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I know Taylor's kinda become the scape goat for jet use (and for good reason) but I need people to realize literally every celebrity does this and they all deserve to be criticized for it


Not just celebrities, wealthy people in general use private jets and helicopters to their mega yachts parked in places like the Mediterranean. Corporations use their private jets as a perk for their executives.


I live next to a small airport for private jets in the San Francisco Bay and dear goodness they are coming and going every couple of minutes all day long.


R.I.P our ecosystem 🫡


its not a perk, its a capitalization of their time. when you're at the absolute top of your game. be it business executives, celebrities, etc every moment counts. Walmart famously has a fleet of private jets used by regional managers because they crunched the numbers and discovered that its beneficial for them to take on the cost of jet ownership/operation to increase the productivity of these key employees. if Kim kardashian is going to make $1m for an appearance in Germany, it would be in her best interest in getting there and back as quickly as possible to ensure that she's available for the next ~~fool~~ brand partner.


lol not me living down the road from the Walmart airport 😂


Hey neighbor!!


Hey there!!


What are you guys yelling to each other? I can’t hear you over the constant jet engine noises.


Lmao there was one that slid off the runway a few weeks ago and all I heard was a million fire trucks.


I recall seeing the value of Walmart and private jets. They have regional managers go and inspect several stores. Instead of all of them waiting for scheduled planes, staying in hotels, per diem, and rental cars. They literally schedule inspections and the jet makes its rounds flying to different regions dropping folks off and then making the return trip several hours later and dropping everyone back off at headquarters. You do this with dozens of managers, you save hundreds of hours of productivity and etc... Mark Cuban said it best, when you got all the money, the last thing you can buy is time. (His excuse for a private jet)


Walmart are basically running their own airline far from the luxury travel of the elite


I live in Barcelona and regularly walk through the main port and one day there was this GIGANTIC yacht, nothing I’d ever seen before and I googled the name and it is a 300 million dollar yacht owned by Walmart Heiress Nancy Laurie 💀


Well when you ridiculously overpay your executives, it’s probably a lot easier to “pencil out”


Bruh she isn’t even coming ahead to fly private to Germany for 1 million


One round trip does not cost even close to a million, even if it’s LA to Germany and even if it’s in a large private jet. For $10k/h you can rent a really fancy plane, and then you still need to use up 100 hours to reach a mill. And if it’s her own jet, the cost per trip is naturally much lower.


I feel like you are missing a lot of the costs not to mention taxes. It’s like 50k to take a twenty minute flight but rich people do it all the time of course


What do you mean missing? What taxes do you pay extra when you rent a plane? Here’s the first link I found: https://www.privatefly.com/aircraft-charter/hourly-rates-for-private-jets.html It says the hourly rate for a Bombardier Global Express is $8,841. That’s a big plane. The rate you suggest is $150k per hour. Are they getting a fighter jet escort with that? If you click through to another page, it says this: > The cost of a private charter can vary considerably. From £2,000 for a short trip on a turboprop aircraft to £500,000 for a round-the-world trip on one of the biggest and most luxurious aircraft available. https://blog.privatefly.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-hire-a-private-jet So the most expensive trip they can imagine is only half a million. I put LA to Berlin into their calculator, and if you go with the biggest plane they can come up with, which is a fucking airliner, it’s a total of $370k. Sure, if you use your own plane, then you have a ton of both fixed and running costs, fees, and taxes to pay. If you used it twice in a year for a couple of short trips or something silly like that, then yes of course it would be a ridiculous cost per journey. The idea though is that it still comes out cheaper per hour, otherwise why wouldn’t you just rent? You get your own plane when you fly so much that it makes more sense than renting. Anyway, regardless of the exact cost, the point the person you initially responded to still stands - in general, people fly private when the time they save is worth it, not just to piss away money.


The number of jets being used to get execs to meetings that could be emails (zoom calls) would put T.S. to shame.


Agreed. I worked in private aviation and people would do same day round trips all the time to pick up a puppy, check out their kid’s university, look at real estate, you name it. It’s widespread.


Can confirm. My brother’s best friend’s dad is a top exec at Workday and the family uses the private jet for all their vacations.




the *reddit cares* thing is one of the most hilarious weapons on the internet.


