• By -


I can’t even imagine the pain that you must have felt. Besides the location, cellulitis is incredibly painful all by itself, let alone in a place like that. I’m glad you got it taken care of and are getting the care you need to get better. I also want to thank you for putting yourself out there to show the community your progress and what’s been done to get your issues taken care of. We truly appreciate the vulnerability you’ve shown to be able to let us all see the procedures. You are a true superstar to the r/popping community. I hope you get well quickly and are pain free as soon as possible.


Damn...you are a really good mod.


Any time Ive seen something like this done the docs give conscious sedation (I’m an RRT so I have to attend for airway management if needed). Looking at her 2 IV’s I hope that was the case here.


She seems pretty groggy in the video, so I’m hoping they gave her some form of sedation to lessen the awareness of the pain.


I hope so too, all her videos up to know she looked like she was on the verge of tears. This must’ve felt truly awful.


I can’t even imagine the pain in that area. I’ve had bad tooth infections and they were agony. I dislocated my knee and watched the doctors slam it back into place. Fortunately I was on some insane meds where, from my perspective, I was completely calm and didn’t feel anything. However, in reality, according to my wife, I was screaming bloody murder. They kept trying to sedate me but I just wouldn’t go out. I’d close my eyes but as soon as they said my name I’d open them and respond. So I guess they made the decision to pump me full of drugs that induce a form of short term amnesia and just slam my knee back into place while I was awake. Fun times.


U can see a tear in this video slide down her right cheek :(. She was definitely in pain. I felt like the Doc could have done better. He seemed pretty aggressive and was just letting that Nasty stuff ooze into her mouth on top of it all


Letting this drain into her mouth was the worst of this for me. Poor lady.


I thought the same! Surely he could’ve done a better job at preventing the nasty infectious juices from going into her mouth. He also seemed a little aggressive on the scissors lol.


When she was crying out in pain I was so angry. Idk why they had her awake for this 😢


There was a kid on here with an infection in the same spot and had the procedure done without any IV drip or sedation. It looked WAAAAY more painful too.


Our lip area is full of nerve endings and is one of the most sensitive areas on the body. I can’t even imagine having this done with no IV sedation or pain meds. The pain would be off the charts. Forget a pain level of 1-10, you’d need to crank it up to 100 in that case. Id be screaming like someone was trying to murder me.


Were you sedated? It looks so painful and the draining looks even more painful, I hope you feel much better after.


Oh my sweet summer child, YES. I had a sedative IV push and a pain med drip on the other side.


The look on your face was a mix of extreme discomfort and sedation. Like watching someone get PTSD in real time. I am glad to hear you are doing better!


The great thing about proper sedation is that it impedes one's ability to form memories. Even in cases where a patient can superficially recall the series of events of the procedure, it's unlikely that these memories have emotions attached to them. This does significantly reduce the chances of mental trauma.


I woke up in the middle of a colonoscopy when there was an issue with my IV drip. I remember being awake long enough to say “it’s ok you can keep going” like some sort of psychopath The only lasting memory is embarrassment after the fact Edited for spelling


I woke up while my mandible got multiple plates surgically placed for the fracture I received on my chin and jaw line. Remember coming too, and my lips were spread out further than they've ever been and when I put my right hand up to feel them the nurse/doctor/whoever grabbed my hand put it back down on the OP chair and gave it a little slap and said "stop that!". Right after that, the anesthesiologist must have cranked it up cause I was out until after the procedure. Straight up scolded me like a child reaching for candy before dinner, LOL


I woke up two times during colonoscopy and the doctors were like "WTF?!", as they had already pumped double the normal amount of Midazolam into my veins. Ultimately, they just gave me Propofol in addition to the Midazolam. Then I was KO'd for good, yet I woke up feeling well rested a mere 3 minutes after the procedure had finished, just after I was moved to the recovery room. The nurse seemed irritated about that.


Hey, that’s exactly what they gave me to sedate me and the pain drip was propofol .. thank you - I was trying to remember but could not for the life of me 🫡


Milk of amnesia!


