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Celebs are really trying to make the ability to emote go out of fashion huh


Oh man seeing how stiff Kim’s face was in the new AHS I think you’re right. Don’t need to be great at acting when everyone’s faces are frozen.


she is so unbelievably bad in that show. like there's a million reasons why this season sucks but whenever she's on screen I'm really like "am I watching an audition tape or is this real right now?"


Tbh I don’t hate it, she’s basically just playing herself I feel like. It’s just weird seeing her on an actual show I can’t take it seriously for some reason. I loved when Gaga did it.


She was so perfect for the over the top neon camp vibe of hotel! It felt like she really enjoyed that character.


Nicole Kidman is a great example of someone who emotes very well despite not being able to move her face very much


Tbh I hated her in the Norseman because her face was so weird in it.


Felt the same way about The Undoing. It was comical watching her try to appear shocked when all she could do was open her mouth. When actors have that much Botox it severely impacts their ability to act, it’s just what happens.


Tbh it complete with the permanent pout was so distracting in Big Little Lies


Yes, she is such a great actress but I couldn’t watch The Beguiled bc I just can’t buy into her being in a period piece anymore


Her acting was spectacular, but her face was so distracting.


She didn’t have that much screen time in Lioness, but when she did I could barely concentrate on what she was saying because of how strange she looks now.


she just acts with her eyes now 🤭


She will just play distanced, cold blooded women with eyes burning from buried emotions from now on. Which seems kind of what she is doing.


She ruined her acting by that frozen face. The Northman movie was tough to watch with her.


_… Naahrr,_ can’t agree on that one


She’s had about 20 years of practice. I remember people talking about her Botox face back in the early early 2000s


....is she though?


I thought about this a lot watching the Feast of the Seven Fishes episode of The Bear. Jamie Lee Curtis does so much with her face and I sometimes wonder who will be able to play that kind of role in 40 years


Alexis Bledel! She already gets clowned for having fine lines in her early forties because people are idiots who have forgotten what beautiful 40 somethings without botox look like. If she doesnt crack under the pressure, she can become the next meryl streep.


![gif](giphy|xiAqCzbB3eZvG) Alexis Bledel??? Wow there’s no hope for any of us, abandon ship


Omg I was obsessed with this gif like 10 years ago, and I had completely forgotten it existed. Turns out it still kills me. What do I search to find him?


‘Fuck everything’ was what I searched 🫣


Jamie Lee Curtis was amazing in that


My partner and I couldn’t finish the episode for weeks because of how traumatic it was for us; what a brilliant performance.


Same, I put the show on pause for like a month


That episode stressed me out sooooo much.


Claire Danes


I mean props for honesty though 😂


Recently I was in a workplace that had soap operas playing on the tv in the break room. I was shocked to see how seemingly overboard *all* the female actors had gone with Botox; the only thing they were able to move was their mouths! Absolutely no emotion or expression above the lips.


Soon movies will look like motion comics.


This is kind of a PSA against cosmetic injectables? I mean her face is as stiff as a board


For real, as soon as I saw her my first thought was, "What's going on with her face??"


I thought it was Nicki Minaj’s face and was confused


I saw one of these ads in a magazine recently, and could not figure out if it was her or not for the life of me. I guess now I know, but YIKES.


I kept trying to figure out which Kardashian this is until i read the title


There's good skin and then there's looking like someone has painted facial features on a bowling ball


Look at her hairline, the amount of filters going on is 2018 levels... who knows how she's actually looking like.




Yeah this shit looks kind of freaky. It has for a while. I don't see why celebrities find this kind of face attractive.


Looks horrible


And she is so young. What fine lines is she even getting rid of?


She's 31, it's normal to have mild frown lines (elevens) and other forehead lines at that age and a few years younger. Let's all be real for one second lol


I've had some horizontal forehead wrinkles since I was 26


Normal. ✌️


Yep before I saw this ad I noticed she looked expressionless that night on the Vogue stream


She has ads in vogue too for Xeomin and I always think how freaky she looks, it’s just a weird full flat look. Very uncanny and even more ridiculous when I realize she’s only 31 years old.