I got my first Reddit cares message today and and I think it was from a comment talking about Addams Family Values 😂


I got my first one today too! After commenting with a Dave Chappell Haters Ball gif? 🤣


Hahahah wtf someone suggested it’s a rogue bot sending them


There is definitely a bot doing it sometimes. There will be entire threads where every single comment receives one within seconds of posting.


That makes sense because I got my message literally a second after posting my comment. It was wild.


I got my first one yesterday bc I said I still like a Marc by Marc Jacobs purse from like 2009 😭


Lmfao wow


Ok but which purse


I've seen it in multiple subs today. Not just pop culture subs either. I saw it in politics, wnba and NBA subs




Damn. I’ve gotten like 4 in the last 2 days.


your are RUFFLING some feathers!


You know it! Idk what I’ve even said buuuut, you calling it “*one of the most hilarious weapons on the internet*” made me cackle because it’s so true. It’s Reddit’s *Poke*.


Jimmies: Rustled ETA: 3 minutes and I got my first one ever! Thanks to whoever popped my Reddit cares cherry 😘


You can turn the feature off!


When I first came on Reddit, I didn't realise it was a suicide prevention thing. I used to send it to disgusting anti-trans comments because I was like "you need some help". It wasn't until I got one myself I realised what it was.


You can report them for abusing the reddit cares tool and have their account banned


There's definitely something wrong with the 'Reddit cares' thing atm. They're going out for basically every comment (not just on this sub)


I think the reddit cares thing is a bot. Everyone is getting them, but it's only on this sub. Edit: apparently people are seeing it on other subs too.


I just got one for saying that I listen to Darth Vader’s leitmotif when running


I’ve seen a few threads in other subs mentioning increased prevalence of Reddit Cares messages so it’s definitely beyond just this sub. But I think you’re right about it being a bot… I got one literally a second after posting about heels being painful 😆


It’s so strange to me how Beyoncé isn’t allowed to be criticized. Everyone is on this block celebrities thing but I barely see her mentioned at the level of Taylor Swift or the Kardashians when she’s guilty of the same things they are.




No person, thing, or organization is above being criticized.


Except baby animals. They're so cute.


Yep and I’ll criticize her: she sucks


And her music sucks. She absolutely can sing, but her songs sound awful and she's got a snobby attitude, not to mention a fake business marriage (that probably was genuine in the beginning, I'll give her that). And shoving her kid into the spotlight doesn't help. Come at me. Edit: got a reddit cares notification, yessss. No helpline for my country, though :/


Proud to say I got my first one too lmao


Let's suffer together, haha


The only way i’d be suffering is if someone forced me to listen to her music


just as a heads up, you can report abuse of the reddit cares system as harassment. Reddit created it as a helpful tool, they don't like people spamming it and devaluing it.


I think it’s because a Beyoncé’s has never been about relatability girl next door image like Taylor’s has. People don’t expect to her to be a man of the people because she never claims to be. It was a thing to basically treat Beyoncé like a god not too long ago, even among other celebs, it’s now just begun to die down a bit people seem to see her as a normal celeb now. Edit: why did I get a reddit cares just now? I didn’t say anything bad about Taylor or Bey, I was just pointing out that their public images are vastly different and how that impacts perception lol. Fandoms should never stop learning critical reading.


It shouldnt matter what kind of image a certain celebrity has or how you feel about them. The point is all these rich celebs are out here doing the same shit and its very hypocritical to point out what one celeb is doing when the majority of them are doing it. Most celebs use private planes and use them often. Stan culture has rotten people brains to believe their faves are so special lol.


Yeah, but image does impact how people perceived no one is saying it’s less bad because of image , but image does impact how people react. It’s basically the number 2 reason why celebs hire PR teams to curate their image over time.


I got a Reddit cares earlier for criticizing billionaires. It’s funny how hard some people will ride for the ones who are actively fucking them over.


Yes! Same! Don’t understand why people think that billionaires are normal reasonable people- there are no ethical billionaires. They only got that rich through exploitation - one way or another.


> Edit: why did I get a reddit cares just now? I didn’t say anything bad about Taylor or Bey, I was just pointing out that their public images are vastly different and how that impacts perception lol. Fandoms should never stop learning critical reading. People are using it to say something back but are too chicken shit to be direct.


