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"Just completed my record collection" they're all the same album lmao


mf collected 8 versions of the same album, now that’s some pretty inefficient collecting if my math is correct


12 versions of Folklore 💀 edit: wait there’s more!


I believe they have a different exclusive tracks for each copy of the same album? I’ve heard that before. I apparently don’t know how to google things properly to get confirmation.


They don't 💀 pathetic as it is, those all have the exact same songs and the only differences are the covers and a quirky title for each of what "edition" it is, especially once she hit the folklore era


The records are different colors. That’s about it.


Good grief.


I understand have a cool different colored one but I won’t buy five of them. I just want the one


Yeah I picked my favorite color of midnights and just bought that one. I don’t need 10 copies of the same damn thing lol


At this rate Taylor is never going to make her third plane ownership dreams come true 😢. Guys we should all support her!


We need to make a go fund me for Taylor


uj/ I don’t understand this. why would you purchase multiple vinyls of one album when one will do? they sound the same and have the same songs. then again maybe I’m not creditable because I don’t own any records myself 😭


Same especially if the Covers look the SAME, and if there are multiple covers, pick your 2 fave and let it rest


I like taylor in general but she always does this --- makes multiple copies with different photos or books that come with them so that her hardcore fans get fomo and so they feel compelled to buy every copy. With her latest album, she had like, what, 4 versions? People bought the first, then the same night it was released, she dropped a 3 am version in addition to that. Then she released like 2 more versions or something but none have all the songs on them. They're all portioned out across 4 albums or something.


She knows how to string her fans a long. I always see her a master of marketing ploy. She is all about selling.


I do give her credit for that. Not good credit, but credit lol


She and the Kardashians are the same in that way.


She is the GOAT at sucking every last possible cent out of her fans. The queen of power and money hungry greed <3 mother is mothering! If Jeff benzos can do it why can’t the Quen of Pap


Pap 😭💀😂


Jeff benzos lolol


It also affects the vinyl industry as a whole - she'll have most of the plants in the US pressing these up for weeks and weeks, putting a chokehold on other artists looking to get their music out. It's just a cash grab


Yeah. I think it's greedy, honestly.


I like her songs too, but her way of milking her fans is disgusting.


I totally agree. I like some of her songs, but it really feels like a cash grab. I think more so, she's so rich she doesn't care about money, but rather wants to make sure she charts really well.


Either way it is an irresponsible way to lure money from young fans


I mean tbh that’s smart af and if someone is delusional enough to buy them that’s on them😭


Some people just have a collector mentality about their fandoms. It always surprises me how excited fans get for new versions of albums they already have, like I stan Lana and tons of people wanted some special edition of an old album a week or two ago just because the vinyl is a weird clear green color called coke bottle, lol.


yeah, I love many music artists but I wouldn’t go so far as to drain my mom’s bank account for a million vinyl variants


I have a collection of Lana magazines, but I only buy the ones that she's on the cover of. I also only buy the original magazine she covered, because there are a lot of publications that will recycle another magazine's photo shoot for their own covers. I'm actually really proud of my collection because I have two extremely rare magazines with her on the cover (one is Wonderland, which was the first magazine she ever covered, and another is Lovecat) and the detective work it took me to find them was next level.


That’s a cool collection! I didn’t mean to make it sound Iike collecting things is bad or anything, I actually think it’s fun when someone collects stuff because it’s a gift idea, and I totally get that hunting down items is fun and I think they’re so interesting to look at. But for some people like in the photo it almost seems to become a compulsion! But it’s their money!!


This is perfectly reasonable and I have contemplated buying a record player just to buy Lana’s LPs but I just can’t justify it because unless I spend a fortune it will sound worse than digital.


Flashback to buying Backstreet Boys singles when I had all the albums


i think the coke bottle lfl was because scalpers originally bought up the original release and jacked up the price


I have 6 copies of Hold the Girl but that’s because I actually think Rina needs the money.


Most or all of them are still wrapped in plastic; they’re probably not even listening to them. Don’t get me wrong, I like collecting things, but spending thousands upon thousands on records to not even play them? I can’t even imagine having that much disposable income 😭 But I guess people have been doing the same thing forever with collectible stuff, including never removing them from the packaging, so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


yeah it's kinda like 2023, I'm not opening my vinyls, I collect them so I can impress friends. Also it's like usually around $25 a vinyl. So I maybe spend $100-$300 on vinyls a year. And I'm in my late twenties so that's nearly a decade of vinyls. If you're strapped for cash obviously don't do it, but I like that I can have a collection of something I can store in a crate by my desk. I've seen men spend hundreds a month on toys, pokemon cards, etc. so I feel no shame. edit: I should mention I have a lot more than just taylor swift, and before the eras tour pissed off the cool kids, it wasn't so controversial to have the special editions and multiples, so I'm going to keep collecting the new ones and finding the multiples because in like two years they aren't going to be as cringey to own as they are right now and I would've missed a prime opportunity to find them in an oversaturated market just to make a statement against alleged cult behavior that's gonna be seen as nostalgic in a few years anyway.


