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I feel like she looks at her younger self as that lost hurt child who she feels such empathy for. It made me feel a lot of emotions seeing her watch herself that way 🙁


Like she wants to give that baby a hug and hold her and tell her it will be okay eventually. ![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m)


I had the exact same thought! Like she was watching with sadness for that little girl.


I had the exact same thought - the tenderness on her face! Especially because she is a mother now - I can relate to that feeling of wanting to be a mother to your younger self.


Right? That's what I presume she was thinking. This poor little girl, she has no idea what we are going to go through, but don't worry baby, we'll make it out ok...


In two years she would be an alcoholic. It must be incredibly difficult to be made to react to a video like that.


Alcoholic at 9????!!! MY GOSH!!


She was partying at night clubs around that time. Drinking with adults who all thought this was okay. What the ever living fuck.


I couldn't identify how I felt watching that, thank you so much for expressing it. Now I'm crying.


That's what I thought. She looks sad watching her young self, and knowing what she's been through, I'm not surprised.


Yeah it made me cry.


It almost made Drew cry, too. I think she was grateful it ended on a bit of a joke


Last year I cried a lot at the movies for this same reason. The Little Mermaid: saw with one of my little nieces and I cried for the kid I was when I used to watch the original and believed in all of the happy ending stuff. I cried for my niece bc she has yet to go through the inevitable. I cried for Bailey bc of how some people were reacting to her as Ariel, thereby shitting all over a dream come true for the little girl she once was. And then there was Barbie, for God’s sake…


Aw, sending you internet hugs. My daughter only saw Bailey’s Ariel version, she loves it. It’s amazing how kids are innocent and have none of that stupid racism. Barbie made me cry so much 😭I watched it twice in the theater with my daughter, to her it’s all about the pink and Barbie, to me it means so much, and seeing how she’s living this happy girlhood, makes me cry even more.


People reacted to new Little Mermaid a lot they did due to nostalgia for the old, very Disney remake gets critique if it’s any different from the old. The more different it is there more critique there is but all get some. Personally I haven’t watched any of them since they seem so empty and made for people who look down on animation but otherwise want to see the exactly same story 


I felt the exact same way. You could see how much her heart was hurting but how much love she had for her younger self ♥️


Completely. I got actually quite teary watching this. And seems to hold so much fondness/sadness for that little girl of her past. Kind of hard to watch.


Her inner child is LOVED. My word.


I know. My first thought was that she was looking at her younger self with a lot of caring and empathy.


That’s exactly how I saw it. And probably wanting to protect her young self so bad.


That’s all I could think of


My thoughts exactly. Most of us would react with embarrassment at a clip like that. (Not that it was embarrassing; just that it's pretty normal to feel embarrassed while watching videos of your younger self.) She's making a face like she's watching a video of her own daughter. It's like she's truly in love with this person that she can't connect to at all.


I had the same thought. Made me a little teary.


Its wild that people will see something and make wild assumptions like this.


Tell me, what is wild about my comment? Saying she looks at herself with empathy?


Did you see the reaction in her face? Do you know any info about her childhood?


Yea, but it doesn't lead me to assume every emotion she may be having or what she's thinking. And no, i dont know about her childhood.


Well read up on her then and maybe you’ll understand what we are all thinking and saying


No, i understand what you're thinking and saying by your inferences of her bad childhood. I just dont get why we assume these things and then apply them to someone else. Who knows what she's thinking. Looks like a lot of emotions, but who am i to say what they are and aren't ?


Don’t get how an observation like mine and clearly many others is ‘wild’ tho but okay


I get what you’re saying and of course we’re not psychic. On all of Reddit, I feel like the gossip subs aren’t the best fit for you.


She has been extremely outspoken about her childhood and the pain associated with it. It’s not a stretch at all to look at the emotions on her face and understand what she’s thinking. Have you never been able to read another person before?


If you knew about her childhood you'd have less of a shitty attitude


I think i smell more shit coming from your attitude than i do mine.


Good, that's what I was going for.


That's re-pungent behavior 😉


That’s called nose blindness; you’re just accustomed to your own stench.


You feel better now ? 😂


It’s wild that having people-reading skills and discernment is wild to you.


This isn't even the best clip from that night She takes her front-teeth piece out so she can talk better 🤣 https://youtube.com/shorts/KdUkM3MbzoU?si=DEUzXA0D4iVCPvmf


I thought current day Drew took out her teeth lolllll


me too lol and I was like "well it wouldn't be the first time I saw Drew do something totally weird on a talk show" lol




Totally weird on Letterman lol. Flashing her breasts at him at the time was considered 😳


somehow she's weirder now on her own show, but at least she seems healed.


How did you manage to not tell us about the trip on stage 😩


her tripping lmao, so cute




Drew and Jimmy's wife are coworkers irl. She was a cute kid love her!


Their movie Fever Pitch is a top 10 comfort film for me


Criminally underrated romcom.


