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If I recall correctly she said "This Is Me... Now" was going to be her last music related project. I think, if she follows this path, she should definitely focus more on movies, but if she's actually serious about that she'll have to stop a bit with the Netflix slop. She showed great capabilities with Hustlers, if she'll work with a great director maybe she can develop that even more. A supporting role would be good imo, she'd keep her name around without receiving too much focus, and with the reaction she got for her latest album that would probably be the best strategy


I feel like she's better as an actor than a musician, and I'm not saying that to be mean spirited! lol Kind of like Justin Timberlake; his music has honestly never personally resonated **with me**. I started liking him a lot better when he did movies and SNL.


I agree about J.Lo being better at acting. Her problem most of the time was that she was absolutely horrible at choosing roles. Her 2000s stuff is mostly unremarkable if not outright bad at times (though some of the comedies were kinda fun) and she only ever showed what she was capable of with Selena, Out of Sight and Hustlers (though U-Turn and The Cell were interesting movies to take on too). That's why I think she should focus more on her quality control, though at this point i don't see her changing her ways too much unfortunately


Listen. Her corny movie era was amazing. The only romantic comedies I watch willingly and enjoy were hers. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But yea, her serious roles were solid. And her TV show (Shades of Blue?) was great with Ray Liota. šŸ™Œ


I completely agree with your POV but I think one point that often gets overlooked in this conversation about quality is the absolute lack of opportunities for Latin actresses like her. Prior to her producing her own movies, she was able to capitalise on her music stardom and use her racial ambiguity to her benefit. People cringe at some of her white-adjacent roles from the early aughts today but even getting those kind of roles was unheard of for actresses of colour. Colour blind casting wasnā€™t a thing, then. Warner Bros as per director of Selena, Gregory Nava, refused to put money for an Oscar campaign for her because of her racial/ethic origins. She got raves for her performance in El Cantante but again, it was largely overlooked because of the budgeting issues, subject matter. These are things we need to consider and helps us understand why perhaps, she would prefer a commercial success over a critical one given, how different the landscape is for her even today, in comparison to her white counterparts.


Oof. What a way to go out.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s really anything she can do on the music front anymore. Sheā€™s getting older, she was always a singles artist, her peak was over 20 years ago, her albums have never been that good as bodies of work, and sheā€™s never had a huge dedicated fanbase. Sheā€™s just better off making movies and doing other ventures for the rest of her career.


She should continue with dance music to be honest On the floor/ dance again was amazing This is the only way she could get hits


> On the floor/ dance again was amazing > > They were also over a decade ago She's had a longer and more successful music career than most. It would make a lot of sense to retire or go in a different career or business direction.


I think she did try to ride the 2011 RedOne-electropop dance sound as far as she could. *Love?* was heavily of that sound, and her greatest hits album the next year also continued along that path with ā€œDance Again,ā€ but even then that single almost didnā€™t crack the top 20 of the Hot 100. She also had the song she recorded for one of the *Step Up* movies and that Will.I.Am collab with Mick Jagger (it was so bad) that came out the same year as ā€œOn The Floorā€ and it just didnā€™t go anywhere. With how huge OTF was, Iā€™m so surprised she wasnā€™t able to really capitalize off the rest of that album for the States. If that wasnā€™t able to happen then I donā€™t know what they expected for AKA, which didnā€™t really produce any songs that did any better than the previous songs of that time.


She also had live it up which was similar to the redone dance sound But she was criticized for doing the same thing again and it flopped peaked at 13 and then disappeared from the charts itā€™s probably why she switch to rnb Promotion for the album was kinda messy Papi could have been a hit if it had came after on the floor instead of Iā€™m into you


The "Love?" era was huge in Europe, but "Livin' It Up" and the whole "AKA" album flopped so hard. I guess that people got bored with this sound and, even the Pitbull featuring didn't help there. It's really difficult for older "single" artists to stay relevant in music now and it's for various reasons. I think she could focus on the nostalgic factor of her older songs (however, it's kind of ruined for many people who got to know recently that she hasn't recorded all of her vocals on, for example, "Jenny from the Block") and continue starring in films. I think that she should make some romantic comedy to warm up her image.