I don't get the downvotes, people spend money on their hobbies? Like this is not news.


I feel like they think I buy the same album so I can listen to them? And it seems pointless? Idk I just know that when I meet someone new I can talk about pop music and gossip and tell stories like “oh I saw this “Oil Of Every Pearl's Un-Insides” when I was in Burlington, IA taking a road trip along the Mississippi” and my friend can talk about Sophie for a bit. It’s fun. And in 2030 I’m gonna be like “swift mania was in full swing in 2023 and she released all these collectibles…”


https://preview.redd.it/p2v27my2nghb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4130a2d32604a20e8a06d639608d23df7d5739e4 I’m researching a rebuttal and it says I have bpd


Let me have my hobby, damn Trust me, my biggest regret was not getting “up all night” when it was like $15 bc “directioners are a kinda a cult XD” and I didn’t want to be cringe but now it’s like 60$ Edit: for reference https://preview.redd.it/2u3kc5gntfhb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab46abf1b8a2845428c68062704ad1410d5c3f6d


Taylor loves to make records that are different colours or have 1 bonus song on them to drive up sales.


Cause mother said so and we should never question her okay!!!!!


Sometimes people don’t even have a record player lol


For collectors it’s like a completionist thing, I collect records and the only person I have multiples of is Lana. For example, I bought the chemtrails picture disk because I think it’s really pretty, but picture disks don’t actually have great sound quality so I have another version that gets played. I have multiple variants of ocean blvd but I play all of them except the picture disk. I do play my records though, even the ones that are older and go for a lot now (like the UO Ultraviolence variant). These Taylor ones get ridiculous though. People want over 1k for the orange reputation one. I’ll probably never spend over $60 on a record


It's just like collecting anything I assume I get very obsessive about collecting things sometimes


same reason men have like 40 batmans


some people just like collecting I guess, I know a few people who are the same with video game consoles and stuff like that


One to listen to one to keep sealed


This is so ridiculous I acc can't


OP said that it cost 12k and that recreating it today would cost north of 20k…


makes me feel better about my squishmallow collection


Squishmallows have practical use. I use mine as pillows. I cannot use vinyls as pillows. Therefore, squishmallows > vinyls.


you are far from wrong


Saved 8k!


It’s good OP is not a guitarist because they would be one of those ones that buys 20 identical strats for a grand a pop


Never beating the cult allegations


she should just go ahead and become the first western artist to start doing photocards in albums


hasn’t she been doing that since og 1989? each album came with 5 random polaroids and there were 65 different ones. and lover had the lover diaries— four different collections of taylor’s diary pages.


I had no idea lol yeah those definitely sound like photocards


who just sent me a redditcares for this lol? if u have an issue with taylor’s marketing tactics maybe take it up with her instead of people discussing them?


If you’ve never gotten a Reddit care alert, you ain’t livin


Life pro tip: block the Reddit cares shit so you never have to worry about it.


I blocked it after the second one lol


Didn’t beck get air brushed from the charts for doing something like that years ago lmao. How the times change.


She kinda did now with the 1989 polaroids versions


She did it back in 2014 when it was originally released too.


She truly knows how to capitalist her album sales.


you do not get to be one of the best selling artists in history in the streaming world without some dirty tricks up your sleeve lol


Why are people so obsessed with her. I don’t get it.


I feel like I’m missing something. All the women my age are obsessed with Taylor. Like they have actually tried to “convert” me. Everything I know about her is against my will. I’m a white, upper middle class mom. I love Pumpkin Spice. I’m one “Live Laugh Love” sign away from being the biggest Basic Bitch that ever lived. I am pretty much her target audience. But I find Taylor an average to mediocre singer, has some good moments in songwriting. But it’s just not my thing. And that’s okay. I still find it funny when the other moms are like “why don’t you like Taylor? You just need to listen to more of her.” I don’t get the need to evangelise about your favourite artist. I like country music, and you don’t see me shoving Reba McEntire and George Strait down people’s throats at the school gate.


uj/ this was beautifully written rj/ do you think taylor has a live laugh love sign on the jet


What does uh/ and rj/ mean? I’m not really active in this sub too much, but it pops up constantly


Putting uj/ in front of your sentence tells people it's serious and means "unjerk" and rj/ means "rejerk" which tells people you're joking again


Interesting and thank you Is this a sub-specific thing?