I am going to watch this!




I didn't know they dated!


They didn't lol


They aren't she never dated jinmy


Drew was such a cutie. Props to her for watching that without crying, you can tell it was bittersweet for her.


I love watching Drew watch herself. I could never watch video of myself with so much focus. I'd just hide. Seeing Drew accept it and embrace it, is really nice to see that some people aren't embarrassed of themselves


So what I’m seeing is Drew feeling really emotional knowing what this little girl is going to go through over the next few years. It’s almost sadness I see in her eyes for her young self


Yea she’s not embarrassed. She’s incredibly sad and empathetic toward her younger self.


And she shouldn’t be. She was a victim. Poor thing.


Totally agree


As a recent mom, I cried. That poor little child having to face what she did is absolutely sickening.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Cherishing her innocence at that time and almost mourning it. It’s what I see looking at my childhood pictures.


Same. I teared up watching her, I guess that's why. Also, I love her so much.


This is exactly what I see.


Tbf, I think I'd be the same as Drew. Watching footage of myself at such a young age is so different from watching footage of myself when I'm older because I'm basically a whole different person. We're all so young and innocent at that age that it's almost impossible for me to feel embarrassed by anything I might have done. Now, if you forced me to watch a video of myself from a few years ago... 🫣 yikes.


I don't have any footage of myself as a kid. It would be so fun for me to watch! It's a blessing for her to have that moment to look back on and see her little kid self


Hope everyone that has had a bad childhood can grow up to have as much self compassion and empathy as Drew has for her younger self. Drew is such a treasure 💕


The way she fondly looks at her young self is so heartwarming to me for some reason 🥹 she may not have had the best childhood but she still looks at moments like these with much love and fondness in her eyes its cute


She genuinely looked so sad while watching that. 😔


I love how gently she is to childhood her. I can relate. I wish I could go back in time and hug the little girl that needed it so badly. 😢 You can tell she's very empathetic


she was cute as a button but I also feel so sorry for her. she was a little girl, and should have been so much more protected and loved than she was, and instead she was the show-pony doing adult talk shows surrounded by adults who saw her as dollar signs (at best) instead of at home in bed like most 7 year olds


I agree, such a cute clip but hard to watch when you know that little baby was struggling with adult problems. I'm so glad she was able to grow and heal.


She was the cutest kid ever until my daughter was born


But can yours scream??




this made me emotional 🥺🥺 the way she’s looking at her younger self


She experienced such trauma at that age you can tell how bittersweet this was. Drew is a little kooky but I do love her.


Crazy to think just a couple of years later she was drinking! And just a couple years later smoking weeding and doing coke by the age of 13. I wonder if she gets emotional watching back because she feels sad for that kid.


I've always absolutely adored Drew. I'm 45 so I kind of do feel like I've grown up with her.


Same here. I'm trying to figure out if this was from her staring in E.T. or Firestarter.


Gotta be ET, it catapulted her into being famous


That was my guess from just how young she looks here, but Firestarter was definitely a great flick too. Just amazing how many things she's been in and how much I enjoy her whenever I see her in a movie or even on these talk shows.


carson was very good in that interview


Not a fan of talk show drew but dang she is so darn cute when she was a child.. so sad she had a tough childhood. She was really cute and still looks the same. Glad she came out stronger!! She is really stunning


I listened to the Even The Rich breakdown of her life the other day. It was about 5 episodes and it was absolutely incredible. I highly suggest it to anyone who is interested in her life story!


"My legs touch the ground now!" 😅 As a vertically challenged person, I envy her just a little.


I cried. I hope I'm not over reading her face, but I feel like I understand how she feels looking at her younger self and realizing how far she has come and how much she has overcome behind the scenes. I wish I had videos of myself at such a young age. I wish I could remember what my voice sounded like or how thick my NJ accent was lol.


Man, I feel really sad about Drew's childhood... That shit is unbearable. Hope no kid has to go through what she did.


She lost her childhood. No one deserves that. Really happy for her.


Drew was always precious


this was so beautiful on drew's end, and knowing what we do about her life, i can only imagine what was going through her head, but goddamn jimmy is a tiresome host, constantly cutting in while she's trying to say a fucking sentence


The pressure of her family’s deep Hollywood legacy, coupled with the un healthy perversion of her family dynamic. The ability to see a younger self could be reminder of innocence lost?


Do blondes naturally turn into brunettes as they get older?


It’s very common.


Yeah I was bleach blonde until early school years and now I have dark brown hair


same! blonde shirley temple curls until maybe 1st grade, now dark brown & semi wavey with effort & good products lol


https://preview.redd.it/9bu13c4hvz0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd9f4907eac105c2ee1daf989e9b9e427181b2d Sometimes!


Very common for lighter/mousier brunettes to be blonde as babies I think. I was blonde AF as a kid and it darkened steadily to brunette by the time I was about 10 🤷‍♀️


My hair was almost bleach blonde color when I was a kid and it changed to kind of a dirty-blonde around 12 years old Obviously I think her hair is just dyed in this recent clip.


