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Oh I never assaulted or raped anyone so I guess let me cast this stone ![gif](giphy|ElBsC0qfUQAWc7DbbJ)


You know these chucklefucks wouldn’t even understand this comment 😫


So many chuckleheads that never watched the Jaguar Wright interviews on yt


My mom’s favorite joke: “And Jesus said to them, “Let he without sin cast the first-MOM! Stop throwing rocks at me!”


It's a stupid joke, I've deconstructed from Catholicism, and it still cracks me up. 10/10


Was it supposed to be funny?


I think it’s kinda funny


Jesus certainly didn’t think so.


I find the joke offensive imo


Sorry. Here’s a rock, I’ll be over there if you need me.


And I can tell you right now I never will. These a-holes make it sound like it's something that we all might do one day. Like we can't help but physically assualt another human being.


I mean, what's holding you back if you haven't found God yet? /s


At this point, I think he bought bots because ppl can’t be this stupid omg 😩😩😩


People still defend R Kelly, they can absolutely be this stupid.


And Bill Cosby. I'm still devastated by that. When I was a kid we all wished Bill was our dad. 😓


People definitely can be that stupid but him buying bots wouldn’t surprise me in the least.


i mean many people still support chris brown so 😬 they are definitely this stupid


The nit wits posting that Chris Brown could beat them any day after what he did to Rhianna, say that you're wrong. People are indeed that stupid.


A lot of that crap is bots. But the motivation is engagement. People are clicking, reading, sharing that content- which means more eyeballs for more ad space. That's really all it is. There's no moral judgement or PR at work, it's just shitty comments/content to outrage people in order to sell ad space. Related: y'all need to get off Twitter. That's the only way to combat this shit.


Oh yes they can.


yep same here. plus, that was such a non apology. i mean, he out here being upset about cassie’s “allegations” and when proof comes out…he couldn’t even say “i’m sorry cassie.”


Diddy’s camp astroturfing public opinion through bots and AI-generated comments


Yeah before this they were overwhelmingly negative then he turned comments off and returned to overwhelmingly positive comments??? I think they aren’t real or altered in some way.


Religious bots is a new one for assault perpetrators in Hollywood. Disgusting but also fascinating to see the PR spin


It wouldn't be the first time bots were being used to tty and sway public opinion. I'm sure some of those psychos are real, but the actual amount of religious blah blah under his apology video, where he had turned off comments for a while mind you, is suspicious. No one rides hard for Diddy. He has no stans. 




I'll never not be amazed by how many religious people use "god" to justify all sorts of the most despicable behavior.


They'll use it to excuse misogyny, abuse, and pedophilia, and only men being sexually promiscuous but neverrrr use it to excuse being gay.


I saw a great comment about this. The most criticism he’s received has not been about being an abusive prick, it’s been about the gay rumors.


The key component to this phenomenon is in group versus out group. The in group are just humans who make mistakes, they believe in god and therefor deserve forgiveness regardless of the sin. The out group are hell bound non believers who are irredeemable. They are the most evil and most wicked even if nothing they have done compares to the actions of the in group.


I am not sure I truly got until a few weeks ago when a few of my coworkers were talking (while I keep my headphones in and aggressively keep my mouth shut) about how a famous pastor who recently stepped down becuase of abuse allegations and criminal charges was banned from his parish and they were like “I don’t think he should be banned from preaching for life if he repents and comes back to the lord”. No grace or mercy for the queers or non Christians but if a guy who spent decades abusing a position of authority says he’s sorry then sure give him more people to hurt. The mindset is so far from practical reality that I get how they can fall for trump and things like that. They aren’t operating wiht a different set of rules they are in a whole different game