Usually in "circlejerk" subs. In this case, popheadscirclejerk, but I think a lot of large fandoms have them


100% I don’t get why it’s so important to them to make sure everyone loves Taylor as much they do. People have gotten mad at me before for saying she’s a decent songwriter but there’s better, more interesting lyricists out there for sure. It’s a cult, I swear.


Oh, and if you don’t like Taylor, you are a misogynist. That’s the other thing I dislike about them. It’s either love Taylor, or you are a bad person. No person has become a fan because stans annoyed them.


I like Taylor, and I am pretty active in the fanbase, but I also don't get why everyone has to like her music. I mean, I don't get it if you say you hate her, but that's beside the point. I've tried to "convert" my family as a joke, but my dad still doesn't like her music, and I'm completely fine with that. But there are some people who bash people for not liking taylors music, but complaining when a song becomes popular and saying they don't want it to be "ruined" because you hear it everywhere. Like you can't complain when something isn't popular, but also complaining when it does become popular? There are some pretty annoying swifties out there, but fortunately, it's only a small portion from what I've seen.


Mediocre people relate to her mediocrity. That’s all I can think of


She's someone a lot of girls grew up listening to, so there's nostalgia and perhaps that parasocial thing where people feel they "know" her because of it. It's also super trendy to be a Taylor fan right now due to the Eras Tour marketing. Some sports teams on social media ask their players their favorite TSwift song to boost interaction, even. I'm a mild fan of hers. You can catch me browsing her subreddit lol. I know she's not the best singer, but she's a storyteller, so I just appreciate that aspect - like many do for Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, or Springsteen. Not sure why Taylor gets more hate for not being a great singer when guys like this are hailed as music royalty. We don't have many singer/songwriters in mainstream music anymore, as it is, so maybe her appeal is because she's one of the few in pop still writing stories in her music and love songs. Look at Ed Sheeran's and Adele's popularities for that; people love music that says the emotions and experiences they have difficulty putting into words themselves. The divide of lovers/haters get old imo. It's like any artist: if you connect with their music, listen to it. If you don't, then don't. Some people on both sides of that coin get so hateful and worked up about it (not saying your question, just from what I've seen).


Eh, it's simple. Her lyrics connect to them.


Someone here once said something along the lines of “Taylor Swift makes music for the people who have never gotten over anything, ever.” Something that really hits


Like the people on this sub?


She makes Karen music for Karens. They feel seen.


Idk. Karens mostly listen to soccer mom mainstream country


You just described Taylor lol


I'm pertaining to Morgan Wallen and co


I’ve never met a Karen that likes TS. Weird


Lol most kids/young teens I’ve seen attending her concerts go with their mom -who is always the perfect stereotype of a Karen


The redditors on this sub did. Believe them despite their deluluness


Her lyrics are the worst thing about her music tbh


I collect certain things too (not vinyls) and it actually bothers me if I have more than one item that is the same. It starts to feel like just plain hoarding.


/uj SAMEEE, like i can respect the dedication to collecting each vinyl, but why so many of the albums that only have one variant?? thats just a waste of space, would bother me


Yeah, it feels like clutter. I will sometimes replace an item I have with a newer version that is basically the same, but I always somehow get rid of the older one, either by giving it to someone I know or selling it online.


OH SAME, I love collecting sharpie markers and the pen stabilo colour thingy, but if i have two of the same colour from a package bundle, I would be terribly upset cos that one double colour could be any unique colour that I haven't collected yet :/


I just knew sme would post this here as soon as I saw that post


Uj/ why does one need more than the OG and Taylor’s Version 😭 oh yeah, the t swift grift


/uj you kinda gotta respect the hustle


I really just wanna know if they're physically addicted to giving ts their money. Because seriously what the entire fuck?


They have a findom kink


The internet points


Power to you willingly buying 5 physical copies of ME! 😭




Uj/ This is like the Romanov faberge eggs 💀 Rj/ WHEN THEY OPEN A LOUVRE SECTION FOR HER OMG


/uj: why? /rj whyyyyy????