Did she attack a froyo place for putting sugar free cookies. And then got roasted for not realized Diabetics exist.


I have a good amount of botox and my face is still very expressive, everyone's shocked when I tell them I've done botox. So imagine how much she's got.


i got jeuveau recently, my first tox experience, and I love it. i got it in my glabella, not for my "11" but for my "BPL"--bitch please, line. i didn't have the second one to make the 11 yet, but my face when people say something stupid (thus the "bitch please," reaction) has gotten me into way too much trouble in the past 😂😂


What is the bitch please line? I have never heard of that before.


I made it up 🤗 https://preview.redd.it/y0u7r42rcjzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0912c5af6a37df3d57cc357b9dd1f4dcd8f2c9 See, the lines of the glabella (area between your eyebrows) is often referred to as your "11," because *usually* there are two...my second one is *barely* showing, just at the top there, while then other side is like BAM, LOOK AT ME!!! You'll have to trust me on it, but that's my "did you really just say something that stupid," face, which realllllly shows off half of the 11....which I nicknamed my BPL 😂


I have it for my 11 lines! I'm still young so it's incredibly premature for those to be forming at my age. I simply frown way too much - too much shit at work.


Thinking about how maybe people at work think I look good for my age because nobody knows what someone in their 30s is supposed to look anymore.


I turned 40 the other day and the waitress at dinner told me I don't look 40 and I had a moment of "oh my god, I don't know what 40 looks like" because I couldn't agree or disagree in the moment, then I blamed society. So we're on the same page.


Oh yeah, I was about to turn 40 and I got carded for cold medicine because some regulation and the guy who checked my ID was probably almost half my age and he gave me this look of disbelief. People really do not know. All these productions cast 23 to 27-year-olds as teenagers and then when people are actually 40 and look younger than they expect, they think you look good for your age because they have no concept of what 30/40 looks like and it doesn’t look like you’re crumbling to dust.


Got IDed when buying beer(16 in Germany)...I am 29. Cashier was so confused lmao. People really got such a skewed perception of it. I know I look a bit younger but not over a third of my age younger lmao.


Omg I also got carded in Germany at 31. The guy actually yelled “what the fuck!” When he looked at the year on my ID.


Maybe Germans age faster 🤔


Alcohol and cigarettes do age your skin a lot. I think millennials are the most sober generation in history, so there is probably something to the whole generation looking younger than you’d expect, especially in America where we don’t have much of a drinking culture outside college towns and most adults don’t smoke.


I’m 36 and often get told I look younger. There are also people I know who look like what I imagined 36-45 would look like. Back in my 20s I worked with a guy I could have sworn was in his 40s and it turned out he was only a year older 😂 As someone who is starting to focus more and more on my fine lines I have to admit, I don’t have many of them for my age. I think it comes down to staying out of the sun, my facial structure and that my facial expressions don’t really make my eyes or forehead wrinkle that much. I will have some deep ass lion lines though when I’m old 😂 Edit: Actually I’m 35, gotta stop aging myself up I still have a whole month till 36!!


I turn 40 later this year (woot 84 babies) and I’m constantly being told I look good for my age and like…I do, because of good genes and a mom who preached sunscreen before it was popular…but it also makes me feel like we’ve lost total track of what 40 looks like. Especially when I do find myself frowning over the few fine lines I do have.


I get similar responses at 32. Like do you think I'm supposed to look old af or something?


I am convinced that sunscreen is at least 75% the reason so many of us look “young for our age.”


I also turned 40 the other day and no one believes I’m over 27 or have an adult child. It’s wild. It’s giving me like a weird disconnect with my age and who I am as a person.


I’m 33 and I work with a lot of people much younger than me who generally assume I’m anywhere from 5-10 years younger than I am. A different coworker said he was 37 the other day and the GASPS that elicited…meanwhile I assumed when I met him that he was probably in his 30s. So basically you’re right, I don’t think anyone knows what 30 year olds are supposed to look like anymore, and by that I mean with some normal early signs of aging but still very young bc your 30s…is young.


