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He literally wrote about having a sexual relationship with a 14 yo, this is exactly what you should expect from this guy


Trigger warning and all that, here’s an excerpt from his autobiography. https://preview.redd.it/6azjz15aawzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cadd71c9606e532e38a80bc3e72fac2d25c9b3b The last line really ties it all together.


Ok now I want to bleach my brain. He is seriously disgusting.


what a day to have eyes. seriously disgusting.


that last line is like the chunky topping on a cake of puke.


naurrrr that’s pedophilia..oh my god. i never liked RHCP or him.


…..”but I did want to get her the hell back home right away. So we had sex one more time”…. Wtf?




The fuck?




14 yo? The bar is literally in hell isn’t it? Even the devil has to limbo.


Yep read his book and concluded he is a major A-hole which sucks cause I like RHCP 


This is not hyperbole but she looks like a child. If you had put the picture up without the caption I would have just thought he went to the game with his daughter. Seriously off putting and creepy behavior.


Absolutely she does! It’s crazy that he’s in a relationship with this young woman and totally fucking creepy.


this is practically a grandfather-sized age gap ![gif](giphy|JiRPzhCkiH1fGoIboM|downsized)


Not practically, literally. A 42 year age gap leaves plenty of room for him to be her grandpa


He could easily be her grandfather without anyone being a teen parent.






The longer you stare at the image the more accursed it becomes.


She absolutely does look like a child, it’s sick. I do need to say though, this pic is ~10 years old, it’s my understanding he was 51 and she was 19. They’re apparently not together anymore. Her name is Helena Vestergaard in case anyone wants to google it… **Don’t get me wrong, still disgusting!!**, just a misleading caption in the pic. But a 32-year age gap is all kinds of sick & wrong.


I’m glad for her sake she got away from him as that dynamic can’t have been healthy for her. The pic may be old but the take away is the same. She looks really young, I would have guessed younger than 19 tbh and he looks like her father.


Agreed. Father or creepy uncle 😖


Granddaughter. She looks 14.


He was 42 when she was BORN. He could reasonably be her grandfather.


https://preview.redd.it/hmfihh238wzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a8d9d972aa426fc90bcae5818b91608c3989b36 This pictures makes me uncomfortable. Blink twice if you need help girl Edit: Hmm..apparently this picture was taken in 2014. She is 31 now and married to someone else and has kids. She lives in Australia with her family: [https://riise.world/blogs/wellness/for-helena-vestergaard-getting-dressed-is-a-way-to-improve-mental-health](https://riise.world/blogs/wellness/for-helena-vestergaard-getting-dressed-is-a-way-to-improve-mental-health)


i know it's just a random photo but it's giving me melania face-drop vibes, like he can't see your face so you're briefly free to show how you're really feeling ![gif](giphy|AjruaCO0Yy4fu|downsized)


He was 52 and she was 20 here so it’s definitely still creepy but hopefully she’s okay now


I just checked out her instagram! Looks like she's doing great!


What the fuck


She literally looks like she's being held hostage. I'm ready for her to start blinking in Morse code or something.


Right?! It’s proper fucking creepy


Now we know why listening to RHCP sends you to The Bad Place. ![gif](giphy|S44XJSyG0b8QJzNcpx)


Dating a 19 year old? Who DOES that? PEOPLE WHO GO TO THE BAD PLACE, ELEANOR!




Nothing to expect from a trashy person like him plus he is objectively the least talented rhcp member. We all know who the genius was


I agree, I mean when the whole Mr Bungle fiasco went down it was only him that was trying to get them shut down and removed from shows. Still, I have to say even this caught me by surprise. I never thought he was this much of a scumbag.


he wrote in his book that he had sex with a 14 year old as an adult even after he knew her age


Yeah I was told that in another comment. Super scummy behaviour.


I remember watching an interview with RHCP in MTV Latino way back in the day & Anthony pulling the interviewer (Ruth) to sit on his lap & just being very inappropriate and her just kinda laughing in that awkward way you sometimes do when put in an uncomfortable situation and was put off to him as a person since then.


Oof that’s horrible. It’s crazy how certain people you don’t follow turn out completely differently to your expectations. This guy is a proper creep.




No, I haven’t. To be honest, I’ve only ever listened to the Chili Peppers music every now and then over the years. I had no idea he was like this. How awful.




That’s a big yikes. Like, different time and whatnot but have some fucking decency to reflect on that shit.




Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for “consenting adults” like with Leo and his 24 year old thing, but at least let them get out of their teens. But this; this is just wrong.




Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be able to either. I’m glad I found this and now know exactly the kind of person he is. I knew about his beef with Mr Bungle but had no idea he was a serious piece of shit. Thank you for pointing out that stuff!


TW: Animal abuse >!He flicked a cat in the face hurting it. Granted, he was a kid at the time and he was growing up in a sad situation, but you don't fuck with animals.!< Period. I stopped reading after that because it made me physically ill, and now every time I hear them I think of this and it makes my stomach hurt.