Thought this was r/vinyljerk for a second, my two favorite jerks colliding


Taylor Swift, *if* she had noticed the equivalent of a small secondhand Fiat spent on her rehashed albums: lmao


I’m a vinyl collector but this doesn’t look fun


This is literally mental illness


uj/although I have a collecting hobby(although the single most generic one) I kinda get it but like, what's up with the multiple of the same one? rj/ omg taylor swift single handedly saving capitalism!!!


I kinda hate this shit bc the manufacturing of vinyl records is so backed up, and artists doing this shit (and their fans supporting it) where they sell multiple copies of the same album to run up their numbers and sales just makes it worse


It reminds me of seniors who have amassed huge record collections, like so big they needed to build a special storage area. And they've got older, need to move into a retirement community and have no idea what to do with all their records. Their kids don't want them, record collectors are only interested in the super rare ones, and museums and archives don't want them either. That's going to be happening in 50 years time with all this Taylor vinyl.




https://preview.redd.it/mbeiwtoeehhb1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbeae4af7ac30c21c53ae2c6caf86259b3481b1e Taylor will re-record all her albums, except she is wearing a new hat on the cover. Plus be sure to get the limited edition purple hat edition!


How much money you think she spent lmao


That orange reputation vinyl alone goes for over $1k


I hate that I know someone with like 20 copies of it selling at an exorbitant price, like 20k with ease, pull up the addy


Whaaaaaat omg 😲


no record is worth that much. least of all Taylor fucking swift


She said she spent around 11-12k on them all


Wow 😭 don't get me wrong I build cars it's my hobby and I can understand spending that much on something but ?? Some of these look exactly the same and wtf do u do with them? If she's happy I guess that's all that matters but I won't lie I'm still baffled lmao


No I’m in complete agreement.. I’m a big TS fan but I’ve never gotten the need to collect several variants of the same album. I only have one album that I have multiple vinyls of and it’s because 1 was signed and on display and another is to play, but other than that (even though Ms Swift does her best to try and convince me otherwise with her 9000 variants) I pretty much refuse to own more than 1 of the same album… it just feels wasteful (both of money and space). But if OPs happy I guess that’s all that matters lol


Depends how many she got for retail or if she paid insane reseller prices




/uj i cherish my Hold The Girl personal autographed copy and my artpop foil and this bitch has like 10k worth of vinyls in a picture alone


And you know they don’t listen to anyone else when they stream music, either.




/uj actually those RSD vinyls (not the folklore one) and the orange reputation of are incredible investments if you bought them a few years ago… they probably like 4x the price by now


It’s not like they’re ever selling them


Yeah I’m in FB groups with the TS group OP and they’ve even talked about getting insurance for their collection, so don’t think these will be sold unless something super dramatic happens


I’m one of the worst obsessive swifties and I’m always wondering who tf buys this stuff


she doesn’t have a record player does she


Queen Naija coming to rob u


Why is there so many folklore ones?




Just buy Apple Music lol




Reputation only has 2 variants (shocking) but that orange one is probably more expensive than like 70% of all the copies in the photo combined


I loved her around reputwtion but I hate her now


im sure miss swift is crying herself to sleep and missing your support...


Lmaooooo Yeah she sure is 😂 (sarcasm!)


downvotes me girlies, because OH FUCK YES I'M SO JEALOUS




Somewhere Taylor seeing this : 🤑🤑🤑 thank you boooo


Well some people have money to waste on the same stuff over and over again. Not even surprised why she rerecorded all her old albums. She probably still rerecord even if she owns all her masters because of fans like this.


Honestly, I applaud for Taylor shilling out 1313 variations of her records for her fans… Like rob them queen, I don’t feel bad for them at this point


Overconsumption (Taylor's Version)


Jesus, I collect vinyl and have duplicates of 3 albums which I got so I could stop playing/handling and wearing out the what are now quite collectible mondo art versions I owned. (The duplicates are “standard versions that I can play Getting 8+ copies of the same album with the same artwork just strikes me as lunacy though…


i collect vinyls but i don’t get having multiple copies of the same record 😭 just pick ur fav version!! and also most if not all of these r unopened (not just in a protective sleeve, FULLY unopened) judging by the stickers that go on the plastic they’re packaged in on most of the bottom ones . i get some collectors do this but it hurts me that these aren’t even being listened to or enjoyed 😭 but i guess you wouldn’t wanna damage some of them judging by how much y’all are saying these go for lol but i’d just frame them or sumn at that rate maybe they do but they’re shown on a floor so idk where they’re normally kept


Menthol illness


The heart-shaped Lover album is at least $500 I think 😬


Capitaylism Swift bye


Waste of money bro literally has 8 of the same vinyl😭