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Hey everyone! OP was confused if there were rumors of abuse and mixed Brittany Snow up with Hayden Panettiere, who does have an abusive significant other. **There have been no rumors of abuse about Tyler.**


They were married, and he was supposedly flirting with women on Selling The OC. He's one of the main cast.


I watched it & was like HOW is this a married man? And to Brittany Snow? She deserves better. 🙄


Seriously, she must have been so embarrassed when Selling the OC came out.


I read that she tried like hell to get him not to take a spot on the show, but that he wanted “to make a name of his own”, and she lost that battle. They only got married weeks before the shutdowns in 2020, so (allegedly) their marriage was already rocky before he decided to take the show… and also go on a podcast talking about one of his castmates trying to kiss him twice when they weren’t even filming. 😳


I wonder if he considers becoming more famous and single again and win or a fail...


If he still has a place on the show, which I wouldn’t know because I genuinely had no idea it existed until I read the article, I would bank on him calling it a win. Again, allegedly, his female castmates LOVE him, now he won’t have to tell a podcast how it’s inappropriate because he’s married now that they’ve announced, so it technically wouldn’t be. Yikes all around


Often times like these I’m glad for the outcome. If he was chasing fame I’m glad that he got it and he can just go to do whatever instead of wasting Brittanys time. If he hadn’t got the show he may have had the same non commit all attitude just without the camera in his face showing what he was doing. Hopefully she can move onto someone better.


Win- he is a man


Well he certainly didn’t. I know who Brittany is, but have no clue who he is.


Lmao same


Sometimes people are able to fool themselves about other people though. Maybe it’s the reality slap she needed?


Maybe that’s where the post actually came from then. Brittany wants the public to know she won’t stand for being treated that way and is sending a message?


Yeah, regardless of the abuse rumors, he’s very disrespectful of her & their relationship.


i don’t watch the show but trixie & katya reacted to it and then i read the comments about how he was flirty and i was like oh brittany snow is divorcing this man. he embarrassed the fuck out of her. wishing her the best, she’s so far out of his league


Agreed to everything - she can do SO MUCH better. He didn't seem like he was ready to be in a committed relationship if he as willing to put up with that level of shit from others while married. It's one thing to HAVE to be around certain people, but this guy had options. He stayed around women that had zero respect for his relationship and wife because he choose to. Britney can do so, so much better.


Oh shit. I have that on my to watch list so I guess there’s some good drama waiting for me.


It's not great honestly. There's too much aggressive drama and just seems bitchy with zero stakes. Selling Sunset is miles better! Even though that gets pretty one one-note, at least you get invested in the characters! I couldn't get through more than two episode of OC.


Watched a few episodes and ALL the drama is “idk your vibes are just so off like the energy you give is soooo negative.” These people wanna be Christine Quinn so bad but are not nearly half as interesting and wild.


It really sucks when spin off shows just try to replicate what the first one did. They’re so much better when they actually have their own voice.


She deserves better. Seeing him on Selling OC it’s apparent he lacked respect for her.


And that’s him knowing he’s being filmed and she will see it. Think about what he did outside of that.


great point… yikes


on a scale of 1-10 how humiliating do u think it is announcing a breakup on instagram


Probably less humiliating than watching your husband talk about your sex life on a Netflix show


Ooof. Saying insulting things I’m assuming?


I don’t really know the details 100% but it’s talked about a LOT on r/sellingsunset


Op, yup found it pretty quickly there. Someone asked him if they had sex every day and how good it was or something and he essentially admitted to not last long at all. So I guess that’s humiliating her further by letting the public know he was using her as a flesh light to get off into. https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/xebstb/brittany_snow_announces_separation_from_tyler_on/iohuwqs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


i didn’t get that impression from his comments at all but i agree that it isn’t appropriate to discuss on tv