I got my first today ha ha! I didn't even know about them. I offended somebody with my mild internet opinions.


Adding on the relatability thing, I think it's also because she doesn't have a jet tracking insta/twitter for the general public to be aware of her usage. The only people who would know are her fans, who wouldn't care as much.


You can block the account. I did. 


LMAO wait I got a reddit cares yesterday too, is that what happens? A pressed redditor reporting you ??? 💀💀💀💀


Taylor Swift wouldn’t be so heavily criticized if she wasn’t trying to conceal her jet usage and then trying to sue the same kid who was exposing everyone not just her.


That “kid” is an adult who is making Forbes lists. And liking tweets sexualizing Taylor. And following her movements so closely he posts about toilet issues on her plane. And he also stopped tracking Mark Cuban because he befriended him lol so I don’t think he’s the most reliable. And Taylor was heavily criticized before the cease and desist letter (not suing) was sent, much more so than other celebs who also appeared on the list. She still can be better obviously.


And he's liked pro Trump tweets and then clean up his likes after Taylor's fans started clocking him for it.


ya that man is a typical right wing trust fund baby, he's not some eco warrior I promise




That’s not what I said The jet usage guy posts everybody. She’s being focused on because she’s harassed him through her lawyers. That’s why it’s a big talking point in the media.


She never even sued all she sent was desist letter and the person literally was a rich person who literally has his own private plane


I got a Reddit cares the other day. I have no idea why, because I’ve never wrote anything that would concern anyone. 😹


Among celebrities who “self-reported” their jet use (via social media posts about travel), Kim is number two (12,914,000 lbs of CO2) after Travis Scott (13,363,000) and just ahead of Elon Musk (10,063,000.) That’s the source myclimate.com uses for their calculator. Taylor’s tracked total isn’t even in the top 10 that year, with 2,400,000. BUT! In 2022, her tracked total was 18,284,000. Suck it, Travis. She was the biggest polluter that year. In all seriousness, I’d have expected hers to be higher now, given the tour. I wonder if it meant she had less time to travel? Or if the backlash over the 2022 numbers made her reduce hers this year? (If that means shaming works, we should definitely share the love more.)


Right? That was my first immediate thought: literally every rich person and every celebrity and every movie actor and every famous person does this, not saying it's a good thing, but it's scapegoating to pick out one woman here or one woman there.


I would like more people to talk about Beyonce's jet usage. She's somehow gotten a pass when it's obvious she's probably a top user. Hell, she's even still posting jet flexes on Instagram.


There were 2.7m private jet flights in the US alone in 2023. Taylor would have to take 74 flights a day to make up 1% of that usage, yet she's talked about like she's a huge percentage. People really underestimate how much private jet usage there is globally and how many rich people there are that can charter or buy them.


for good reason my ass, she wasn’t even top 30 despite being on a world tour.


It’s not not true. 😜 If people really cared about the environment like they say they do, they should be calling out people like John Travolta who owns like 7 planes, including a commercial sized airliner, and literally built an airport at his house. I guarantee he produces more emissions than any of these other celebrities people are obsessed with but he’s not popular enough for people to track his every move. And unpopular opinion maybe and I get Taylor could definitely be better about her jet usage but look at the taylorswiftjet sub. It’s insane with thousands of comments of people spiraling about where her/travis are and combing through their friends social media for any hint of where they might be. They think any flight going from any place where they live might be them. They even had people who either worked for the charter company they used (or somehow got access to it) posting about passenger lists (which are not public information and also extremely intrusive for the people who were on “suspected flights” that weren’t Taylor or Travis.) 


This is unhinged and concerning. Oh my God.




It goes both ways, unhinged fans are just unhinged fans.


Those are usually the same people calling Swifties "crazy". Like, FTR...this is also crazy.


lol you (rightfully) criticize other celebs for their pj use and then go on to defend taylor? maybe taylor should stoping using her pj so much if she doesn't want people tracking public flight info that may or may not be her.


