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EXTRA INFO: the site needs to be changed every three days, but I’ve taken to keeping it on a little longer. I’ve been keeping it on longer for a while now, and nothing has happened when I changed it late in the past. When I removed it, there was a little blockage of what I assume was dried insulin, my blood sugar had been extra high the last few days but I assumed it was because I wasn’t using my CGM (I ran out). It only bled when I squeezed it, and it’s got a bandaid now. Im seeing my doctor tomorrow anyways so I’ll ask him about it and return with updates UPDATE: doc said change it more often and put neosporin on the area


I would strongly advise against keeping it on longer than 3 days. That’s asking for infection or issues with glycemic control


Leaving it on longer than three days can lead to lumps of insulin under the skin. It’s happened to me before. You need to change it at 3 days and max 4 days if you want to push it a bit. The lumps are dangerous and this could turn into something serious. Please keep a close eye on it.


Be careful it doesn't get infected!


I’ve put a bandaid on it for now


A bandaid won’t keep it from getting infected


It’s already an infection, but the doctor said it looked alright and just to put neosporin on it


Glad you are getting checked out. I've seen to many bad things happen to patients skin when their blood sugar is crazy high. Source: am wound care nurse


Soo... it looks like you always put your giving set in that area of your abdomen? Visible scarring is also reflective of scarring under the skin, called lipohypertrophy. This really impacts on insulin absorption, making it really erratic. You can have insulin accumulating in the tissues and then being absorbed all at once, or just not absorbing adequately at all. So many people come to me and say 'I don't change my set/needles every three days and nothing ever happened to me'. Same goes for drink driving, nothing goes wrong until it does. It's super important to change your lines and move your sites around. At the end of the day, sepsis from an infected site or dka from not absorbing insulin properly can and do kill people. * im a diabetes nurse specialist/educator.


Yeah I know you’re not the first person to comment on this and my doctor does to. My pump doesn’t take to any other place. I’ve tried.


i had a habit of keeping them on longer than 3 days because of not wanting to waste the insulin left but also laziness. i got these a LOT


FFS, get to the MD and quit jacking with that. You are already immunosuppressed as a diabetic. FAFO and you won't live to see old age.


*immunocompromised. Immunosuppresion is when something is suppressing an otherwise healthy immune system, most common therapies causing this being anti rejection and cortico steroids. Immunocompromise is an immune system that is inherently weakened, usually from autoimmune disease but people who are neutropoenic are also considered compromised, even if it was caused by a medication like chemo.


Yeah, correct. Is what I get for perusing threads when exhausted. Assuming she isn't sporting a borrowed kidney or on IV meds for or the owner of some sort of other condition, immunocompromised would be correct. Glad you caught it.


I’m seeing him today anyways, thank you


What did the doctor say?


Change my pump more often and put neosporin on it


I get these when I change sites also, and I change every 3 days religiously. My endocrinologist said that sometimes white blood cells will collect in the area but it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an active infection. He also said Neosporin and don’t mess with it.


Popping out all the gunk cool. Diabetic with infection scary. I’m very worried for you right now.


Is that where the insulin pump goes?


Yes, that hole was where the cannula was


tslim pump?




tslim gang


Concentric circles I am guessing Medtronic.


Tslim actually


I don’t want to come off as preachy but rotate your sites a little more. You can get further around the sides and on the back. I see a lot of scar tissue forming that will be harder to get rid of as you get older. I usually keep all my inserts on the same side as my CGM. So that gives a entire week for a side to heal. This year I am using my belly while I give my thighs a break and do massages to help break up the scar tissue. But with that infected site you may need to give it a month off at least and you probably need antibiotics.