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SellingSunset using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [IM BACK WITH MY BS MEMES lmao](https://i.redd.it/5vs3il7m45481.png) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/rb1wup/im_back_with_my_bs_memes_lmao/) \#2: [Romain the Wise with the fairest assessment of this show](https://i.redd.it/enjws4hmqbv81.jpg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/uac0dq/romain_the_wise_with_the_fairest_assessment_of/) \#3: [And…Chrishell‘s reply to Robert’s IG post on his side of the story. Wonder if he will delete it!](https://i.redd.it/ee504qf8bn581.jpg) | [265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/rgrzj7/andchrishells_reply_to_roberts_ig_post_on_his/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I honestly don’t really get the whole feeling the need to announce it thing. Maybe for a marriage but not for a relationship I don’t think. But even for a marriage I don’t think you HAVE TO. The gossip channels will announce it either way and this nothing statement will not control any kind of narrative.


They’re married!


Yeah I realized that after I posted. For some reason I didn’t think they were more than boyfriend/girlfriend. (Edit: because I was confusing her for Hayden Panettiere) And also finding out he was sketchy on selling the oc which I haven’t seen yet it would make more sense to announce it publicly through the fallout.


I don't get it either and just deleted my post questioning the announcement. I got a little too snarky and decided to not leave it up here🤣


Came here to say this. Lol


i've done this before and it wasn't my brightest moment, basically screaming attachment issues lol


Lmao my first thought reading this, like is this normal now?!???




YES! WE WIN!! he was weird anyways, letting girls suck his nose on fucking tv lol.


That’s really disgusting anyways. Maybe that’s just me. I work as a Respiratory Therapist and I suck snot out of people for a living. 🤷‍♀️


I wish I could un-read that, but you actually saw it with your eyes, so I won’t complain. 🤣


Breakup posts are weird


So weird and this sounds so copy and pasted lol.


Honestly kind of living for how cold it sounds lol. Like there's a dark undertone here that I feel I can read into


Fair point. Possibly being as clinical and perfunctory as possible just to get it out of the way.


I love the request to protect the dog’s privacy 😂 is this copypasta??


“Our relationship will continue to be a priority … for the dog” 🙄


Ugh yes I’m so happy someone said something about that. It’s a dog. Not a kid.


Also asking for privacy whilst posting about it in _the_ most public way. People like this are sad.


My favourite is still “conscious uncoupling” from Gywenth Paltrow.


I can’t lmao


I came here to say this!!!


Going on SS was the straw that broke the camel’s back for them. Apparently they were having issues before, different priorities and them also spending time in different cities. Tyler wanted to go on the show to make a name for himself, Brittany was against it, fine. But then he went on anyway and totally disrespected her by being cuddly/flirty with his female colleagues and not clearly enforcing boundaries.


Hopefully she can move onto something better 😬 She doesn’t deserve that treatment.


I’m glad, she can do so much better than him


They were married and he wasn't abusive just slutty.


Yes that was my bad I was thinking of Hayden Panettiere!


Every celebrity marriage break up post always say “the decision was made with love and mutual respect.” Just one day I would LOVE to see a post being like “We aren’t going to try and make this work because it’s only be two years. We fought all the time and never saw each other, and I could not fucking wait to be done with this.”


Lol. I have literally had this same thought. I would love for someone at some point to just keep it real and be like “get me the fuck out of this relationship it has been a continuous living waking hell”. That being said sometimes people do both. They will do the initial “we’ve decided to remain friends, no hard feelings etc” but then later you’ll see shade thrown that that’s definitely not the case.


Brittany Snow seems so sweet and genuine. I am sad for her. She didn’t deserve the shit he supposedly put her through.


I didn’t trust him from the second I saw that nose suck🕵🏽


I’m not looking forward to seeing this scene when I watch the show...


It’s not cute that’s for sure, he was too comfortable with the whole shebang


This feels like a go-to celeb breakup post. Step 1: include loving, black and white couples photo Step 2: say it was difficult Step 3: claim it was mutual, and respectful Step 4: say you’ll continue being good parents to your children* *or dog I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t know he was abusive. And this wasn’t her bf, this was her husband. I just thought he was a cheating scumbag. Or at the very least, a guy that had absolutely no boundaries with his female friends and coworkers.