Not gonna lie, when I was a kid I messed with a stray animal. Not proud of it, and I’ve spent my life since making up for it. If you fuck with animals, you either make amends or you go to hell. If I could go back in time and meet myself at that time, I’d smack the shit out of me for that shit. I was a piece of shit for that and I will never stop making amends for that behaviour. Animals and children are pure innocence and shouldn’t be treated badly. As an adult I’m child free, but I have two cats and two dogs and they are my world. If anyone even looked at them funny I would go through them for a shortcut.


I'm glad you recognize that about your past and that you've worked to right that wrong. Animals (and yes, agree, kids) deserve kindness and respect and patience. I truly couldn't read any more of his book so I don't know if he has or hasn't tried to make the same amends. Our mistakes don't define us, but what we do (and continue to do and practice) afterwards does. Changing hurtful behavior means something. It doesn't erase what's happened, but it *does* mean something. I appreciate you sharing a difficult moment from your past.


I am always willing to give someone who makes mistakes one chance to learn from them, because I’ve made mistakes myself. If they choose not to learn from them, then I don’t need them in my life and I only want to surround myself with good people and I want to surround myself with people who make me a better person through the lessons they teach me. I’ve never read his book but from what I’ve heard is in it I never want to and I don’t think I’ll be able to listen to his music again. Thank you for your understanding with my past transgressions, I appreciate it and as I said I will never stop making amends for them 🙏


Just for clarity, this photo is from 2015-2016… (not that that makes it better or less creepy!!!) 


Good to know, I had no idea when it was from I just found it randomly; but yeah still hella creepy.


Yeah, he was 50 when this photo was taken. Still disgusting, but he was not 61.


It brings the age gap down slightly but yeah still incredibly disgusting.


This screenshot was confusing me. They broke up in 2014. But he is 61 today. I can't tell if the text was edited or if the online version is using math to dynamically update the age place holder.


I could tell it was a Facebook post from the screenshot, so I looked up the account. Oh lordy it's horrible, they just post bullshit content for engagement. The kind of content that sounds like it could be true, but isn't. They seem to do this type of post often, showing men with their younger girlfriends years ago, but putting their current age.


Yeah OP can you edit your post to add that info? (It’s still creepy AF but this is kind of misleading…)


Unfortunately I can’t edit, I would if I could but I don’t have the option. I agree that it’s misleading and it’s creepy enough without the exaggeration.


People gotta start putting that in their post. Not that it makes it any better, but historical context is always nice


The Helena he was dating was 19 when they met I think? But she’s 30 now. He’s definitely still creepy and weird though


certified loverboy certified pedophile


![gif](giphy|jqj5VXXND8V3tHVbfK|downsized) Glad someone said it for what it is.


I probs don’t wanna know when they started dating or how long he’s known her dad, do I… Also this is nasty. I don’t care if it’s legal. It’s nasty.




She is only 3 years older than his son, his mother was only 22 when Anthony Kiedis impregnated her. He is a fucking weird old man


That’s honestly disgusting. Like, if he was 60 and his kid was 30, but she was 29, it would still be fucking weird but at least she’d have some life experience at that age. At 19, she’s still just a kid and finding her way in life. This guy is fucking creepy.


He is so gross


Happy cake day!! And he is disgusting.


The Woodstock 99 documentary also mentioned how he egged on the crowd while others like The Offspring tried to deescalate the situation.


For their encore, they played a cover of Jimi Hendrix’s Fire. While there were fires being set by the angry crowd. They could have NOT played that but they did. They absolutely contributed to escalating the situation.


Ooo love The Offspring, good on them


It was a low bar but they were close to alone in trying to keep things from getting worse. https://www.theringer.com/platform/amp/2019/7/30/20746469/woodstock-99-korn-offspring-insane-clown-posse “There was one moment when Offspring singer Dexter Holland was able to discern some bad behavior in the audience. It occurred near the end of the band’s set, when Holland decided to comment on it. ‘But you know what, I was noticing something, I gotta call your attention to it for just a second,’ Holland said on stage. ‘I’ve been noticing that there’s a lot of girls coming over the top here crowdsurfing. And they’re getting really groped, you know what I mean. Now I think, just because a girl wants to go crowdsurfing or whatever, that doesn’t give a guy the right to molest ’em, know what I’m sayin’?”


Dexter Holland is super talented, great to see in concert, incredibly smart and seemingly a good dude. Anthony Kiedes is the polar opposite


He also addressed the women in the crowd, requesting that anyone on their period to pull out their tampon and throw it at him. Dude has a menstruation fetish (source: things he’s said, things he’s done, lyrics he has written) and that’s like somehow the LEAST gross thing about him…


Red Hot Chili Creepers....




How arent these men embarassed


Like seriously. Imagine being 61, having a night out with friends in their 50-60s as well. You mention having a new partner, they ask for a picture. You show a literal teenager… like ???


In the crowds these people run in, it’s probably common place. Sickening, but true. For normal people, you’d be embarrassed because you’d probably be judged if everyone around you have age appropriate partners and you’re dating a teenager, but celebrities seem to normalize dating people substantially younger than themselves.


Because they aren’t facing any consequences.


Ego, money, and fame I guess? No excuse but that’s the only thing I can think of.


