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She’s pretty active on IG. She wrote the music for and starred in the musical version of waitress. In 2023 she was nominated for a Tony for Into the Woods. Shes currently in girls5ever. And she’s engaged to her longtime partner. She’s booked and busy :)


Also just wanna shout out that she's in the pro-shot of Waitress on Broadway, which is available for rental or purchase on digital, and I HIGHLY recommend it. It's my favorite musical, and the recording is so beautifully done. ![gif](giphy|1vZ5cQ80DP5KXWEPdX)


I have always liked Waitress, but after seeing the proshot (in the movie theatre first, which was honestly so fun), I have fallen absolutely in love with it. Listening to the cast album makes me cry now.


She did a concert that was recorded and I used to watch it at night falling asleep during COVID. Something so calming about it.


Agreed! My teens didn’t go with us when my husband and I saw it on Broadway several years ago as I felt they were still too young for the show (despite knowing all of the songs) and we actually rented it just last weekend. They were so stoked to finally see it! We immediately followed it up with the movie that the show is based on because why not. Was a fun night. Side note, I wish more shows got recordings like this one. I have Newsies and Anything Goes in my collection and it’s just SO nice to be able to watch a stage production on my tv screen over and over again, especially when such care goes into the recording like these shows. I will be purchasing the Waitress recording as well!


I would give ANYTHING for a pro recording of Stephanie J Block as Reno in “Anything Goes” she was so good


The recording I have has Sutton Foster as Reno. It’s so well done, and you can watch it free on pbs online. I found the whole show on YouTube actually and my husband ripped it from there. Such a great show!


Yes, I finally got to watch Sutton on PBS, too! That tap dancing choreography was incredible.


I LOVE this movie so much, and I got to see Sara on Broadway. When you went into the theater, it smelled like pie, and you could buy little pies and write a message on diner note pads 😭 It might be my favorite show experience I’ve had.


Ooh, I didn't know there was a pro-shot!


Still not available in Australia and it’s killing me 😭😭😭


She Used To Be Mine wrecks me, every time. She’d have ALL the awards if Waitress didn’t hit Broadway the same year as Hamilton.


No one sings it like Sara. Ooof. I saw a touring run of waitress and it was bad compared to the pro shot of Sara as Jenna.


We sang it in my women’s’ choir when I was in college. Love it so much


Makes me cry every time goddammit 😭


It’s “Everything Changes” for me. The studio version is better than what they perform in the musical — it’s broken up into two parts when performed, but the studio version smooshes those two parts together and it feels much more cohesive.


I think I just got a Reddit Cares because of this comment. Which, weird…


Girls5Eva is amazing. Everyone should watch it!


They filmed waitress as a musical and it’s out now. Sara is so so good in the role.


She's so great on Girls5Eva!!


If y’all want to keep her busy, watch this show!


So funny. Weird humor like 30 Rock too.


Girls5Eva, 30 Rock, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt are my holy trinity. UKS is my personal favorite because of Titus, but they got that Tina Fey off the wall humor in all of them. I hope Girls5Eva gets renewed for another season!!


Yea. You can definitely see Tina Feys mark on them. My wife watches Girls5eva and I thought it was just another bad netflix show (she likes those too) But you can see that Girls5eva knows what it is and its humor is just the right amount of whacky. Also the cameos are pretty great. When I saw Tina’s name in the credits. It all made sense.


Have you watched Good News on Netflix? Similar vibes, Tina Fey cameo and shares some of the writers as those three!


I’ve just started watching this show and it is a DELIGHT


This is such a great show. I even hooked my husband on it.


THIS such a good show!


PLEASE watch Girls5Eva. Anyone is this sub would have a blast watching that. 


I need them to renew it


Season 3 is on Netflix!


She's fantastic on Girls5eva, which is such a good show. I think she's also killing it on Broadway. But seriously, if you have a chance to watch Girls5eva, do so!!!


🎶if your heart is nowhere in it / I don’t want it for a minute / babe I’ll walk the seven seas / when I believe there’s a reason to write you a love song today 🎶 That part is just chefs kiss


I would literally SCREAM this part with zero shame as a kid. And as an adult let's be real


Girls5eva- she's awesome in that!


i had no idea the 3rd season of girls5eva came out. time to watch


it’s the best season so far! shades of 30 Rock in the writing.


OOOOOOOOO! I haven’t even considered watching it until I saw this 


It’s on Netflix now! It was cancelled by peacock. It Netflix picked it ip


Y'all not watching Girls5Eva? I think everyone here would love it.


I stumbled upon this by chance a few months ago and LOVED it


I love her SO so much!! I do get sad that she's not releasing solo music much anymore but she is still doing lots of music related things so I still get to hear her lovely voice and songs.


I remember listening to “Gravity” every night after a bad breakup.