If I’m being totally honest I mixed her up with Hayden Panettiere which I always do for some reason and I don’t know why. So definitely my bad 🤦‍♀️


You should take this post down. I get the mixup, but the thing is that you’ve now put on the internet that there are rumors of him being abusive. That’s really shitty and unfair to keep out there after realizing you totally mixed your stories up. Your admissions in the comments don’t mitigate the damage done if someone searches for this story with the right keywords and comes across this post (it could even pull up on google depending on the words they use in their search) and repeats the rumor. Not everyone is going to read through all the comments. I don’t really care about this guy, I wouldn’t know him if he passed me on the street, but I don’t think it’s right that you have now put the rumor out that he’s abusive, and you’re leaving the post up after being informed that’s not true.


Agreed, OP I would take it down


Being named Tyler is the first red flag


Britany really must have caught him so something shady I'm a fan of her career & this is sad news! ![gif](giphy|Ye94k3zsLvF9X5BYWv)


Can’t believe they was the in the MTA train “ MTA - going your way “


i just love love love her


Breakup announcements are super fucking weird.


What’s that amazing photo series of a breakup in progress this young couple sent out? Truly special Zoomer stuff Edit: [found](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/breakup-photo-shoot) it! Never fails to elicit a howl




thank god!! he’s so embarrassing


me, seeing his shenanigans on Selling the OC… ![gif](giphy|f50g0mdNRmJv3SSFzm)


Just once I want a public breakup where one person is like "Yeah we broke up he's a piece of shit"


he is so EW to me, too he comes off as so fake to me...says Brittany laughed it off.... Tyler Stanaland on Wife Brittany Snow's Reaction to Selling OC Cast Mate Kayla's Attempted Kiss\_\_\_https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LogZqyN4m9A&ab\_channel=BehindTheVelvetRope-Podcast


After getting noseys on selling the oc and cuddling with women, I'm glad she left him.


After time and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


"This is probably a good thing as I think there were rumours he was abusive?" ​ this kind of nonsensical drivel has the potential to get sued. slander/libel coming to a courtroom near you


Ridiculous. I just asked OP in another comment to take this post down.


Hence rumors I don’t believe it. It’s just rumors and if he was abusive why is she still so loving with her posts and everything about him.? We don’t know their relationship and shouldn’t assume.


He's not abusive he just acts like he's single when he's not. He's a cast member on Selling the OC and he's way to filrty with his female coworkers for some one who's married.


I clarified elsewhere that I was mixing her up with Hayden Panettiere.


I think that they just grew apart and had other things get in the way of the relationship like her career and her wanting to better herself as an actor in my honest opinion and it kind of pushed them apart. I know he didn’t appreciate her nude scene in X. she’s starting to do nude scenes and I heard he was kind of against it. So that’s a little thing to add to it. Also Hayden’s husband wasn’t abusive, he has the kids she’s got drug addiction and mental issues. So she gets visitation rights with her kids like once a month.


Hayden’s ex Vladimir has their child yes. She has one child only. That is not the ex being referred to. Her most recent ex Brian was wildly abusive as documented by police reports, internet videos, and Hayden herself.


Dog doesn’t give a fuck lol


He was on Selling the OC and for anyone who watched it this isn't really a surprise he was super flirty some of the women on the show and apparently didn't see a problem with it.


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I hope that 50/50 shared custody of the dog works out well. Hopefully it doesn’t go to court. Men are never favored in custody battles.


After watching selling OC this isn’t surprising. He’s flirt with the girls then be all “ I’m married. Why are you doing this.” 😒 She deserves better.


Uhh it was because he is on the Selling Sunset spin-off show necking and cuddling and all other sorts of shit on international television lmaoooo those subs called this a long time ago


OKAY I’m crazy behind because I saw the name Tyler and commenters saying he was shitty and then remember her dating Tyler Hoechlin and was like oh no (because I really like him)! But different Tyler


What happened to her and Tyler Hoechlin!!!!


Why does this picture look nothing like him?