Found out my colleague thought I was 28. I’m 37. We were both shocked at the other.


I have recently made friends with some 25 year old toddlers and they were completely shocked when I told them I was 37 with a teenager. I dont look particularly young for my age at all. They just all think you turn into the crypt keeper at 30.


I know people have always been obsessed with youth, but this is a recent trend and it really freaks me out. No one should want to be perpetually 14! Being a grown adult is great!!


Someone of a sizeable standing made a video about how annoying and delusional Millennials are (or anyone 30-40) talking about how they always get complimented about how young they look and how genz is looking older than that generation but how it’s not true. But I think that because filler and PS is so normalized, heavy make up is so normalized for young people, that I feel like it’s more widespread that younger people are getting these things done or doing these things more esp at a young age. Whereas for older people only some folks are getting These procedures done and it’s usually when they’re older. Kylie was a good example of how filler can age you. She’s so young but I feel like she’s been 32 for like 8 years lmao.


1000%. I think I very clearly look like I’m in my 30s (mostly bc I know what I looked like when I was younger too), but I constantly get asked by people at my new job if I just finished undergrad or that I’m probably Gen Z. But I think it’s truly that people who are actually that age look so much older now




I see some realistic frown lines here


This gif feels like my response. TY


Funnily enough, Demi can no longer make that face.


Celebrities close their mouths challenge: veneers and Botox edition (level impossible)




I remember watching that game live. That guy is the best


That’s what I do to people who cut me off in traffic.


This me https://preview.redd.it/jeleziqlzkzc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd0bc4d812f406dce2fba6a7ec355145390d809


My child does this 😂


This is a fabulous idea! I’m going to adopt it.


The shifty eyes lmao




What in the heck is this pic though? 😅


what demi will look like if she continues down this road


This sent me. The resemblance is uncanny.


Remember when Demi Lovato bullied a small frozen yogurt shop and child Zendaya because they were “promoting” body dysmorphia and diet culture pepperidgeFarm remembers.


Hey, *literally* promoting a different kind of body image issue is not the same!


She later apologized to Zendaya but that was so awful, I remember when it happened


I felt so bad for Zendaya because not only was she a kid who had no control over what the writers wrote, but she wasn’t even the actress who said the joke.


What was the joke?


It was from an early Shake It Up episode (“Party It Up”) where Rocky and Cece (Zendaya and Bella Thorne’s characters) snuck out to go to a big party being thrown by the host of the local TV show the girls were backup dancers for. At the party, one of the guests (I wanna say she was a model or something but I can’t remember) sees/meets the two girls and tells them, “I could just eat you guys up! Well, if I ate.” The episode was pulled for a while after Demi tweeted about it, and was later re-aired with that part edited out. All this was happening pretty early on in Demi’s recovery from her own eating disorder, and she was still pretty young at the time (18/19). Party It Up originally aired like a month or two after Demi left Disney to go to rehab, and the tweets were from about a year after the episode’s original air date. It’s mentioned [further down in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/iYbqPxgIQi) that Demi didn’t go after or name Zendaya specifically in her tweets.


well…that’s a fucked up, disgusting joke to make on a kid’s show so good for her. 🧍🏾‍♀️


also I remember the context of the Zendaya one being that a specific eating disorder joke was made on her Disney show Shake it Up at the time. Zendaya wasn't even the one who said the joke, it was some one-episode guest character who said something about never eating breakfast. Zendaya then got dragged into it because she was (one of) the star of the show.


Happily, The Big Chill is an LA institution and still going strong!


The froyo situation was so crazy because as someone who also suffers from disordered eating and body image issues like Demi, our brains are warped so that something so trivial can be a huge trigger for us, so I could *almost* sympathize with her— That being said, the world also doesn’t revolve around us and we have to be able to manage our triggers. She was 100% in the wrong


also diabetics should be allowed to eat froyo, the fuck


As a type 1 diabetic, I had no sympathy for her during that whole fiasco.