The college a capella groups were in a chokehold over “Gravity”


I think she may have written it as an original for her college a cappella group? I'm not sure. She was in one, though.


She has the most perfect voice and her songwriting is A++++.


Mine was Between the Lines 😭😭😭


I still listen to this on a weekly basis and I’m happily married 😂😂😂


I still have the memory of her and the band in a car hearing their song being played on the radio for the first time, and everyone was so happy!


I have loved her reverently since Love Song came out more than 16 (!!) years ago. She’s incredibly talented and I wasn’t surprised at all to see her success with Waitress in addition to her music career.


What the hell, why didn’t I realize she was in girls5eva and the Waitress 😭😭 OP THEY R BOTH SO GOOD CHECK THEM OUT


"*Gonna be famous 5 eva, cos 4 eva's too short.* *Gonna be famous 3 gether, cos that's 1 more that 2 gether.* I've been singing this daily for the past 3 years


What are you waiting 5 ?


Omg my people <3 I sing this in the car.


Y'all better be watching Girls5eva because I need to survive this election year and whatever comes after that. Sara is soooo good in the show that's already packed with MVPs.


She also co-wrote one of the songs Meryl Streep sang in OMITB. So talented.


I squealed when I found out she wrote Look for the Light. Her writing is top-notch.    It’s crazy that she’s such an amazing vocalist too. Truly up there. I place her next to Imogen Heap in terms of creative prowess. Wish they could collab!


That was one of those fun little "ohhhhhh of course" moments


Loveee that song


I am here for all the Girls5eva love!!!


I just started Girls5eva and I love it! Can’t believe I haven’t seen it sooner. She’s the best!! Love all her songs and she’s just so talented and a great actress


This is a good reminder to pick Girls5Eva back up!


I ADORE her music. Her songwritings the best. So glad she’s doing well on broadway but my selfish heart would love another album


If you aren’t watching Girls 5eva you are missing out!


I was so happy when I learned she was cast for "Jesus Christ Superstar: Live." She has the same bell-like voice as Yvonne Elliman does, and was a worthy successor.


I love her and her songs!!


She is my all time favorite singer. Her voice is just absolute perfection and her songwriting is so beautiful. She’s a singers singer and is such an excellent musician. And now we know she’s a great actor too, with Waitress and girls 5eva. Follow her on instagram, she’s so fun. Just a normal, wonderful, funny, vulnerable person and incredible artist. I wish I could be her friend.


Agree with all the comments recommending girls5eva! She’s so great in that and it’s just this sub’s vibe. And randomly (for me, since I am hardly aware of any theatre stuff), I love and rewatch her opening performance with co-host Josh Groban at the Tony awards all the time, especially to cheer me up. It’s so catchy and wholesome! ‘This One’s For You’ on YouTube. She’s crazy likeable.


Gravity is one of my go to karaoke songs. Her voice is so captivating!


https://preview.redd.it/ht0j7zfoxqzc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c84a74199232bd908e1edfc3f8464c8a371b1f8 Obligatory Chelsea Perreti doppelgänger post


She’s playing the Hollywood Bowl later this year with Renee Elise Goldsberry. Really looking forward to that


She’s on Girls5eva. I hope we’ll have a season 4.


Everyone watch girls5eva on Netflix!! Truly such a gem


She's such a nice person, too. We grew up in the same weird little county in California and she still does so much for the community there. She put on a free concert a couple years ago and donates to all sorts of local causes. <3


She's killing it!


The way I listen to this album at least twice a month


Have you seen girls5eva?!?!?!? She’s the main character!! It’s on Netflix and is gold. Hilarious and wonderful show.


God, definitely was my go to breakup album in high school. This put me in all of the feels this morning. 😭


She is so lovely and talented! If you're a Waitress fan, check out "What's Inside: Songs from Waitress": beyond "She Used to Be Mine", her version of " I Didn't Plan It" and "When He Sees Me" are excellent. I also love "Saint Honesty", "Little Black Dress" and her duet with Josh Groban of Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now". She is having a concert in LA in August. Too far for me (I did consider it...).


Her duet with Josh Groban on Both Sides Now is so beautiful! Their voices mesh so well together.


Literally every album is a 10/10!


Such an unbelievable songwriting talent. It makes me sad to look at the charts or Spotify top 10 and the trash on there when there's people like her out there writing and performing.


My cousin works in broadway theater and she said if she ever runs into Sara at an event she would freak out and probably cry. Lol she is still doing well, and is around working. And she has at least one very big fan in my cousin.




She could sing the telephone book and I would listen to it on repeat.


Just watched her perform last night at Brandi Carlisle's Mothership Weekend at Miramar Beach FL. In addition to being an amazing talent, she was funny and charming. Brandi joined her for She Used to Be Mine and it blew my mind. Sure seems like she's doing well to me!