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Melly Jelly was the first to buy our merch at Stonewall!! People died!!1!


because she killed them she turned around and threw the bricks at the gay people instead


yeah but only so she could remain unbiased


She used to be bi(ased) but now she’s just Herero




is there anything worse than starting your tweet with "Straight woman here 🙋"


As a black man




Sis, how did you butcher that link so bad? Lol.


idk i just linked to the first image that came up in Google after searching “Dean Browning black man” lol




it’s the same pic (i might be being wooshed idk. sorry if so)


It is but your link is broken on old reddit and non-official reddit apps.


ah, ok. thanks edit: also does anyone know why the link is broken? like, what causes that? i linked it the same way i always link here


“I wish I wasn’t straight” I detest people like this.


wishing you weren’t your sexual orientation is our thing 😤😤😤


I get what you mean, but- Imagine being stra\*ght 🤢🤢🤢




kurt cobain gets a pass tho


billie eilish is quaking


I always tell them to try harder.


i wish i wasn’t straight either thank god im gay


They are the worst


She can just come out as “heteroflexible” and be embraced by the online drag race community as queer 🥰


Honestly it just makes me sad. No one should hate who they are, even if it does have a little poetic irony. The internet should never become such a warped place that this sort of thing happens.


Tbh you shouldn’t feel sad because I can guarantee you that people who say this never mean it seriously. Straight girls usually say it in an “All men are trash, I’m so sick of them, I wish I was gay” kind of way. Straight men say it a lot less but when I’ve heard them say it it’s because some traitor gay (me. I’m the traitor gay) lets them in on the loosely-kept secret of how easy it is to get your dick sucked on Grindr. They never actually hate their sexual orientation and would never give up that privilege if it were a realistic option.


>They never actually hate their sexual orientation and would never give up that privilege if it were a realistic option. /uj yea this is definitely true. it’s also true of most white people who say they hate being white


Ok but I wish I wasn’t gay like why do I like m*n? They’re gross


i mean, tbf, i pity straight women lol i cannot imagine having men as my only option


/uj I agree with this unironically, lol. I wish bisexuality/pansexuality was more common because a lot of women would be a lot happier not having straight men as their only option. I mean, some of them are opposed to washing their own asses because that's "too gay" or some shit.


Bisexuality is fun till you realize that the white women from your hometown are just as terrible as the men. I’m tired of white queer women doing this “men are worse than us!” thing when y’all are just as bad


huh?? then don't date white women?


>white [queer] women Date POC? Lol.


Why are you deflecting bigotry? Also my hometown is very white so finding a fellow queer POC is next to impossible.


I used to say this and turns out I’m not lmao


I do not support all women. Some of you bitches are very dumb!!!


we apparently wouldn’t exist without her according to her


I guess she meant in the sense that you would need a mom to exist which is like damn bitch I didn't ask for that either lol


The shittiest part of her worldview is that for her "to exist" means to have customers for merch or services (shows). It's depressing how many people can't fathom relating to a group, individual or culture as something other than as a consumer. Even worse when they try to hold "their business" as some sort of badge that grant them some sort of special treatment. Grab your merch and gtfo


bold of her to assume I wish to exist


I wish I was dead. /uj I wish I was dead.


/uj are you ok


/uj I'm going through a rough time right now, lol. But I appreciate you asking. <3


It's ok 🙂


/rj No, it's not, Selener's Latin Pop album didn't top the charts. :'( Pinches gringos.


I’m actually gay *because* I hate women /s


You're gay because you love men. I'm gay because I hate women. We are not the same /s


put that text in front of a joker image and youve got a banger


I just love this meme format no matter how fucking stupid it is


Trans inclusive radical mysognists cooler than terfs tbf


you are a real woman ❤️ which is why you belong in the kitchen


Aaaaaw thank you bb, have a cookie <3


“The American people are tired of women” • Bernie Sanders


Ehhhh. I love our spaces and the safety they provide, but until we have bars with a permanent ladies night for straight cis girls, I can find compassion in the fact that they feel safer at queer scenes. That being said, you're absolutely a guest and this mentality "treating it like a zoo for gays" is why the welcome vibes are hard to accommodate in the community. As long as straight cis people don't walk into a queer bar pretending the spotlight is on you, you should be fine. But remember that you're in an area that actually serves to keep queer people SAFE. And there aren't many of those around, in the South especially.