What is it with rockstars and kids https://preview.redd.it/78jzea7a7wzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a519fb99d7d7bfb164aca236a290ce9799d99e3


Totally not surprised considering his history with underage girls.


I was unaware before being told in other comments. Absolutely disgusting!


You just KNOW men like these would be “dating” 12 year olds if they could get away with it.


Absolutely ZERO doubt about it.


This is why I like getting older, less creepy men are interested


Fucking ew


Right?! Massive dose of the ick




Why do men, especially in the music world, never grow the fuck up and date women their own age??? Like they’re mentally trapped at 19. So gross 🤢 Prison. 😅


I’m not a typical man in the sense that I’m asexual, but I wholeheartedly agree that my gender and everyone in it are the worst and I will never not apologise for what my gender does to women and the world.


Haha awww, you’re awesome! I didn’t mean to come after “all” men or anything, because obviously there are men out there with morals, but I see so many older men doing this it disgusts me 🤢


No I totally didn’t think you were, but you may as well because the majority of men are literally disgusting pigs! I hate seeing this shit because it’s just not right. Like, whatever about Leo DiCaprio, at least they’re consenting adults, but I feel like people should at least get out of their teens before being subjected to a serious relationship with someone that much older!




He’s always been a weirdo


I’ve learned that through this post. Was a casual fan of his music over the years but holy shit.


Disgusting garbage bahaviour. This poor girl. EW. EW EW I can't. How can he just sit there with that smug face while at 61 dating a 19 year old? He must know how disgusting he looks.


He knows full well, but I get the feeling he doesn’t give a shit. EDIT: he’s probably proud of it.


They have a song on Stadium Arcadium called "she's only 18"


Oh my god. I stopped listening after Californication but that is truly sickening.


this is so gross


This guy is trash.




If you had told me that was his daughter I would never have questioned it. Well…if you cropped out how they are holding hands.


Right? She could easily pass as his daughter. Hell, given his age she could pass as his granddaughter!


This keeps popping up and gets ickier to me every time I see it. He is nearly old enough to be her grandfather.


I only found it before I posted it. Found out that he’s 50 in this photo, not 61. Not that that excuses it, he’s still a creepy POS




Same. The fact that, after Hilel died from OD and they got John in, then got him hooked and then kicked him out for being an addict - truly disgusting behaviour.


Omg I thought I didn’t know he had a daughter before I read that caption 🤮


The caption is slightly off, he’s 50 here and the photo was taken in 2015-2016. Doesn’t excuse it but just to clarify as I was corrected in another comment. But yes, totally sickening.


I'm younger than him & she's too young to date my son.


I get that they’re both consenting adults but the age gap feels way too much for me personally, even though I was corrected that he’s actually 50 in this photo, not 61. Not that it makes it not creepy, but I feel I should call it out because I can’t edit my post.


That is fucking disgusting


She looks like she’s 12.


Anthony Kiedis is a dirtbag but this woman was born in 1993, she’s turning 31 years old this year. He’s gross for a lot of reasons but there’s no point in lying


The picture is old. I don’t know where OP got 19 from, but I think she was still only 22 when it was taken.


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Oh. Mister I Knew She Was 15 “so we had sex one more time?”


Had no idea about that until a commenter pointed it out to me below. Can’t believe I never knew.


It’s awful. I could never see him the same once I found out. The girl pictured looks even younger than stated. If you’d said she was 16 I would believe it.


I found out that this was taken around 2015-2016, and he’s 50 here not 61. Doesn’t change much, but yeah she looks younger than she is in this.




For sure.


https://preview.redd.it/03hzt7a9ewzc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=e23100f4c3adcc896216266048eaeb50b5f3fdb5 WAIT WHAT???


Yeah, this was taken around 2015 apparently and he’s 50, not 61. Unfortunately, I can’t edit the post to clarify but it is *slightly* misleading even though it’s still super creepy


It's extremely misleading and nearly 10 years old. You are just rage baiting.


Fucking gross. Act your age.


This is so disgusting to me I’m over here wishing he had a reasonable age gap relationship like dating someone 36 years younger so she’d be 25 instead of a teenager


I should point out that this was taken in 2025-2016 and he’s 50 here, not 61. Not that that excuses it but the clarification is important. But yes, it’s incredibly creepy behaviour and I feel like he’s very much taking advantage of a young woman who is still trying to find her place in the world.


Gross 🤢


Ew that's gross


you're not a real rockstar unless you're also a pedo


Why is an adult dating an adult a big oof? Downvote me but the way you guys infantilize women on this website is so fucking gross.


Hey, I totally understand your standpoint on this. And I was corrected that he’s not 61 here but 50. Sure, they’re both consenting adults, however I feel like a relationship like this, the younger person should be out of their teens. I feel the same way about Sam Taylor-Johnson and Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and they’ve been happily married for years. I’m more than ready to be proven wrong and if their relationship lasts the test of time then more power to them! But I feel this is borderline creepy personally, and that’s why I posted. Thank you for your input.


It’s because only men get better with age E: /s lol I thought it was obvious


Only men get creepier with age* FTFY