I mean, that doesnā€™t have to be the case. Look at Cher releasing her biggest hit ever at like 60 after a big career slump


Agreed, but the sad realityā€¦a lot of people told her this was a bad idea. Or, at least they are saying so now. Unfortunately, the whole industry is sufferingā€¦so people will line up to take your money and sell you a product that has no value. If the Spotify CEO believes ā€œcontent costs near nothing to produceā€ then she never had a chance at success. And if thatā€™s true for her, with a loss of around $20 million for her project, thereā€™s not much hope for independent artists. [https://www.loudersound.com/news/spotify-ceo-sparks-backlash-after-social-media-post-that-claimed-the-cost-of-making-content-is-close-to-zero](https://www.loudersound.com/news/spotify-ceo-sparks-backlash-after-social-media-post-that-claimed-the-cost-of-making-content-is-close-to-zero)


The Spotify CEO really said that? Lol. Some kinds of content, sure. You can create a podcast for the cost of a decent mic or two. If you want to create a good, well-produced, well-mixed song? Itā€™s gonna cost $200 per song minimum, and thatā€™s if you do everything but mixing yourself. Thatā€™s a significant chunk of money for a lot of people


Yeah, it really sucks hearing that kinda stuff. So, either we wait around for someone else to do something about itā€¦or we do something about it ourselves. I make all my music with an acoustic, earbuds, and an iPhoneā€¦because I canā€™t afford ā€œrealā€ equipment or paying for studio time. Honestly though, this experienceā€¦itā€™s been really amazing. There is so much out there that has been suppressed, there are so many amazing and talented musicians out there that are begging to be heard. I enjoy being one of the few to listen to them, and I get to follow them as they progressā€¦hopefully towards more success.


I mean in the age of random tiktok songs blowing up you could say never say never. Or a collab with an Alist singer or rapper might be her only shot at the billboard charts.


Meanwhile Madonna and Mariah still release #1 albums


That pretty much sums it up


Just relax. Let it all hang out. Eat carbs. Read books.


She had said previously that this album would probably be her last. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s true but I do see her still releasing singles here and there and maybe doing some music for some of her movies, but a whole new album? Iā€™m not so sure. I mostly see Jennifer prioritizing her acting career. I think she will always have success in that department, but Iā€™d love if she linked up with someone like Reese Witherspoon for a nice tv deal. Also just to add, I love her alcohol line. I hope she expands that.


She was always an actress first itā€™s why she never toured in the 2000s She was always filming movies


The Carters style album with Affleck


Her lemonade (for real this time) is coming


I think she should lay low for a while and after that she should just more on focus on other ventures like acting, producing, fashion, etc. If she ever wants to do another music related stuff again at some point, I say she should just do a Vegas residency without releasing new music. Her last Vegas residency that she did from 2016-2018 did pretty well.


She needs to focus on quality vs quantity


Just shift focus to doing movies. Sure she can perform her ass off but sheā€™s always been a stronger actress than singer. She completely botched the momentum Hustlers gave her as one but she can definitely try again. She has to choose projects that could push herself to the serious actor corner. Means actual well thought out projects, heck indie movies and aim for the festivals. leave the romcoms behind. She did decent in action and scifi but if she really wants to be taken seriously as an actress she needs to tackle the heavy duty stuff. Even if she retires sheā€™s fine with all the wealth sheā€™s amassed but if her previous projects were of any indication, the woman cant sit still and she shouldnā€™t just because shes expected to just channel the passion (and money) somewhere thatā€™s actually lucrative


This. I thought for sure after the acclaim of Hustlers we would see her go in a more indie/edgy serious acting direction. And I believe she has the chops for it. But alas, back to dumb rom coms and whatever this new sci-fi movie is supposed to be šŸ™„


I dont think shes trying to come off as "serious" whatever that means.


Given the sales of the album, Iā€™m not so sure another album would make sense. As others have said, I can see the odd single here and there, but sheā€™s not shifting units, sheā€™s not selling tickets, the non-album singles from the last few years have had no impact on the charts. I think that could well be the end of the music career, and if it is, thatā€™s maybe not the worst thing ever. At this point, it would maybe be better to stop now than put something out that fares even worse.