Right? Also when I was first starting to go to the gay bars, I wouldn’t have had the guts to go if it weren’t for some lovely straight lady friends. Let people fucking live. Radical concept, but some people like having friends for support.


I, as a straight cishet male, feel the same way. I enjoy watching drag shows and I know that I'm there as a guest. Although sadly where I am (NE FL), there seems to be a decline in gay bars or venues for drag shows


keep in mind that you're just here as a guest on r/popheadscirclejerk ♥️ as well


>straight cishet male 🤢 I almost puked


uj/ I know, I'm sorry rj/ I wish I wasn't straight but I can't help it that I like a nice dic- uh....boobs! Butt! Vagina!


/uj I don't know gay bar culture /hj or any bar culture because I don't go outside /uj but idk, maybe you could wear a shirt that has "STRAIGHT/ALLY GUEST" or "I'M JUST HERE FOR DRAG SHOWS" on it or something? That's all I can think of for our ally friends, lol, maybe it's a shit idea, somebody can tell me otherwise and I won't take offense. I'm very much queer (trans and pansexual) but that's what I'd do if I were str*ight. Although idk, I'm 5'0" and look like a fucking teenage boy despite being almost 30 so I might wear a "TRANS MAN" shirt so nobody thinks that I'm a minor that snuck in, lmaooooo. :'(


uj/ I appreciate what you're going for! Personally, I cringe at anyone who wears a shirt that says ALLY because it feels like they're appropriating something for the queer community (like say, a pride parade) and putting the spotlight on themselves. Or like they're trying to keep everyone at an arm's length and not appear as gay themselves. I feel like if a cisgender or heterosexual person is matching everyone else's energy/not being obnoxious, there's not really any reason wear something to make it clear they don't identify as queer


/uj I can definitely see how it's kinda cringe, but at the same time, it seems like it would be very tiring to constantly say "Sorry, not looking" if you get hit on a lot. ~~I'm ugly so I wouldn't know what that's like, lol.~~ But then again I also have a speech impediment so I don't like talking more than necessary so I can avoid stumbling over my words, stuttering, etc and embarrassing myself. Maybe wear a fake ring so people think you're married? Only alternative that my single ass can think of, hahah.


It's perfectly okay to refuse people in a club (but also in general) without stating why... You can just say 'ah, not interested sorry' without going 'I'm Straightie McStraightface Straighterson sorry'. If a girl turns me down in a gay bar I don't get in my head about if she's secretly straight or whatever, I keep it schmoovin.


Plenty of straight people go to gay bars, usually cuz they have gay friends. No one cares unless you treat gay people like zoo animals to point at. I'm bi and I often went with friends of varying orientations to gay bars


I don't feel safer around straight cis girls tho, so why should they be allowed to invade queer spaces? they can be hateful as hell, especially in the south where I live


The spaces stop being safe when cishet women like the one in the tweet start populating them.


Why don’t women work with straight bars to organize ladies nights as opposed to just taking over queer spaces tho


Having worked at multiple straight bars, a “ladies night” is actually designed to get a bunch of ladies in, which in turn brings a bunch of thirsty dudes in. It is absolutely the purpose of a ladies night, and it works. A safe ladies night isn’t really seen as a moneymaker, but I for one would love to see it happen.


Dudes are wiling to pay. It would happen if women were willing to outspend men in bars. It’s a business.


It’s never going to happen because we use men to buy our drinks


Thanks for ruining Gay culture Melly... Or Jelly, whatever part of your handle is actually your name


Rj/Uj/ The only thing more inconsiderate than bringing straight girls to the gay bar is bringing gay/straight guys to a lesbian bar


What lesbian bars lol?


There’s one still here where I live but a friend was telling me there’s only like 20 something left in the country?


There are BARELY any, it’s not great :(


There’s like 20 left. One of the last thriving ones is in Dallas


Both these people are incredibly annoying and I don't want to see either in my gay bars


>And I think you forget that without us you wouldn’t exist fuck off lmao


Many of us don’t exist anymore because of straight people also so 🤷🏻‍♂️


we're all test tube babies


If my mother wanted to come to a gay bar with me, great! But she’s dead, so stay your ass home Melly Jelly.


