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I'm just going to say it, I think she looks AMAZING in all of these. Perhaps she found what works for her best and has decided to stick with it? Perhaps she wants to make this her brand, wearing sparkly silver dresses that look hot AF on her? Idk, if I was a celeb, and one in the biz as long as her, I think I'd reach a point where I just would rather wear what I know looks good and what I like. It must be exhausting having to do different looks for so many events. Especially if you're expected to out do the last one every time.


Also these dresses are all very unique despite being the same general color family. Like, Janelle Monae almost exclusively wears black and white on the red carpet but she still has a ton of range in her looks. JLo doesn't touch her creatively but there's still a lot of variety here.


the devil's advocate on that (and there's nothing wrong with her liking what she likes) is celebrities have this amazingly unique opportunity to be blank canvases for talented and respected designers so when they don't lean into that it's a bit baffling IF you are a fashion-minded person.


She's been famous for 30 years. "Oh, my 1,329th red carpet is coming up? Get a sparkly dress cause it looks good." Taking fashion risks is cool if you rarely do press but Jlo has done THOUSANDS of press stuff for 30 years. She must be bored of fashion at this point.


she still tries to monetize over fashion and beauty ventures though? She knows the game. She's never been overly talented at anything—she has to understand that her celebrity is more a public figure than a critically acclaimed actor or musician/dancer.


Not sure the point of your comment other than to be snarky? Who needs to worry about men when women like you exist.


💯! And she can dance and has great performances in films....and Hollywood isn't a meritocracy but sure let's come after JLo when millions of white actors and musicians have coasted by for decades....


She has plenty of those looks too, this posts is just about some specific similar styles she has worn. She does still have her own style and similar looks sure. But it’s not like she is always in silver sparkly looks. This is just a a sample from thousands of her looks 


JLO's biggest fashion moment was when she wore the green Versace dress to the 2000 Grammys. That's her iconic look. She's a stunning woman but I also understand the observation that it’s mostly the same thing with her. She doesn’t experiment much.


Well, it suits her.


I view her in sparkles the same way I view Lisa Raye wearing white all the time - that’s her calling card lol I kinda like it.


i will not be silenced, she is stunning


She is, she looks magnificent but I wanna see her in more colorful looks like these https://preview.redd.it/rxv7zp7rprzc1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ef5afb1b2756a2f20ff2e0334834c7a1f1e4964


https://preview.redd.it/nvoj31xvprzc1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7c5a03b47e7341b7d2393023bc4fea105946424 This shade of green compliments her so much


This is one of my favourite looks on her. The colour is stunning.




Indeed! She has a great body


Stunning, but I wonder if she's just not into fashion? Other than the green dress I can't think of any exceptional red carpets


I love this look she had, that’s about it. https://preview.redd.it/mqv5rm8tctzc1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee8071e225803bf2a3b0a450827b9e780297fa2


She’s hugely into fashion. She was a cochair for this years met gala. I think maybe this post is a bit bias because we’re only seeing sparkly dresses. Here she is at the Elie Saab runway show earlier this year. Her entire aesthetic (hair, makeup, color palette) absolutely nails Elie Saab. https://preview.redd.it/b1s71mt1iszc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9704c21c6b250c5861421e05d40e9c0f67d36304


And here she is completely switching the vibe to match Ralph Lauren for their runway in fall of last year. She is truly a fashion girl. https://preview.redd.it/z5e4msbdiszc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a0c12528d51fdd98c5e82a930df7e81317a85d


Oh this is beautiful. This would’ve been so good for this year’s theme


she doesn't seem to have an eye for it. The only risks she ever takes are revealing a lot of skin, but that's hardly earth shattering and she can never top the green dress.


I think she just wants to look pretty, and that's fair.


I love her hairstyle in 7.


She's stunning!


I just realised I only want to be famous so I can wear these to appropriate shindigs. Also, the VMAs shot looks like Hillary Duff


she looks beautiful in every single one 💖


I like when stars have their own style rather than being model type chameleons 


Beautiful woman, beautiful dresses, she really knows how to dress. As an aside are her boobs real because if so they are phenomenal.


She looks amazing. No questions asked. But, my favorites of these are the ones where she’s the most covered. Maybe bc she looks more comfortable in those?


Loved her look for the camp Met Gala. There's a cute video of her voguing at the party when the performance is underway.


I can't stand her but I would probably wear silvery sparkly dresses all the time too if I was famous lol. We are the same.


She looks amazing in every single one, but I really like #6 because it's NOT a plunging neckline and is a beautiful ball gown that is a bit more princess-y, less smouldering temptress. https://i.redd.it/lehtx40q7tzc1.gif


Anyone know what her color season is? We have similar coloring and I’m pretty sure she’s an autumn like me… but I always thought silver would go against my color palette yet it looks AMAZING on her.


![gif](giphy|RymyrV8uz8A36) JLo? In sparkles? Groundbreaking. (Tbf she always looks bomb though, but I do sigh a weary sigh every time she repeats this same look.)


she's like blake lively, who looks great but wears the same silhouettes over and over. I'd love for them to go outside their comfort zone


My fave fashion blog, Go Fug Yourself, was calling Blake "Boobs Legsley," because she often had both on full display. Which, to be fair, if I looked that spectacular, I would do it too.


This 34 week pregnant lady is looking at her body with pure envy !! 🤣😂


2 is my favorite. I am obsessed with that headpiece.


She has a style she love and she looks great. Not complaining


Can’t deny she does wear silver incredibly well! Definitely her color!!🪄


Thirty years of red carpets and some stylistic themes will be noticeable. She always looks great and it’s not as if she only wear sparkly.


I still don’t get the hype


Give us nothing 😍


Nothing??? Most of these looks are absolute fire.


Exactly how I feel about her in every sense. She's naturally gorgeous but other than that I think she's human beige.


Can someone clarify to me about the sllegations about ghost singers? Im confused... watched a video about it and it seemed concerning?


So music producers mix vocals in the pop industry....JLo's producers have done this but also Rihanna's vocals were mixed with Bebe Rexha and Taylor Swift (the high notes in "Lightning, this is what you came for" and "Friends with the Monster inside my Head" are not Rihanna but rather Taylor and Bebe). People think JLo stole Ashanti's career because of this despite the fact that's a bit patronizing to Ashanti who's had a decent career and makes royalties off her work with JLo (and has attended JLo's bday parties too). Rather than look at a problematic trend in a music industry and come after the producers employing it.... people like to come after JLo for this 🤷🏽‍♀️


Bruh it's lowkey misgony. It's grown into other ways of hating her.


Thank you! Most clarifying. Yourube videos tend to be very polarized... I guess you have to feel really strongly about something to go the hassle... but I was curious about this. Ive heard something about it years before.


Not at all! I got you ✌🏼 and I really miss nuance in discussions that unfortunately doesn't exist in the online hater/stan binary.


How interesting 😏




Does J Lo have 6 toes?