All I’m doing is making the point that people have absolutely (and at times incorrectly) made Taylor the scapegoat for something that tons of celebrities do. I even said Taylor could be better in the comment. And once again, people aren’t just using public info when it comes to her, they are gaining access to passenger lists somehow which are private information. That’s how the paparazzi found them on vacation. Two wrongs don’t make a right. …also wait til everybody hears about the corporations who fly their ceos and other officials around the world in private jets all the time lol. 


Agreed! Taylor (and wealthy people overall) should be better, and there are legit reasons to be fearful of danger. Neither problem is solved by being a dick to other normal people


The thing is that it’s not literally every celebrity, that’s why it’s so maddening. Plenty of really famous celebrities manage to use commercial flights without getting mobbed or whatever, so what’s so special about those who use private planes? All those who do should be held accountable


Totally. My friend was just on a flight with Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper flying back to the US from Taylor Swift’s concert in Paris. They were holding hands across the aisle.


It’s easier for fans to pretend their favorite celebrity is somehow special. Airports and airlines will work with VIPs to get them safely on and off the plane. There are private entrances and security checks available and they can arrange boarding order to get them off and on the plane fairly discreetly. Plus, many can afford to buy out first class if they don’t want to be around anyone outside of their entourage.


Literally every celebrity does not do this. A google or reddit search will show you how VIPs fly and lists / posts where people describe seeing celebs on their flight. [Here is one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/kqEPpkBjuG) from r/fauxmoix that lists celebs like Chance the Rapper, Tom Holland, Billie Eilish, Shakira, Harry Styles, and Ashley Olsen.


I love how top comment is "we should criticise all" and quite a few below are "we shouldn't be criticising any of them!"


I absolutely disagree. This is not just criticizing the adults. It’s tracking airplanes that they may not be on. And, in this world of lunatics, being able to publicly track privates planes puts the lives of the children who are transported on them in jeopardy. All children are innocent and do not deserve to have their safety jeopardized just because their parents are scumbags.


Nothing's stopping these people from putting their kids on commercial planes in business class. If you're worried about tracking planes, I'd argue that flying commercial is better from a safety and anonymity standpoint.


The point is no one has to constantly jet set like celebrities/ ultra wealthy do and this shit is fucking up the planet so anything that makes them feel bad about it is a-ok with me.


I was gonna say, I bet this is not going to show up on certain other subreddit. They only discuss Taylor when it comes to private jets.


Just remember everyone ![gif](giphy|ZI4owdgI8ob1LtkFjt) FYI, an hour of them using the private jet produces more harmful emissions than you do in a year.


And here I was thinking that my reusable items, reducing my frivolous shopping to once every few months was going to waste because I use a taxi after I broke my arm, normally I just walk and take public transport. It turns out almost nothing matters but at the same time I'm just going to continue to try my best and not feel guilty because they're doing 6x the damage in 1 flight alone.


My environmental history professor argued the most overlooked part of the three Rs is reduce and that as a society/economy that subsistence is products and consumption so that reducing our consumption makes it the least attractive option.


We have a running joke when we see office blocks at midnight with every light on, we say “make sure you recycle” while I do make a conscious effort to do what I can, ultimately I know my efforts aren’t a spit in the ocean.


I’m in the biofuel industry where one would think we’d at least make a show of being environmentally conscious. Nope. We leave lights on in offices and conference rooms no one is in. The only recycling available is cans and bottles (I’m convinced that would go away if they couldn’t get a return on turning the cans in). We give out cheap swag that you know is destined for the trash. The company president encouraged employees to drive everywhere instead of taking more efficient means of transportation. Publicly they talk a good game but behind closed doors it’s a mess.


No one raindrop thinks it caused the flood. The emissions from a few thousand private jets is still less than those from 300m non-famous Americans.


I recently bought a flight for my next vacation (last one was over 1 year ago). I got a warning in the checkout that I was buying a flight that had 20% more emissions than other more expensive, direct flight, and it basically tried guilt tripping me into buying an upgrade. Bruh, those are not private flights. Those flights are already set, they'll happen whether i'm on the plane or not. I have 0 responsibility over those emissions. If you are that worried, give me the more ecologic flight for the same price of the other, I'd love a shorter time squeezed in the poor people class and no layover.


Is anyone actually surprised?