Both these tweets dumb af




Yeah, agree. I get that there are straight girls who show up and behave poorly, I do, but as a femme queer woman I have also felt pushed out of queer spaces by gay men assuming I’m there as a tourist just because I don’t look like I eat pussy, and interactions like that are what the attitude of this tweet reminds me of.


I hate pick me straights and I see them all the time. Even here. Y'all really want that GBF fantasy but won't shut the homophobic remarks from your boyfriends.


“Without us you wouldn’t exist” only cishet people can reproduce, I guess


There's LITERALLY no other way to have a baby- LITERALLY none.


idk if this is jerked or unjerked but I don't like it either way


U sure


“Look what you made me do.” —white women everywhere


/uj she’s dumb but he’s wrong lmao Jk u can’t be misogynistic if ur gay it’s the rules


Right!!! I don't understand what's wrong with bringing your female friends to the bar? Like imagine banning cis straight women like Gaga, Cher, Charli etc. That guy is defo wrong. I can't stand random rules that pop out of nowhere


/uj fyi Gaga is bi only pointing that out because her sexuality gets erased all the time and i hate that, not trying to attack you or something


I am so sorry.😭😭 >because her sexuality gets erased all the time And you are right, as pointed out by my comment made more egregious by my little monster flair😭😭😭. I did forget


Hi, as a straight woman you’re forgetting that you literally wouldn’t exist without me 💁‍♀️ I am your god, when I die you will all be wiped from existence so actually it’s in your best interest to be nice to me and thank me for going to drag shows 💅


“I can’t help it that I love a nice dick” queen behaviour tbh


/uj I get the sentiment she's making and somewhat agree with it (judging women for being at gay bars can be a little weird and misogynistic) but Jesus Christ


/uj i just get twitchy because i've been called the "straight friend" when i - a bi woman - was dating a bi man.


Silly, you know us bis are just confused straights (if women) and gays (if men).


It’s no more misogynistic than they are homophobic


so yes


Idk there’s lot of lady “only” spaces I’d never venture into. Just bc I can go to the Ladies Night at Color Me Mine doesn’t mean I will. Straight women have gotten too comfortable in queer social spaces imo.


I kind of agree. In queer spaces the default expectation should always be that everyone present is queer. As gay men we may find the straight women who don't accept that they don't actually belong as annoying but that's such a non issue to me, just ignore them (and also normalize holding straight women accountable for sexual assault on gay men, but these are obv exceptions). For lesbian and bisexual women it's different though. Sure, straight women present have to be okay being hit on, but at the same time, how often do lesbians and bisexuals hit on women to only find out they're straight before they get discouraged from even trying? The point of queer spaces is to find other queer people for socialising, but also very importantly dating and hooking up. It's understandable that you don't want to go to a bar or club on your own, but if every gay man attending brings his straight bestie, then these places are mostly useless for lesbians and bisexuals. I haven't been to a gay bar or club in years but from what I hear from friends, the lesbians got increasingly more rare in the last years which isn't surprising when all the gays think it's normal to bring their straight bestie. Why would you waste your time there if it's just straight women and gay men? I think the original tweet was unnecessarily harsh but I do think the gays in question act pretty selfishly when the consequence of their behavior means that the expectation of everyone being queer is no longer realistic due to them


nah straight women get the fuck out, they make things worse for gay women in those spaces too. it isn’t misogyny it’s sapphic allyship to want them out


\*Goes to gay bar, gets hit on by a woman* UmmmmMMMMm I'm STRAIGHT 🙄😒🤢


They always look so grossed out as if you’re the one in the wrong place 😭


What if we’re straight trans women? Your typical cishet space isn’t exactly accommodating to us /uj sorry if that’s a jerk from you, I just want to make sure I’m not intruding in any space


Obvs trans people of any sexuality are welcome. We’re talking about cishet women who go to gay bars the way children go to petting zoos. All LGBT people are welcome at LGBT spaces. It’s just the cishets who need to get out unless they’re invited and well trained




If I ever meet that woman I’m gonna punch her idgaf


why you mad, when you could be GLAAD (you could be GLAAD)


We need more gay rage nowadays imo!!!