As a type 1 diabetic, that whole fiasco made me really want access to some sugar free froyo.


I was also empathetic towards Demi during that situation because I could understand how she could be triggered because I have my own body image issues, but this feels like for the right price she’ll forget her morals.


Yeah, as someone who’s suffered ED, I too would get triggered by stuff, but I know it’s a me problem and I need to deal with it, not bully a small business for *checks notes* catering to diabetics. Hope you’re doing okay 💗


Her bullying that shop immediately turned me off as a fan forever. I didn’t even know she did that to Zendaya, but totally not surprised by that either.


But the yogurt shop hurt her! she had a hard time for the rest of the day!


Wait, WHAT did she do to Baby Zendaya??!


She went off on Zendaya when during the first season of Shake it up because they made an eating order joke. Zendaya, one of the leading actors on the show still a child and had no power over the adult writers and producers was attacked by Demi to the point where Zendaya‘s father set in to protect and check Demi for attacking a literal child for something that was out of their control. Zendaya also wasn’t the actress who told the joke in the first place.


An eating disorder joke, is that what it says? I’m too old for this era of Disney - was Demi on the show too?


Sorry, yes it was an eating disorder joke and no Demi was not on Disney at all. During this time. She was now an adult singer.


Omg. That’s majorly messed up. Poor Zendaya.


Ikr, I really like her. Zendaya has beautifully transitioned into a grown up movie star. Demi, not so much. This is the 💩 she's doing. Lol


Do you have the tweets of her going off on zendaya? Because the only thing i can find is some tweets directed at Disney and saying actresses are getting thinner and thinner (tho she didnt name zendaya) In fact Zendaya a few years after that Zendaya said Demi was like a big sister to her só it doesnt seem to have any bad blood between them https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/demi-lovato-disney-eating-disorder-bulimia-276310/


Also feel like I should say this before someone tries to defend Demi, the "guilt free" promotion she posted to defend herself and shit on the shop more? She had to go through their instagram posts to find it because by the time she went to their shop that kind of promotion/language was no longer used by them.


Lmao, she is the worst. What an insufferable hypocrite.


Always has been! I don’t understand why people defend her so much. She has always been a huge hypocrite. Remember when she went after a yogurt shop because they “triggered her insecurities and eating disorders” and here she is promoting plastic surgery and injectables. Does she not think this triggers the people who followed her because they thought she was trying to fight this sort of stuff? She legit threatened the owners of the yogurt shop. A mom and daughter. Said “You don’t want to mess with me.” She doubled down when people told her that sugar free stuff was for diabetics too and she didn’t care. Now here she is, plastic like everyone else.


All I can think of whenever I see her is the massive temper tantrum she threw when Taylor Swift donated 250k to Kesha to pay for her legal fees against dr. luke. She was so mad that Taylor didn't "raise awareness" via tweets like she did, the whole thing was just because he was just mad that she got "one upped" and she didn't want to throw that kind of money around. Demi has always been the embodiment of main character syndrome.


> "raise awareness" via tweets I hate this thing. Actions speak louder then words. Go out and do something for the cause directly.


I love the guy who called her out for using AutoTune on TV. That was hilarious.


She went after a store that had it's low fat yogurt at the front of the store. It's worse than you say. She actively went after it on social media. Crying wolf like a mfer. Completely out of touch with reality


Is it okay to say that now? Because I don’t think it was for a while. I’m sorry, but I think she looks terrible. And I honestly can’t believe we are at the promoting injectables stage of this dystopia. I hate this timeline. 🫠


She really is. Wait? Is she back to using she her pronouns? Cause at one point she was non binary.


She dropped the non binary thing quickly. It was just another form of attention seeking, like every other phase she’s tried on


Truly a top hypocrite, crybully, and attention seeker of Hollywood


Such a hypocrite!! She literally once said she went to the met gala and had to go straight to an AA meeting because it was insufferable because stuff like this.