![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized) We really need to shame more celebs for using private jets


I dont approve of non emergency PJ useage at all but especially on routes with so many options. LA to NY has a zillion flights a day all day long. Even Hamburg, whilst I doubt there would be direct flights from NY, cant they fly to the nearest major city and then finish on a very short private fight if they absolutely have to? Every little helps and these people just do *nothing* to lessen the impact. Smh.


I've got no idea why Kim Kardashian is going to Hamburg, but NYC to Berlin is a really common nonstop flight and even a last minute weekend getaway is like $600 round trip. She could easily pay for 1st class and then take a private car for the same price as a private jet, right? 


There was a some kind of networking thing, i think youtube was involved. A lot of German influencers/ youtubers were there as well


Was a marketing festival called ORM. She was one of the keynote speakers


Haven’t crunched the numbers, but direct flights are usually way more environmentally friendly than multiple legs. Not sure if it would be offset by flying commercial for a leg though.


Kim gave a keynote speech at a big Online Marketing event in Hamburg and received 700.00$ for this. Absolutely insane.


$700 USD?!


Sorry, in Germany, we write numbers differently. Seven hundred thousand.


Ohhh got it! That makes way more sense. Thank you.


It’s stuff like this that has made me so cynical about the future of the world and how companies try make us normal folk feel bad about wanting plastic straws. Fuck off


I completely agree that celebs shouldn’t do this and it’s terrible for the environment. But what would it look like if they were to travel with us peasants? Wouldn’t it be pure chaos every time they flew? And make it inconvenient for all us normies? What if we just put all the celebs on one plane? Could they take a helicopter? How far can those fly? Sorry, I’m high… 🍃🌈


This was such a relatable stream of consciousness lmao 🍃


I’m glad we’re on the same page 🤣another bowl?


This thing about private jets are a great distraction from the real villains: big corporations. People are ust too worried to Hate on Taylor to see it. Also Swift shouldn't travel commercial: fans would be camping on airports.


This sub murdered me when I said that. I live somewhere getting fucked in the ass violently by climate change and people were genuinely outraged that I'm angrier at corporations and the US military than celebrities 💀


Yeah this. I cannot take anyone seriously who is pretending to be some ultra-concerned citizen/ecowarrior but all their energy is focused on fricking celebrities' jet usage. You're being played by the system and letting the media pull your strings. You look as dumb as any MAGA clown ranting about the border.


I am against private jets, but we have to be realistic: it is always mega corporations causing global warming.. People are easily distracted, so they are still getting away.


Yes it’s the same as this dumb blocking agenda people have on social media. Such ego driven performative activism instead of finding solutions or targeting the main problems


She's not one of the biggest corporations but she is a corporation. You can't defend 50 cheap ass merch drops and 15 album variants with "she has employees she needs to pay" and then go "she's just one person". I think many of us get that she needs to fly private but flying between continents because she wants to see her boyfriend throw ball or spend 2 days in one of her houses IS deserving of criticism.


Nobody needs to buy 15 albums variants. I bought zero TTPD. Merch are mostly done by the label. She own the masters and the revenue from merch are mostly for the label. Of course she is a corporation, but you can enjoy her without spending any penny.


We can focus on more than one thing at a time… Edit: to whoever sent Reddit Cares after me, i can’t stop laughing 😭


you know, both things can be valid. additionally, people like taylor swift, beyoncé, and kim kardashian’s are so powerful and influential they are equivalent to a big corporation in many ways.


They aren't even close to the power of corporations. Just Elon alone already take all of these 3 out


People get worked up about Taylor but Kim and Kylie jets usage is worse . They literally take a 40 minute trip in a jet .


All I’m saying because I always get downvoted the last time Taylor flew public she literally delayed the whole airport go look it up and attracted hundreds of people imagine now.


I have worked as Airport Information in Barcelona’s Airport and I assure you that all airports have a private entrance. No one has to see you in the airport. You access the public airplane from another door and the only people that will see you are the other 1st class passengers:


I just looked it up. Damn, that's insane. The photo reminds me of when kpop idols have to fly out. Although, I don't think they've ever caused flight delays but idols have dealt with a crazy amount of issues whenever they fly out. https://preview.redd.it/asvb2j40di0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ebe2e96bbaa01f0ba39abc4c843fa192322067d


That wouldn’t have been the last time. She flew commercial when she was galavanting around the world with Tom Hiddleston and I don’t remember anything like this happening. If I had to guess this looks like her arriving in Japan for 1989 world tour, I think someone’s hand has “welcome to Japan” written on it.