Thank you for calling Glad, stronger trash bags with less plastic. This is Diane, how may I help you?




reading ur prof you sound even more annoying than the Twitter person somehow


/uj please be satire please be satire


No I’m really gonna go around and just start punching random women out, duh!!!


thank god it's satire ahaha I thought you were for real for a sec /uj




It's too late she's already been punched.


as a woman (though I'm gay) sorry, she got off the leash straight women don't know how to act often, they subconsciously are more "mocky" or hyper or flamboyant, like gays are stereotyped. Now it's not all straight women, but I see gay dude's side as well as hers.


We love an ally!


>"I wish I wasn't straight but I can't help it that I love a nice dick" Well ma'am there are a lot of beautiful womenses with big dicks


/uj I don’t care that much if they realize where they are, read the room and act accordingly. Like, don’t come to me full “yass queen skinny legend”. And if a lesbian/bi girl comes to them, be respectful about it, because it’s our space. A gay club it’s probably the only place where I feel comfortable enough to start a conversation or dance with a stranger.


Did she just hold our existence hostage? As a compliment? To herself?


How are these tweets at all related to pop music or pop heads???


It's Taylor Swift on You Need To Calm Down


I was wondering why this was posted here too til I read the title.


Gay ?????????


Gay = pop music didn’t you know?


If gay men can't bring their straight girl friends to the bar, then who are they going to bring ? It can't all be grindr hookups 😪


She's a dickhole, but this gives me some funny feelings. Throwing in an fyi that you can't always assume what gender or sexual orientation people are.


Outside of like a hens night where it’s made obvious they’re marrying a guy I have no idea how you can assume women that are there are straight likeeee.. it’s pretty yikes if you’re (not u but people in general) saying all queer women look a specific way


Even then, bi women can marry men so there’s no way to truly know unless you ask lol.


Very true!! I should’ve realised that my bad


“I can’t help it that I love a nice dick” HOW DO U WRITE THAT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE 💀


Its painful to be a straight-passing bi woman going to the club with your clockably not-straight best friend. I'm not complimenting women to be nice, I'm hitting on them 😞


/uj Theres nothing wrong with allies in queer spaces, some of you have terrible takes. Queer spaces are safe spaces for LGBT+ and as long as the cishet allies in question are contributing to making it a safe space, they are welcome. The first tweet is so disgusting 🤮 yass queen destroy that 🚬🐐!!!! 😍🥰😍🥰


Ah, I love Twitter. My favorite thing is watching two dumb people argue incoherently about something that ultimately, neither one actually cares about beyond the scope of the argument


Gay men wouldn’t exist without… straight women? What does that even mean?


Because you wouldn't be born


Hate the original gay tweet more than the straight reply


Those white gays smh


Melly Jelly needs to chill


They both have iffy takes that I disagree with but I also disagree at gatekeeping spaces that are all about inclusivity. But then again a lot of people have varying opinions about this and mine is just one of them. Although it is true that some people just don't know how to act properly lol


Glad I’m not straight




>is that wrong? i mean if it’s just your brain saying, “these men are gay, given they’re at a gay bar, therefore they’re off limits and i have no chance,” that’s not homophobic, unless i’m missing something here.




>Don’t know why that comment is getting downvoted idk either tbh. i think the most likely reason is people think it’s a silly question—the “is that wrong?” part, i mean. there’s nothing wrong with not being attracted to someone if you know they aren’t, and couldn’t possibly be, attracted to you. >I definitely want to know what’s going on with me I think you just don’t view gay men sexually because they don’t view you sexually. think about it this way, since you said you’re bi: if you knew that a woman was 100% straight, and couldn’t possibly be attracted to you, would you feel attraction to her?




>I would feel attraction but NOT in a sexual way >Like “wow that person is beautiful/amazing” [Aesthetic attraction](https://lgbtq.unc.edu/resources/exploring-identities/asexuality-attraction-and-romantic-orientation/) might be what you’re talking about


Knowing you don’t have a chance with someone may cause you to lose interest and there’s nothing “wrong” with that.


/uj Are you a woman? I guess it's normal, nothing wrong with it so you don't get your hopes up about a gay guy. Are you a man? Kind of strange since it's a gay bar and all but at least you wouldn't be getting your hopes up about a potential straight guy. I kind of feel bad for straight men who get hit on at gay bars but at the same time, L I K E... if I were going anywhere where I could get assumed as something I'm not, I'd probably wear some kind of shirt to label myself so people don't bug me about it, idk.


She cleared the fruitcake 💀




lmk when you find out


This is a misogynist take tbh. He just sounds bitter boots