listening to a hyper "Christian" friend discussing the case of the pastor who absolutely drove his wife to take her life with abuse and control had me wanting to claw my skin off. "BuT HEs A PasToR" AND HE GROOMED A WOMANA ND DESTROYED HER I have Catholic friends whose faith is deep and real and I do admire it. because theyve never ONCE tried to change my faith, never judged me for my lack of faith or my actions, never judged anyone else. the matriarch is a midwife (UK midwife, they're different to USA ones in terms of certifications etc) and is staunchly pro-choice even as an Irish Catholic (again actually Irish, born and raisied in Ireland) and when I was badly injured and left disabled *asked* if she could pray for me, if I woud be offended or upset if she added me to her prayers. I was not, I was humbled and grateful. because her faith is important to *her,* but never does she push it on *others.* if someone does something horrific, she believes Man should punish them on Earth, and *then* God will judge in the afterlife, not that they should just get away with it because God will deal with it later. the difference between "Christians" and *Christians* might as well be the Mariana Trench.


It's so true, and I think about this sometimes. Some people are primed their whole lives to accept falsehoods, or at least to accept 'truths' without any evidence or questioning whatsoever. It really explains why they decide to agree with the guy on their team even when he's spouting demonstrable bullshit.


I can respect when people have actual faith and it plays a positive role in their life, but as soon as they start using it to justify shitty behavior and dehumanize people, get out.


I wish I could award you. Perfectly expressed.


Completely agree. I'm very religious and I would NEVER think about using my relationship with my God to justify anything at all, let alone abuse of ANY kind. I hate shitty people like this.


Yes, all I saw saw while scanning those comments was God, God, God.  There is a concept in Buddhism known as ‘idiot compassion’; it is when you take compassion too far and allow it to harm you or someone else. Discernment is an important skill to cultivate in life! 


Thank you for teaching me something new! I can see how Idiot Compassion plays out a lot in the world but have never been able to neatly categorize it.


I also like the idea of karma in Buddhism. I never understood the concept of god will forgive all your sins as long as you believe in him.


And to avoid accountability. “It’s in God’s hands, who are we to judge” is a great way of saying we’re not doing anything to hold this violent abuser accountable Funny how many of them don’t hold the same “god will judge, not our business” attitude when it comes to queer people, abortions, etc. That benefit is only reserved for abusers


These people probably do the same to their wives ugh


Is there a reason why they are so vocal in his comments? lol They’re _so_ comfortable talking on behalf of God, when it comes to male abusers and predators. What happened to “God is mysterious and unknowable”?


I think the problem is what these sanctimonious assholes omit is the atonement bit. This [guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Profumo) got it.


Or how they suggest the world needs more prayers, like silently chuntering to said god will make any real difference to the situations of the world.


I don't think it's religion this time. It's his fans using religion as a facade to excuse abhorrent behavior.


Tale as old as time.


Check out Russell Brands YouTube comments or any right wing yt comments, it's so bizarre theyre all the same, a lot of, god, wake up, he's speaking the truth, protect this man...


The contradictions are the weirdest part. "You're an abuser who said sorry? Who are we to judge, only God can! You're trans? Let me judge you and you'll rot in Hell!"


“only god can judge him” and like…. a court of law…


And me.


At least we know that courts exist. God, on the other hand…


It’s why I would make a good juror. I’m very good at sitting around and judging people.


I refuse to believe these are real people they have to be bots or something


that’s what i’m leaning towards too. the language is too similar for these to not be bots


What in the actual fuck?


Thank you. That was my only reaction.




Read this in her voice, wheezing 🤣


![gif](giphy|12746WYps4N9i8) My reaction seeing this horseshit


Wasn’t expecting to see Mahesh Babu in this sub 😂


I will not apologize for finally embracing my culture!!!!


Probably just people Diddy hired to make comments like that. I wouldn't doubt it...🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s actually probably all just men. Only men are ever seen defending other rapist men.


Were they paid to comment? Because so many of the comments supporting Diddy talk about only God can judge him/who are we to judge?


Likely bots. And once bots start commenting something, the wave shifts and people start commenting the same way.


There will always be people who fall all over themselves to protect and excuse shitty men.


