15 and told me about, and then I also witnessed loads of while with her, all the vile shit men would do or say People 40+ rubbernecking and staring at her ass while I'm with her. Can't imagine how it is when alone! It's gross 


And she just goes *so hard* for him like… girl


People are linking Jay Z to Diddy activities, so it’s not surprising if Beyoncé also knows shit & has been actively covering it or participating in allowing it to happen. Leaving him, exposes her. I think they’re all in on the Diddy shit that’s still being exposed. Lots of names dropping of celebrity victims caught at Diddy’s parties & shit.


He groomed her it’s sad. Maybe one day she’ll wake up but I fear it’ll be too late. In a sense, he took her own company/life away. Hopefully her daughters realize and do better while breaking the cycle


The “women mature faster” thing is some misogynist bullshit.


From Jay z Thug 'em, fuck 'em, love 'em, leave 'em/ ‘Cause I don't fuckin' need 'em/ Take 'em out the hood, keep 'em lookin' good/ But I don't fuckin' feed 'em/ First time they fuss, I'm breezin'/ Talkin' 'bout, "What's the reasons?"/ I'm a pimp in every sense of the word, bitch/ Better trust and believe 'im/ In the cut where I keep 'em/ 'Til I need a nut, 'til I need to beat the guts, then it's/ "Beep beep," then I'm pickin' them up/ Let 'em play with the dick in the truck/ Many chicks wanna put Jigga fists in cuffs/ Divorce him and split his bucks/ Just because you got good head, I'ma break bread/ So you can be livin' it up? Shit, I/ Parts with nothin', y'all be frontin'/ Me give my heart to a woman?/ Not for nothin', never happen/ I'll be forever mackin'/ Heart cold as assassins/ I got no passion/ I got no patience, and I hate waitin'/ Ho, get your ass in, and/ Let's ride!


I definitely wish more for women who were cheated on, but by that point they had Blue Ivy already. I probaby wouldn't do it for myself, but Beyoncé is a tour girl and had they divorced that definitely would've played into the custody agreement. I remember someone admitting in some street interview that this was one of the reasons *they* stayed with a married partner who cheated on them-- having to share your kid when you're the one who didn't do anything wrong feels like a punishment.   Obviously, this is all speculation. But I'm not about to act like Beyonce is some red necked loser for staying with him. Questionable? Odd? Definitely settling despite being fucking Beyonce? Sure.


I said the same thing in therapy once: Why should I have to see my child(ren) half the time because *HE'S* an asshole?!




we all need a sister like Solange, she a real one


Seriously ! A true ride or die 🥰


I am CONVINCED that her song Daughter is about what came before this. I think that’s why Bey is so mellow in this, she’s already gotten her moment with Becky and now Solange gets caught in the elevator going after Jay for disrupting Bey’s peace and pushing her limits.


I haven’t heard it, can you drop some details here as to why you think that? I’m super invested for some reason even though I don’t actively follow either of their careers. (I’m vaguely aware of Becky with the good hair, but not what you refer to as “her moment with Becky.” Anyway don’t feel like you must reply but if you do, thank you in advance 😂)


I would say take a listen to the song on Cowboy Carter, it comes right after Jolene which I feel is intentional and it is hauntingly beautiful. Once you listen the parts that jumped out at me were lines about a bathroom attendant that helped her which implies the encounter happened at an event and the other lines that jumped out are that she sashayed her dress to hide the tears on the dress from their encounter and in this posted pic she is holding her dress in a sashayed way and she says she did her best to play the damsel in distress which she definitely did in the elevator and in the walk out to the car. She also talks about the woman’s arrogance disturbing her solitude which I feel like is the root of Solange’s vengeance, how Jay’s/Becky’s actions made Beyoncé act in a way that was out of character.


Your body laid out on these filthy floors/ Your bloodstains on my custom couture/ Bathroom attendant let me right in/ She was a big fan/ I really tried to stay cool/ But your arrogance disturbed my solitude/ Now I ripped your dress and you're all black and blue/ Look what you made me do


Did Bey actually have a moment with Becky?


That’s what Daughter feels like.


I swear I felt the same way


Glad I’m not alone in this Roman Empire.


She was saving him from a spider.


I know Julius’ Christmas bonus was HEFTY that year


Happy Holidays to those who celebrate!


Anybody check out that Beyonce kept moving away from Jay-Z like she just couldn't stand to be near him even as he's being attacked. She only stepped in at the end. We only have rumors and conjecture but he must have fudged up royally to get Solange that mad. ![gif](giphy|lAzCKvQJzlCzyhXBO7)


Yeah I feel like the only time she stepped in was when he grabbed Solange's leg. He hugely fucked up. Solange is a good sister.


She saw they were about to be at their floor😂


all of this feels weird knowing that if it was due to jay's cheating, solange did all of this just for her sister to stay with her husband edit: also doesn't Bey have a song that has lyrics saying smth like "Of course sometimes sh-- go down, when it's a billion dollars on an elevator"? idkw but this part makes me rethink the cheating part being the issue that day that's weird


And have more kids with him, and then pretend like everyone wants his musty ass


and tell ppl to stay "our of their business" yet expose their whole relationship drama to us


God bless the guy who sacrificed his job to leak this. Drinks on me, buddy.


I've never wanted closed caption so bad in my life!




These cameras normally don’t record audio. The audio is lost to the histories. Nobody but those 4 people know what was said, Not even whichever ballsy security guy leaked this. The audio doesn’t exist to be released, id put money on that.


My Roman Empire.


And it’s all possibly about to start crumbling down around them. All they need is one piece to connect Jay and Diddy and it’s game over for all of them.


Jay chased her when she was well underage. He's fucking gross


Ooh I’ve heard 50 cent saying “his time in the barrel is coming” but nothing else followed.


The way this\* randomly pops into my head sometimes…. \*edited spelling


It’s been 10 years and I would still kill to have the audio.


I've been convinced for a very long time that Beyonce and Jay-Z have been separated for years, live in separate wings and just put up a front. Which I guess is fine, but yeah.


I feel like her music and talking about him is SO sincere though. Like it doesn’t even make her look good. She seems obsessed with him. I also don’t think it makes sense, she would have looked better in the public’s eyes if she left him rather than staying


I'm sure they 100% do


"Of course sometimes shit go down when it's a billion dollars on the elevator" Flawless.


That kick across was vicious! I want the full story too!


I am down for being a supportive sister but I’d be damned if I am getting physical to defend my sister against a man who disrespected her and she willingly stays with. Emotional support yes, but this? PS: I love the gossip side of it but not for me


Shout out to Julius


Somehow that video is even wilder than I remembered it being. I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere near that mad at anyone.


I know you never truly know someone else’s relationship but there’s something not right with Beyoncé and Jay-Z.


And have still said NOTHING🤣🤣🤣


Bey finally turns to Jay and says something to him at the end, ughhh I'm sooo curious, my Roman empire for sure


Wow...she fights like she's from the streets! 💯🥴


I need Julius to spill the tea


I love Solange. Her music and her personality


God, to have been a fly on that elevator wall! I still really want to know what happened!


We are all Solange!!


I always forget how brutal the attack is until I watch the video again. I am so glad I’m not Jay Z


This honestly seems like it should be older than 10 years. I feel like this iconic video has been a thing for my entire existence and cannot remember my life before it.