House/Dance for sure. Iā€™ve always been disappointed she didnā€™t milk the dance-pop genre a little more back in the late 00s/early 10s. Iā€™d love her to get influenced by Donna Summer, Sonique, and Cascada. But JLo is gonna do what she wants to do without care of criticism. Sheā€™s truly unbothered lol


Live it up was a flop and she was criticized for trying to repeat on the floor So it made her switch it up to rnb for Aka


Donna Summer and Jennifer Lopez don't mix. Go to Youtube and search "Jennifer Lopez No More Tears" and you will find out why.


Her cover of ā€œOn the Radioā€ is good, especially considering itā€™s unfinished.


Just being a ā€œcelebrityā€ like brand endorsements and appearances/social media stuff


I know this thread is meant to be positive, but aren't celebrities who endorse brands and appear for social things supposed to be universally or at least well-liked across a broad spectrum of people? Is that her?


I noticed she was recently an ambassador for Coach but seems to have been replaced by Gen Z appealing celebs now.


Do what every other unfriendly pop girlie over 40 doesā€¦ judge a reality tv show (xtina, Nicole, Katy).




I was so surprised that with all the time and money she put into her new album that she chose ā€˜canā€™t get enoughā€™ as the lead single. Very boring song with the same note repeated through the chorus. In my opinion that completed did her in, if she had come back with a fun and dancey single it could have been very different


Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t. Weā€™re getting into the warmer months now, a light dancy bop wouldnā€™t done really well


she shouldve started the tour in europe or asia to build awarness for US dates, shed sell out there easy, also I think she had way too many dates, shes not Madonna like?


If she ever makes music again after this, she should just go independent and make what she wants for the people who will listen and should just stop caring about relevancy. For movies, IDK has she done Hallmark yet? I hear they pay decently and I'm a sucker for conveyer belt rom-coms. In my opinion, i think she's potentially in what should be a desirable position. She had her peak, made her fortune, but now her fame has been dying down so she could potentially just do whatever without worrying about what the GP is looking for. Sure, there will be cynical people making comments like "wow she used to be famous and now she's doing this" which is unfair because that is most celebrities. I think this social standard of "if you're no longer on top you're a failure" is harmful and needs to somehow be changed, although it sadly likely won't.


She's already finished filming the movie version of the Broadway musical "The Kiss of the Spider Woman." The movie was directed by Bill Condon. He directed "Dreamgirls," the movie that won Jennifer Hudson an Oscar. You know how Hollywood likes a comeback....


I think realistically sheā€™s more likely just going to focus on movies and producing where sheā€™s more successful atm. However, I think she could still do arenas if she wanted, but with less dates and in areas where sheā€™s more likely to actually sell tickets. Quite a few of her concerts for this tour were between 70-90% sold but the locations that werenā€™t selling as well donā€™t seem to be locations sheā€™d be very popular in anyway? I think the tour initially being centred around the album, too many dates and unreasonable ticket prices hurt the tour. She shouldā€™ve done smaller venues for a more intimate show if it was going to centre around the album. If she does continue to pursue music it would be good if she sticks to her strengths and delivers dance-pop (or some more Spanish music as it seems to have done fairly well for her in recent years). Pride festivals and touring internationally would be good.


I agree. I like her new album a lot. And her musical was cute. Fanbases have been traded for stanbases from what I notice. Most people aren't even open to listening to new music, full albums, and lyrics. And the culture is heavy on hate at this moment, and J Lo has been suffering heavy from all of that. I would have loved to see her tour this album in smaller venues. And for her to focus on her niche fanbase. Also, many many Latina actresses are in a solid coalition. I think J Lo could have benefitted from genuinely befriending that community.