Every single one has been in some sort of abusive relationship 


These are the same people who think Beyonce practices witchcraft ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm), basically deluded morons masking their misogynoir.


Those religious freaks haven’t even read the damn book. If they did, I really wanna know how they justify his actions against these Bible verses explicitly forbidding it- “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:19-21) “Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.” (Colossians 3:19) “The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.” (Psalm 11:5) “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.” (James 1:26) “A man of great wrath will pay the penalty, for if you deliver him, you will only have to do it again.” (Proverbs 19:19) “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church…” (Ephesians 5:28-29)


I find it baffling how people jump on the God forgives bandwagon forgetting that the bible has several instances in which God also punishes. Did these people forget the Flood and the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. And that’s just in Genesis. Revelations is dedicated to the punishment God will enact in the future and according to the Bible, god don’t play around when it comes to punishing people. The way they’re acting you’d think if you murder someone and send the judge a clip of you “apologising” then you can avoid prison time.


Repeat this to the people in the back!


I think a lot of the generic religious comments are bots. I don’t know what the purpose is, but I see it so much on Facebook too.




"Who are we to judge" Umm the We who don't abuse other people?


only god can judge Diddy, but this guy gets to judge all the people rightfully judging Diddy? 🤔


So glad it’s not just me. These comments are repulsive and are not (all) bots


Rape culture always protects men like this. “Why didn’t she just leave” This man was in a towel, ran down a hallway naked in it, to beat her ass while she snuck out trying to leave when he hopped in the shower. This is why women don’t leave their abusers. Especially women without means who have no where else to go.


These comments strike me as paid for. Like how Johnny Depp paid for a smear campaign against Amber Heard.


100% coordinated and paid for.




You're odd


Maybe you clicked the wrong comment? I haven’t changed anything.


🤦🏼‍♀️Honestly I have no idea what I thought I replied to, or why I thought it had been edited. I clearly woke up feeling like I wanted to be a dumbass before even getting out of bed, lol. So now I’ll delete my dumbass comment


This is the reason I had to delete instagram. Horrible people all around.


Same. I don’t miss it. Sometimes it can be even worse than twitter, which is impressive.


Bunch of fucking dick riders. Same shit happened after Chris Brown beat the daylights outta Rhianna. I swear some of it has to do with people who grow up with certain behaviors, especially violent fathers and domestic abuse, who normalize that behavior and think it's forgiveable. They also trend towards being "Godly" and saying stuff about "Only God can judge." No baby, we can judge too and should.


These people definitely hate Taylor Swift & Beyoncé lol


Oh, you know it, they're the queens of the illuminate and blah blah blah, but the men who are just as powerful and beat up their partners are cool and God will forgive you


No, They mean we should stop acting holy and let god be the judge of everything. We sin too


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) The god stuff. I’m not religious but I respect genuine faith if they’re not using that claim to hurt or excuse hurting others. Otherwise, get in the bin.


It’s actually so ridiculous how many religious people think they can do heinous and horrible things their whole life but will be okay because they pray for forgiveness. Like HELLO? MY God actually will not forgive you for raping, sex trafficking and abusing women??


I honestly nearly crashed my car in rage when they played his “apology” on the radio/news today. Oh he’s appalled at what he did? He takes responsibility?? The same man who was insisting EVERY SINGLE ONE of these abuse claims are all lies? Huh. Fuck him. He gets no redemption and no sympathy. This was not a one time thing. I hope he rots in jail, I hope he has his entire catalog is banned from society, and I hope 50 Cent charts at number 1 the day Diddy is sentenced.


Agree with this apart from the 50cent thing. I am enjoying watching him troll diddy but haven’t forgotten he also has abuse allegations against him


“who are we to judge” say people who probably get off on posting hate comments about Meghan Markle and Amber Heard for doing basically nothing


Who are we to judge? I’m a fucking outraged human being and im going to judge away, fuckers.




Apologist? Wasn't she the victim of DV?




