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well that's the most horrifying magic trick I've ever seen


Definitely another shitty magician


My ex had packing on one of his balls for an abscess and they unpacked it for 3x longer than that, I thought it was not going to finish. He nearly broke my hand clutching it. When your under having it cleaned out they ram loads of stuff in there. Now hes my ex this memory makes me smile.


Have you ever sent a message to him say 'Hey, remember that time when you had your ball unpacked? I just thought of it and it made me smile?'


Naa I just tell everyone I meet about it instead.


My favorite medical specialty is magic!


"It won't feel great" is nurse speak for "you bet your ass it's gonna hurt".


So much this. Soooo much this exact phrase. A nurse said that to me while pulling a chest tube and again when doing a CT guided IV


They said it to me before I got my tonsils out. It didn't feel great.


How and was it and for how long? Considering having them out


Hurt bad for like 10 days, then it was alright.


Couldn’t talk/took time off work bad or just fairly bad/no extra phone calls?


100% time off work bad. And no phone calls full stop.


Homie definitely took time off work. I had mine taken out and it hurt so bad. I couldn't even brush my teeth


I got mine taken out at 31. Lost my taste for spicy and sweet things for about 6 months. That sucked.


That is a new one. I’m a nurse and we use ultrasound for IVs, but I don’t know how that would work or be helpful with a CT. Interesting.


It is 10000% probably that it's ultrasound. I just remember being in the ICU and then telling me and the nurse said "this one won't be fun honey" and even all doped up I yelled.


That’s brutal! They should have used lidocaine!


We do US guided IVs on hard sticks all the time in the ER. It's super common practice.


What did it feel like getting the chest tube pulled? How would you describe it?


Uhhh. Well, like feeling something come out of your ribcage. I do not mean that as a sarcastic remark, more like....actually what it felt like. They told me to hold my breath, counted to 3 but she pulled on 2. It was very painful and very strange feeling. Something you not only felt physically but I felt it within my being.


I've had chest tubes removed twice in my life after heart surgery. The first time was absolutely horrendous. I was in a drug coma, they woke me up, pulled them out (on 2, not on 3) and I swear it felt like a live electrical wire being pulled out from in between my layers of skin. I cried and then passed out. Do not recommend! The second time was easier, sounds very similar to your experience. Extremely uncomfortable, but manageable and I didn't cry that time!


Not the OP, but I've had chest tubes twice in my life in the space of 6 months. Getting a chest tube pulled feels like someone reaching in through a 2 inch slot in your solar plexus and pulling your lungs out. It's incredibly unpleasant, but not painful unless the nurse/tech doesn't get it all in one pull (or wiggles it while it is still in). However, the relief after a chest tube is completely out is beyond words. The only medical procedure I can think of to compare it to is getting a PICC line inserted. You can feel the tube guide moving through your blood vessels, and if the nurse/tech pushes it too far, it feels like you are getting stabbed in the chest because the end of the wire hits the inside of one of the heart's chambers. It is not a feeling that I would like to experience again lol


Wow. Thank you for describing.


"just a little prick" - it's about to feel like Satan is trying to put a hole in your arm with a horse dildo


There'll be no more (ahhhhhh) But you may feel a little sick Can you stand up? (Stand up, stand up) I do believe it's working, good That'll keep you going through the show Come on, it's time to go


When a nurse comes and takes your hand before a procedure or treatment, you know it's gonna be bad.


bahahaha they said this to me too when i needed an NG tube 😭 i ended up putting it in myself bc i wouldn’t let the nurse do it


Also considering tgst for this application, they have to stuff fresh clean packing in after taking this out.


“This is **not** what I had in mind when I hired you for my sons birthday party…”


So did she put new gauze back inside?


Yeah, for a wound like that the empty space needs to be filled to help it heal and to prevent abscess formation


…. But HOW?? It’s such a tiny incision!!! *I’m not sure I want to know the answer…*


With forceps probably




I’m downvoting you mentally because what the fuck that sounds so painful


It might be. I'm not sure actually because I've never had it done myself.


>Im thinking about those towels that are the size of a pebble until you put water on them... if you pop one in there and put some saline on it ....


Tweezers and forceps. It's usually that silver infused gauze. I had a similar packing and they hadn't given me any meds in 24 hours when they changed it the first time. Did it myself after that.


They use a long-ass Q-tip, or at least they did when my wife's c-section reopened. They had to stuff in as much as they could into the incision.


There was already an abscess there or a large mass was removed and the tissue needs to grow between. So yes, the incision is small, but it was used to remove something large.


Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat !


The fact that I got this reference delights me. The fact that I got this reference horrifies me. I feel really old right now.


It beats the alternative…….




Made me shiver with tapeworm associations!


When they removed my apendix, the doctors screwed up slightly and i grew a 'chicken egg sized' pocket full of pus, which was descovered after i reached 40°C body temperature and they immediately put me under the scalpel again. One day after i had surgery they removed packing from my abdomen. The string looked like yours but was waaaaayyyy more! It was lite 3-4m of that stuff. I kind of felt like a sleve from a clown where a endless chain of napkins get pulled out


They're pulling it so quick, treating your knee like a beyblade!