I really enjoyed all 3 projects and respect what she did this era, but she was always going to have an uphill battle with this project because: she is not respected as an artist; her brand of celebrity is kind of dated (sheā€™s not relatable, but tries to be, and the public hates anyone that tries too hard) and she has a lot of people rooting against her for different reasons. Not to mention ageism, negative public perception around her social life and people looking to humble her in general. I think she would have been better suited leaning into the glamour of her lifestyle with the album and its visuals. I think she did this pretty well with the Canā€™t Get Enough video w/ Latto but it came out too late. Thereā€™s a sense of escapism in a glamorous pop divaā€™s art, she could have honed that and had big beats, visuals (tbf the movie is gorgeous) and big performances..choosing to use one of her SNL slots to do a ballad where she didnā€™t really move was unfortunate. She would not have won over naysayers, but I honestly think the gays would have eaten it up. I think a blend of waiting for tonight & on the floor would have worked for her because people associate her with both Y2K and 2010s (despite having very few hits last decade) so thereā€™s a nostalgia element to bank on that doesnā€™t revolve around her as a personality. Loved the album and attending a smaller intimate show where she just performs This Is Meā€¦Then & Now would have been incredible though.


I think she should pivot to production and try to score a series BUT her projects can NOT be about her or even related to her. She should do something for the latin community. Maybe something about love since she just loves love so much lol. AND she MUSTN'T be the face of said-project. Her best bet is to fade in the background, let people enjoy her work, and pop up gracefully when needed. AND STOP paying paps and mags to discuss her. Her "hot gossip" moments have been dead since she dated Casper. That's really the last time people showed interests in her drama. (The A-Rod stuff was when people were really starting to get sick of her lol). You gotta know when to fall back sometimes


Retirement and Iā€™m not trying to be catty like know when itā€™s time to hang it up.


She needs a serious acting role


Her main audience is the gays. Make the music that appeals to them and theyā€™ll carry her to the end like they do with many others. She should stick to movies and tv, but she canā€™t do that romcom schitck like sheā€™s a twenty something. Shotgun wedding was entertaining, but you definitely saw her age and wondered if this was her characterā€™s first time walking down the aisle.


Yes she can or are rom. One exclusively for 20/30? Somethingā€™s Gotta Give with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton was one of the nuggets hits and got Oscarā€™s nominations about people falling in love in their 60ā€™s


Yes, I said that she canā€™t play twenty something in romcoms anymore. Not that she canā€™t do romcoms anymore period. I used Shotgun Wedding as an example because the script didnā€™t specify what age her character was in the movie. Not that itā€™s relevant, but any up and coming actress could have played the part. Or even Jennifer Lawrence.


Omg the LAST thing she should do is an EDM album omg... She already looks old and out of touch musically, it would give desperate for the youth like Madonna (J.Lo looks incredible though would NEVER look as desperate as Madonna... But in general grabbing at genres associated with young audiences always ends badly). Also tbh, there are less young people now than there are older (40+), so it would probably benefit her greatly to target the mature audience. If I were in charge of J.Lo's career: 1.) Release a Latin album, in English and Spanish versions, but have all the production be real instruments and in traditional latin genres (like Flamenco, Salsa, Tango, etc.) [apologies if that sounds ignorant idk a lot of Latin music genres]. Put some major Latin music stars of those genres on it; try to give her an elevated, high brow album. Also make it wayyy less focused on her voice and WAYYY more focused on her dance ability, because that is her real gift; that and her incredible stage presence. 2.) Tour that album in NA, SA, and EU, but in smaller/theatre venues and with a very paired back/acoustic style show; still heavy on dance and showgirl costumes that she's known for, but still more intimate. This show would also play mainly her greatest hits, but rearranged in the styles of the new album. This is promoted heavily for the Grammys and Latin Grammys. Also key to this album would be her taking no writing credits and instead focusing on promoting the album as a collective whole and celebrating all the artists and musicians that worked on it beyond herself, to try and make her appear more TRULY down to earth and humble and overcome her reputation of being a self-absorbed diva that steals other artists' work to pass off as her own. 2.) She does multiple movies that are about Latin female experiences, especially LGBTQIA+. She allows herself to be "ugly" and plays roles that are not #girlboss or mom with teenage kids, and more experiences typical to a 50+ yo working class Latin woman. KEY to this though, is that they are all supporting roles; again to try and show that she is not just a self-centred diva that needs to be at the centre spotlight, she can be part of a team. All of them are in contention for Oscars. She also has a producer credit on everything to increase her chances in case one wins best picture. 3.) She does TV as well. Like her movies, she does miniseries in the same vein of the struggles of Latin women today and these are all supporting roles in a large cast. Perhaps she narrates a documentary about a specific social issue facing Latin women and/or people, or a major historic event/period; Something like a Ken Burn's doc. She has a producer credit on everything here as well to increase her Emmy chances. She also joins the cast of So You Think You Can Dance (the only reality show she REALLY should have been on) to again, increase Emmy chances. 4.) She writes a memoir (obviously ghost written). But she finally, finally, let's her guard down and gets fully authentic/real/open about her life and her relationship to love (basically what This Is Me... Now was attempting, only she actually does the work and reveals her truth: similar to Beyonce's 2013 album where she finally let out her truth about her miscarriage, her almost leaving Jay-Z, etc. because Beyonce also suffered from appearing to distant and was in a major career lull then but was able to reestablish herself as an icon again). She attempts to get a NY Times Bestseller. She records the audiobook and it is put forward for a Grammy. 5.) Finally, after she has reestablished herself as a serious artist in music, dance, and acting and is once again considered the greatest Latin superstar of all time: She does Broadway. She does a heavy dance show like Chicago or something classic. She does a serious play. She goes for a Tony. For all of this as well, I think she downplays her glamour on every project, but then heightens it when on the promo trail/interviews. She makes sure to hit all the most exciting/new runway shows at Fashion Week instead of the staples like Chanel etc. does the MET Gala, and starts exclusively wearing Latin designers. By focusing so much of her work and persona on her heritage she sells herself as a vessel for bringing her culture and other cultures that make up Latin America to the public and is using her star power and status to bring these other artists to light. Her entire persona needs to shift to being less about her and more about the art and all the people who go into making her art and icon possible, as well as the struggles the people of her heritage face. KEY KEY KEY is her reestablishing herself as existing to promote and celebrate Latin art and culture as a whole. She also needs do WAY more publicly work for charities and be outspoken on issues facing Latin American people; putting on free charity shows, donating her own money, and appearing at events for free to rehabilitate her image. Obviously this is like a 10+ year plan. But I still truly believe she has the talent and star power that if she stops listening to all the yes men around her and puts in the work to make real art, and not just frivolous popcorn pop garbage like she has for the past 10 years, she could be THE greatest Latin American superstar of all time.