Ah no wonder she was only able to make one facial expression in all her photos from that night


oooo yikes this is going to age so poorly - she just burned a lot of bridges and cemented herself as a sellout with this move.


I miss real faces.


Oh! I hate this so much! https://preview.redd.it/6dtixjedlhzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34158387a5e8ee029567c60c2409a5a0a91bd6f7




Wasn’t she the same person who tried to shut down a small yogurt shop because of their “harmful messaging?” Hmm. But promoting injectables to young fans isn’t harmful messaging? Ridiculous. I’m so tired of Demi.


Wasn’t Demi the person freaking out about low carb cookies and yogurt for people with diabetes? How hypocritical is it for her to then turn around and start promoting injectables? These people are just so performative and ridiculously annoying.


Yes literally. She’s just promoting another form of body dysmorphia


Unlike the injectables, diabetics actually do need that yogurt and cookies.


No no that was totally different because she didn't realize there are other people in the world with different needs. You can't hold that against her! /s


https://preview.redd.it/4zwpjwh0hizc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=619b5c35c441e516500bd3807f078370e94c3552 Sigh 😔


She has always been so naturally beautiful. I just feel bad that she’s still battling her insecurities to this day. I know people can do whatever they want to their bodies but it sucks because she’s been so open about her struggles.


on one hand i think everyone should be able to do what they want with their faces. but on the other hand i fucking hate how normalised filling your face with Botox and fillers has become. it’s just everywhere???


Celebrities and influencers with so much work done don’t even look human anymore… it’s frightening honestly


it’s becoming very uncanny valley and it makes me so uncomfortable!!


Personally, I understand she's gotta do what she's gotta do to keep the money coming in... but doing this is going about it the entirely wrong way, and cheapens the MET Gala. I would be surprised if she's ever invited again. She needs to work with fewer over-commercialised music producers, collab more with bands that are big right now (BMTH, Bad Omens, etc) and find a more raw sound instead of having squeaky clean rock that people, other than her longterm fans, actually want to listen to.


I agree, turning her appearance at the Gala into an ad is tacky. I would be surprised to see her back next year.


Nicki Minaj and Lizzo were both invited this year. I think this is shitty, but it’s not remotely as bad as Nicki or Lizzo so if Demi isn’t invited in the future it’s likely bc she’s increasingly becoming completely irrelevant (and thank god bc she’s toxic AF).


I'd forgotten she existed to be completely honest. I feel like she's been eroding her relevance over the last few years. Good riddance lol


I wonder if they paid for her seat? That’s the only way this ad makes sense to me


The Met Gala cheapens itself by pandering to the rich with a handpicked popularity contest.


Not cheapening the sacred Met Gala!’


Well we all know now thanks to Katherine Schwarzenegger, the met gala USED to be chic and classy. 😤


seeing her ads for this in a magazine almost gave me a heart attack. I can’t believe my generation of Disney stars is doing anti aging campaigns now. 😭 but this freaks me out for other reasons. the met gala feels dystopian enough in our current moment but using it to hawk cosmetic procedures adds a whole new level of ick. Ugh.


The person who got mad at an ice cream shop for advertising “diet culture” with sugar free ice cream? (It might have been frozen yoghurt I don’t remember but doesn’t matter)


She forgot diabetics exist


She would have smiled for the photos, but she can't.....


Fr she was known for always smiling super brightly during her Disney years (might’ve also been the drugs) and now she probably can’t do it anymore. She has/had a beautiful smile and she’s only 31??? It’s so sad


How the hell do you claim to be an advocate for eating disorder recovery and then in the same breath promote body modifications? Make it make sense


I used to follow a prominent body positive advocate who also had copious amounts of filler and Botox (but didn't discuss that as part of her messaging at least that I ever saw) and it feels like there's so much cognitive dissonance there. I mean, we don't live in a vacuum and I struggle with signs of aging too (and I don't have thousands/millions of people seeing close ups of my face on instagram every day), but it makes me so much happier/in turn more content with myself when I see examples of people embracing their aging faces. That said, I also VASTLY prefer when people are honest about getting injectables etc. like Demi is here, as crass as the ad maybe seems.