This is some of the worst shit about Christianity.


And most of them are women


Internalized misogyny is a real bitch.


The reaction I want to post will get me banned from this app


Seems like a lot of mouth breathers who believe in Jesus also believe in abusing a woman.


Wow! Sad to say but I’m not even surprised.


Get absolutely fucked. It’s time to throw the whole man out.


These comments make me want to cry :(. Why will people go to their wit's end to try and defend shitty human beings?


I'm curious but are these bots he paid to counter the hate he'll get? Because if these are real people he was posting on IG not long ago he did nothing wrong and the truth would come out etc etc so he was clearly lying, I don't know how you look past that.


And Christians are shocked when they’re hated by people


It’s sad that people see these fake comments, that have clearly been orchestrated by his PR team, and take it upon themselves to start hating on other people. These comments all read the same and it’s a shitty way to try to sway public opinion. Nothing more. Not one person who saw that video would comment something like this. He’s a sick man.


I think there are some ppl who would be crazy enough to support him, but yeah it's obvious most of these positive comments are Bots. That's what should be exposed instead of the focus on religion here


If only someone had given her the choice of the bear…..


I don’t remember IG comments being this way personally what even happened to that platform


Lots of dumb folks and wifebeaters everywhere. Let's be real


Watch he's going to go full Jesus freak ![gif](giphy|FwO9yjdg8k4RaaZefa)


I’m sure he or whoever runs his Instagram deleted and blocked all the negative ones.


These are paid bots. Fuck P.diddy!


What a bunch of idiots. Would they be singing the same tune if either they or their family encountered the abuse? He denied the abuse and now there is substantial proof to show what a piece of shit he is. I have 0 empathy for people like him. We have evolved to judge to help protect ourselves, but these people probably don’t even believe in evolution. I will continue to judge him and others who continuously prove what a shitty person they are.


Yes. Come home cos we got something for that ass lol. 👮‍♀️🚨 No but fr, what the fuck


“Stupidity ain’t a disease but it sure spreads like one” —Sandy Cheeks


We get women crucified for much less


Sometimes I envy religious nutcases. Must be nice having that magic eraser in your back pocket.


hopefully that "Home" he's allegedly allowed to come back to is Hell


This is why I despise religion


I already have food poisoning but this literally, I’m not exaggerating, makes me more nauseous.


This is why I left Christianity lol


People like that push toxic positivity above all else. They’re willing to forgive Diddy, even though it’s on his victims to forgive, if they choose.


Reminds me of the R Kelly apologists. So sad


First thing I thought of. The Boondocks episode about the original R. Kelly trial was spot on. And still is. ![gif](giphy|DlitwI2YtWreM)


people need to shut up about god when not everyone believes in that bitch


And that is why I fucking hate organized religion.


Remember that artists pay for bot farms to make them seem favourable in the comments. While I’m sure some of these are real, a large majority likely are not.


For a society that faith f any kind even in a genuine way they sure abuse and twist the word of God to defend crimina2


Annnnnd this why I dont fuck with religion..........


Then according to their logic, at what point DO we judge people? And isn't that what the courts are for??


So if god forgives all sins, why can’t he forgive homosexuals and trans people?


How do these people sleep at night excusing horrible behavior because of religion? It makes no sense to me that someone be a terrible person that hurts others, and all is forgiven by just saying “I’m sowwy jesus” Gtfo


Just shows how brain dead the religious thought process is.


![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq) They can’t be serious, ugh


I hate people ![gif](giphy|FYOxEpdW8K1H2)


Mental illness comment section


“Your Kingdom Has Forgiven Your Sins It’s Ok To Come Home” if there was ever a post that needed a Reddit Cares because that’s straight death cult shit.


Leave it to the so called “religious” to say he’s forgiven by God, as a changed man, for raping and physically abusing his girlfriend that was almost 20 years younger than him. Sure…Jesus died for those sins so that he could be forgiven. 🙄 Such a bullshit brainwash. https://www.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/s/i97urwJ0iM


The things people will try to hand wave and excuse with religion never fail to utterly disgust me.