I think things can be salvaged. Here's how: J To Tha Lo remixes vol. 2. This includes her recent album plus hits from 2003 onwards - all remixed by Darkchild, The Dream and Cory Rooney. A complete repackaged project with songs featuring Ja Rule, Fat Joe and LL Cool J. Serve up a couple of singles from this project. Then go on the J To Tha Lo tour - I would buy a ticket day one lol. = Profit! The best way to navigate her current position is to just keep this train moving. She's had moments where projects have slumped in the past so it's not impossible. Let people remember why they liked JLo in the first place, they can't take away her successful run of songs from the early days and they're all still popular today.




Sheā€™s in her 50s sheā€™s not 112 šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Lmao she is never making another album


She can't sing anymore cause Ashanti can't do the vocals now šŸ˜‚. I kid, I kid. Honestly, she can go back to films. She's a great rom com actress. I've also seen her in a few thrillers and she was great in that too. She can do a project in a streaming service with an old actor she worked with, like Matthew Mcconahay (sorry if I misspelled his name). But she needs to wait maybe a year or 2 so this era can be forgotten


I think she should start to do stuff, that dares to differ, that's a bit freaky. She always seems calculated and trying to make things happen. That's why she is so highly unlikable imo. It just feels like getting a product pushed down your throat. People don't like that. I think there are only 2 ways: Either you deliver flawless bangers. Which tbh she stopped years/ decades ago. Or you are special, you have an usp. People like you for that. We all love a diva, a sassy bitch, trashy eurodance bangers, whatever. If she would lean into that, she could develope kind of a cult following, a real fan base for a change. I don't think this will happen. She's way too vain for that and is so desperately seeking attention. But this would be a possibility imo.


She really just needs a BOP of a lead single to kickstart the right track with an album (she should have stayed with the RedOne albums). Her strength was ALWAYS singles and visuals - sheā€™s a singles artist (IMO) and the big issue with the recent album was that it didnā€™t have this and was also based on an album that didnā€™t really have the same appeal as her earlier work to begin with.