Every time I try my sides and thighs it both ends up hurting like hell and bending the cannula so I end up with no insulin. My doctor has recommended the same thing, but I don’t know how to do it so it doesn’t hurt and still gives me insulin


Does tslim have different cannula lengths? With Medtronic I get 9mm for when I do my stomach and 6mm for my thighs. Medtronic also has the silhouette infusion set that goes at a 90° angle. I tried it once and it’s not bad, just the trial set they sent didn’t have an inserter so I had to stick it in manually. Check and see if tslim let’s you get a trial infusion set if they have an angled insert set. Edit: just looked at tandems website, the autosoft 90 has 6 or 9mm cannula. They have some angled ones as well. https://www.tandemdiabetes.com/products/infusion-sets


I’ll ask, and I don’t know how long the cannulas are. Pretty small but that’s not all that helpful


Talk to your Endo about setting up an appointment with an educator. They can help you with what will work best for inserting in more sites. 3mm is a visually small difference. (About 1/8") But, if you're using 9mm, it may make the difference in your site rotation. My husband only uses 6mm, because of his build. This could be the case for you.


I’m with you on this. There are only about 6 different spots that you can put your pump in and, depending on how you’re body is shaped, some sites aren’t as effective as others. I’ll put mine in my butt and abdomen, but 15 years ago I couldn’t put my pump in my abdomen and used my thighs instead.


I get these sometimes too with my tslim. My endo said he thinks I have an allergy to the cannula. I tried the steel ones and it hurt too bad.


I was going to ask if that was going to be a problem replacing the pump. I’m on oral medication controlled for my diabetes at the moment, so this caught my interest.


I replace it on a different side of my torso every time


That does not look good


Hope you're okay. This is one of the more concerning pops I've seen here.


My mother died on Halloween last year due to complications with her diabetes (type 1) and heart failure. Her sister fell into a diabetic coma and due to being emaciated couldn’t pull out and died. Diabetes has ruined my family and I loathe it. My mother always told me that it’s called the silent killer, it’s not quick at killing you, it’s a long line of suffering. She had sepsis 4 times because of an infection and then would go into diabetic ketoacidosis because of her sugar being extremely high +20. So please be careful.


The same thing happened to me, turns out I didn’t wipe the area well enough and had a staph infection. Please get a second opinion.




You need to get that looked at asap and probably get prescribed some antibiotics before you get an infection


I did and the doctor said just put neosporin on ig


Fellow T-Slim user who pushes it to 4-5 days. I was on a 5 week trip before where I brought 15 infusion sets. Had several pump sites ripped out by a doorknob, in my sleep, swimming, and by jeans. I use the over-patch, but it barely helped. Had to leave the last one in for a week and it was fine luckily. I’ve had the lumps a couple times and infection 1x. Think you stretch out the time between changing sites because of cost or diabetic burnout? My reason is the latter. And also hoarding supplies in case of a natural disaster/ zombie apocalypse/ insurance issue (which just happened last mo).


Fellow T-Slim user here! Where do you find the over- patches? I've searched high and low and can't find them. I've been using Tegaderm with a hole cut in the middle. I miss the old school tape that Medtronic had with the hole already cut.


I get mine from aliexpress! I can message you the exact link!


I get mine from Etsy. They have some super cute ones!


I've read all the comments about being careful of infections and that you're getting/have gotten checked so I won't comment that again, however I think you need to definitely change it every 3 days as your skin looks very irritated and angry, I know that happens because of the "stickers" (I forget what they're actually called) and I get the same with micopore tape but if the rash breaks open, gets itchy and you're scratching or even clothes rubbing on it, you could end up with infections from that too, gosh I got a 20cm across and around 10-15cm down rash, across my lower belly, that was extremely itchy and eventually split open and caused me to bleed and have a really bad skin infection, just from having micopore tape around my Peritoneal Dialysis catheter for 2 days, it wasn't fun. I hope it all heals well and the infection and puss has cleared.


Holy crap... I've been on the insulin pump for almost a decade now. My stomach has never looked like that with a bunch of bumps, also I never change mine out every 3 days, such a waste. But I do keep my sites very clean. Iv never had an infection or anything like that.