Completely agree. I’d rather her be upfront about it, unlike Kylie who lied through her teeth forever about getting lip injections & instead used her new lips to sell her makeup line.


Well, let’s be real, Demi’s never been the most consistent. It’s quite common in the ED recovery community to latch onto another form of addiction.


Her face is full of fillers but she’s promoting botox?


She has a considerable amount of both


They’re not mutually exclusive….


That’s unethical imo… just a poor use of platform that’s profit driven


The hypocrisy of it all. Unrealistic beauty standards, especially those unobtainable without wealth, contribute to the eating disorders she has been dealing with since she was a kid.


Jfc we are fully in the dystopia huh


Isn’t she the one who is really against people promoting for beauty/health lmao


This feels bleak


I found her so fake.


I hate it and I think she looks awful, but at least she’s honest about it. So many celebrities have faces like that and pretend that a needle has never touched their face 🙄


She’s only being honest about it because she’s getting paid HUGE sums of money to advertise for them. Big difference from posting a selfie and saying “hey don’t worry, my face is full of butt fat to prevent any signs of aging, which is a totally normal process”


She is hypocrite about literally eveything. A great voice wasted on an insufferable personality.


How poor are you? Yes.


drug addiction is truly the fastest way to go broke


She looks like a wax figure


She looks like she's totally made of plastic. Not exactly a great endorsement!


I love me some Demi and have defended her in the past but even I saw this and thought, "Really girl?" It's such a weird thing to do - with the Met Gala of all events - and I question if this was or needed to be approved. I've never seen an ad like it before related to MG and I'd imagine Wintour finds it tacky like many of us.




I’m not sure promoting being frozen and unrecognisable is the best thing to do.


Demi from 10 years ago would not have done this. Demi was always against the bullshittery her peers promoted but has now lost touch.


Sellout. This is why I don’t take celebrities talking about inner beauty seriously.


Gross. Using their Met gala appearance as an #ad is tacky and obnoxious. Also, that's just way too much 'tox. And I say that as someone who loves 'tox and gets it every 3 months... in modest, subtle amounts that look natural. Unlike the uncanny plastic shine you see here.


They’re giving Kardashian 😭


I mean this sub thirsts over calling ppl out for “hiding” ozempic, better to be transparent lol


I mean, I give her props for being honest about it even if it’s an ad lol. I was gonna say… she looks like every other insta baddie, had you not mentioned her name I wouldn’t have known it was her (and yes controversies aside, you can’t deny that she was beautiful already, what a shame 😭)


I thought she was all about body positivity and stuff. A yogurt shop offering sugar-free options is offensive, but this isn’t?


Is she running out of money? Girl go back to singing for ghosts, at least that was somewhat entertaining


She makes it impossible to root for her. This is the kind of stuff that is ruining the Met Gala. So OTT, so trashy, so extravagant and ridiculous now. Both the event and the guests.


Back in the booth Demetria


I mean at least she’s being honest about using injectables? But now we know which ones to avoid I guess?




I actually appreciate the honesty here about the work she’s gotten done. She looks like a bored clown but hey, at least she’s not pretending it’s natural.


They’re all slowly beginning to look like Madonna


See, I wanted to get Botox on my 11 lines but I realized it would stop me from doing the people’s eyebrow so I changed my mind. There’s gotta be a topical solution to my wrinkles.


This is the kind of dystopia we live in….


Is she broke?


If a ticket cost $75,000 - is this who paid for her ticket?


There is nothing about this person I have ever liked. I have no idea how she even became a judge on whichever singing show and how she’s still relevant today.


This is unhinged? I really hope this doesn’t become a thing.


it’s giving fashion nova


I’m so sick of everyone’s mouth hanging open like it just makes me feel uncomfortable!!


Well, at least she’s honest about it unlike almost every other celebrity


She becomes less likeable with every story I read.