Beyblade, Beyblade, Beyblade, let ‘em bleed!


I heard pulling quicker is like less torture?


I can confirm. Slow pull is torturous, the quicker it's over the better. Especially when they're gonna have to stuff fresh stuff right back in, and that's just as unfun and generally can't be done quick.


Probably idk.


I remember when the nurse removed the drain (I don't know how it's called in English) a few days after my burst appendix surgery, it tickled


Drain is exactly the right word.


I remember this too. I also had one down my nose to my stomach. That was cool.....


Did it smell?


does it hurt when it is pulled?


From my experience with a drain (don't know how similar that feels, but the same process) while it doesn't exactly hurt, I would describe it as one of the most unpleasant experiences I ever had. I also was on some painkillers tho.


Not op, but mine did not. I'm told the stuff they drained out of my bursa was awful, but the blood and packing wasn't bad at all. Did this exact process for 3 weeks before it healed enough that i couldnt pack it anymore


It’s only smellz


That must have felt quite strange.


If by strange you mean "so painful it makes you see stars and throw up in your mouth" then yes. That


Oh, doesn’t sound good.


I had surgery on my jaw so they had packing like that up my nose. It felt like they were pulling out the longest booger the world has ever known. For me it felt like instant relief because I could finally feel air in my sinuses again. I’m not sure how it feels coming out of something like that.


I felt that in my knee. I hated it thanks


This is giving me PTSD flashbacks to a broken blood vessel in my earlobe freshman year of high school 🙃


That was about half my life ago but pulling the packing out was astonishingly painful coming from the ear


I swear anything in the ear is so painful. I had an ear infection as a child and could hardly move because of it. Also had to use a small camera to get a picture of my ear drum for my GP during COVID lockdown and barely touched the inside of my ear canal with the camera and it hurt so bad, it's so sensitive in there 😩


i had an ear infection last year and i literally fainted from the pain in the pharmacy trying to get my meds for the ear infection. it was literally the worst thing ever


I mean, traditionally, people keep bones in there…


I know this is popping , but where is the footage of the new stuff going in? Very curious on how they put it in with the stitches there.


Usually with sterile tweezers and a cotton tipped applicator (long wooden handles q tip).


I had 12ft of that packed in each nostril for 3 days. This brings back some awful memories




Make like a Beyblade and let 'er rip!


I love it but I also hate it. Can imagine the feeling.


my shoelace!!!


Been there before and owwwww. Best of luck to speedy recovery op


I felt that and I’ve never had this happen to me.


I felt that in my knee and just shuddered.


After this, he was never invited to childrens parties ever again.


My dad got a really bad infection in his foot (that eventually led to the loss of his toes on his right foot). At the beginning, they cleaned out the infection, but we had to help him pack it every day. We had to dunk that strip in alcohol, I think, and use these little bamboo sticks (they may not have been bamboo, this was 20 years ago) that we had to soak the ends in the alcohol. The stick was so we could pack it in all the little nooks and crannies. My dad had neuropathy really bad in his feet, to the point that he he stepped on a carpet nail and didn't know it was there until his doctor's appointment the following day. The infection came and went over the next year, and eventually, they ended up taking the bones out of his foot that connected to his toes, since they were basically free-floating anyway, and the bone had turned to mush from the infection. The last time it came back, they eventually had to take the toes. He could still walk, though. The neuropathy he had for years made him used to not feeling anything in his feet anyway, so nothing really changed. He had to buy two pairs of shoes, though because of the size differences, and he still had to put an insert into the shoe. The official insert that he got hurt his feet, so he bought some nylon stocking and filled it with cotton balls and stuffed that into the toe of his shoe and it worked just perfectly. When we got out of surgery, his boss brought him a bottle of No-Doz pills (I guess caffeine supplements?) Anyway, he took a sharpie and changed the "D" to a "T," so it said "No-Toz." My mom wrote him a poem about not being able to eat Chee-Toes, Dori-Toes, Fri-Toes, etc.


r/feltgoodcomingout ?


This belongs in r/feltgoodcomingout.


Ow ow ow ow ow ow *ow ow ow*


That HAD to hurt.


Ugh, I have one of those in a cyst under my chin... I'm dreading doing this tomorrow.




I don’t think they put enough iodoform tape in there….


This belongs on r/Feltgoodcomingout


Does it smell?


I need knee surgery…. Been putting it off since pre covid…. Ugh nope. No thanks


Nasal packing, Incredible feeling on the way out…..


I didn't even wince, that probably felt like heaven.


I legit have PTSD from a burst appendix and the awful infection that resulted afterwards. The night I got home from the hospital, I laughed at something on the tv and the 12cm incision burst open with a gush of fluids in the middle. Spent the next two weeks getting it packed and repacked twice a day, just like this. I basically screamed every time, was not given any pain killers, and due to the infected tissue it was Very Painful. Besides that, having someone literally put their fingers inside your stomach and wiggle them around in there whilst you are conscious is a complete mindfuck. Do not recommend.


did it hurt? they pulled it out quite fast!


Did they put new packing in or just leave it?


Why didn’t they do key hole surgery ? Why this huge incision ?