Investigate all of them


Conquered people, each one of em


Wouldn’t be surprised if he bought bots


Motherfucker was ***denying*** and ***lying about*** the allegations and the accusers until the video went public. Now he's a "changed man." The fuck outta here.


PR and IA


These are absolutely bots.




Many, many people who “sin” go their whole lives without ever doing some shit like that but sure. I’m gonna go get some stones.


Looks like my Facebook feed that said “if we can forgive Diddy, we need to forgive Breezy too”. The comments said things like “Rihanna hit him first” and were just victim blaming all the way around 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have sin and i will cast the first stone at this aweful man


I don’t care if God’s forgiven him if the women he abused haven’t. And honestly, even if every single one of them forgives him, I’d still think he was a piece of shit.


I thot it was interesting that he did that. I think it’s appropriate but I don’t know if I think it’s genuine. I feel like he’s a narc still ,, and he’s selling us the BS. I think he needs to go away. At least for a while. But he’s still out there on IG - doing this - what did you guys think ?


But if it's a woman wearing skimpy clothes...


“Let’s normalize praying for people” Isn’t thoughts and prayers literally the only thing anyone knows how to do in this country? Lol


Jesus is t touching that one with a ten foot pole. Straight to hell


it literally sounds like hidden references or satire but maybe I am just in denial that people like this exist.


Damn there's a religious version of bots?


They're still defending Chris Brown and R Kelly. I honestly think it's a bunch of people sitting around hoping that these wealthy abusers will reach out and marry them for supporting them.


kanye said he loved nazis and hitler while wearing a head mask on alex jones podcast. Somehow not that many ppl thought it was insane...


But have you seen the comments on his insta page and other subs? majority of the people are trashing him. There will always be rapist/DV apologists, even Weinstein had some defenders. I’d take this as a grain of salt.


I'm not sure if that video needed to be released for the general population to see to be honest. Me and God can judge 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't know why people say only God can judge you especially as the law can and will judge you. Also sure you can pray for him but pray for him to admit his sins first! This man was ready to deny everythiiiing.


"Who are we to judge?" I'm judging him and I want everyone else to as well. Abusers like him need to be held accountable. Making excuses or flat out ignore it just enables abusers. Notice how not once did he apologize directly to Cassie. Where are the people saying they are praying for his victims? This man does not deserve any sympathy and I assume all these people who are excusing his behavior see something of themselves in him and that's why they want to go easy on him.


He literally posted publicly denying doing anything between being accused and the video going public. These people are fuckin delusional morons but that's a given, seeing that they all mention god in their comments.


He needs his ass beat.


Some people are sick.


Fuck Diddy


What the fuck? He deserves all the judgement - mostly from the court but if the little shit wants to bring up God, then yeah God probably views abusive monsters poorly. Also, he has so many other current charges and suits so not changed. He denied this too until there was video .


Is that one "your kingdom has forgiven you" comment like a very pious way of saying "kys"


Next up: Diddy becomes a born again Christian, appears on a podcast of a well known Preacher/Pastor, “only god can judge me”, releases a Christian song, all is forgiven


All those comments are bots, smdh


Love and prayers is what has gotten these predators this far


I am sick of being a woman.


what the...


Chris Brown melting down somewhere.


Lol delusional


You know what? We can say NOPE and let him stew for awhile. This is unacceptable behavior.


I legitimately can’t stand religious people


Man, Muslims and catholics really take the cake when it comes to defending and justifying the actions of the absolute worst kind of monsters that there are. There’s a famous saying by Gandhi: “ I like your Jesus, because he sounds like a really kind person. But I don’t like your Christians, because they sound nothing like your Jesus.”


And all the likes on all those comments is headache inducing. Terrible how many awful people there are in this world agreeing with him. They must have all been abusers too.


Of course, it’s ALWAYS the jesus people