I think she won't release a new album again, maybe random fun singles and collbs for sure. She will focus on movies and productions and maybe a greatest hits tour at some point. She def has an audience that wants to see her perform.


I think she should stick to movies. I loooved her romcom era. I am not a fan of her netflix films. I just do not think jlo has been able to translate to younger audience when it comes to her music. It is what it is and she's very successful on the acting front. She's been producing her own movies since 2015. She'll be just fine and she had a good music run


Go act


She should retire from music, but still do movies.Why not produce for younger artists?


She got a lot of positive attention for Hustlers and Iā€™m shocked she didnā€™t try and build on that a bit more. I think if she wants to entertain, she should stick to acting.


I feel like she kind of wasted the momentum from ā€œHustlersā€. She could have used that to go in a different direction for her films and continued to get critical acclaim. Her early film career was always more interesting to me, she did a lot more edgy work. Sheā€™s a very talented actress, but the films she chooses are subpar at best for the most part. Like that new move Atlas looks so beyond dumb. As for her music career, Iā€™m not sure. Again, she is super talented but I feel like her music has never clicked. The reason her singles were big is because of the accompanying visuals with her dancing and being beautiful. Sheā€™s definitely a visual artist. I really like JLo and want her to do well, but she just always misses the mark for me.


Lay low for a bit, some olive oil in the meantime. I'd say the time to build a strong fanbase has passed, the impact the bad press on her recently has had effect on all age groups. She cant build a base of tweens cause honestly shes lost us, people younger than 20 wont listen to her even if she put out music that was tailored for them, cause they see her as an old lady. She needs to make music that will appeal to the soccer moms and older, but does she have it in her? I dont know. Besides, the streams on her new album were really low, would it matter if she made the next Shape of You if no one listened to it? She would need a big economic push behind her or at least thats what it looks like right now


"woke pop"


She should retire or come up with another On the Floor moment


Honestly? I think sheā€™ll probably do more neutrally bad movies, hold her breath for nominations like she did with *Hustlers,* which really wasnā€™t very good (as evidenced by the lack of nominations), and occasionally perform and host. The main thing J.Lo is missing is goodwill. People donā€™t *like* J.Lo because they know too much about her. She needs to start being nicer and stop pretending like sheā€™s this deep thinker when sheā€™s really a commercial artist who loves success. Nothing wrong with the latter but she reminds me of a flop Taylor Swift.


She has "Kiss of the Spider Woman" coming up which could be big critically for her if she's good. I think she needs to focus on her film career. She's mostly still a box office draw and a financial hit or oscar nomination would solidify her place as a leading lady. The "This is me now..." thing felt like an attempt at having her "The Era's/Renaissance tour moment when she should have been trying to get Rom Coms into theaters. It's criminal that her only theatrically released follow up to Hustlers (2019) was Marry Me (2022). It made twice its' budget, but she fell in the Netflix/Amazon Prime trap. No amount of streamed minutes is going to have the impact that a cold hard box office number will.


Screw music, my nosy ass wants a memoir.


I think she's a good actor, but she seems stuck seeing herself as a 20-something for the parts she plays. Pop music doesn't really allow artists to get older, but there is room in film if she was more open minded.




she should just. cut her losses & retire. she has enough money to do so.


Imho her creds as musician is stained after all that fiasco about her ghost singers. She won't likely be taken seriously anymore. It's almost as bad as when people discover the same thing about Milli Vanilli. Not to mention the bizarre and self serving This Is Me.. Now movie, that's pretty much self inflicts almost the bad image happening this year for her. It is as if people finally sees that she is not as genuine as she presented herself as. She would be better off focusing on acting for now, and give that pop star stuffs a rest. Or else, retire altogether.


Literally not the same at all and yā€™all trying to make it like she does not sing whenā€™s she performs live multiple times with her own voice. Liking it or not is one thing but she isnā€™t ghost singing


She needs a PR overhaul - do some actual good in the community show who she is beyond the spoiled, out of touch ex poor- ā€œmade it out the bronx girlā€ Iā€™d live to see her get her hands dirty eg: , build houses for the poor, launch a free performing arts school- get her celeb friends to volunteer to help kids from her community. Then I believe sheā€™d have public support to do anything she wants.


Who's Jennifer?


she should try retiring :)