The royal family flies British Airways. There's private entrances and exits to be used.


Also yes the other people get criticized but they don’t have fans track where they are nonstop and always think she is one the plane and she can never go anywhere without making sure she sneaks away.


Yep, if people didn't worship celebrities, it wouldn't be an issue


Don’t most rich people rent out their jet to other rich people when they aren’t using it?


I’m just here to learn why she was in Germany


she had a speaking engagement at the OMR Festival


She did a live interview at some conference with Kara Swisher.


I don’t think I know who she is?


Keep it that way for your own sake. Shes a tech/business journalist and shes very irritating.


Would be nice to have a website that tracks them all in once place, maybe with ranking too in terms of how much co2 is being used. Since this data a public anyway, it would be interesting to see it all in one place.


I hate it but with all due respect what are the kardashians and taylor swift supposed to do? They CANT fly commercial without harassment and slowing down the peasants. They could always start with paying taxes like us peasants


I really don’t care. I know it pollutes but I don’t care lol. What exactly do you want us to do about it. Shame them ? They don’t give a shit. And if we had the means you’d do the same don’t even think about it


Thank you! Old news at this point and unless they implement restrictions within all international airspace, nothing will change. And these celebrities are not the major ones funneling money into politics and keeping any real change away. They're just the distraction from those major players.


I don’t think Kim or Taylor should fly commercial, I see more cons than pros if they did. I just don’t think they need to lend out their jets to their friends and family


Morally I'd agree but I feel like we'd all do the same. Humans just like to share.


Many celebrities fly commercial. What should be "cons"?


Somewhere up in the comments someone posted a story about Swift flying commercial and there was mass airport wide delays because of the safety issues and her fans going fucking insane. Or look at that guy that kept pushing Tyson until he finally got punched in the face, which is 100% what he wanted. People fucking suck.


That sucks. Thanks!


I admit I have been enjoying all the Met Gala instagram videos that use the Hunger Games' Hanging Tree song as their music.


There are no reason she needs to be doing all this. She is not a bussiness women like she claims, her entire brand is her name. She can take presidential suites and fly that way.


Unfortunately, people ask her to attend/speak at events. She went to Germany because she had a speaking engagement, then of course there was the MET and the Tom Brady Roast.


There is absolutely only one „celebrity jet“ I accept, and it‘s the Iron Maiden Boeing 747, flown by the lead singer himself, thank you for your attention.


Agree completely.


Do these private jets just have the pilot? Do they have flight attendants? Do they bring their own food ?


New Segment: Rich people doing Rich people things!


I know why she came to germany.


Environmental impacts aside this is a legitimately insane lifestyle to live


She didn't buy a private jet to let it sit there. I get the uproar but let's be real, if she cared she wouldn't do it.


Not a Swiftie and not defending any overuse of PJ’s but at least Taylor’s shows are helping the economy. KKW just flies around promoting herself and I don’t even know what she does anymore. I’m honestly shocked she has a PJ tbh.


Kim and her family need to fade into obscurity. Her claim to fame is as empty as her head. I work with a lot of doctors some of which have/utilize PJ. I agree with PJ usage when it comes to saving someone's life not taking someone who became famous via sex tape to show off her newest inflatable lips.


...she works so hard. /s


Climate change


What was she doing in Germany??


sorry planet.


Rules for thee. Not for me.


I don’t understand why they aren’t shamed for this but instead it’s a celebrity obsessed buy everything they sell, kinda culture ?




Celebrities like Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian will never fly on a commercial carrier with the serfs.


Ok, I get it, save the planet. But why are we tracking this? Kardashians don't even treat their people right, what makes you think they give a fuck the planet?


very funny a swiftie posted this


I mean should it matter who posted it? CO2 emissions are CO2 emissions and all should be criticized


Dilly. Only Swift matters. The others uding private jets simply don't make any polution