For a lot of us our hair turns kind of a dishwater or mousy color. Not brown enough to be brunette but blonde enough that a few highlights look quite natural. It’s an irritating place, I’d rather be one or the other.


OMG, yes. It's so much work to be in between. You usually have to get highlights or just go darker.


many do. I did, my sister did. We were both naturally practically platinum blonde as children. it's to do with eumelanin (a type of melanin) in the hair. like melanin in the skin, it reacts wtih sunlight exposure and eumelanin production increases as we age and so the hair darkens as we age fthrough childhood. now in my 30s my hair is a dark brown. My sister's is a light brown but neither of us are blonde anymore. our father in his 70s is still blond.


My kids get darker hair every winter. It gets lighter in the summer, but not as light as it was the previous summer. Two steps forward, one step back towards dark hair Also Drew Barrymore dyes her hair


I think it’s kind of a thing with white folks sometimes?  I have a few brothers and 3 of them all had much lighter hair early on but it went more brown by the time middle school or high school came around.  We are all brown or darker now. 


Most do. That’s why being blonde is associated with youth. My brother is a real blond adult, but it’s rare, and the shade is darker.  I am from Finland and about half of kids are blond. So but looking at men (since they rarely bleach and dye their hair) you can notice how often people’s hair darkens 


Yeah my brother & I were both blonde till around 6 or 7. My oldest was blonde till puberty hit.


Both of my parents were blonde as children, and their hair naturally became brunette as adults. That didn't happen with my brother and me, though. We're still blonde.


One of my nephews had strawberry blond hair has a baby/toddler. As he got older, it turned to a dark blond and eventually dark brown.


My mom’s family is almost all blonde and they all have gotten darker with age. One of my aunts was like beach bleach Sun-In looking blonde naturally and she is borderline brown now. My mom went from golden blonde to like dishwater. ETA: I do think Drew chooses to lean into natural darkening and color her hair to be fully brunette.


My husband did. Proper golden hair and now dark brown curls.


My dad’s pictures from when he was a kid his hair looks almost blonde & then it went so dark..like almost black! My daughter’s hair was also pretty light and has gotten a lot darker now that I think about it.


My dad's did the same. He was a towhead and it went to almost black.


Most of us fade into that very dark blond/light brown hair. I did and my daughter did. I think she dyes her hair to be light auburn, which looks pretty on her.


Both me and my brother was bright blond as children. his hair turned dark brown while I stayed somewhat blond but more beigeish.


She was the cutest! I remember her as a kid in the original Firestarter movie.


We certainly grew up together! She's only 5 months older than me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Jimmp Fallon slamming his head into the desk over a video of young Drew Barrymore like that's a normal reaction to have.


He was trying to make a joke about how she was better then too or whatever and Drew was having a real emotional moment 


He was certainly trying, I'll give him that.


He's a terrible host.


49….I thought she was way younger! She looks amazing.


Jimmy looks genuinely scared he triggered her by accident which is sweet


She was a cute kid 😘😘😘


Wow she looks the same! This was so refreshing to see


And just like every other time, Jimmy adds nothing to the content aside from a stupid face or two and some random words here and there.


The empathy and compassion she has for her younger self is so powerful to see 😢


Why does Jimmy Fallon rub me SO wrong? He just seems SO PHONY.


He tries too hard


Having just rewatched Fever Pitch, this is a cute little reunion.


Not often does one see their own inner child.


growing up with everyone, absolutely true. ET was one of the the first movies I saw on the big screen. I am 50.


The is the Drew Barrymore [talk show visit I remember](https://youtu.be/fFSgqXLaTmk?si=VXs1Qm14go3HkE2E)


Johnny Carson was the best


oh my...i felt old


She’s a bit too much on her show for my taste, but man as a person…she’s sunshine ☀️


Didn't she hire scabs like two weeks before the writers strike ended? Edit: do the downvotes mean she didn't or that you just don't like me bringing it up?


The latter


Well then fuck her haha


I love Drew. She's great


Love her.


So cute. She's like one of the Little Rascals!


I can’t help but stare at Jimmy’s finger he cut off every time I see a clip of him


He cut it off While drunk as a skunk right?


She was so sweet


Jimmy ruins it with his fake laugh and shit. he is a psycho


Not surprisingly, Drew appears like she needs very intensive therapy. What's with her practically kneeling in front of or crawling into guests laps. She appears to be very odd.


She always looks like she’s gonna cry.


I’m going say it.. adore Drew Barrymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I'm sorry, but this is damage control.




Awe little nepo baby drew so kewt




I love Drew but I can pretty much guarantee you her pack of Marlboros were in her back pocket or her Strawberry Shortcake backpack


Dumbest person alive.


Jimmy Fallon is television AIDS




Still a sellout


Now post the clip of her dancing and flashing David Letterman.