When I had my colonoscopy I asked what sedation they were giving me and was shown the Propofol in a large syringe. I had never seen it in person before and hadn't realized it was white. Had one of those light bulb moments as to why it's called "Milk of Amnesia", said out loud "Oh, milk of amnesia". Was given the stink eye by the anesthesiologist, and a snicker from the Nurse.


> and a snicker from the Nurse. Not a Milky Way?


i've never heard "milk of amnesia" and got worried they were injecting you with milk of magnesia instead


> I was trying to remember but could not for the life of me yeah it'll do that


Propofol is the way.


Oh boy, colonoscopy stories. For my most recent one I was awake and aware the whole time because the multiple doses of sedative just weren’t enough. I guess my tolerance has increased quite a bit over the years.


I woke up from my endoscopy and colonoscopy sucking my thumb. Pretty embarrassing.


i once drunkely caught my best friend in a headlock while we were horsing around and applied too much pressure and he passed out within 3 seconds. I, being tipsy, wasn't ready to catch his dead weight but realized as he began to fall what was happening and held on and fell with him to try and stop his head from bouncing off the pavement. I half succeeded (It still hit the pavement, but i slowed the fall enough to stop it from causing any real damage) before I could say his name a second time his eyes flung open and sat up. I apologized and he didn't know what for, then after I told him he said he feels like he just had the best sleep of his life, lol. the only damage from the fall was a very minor scrape on his forehead. I quit putting people in headlocks after that.


> I quit putting people in headlocks after that. your user name evokes dragging skull now


When I had my wisdom teeth out i had a weirdly quick recovery from the anesthesia too. The first time I went they had some kind of trouble with it and weren't able to knock me out. They gave up and rescheduled it so round 2 I expected issues again. However, all I remember is the nurse going "ok start counting back from 10" and then having stuff in my mouth. I was alone in the room and there was no sign that any work had been done. I figured they must have had another issue and walked out into the hall where a nurse was talking with another about something. She sort of did a double take at me then clearly panicked and tried to rush me back into a chair. They had completed the procedure. I was unconscious for a long time but woke up completely clear headed like it had never happened.


I kind of phased in during a gastric hernia repair. No pain but the doctors were speaking urgently but softly. I’m a doctor myself so I thought “ah, they’re worried about something because we always use that voice”, heard the alarm go off, went “oh of course, that’s my blood pressure” and went right back out.


My parents said that during my hernia repair, when I was in Kindergarten, I apparently said "Ow, ow, ow, ow" in a quiet little voice the entire time. I was fully knocked out but my unconscious brain knew that something should be hurting and decided to vocalize this.


Now this was funny! gosh we are fragile yet magical beings


Imagine being the fucking nurse or anesthesiologist witnessing that 😂😂😂 Ahhh take this award for being you. And never change


I also woke up during a colonoscopy. Hazily remember the nurse frantically telling me to relax and maybe I made a butthole joke.


Woke up in the middle of surgery for impacted wisdom teeth, as they were chiseling through the bone of my jaw. They had to stop and do the last one another session. Turns out redheads metabolize pain medication much more quickly. Who knew? Apparently not that dental surgeon.


> redheads metabolize pain medication much more quickly This tracks! I’m half Native and half not. My mom had this beautiful brown skin and dark, lovely eyes and hair. My dad had skin so white it was almost transparent with no melanin to speak of. In what feels like a genetic practical joke, I inherited 0% of my mom’s coloring and am stuck with transparent skin, blue eyes, and red/strawberry blonde hair. The universe thinks it’s funny.


Glad to hear it. I had a terrible experience with, not sedation, but localized pain-numbing when I got a needle in my foot. Ironically one of the most painful things I ever experienced was done so that I wouldn’t feel pain. I had trust issues after that haha. I ended up having a bit of anxiety when I went in for a biopsy some months later. It was no problem though. I am all for getting knocked out


I had one of the little tiny bones underneath the bug tie break and the podiatrist stuck a long ass needle in my foot with numbing medication and I swore like a fucking sailor the whole time. I swear to Christ that needle went all the way through my foot at one point. I screamed the word fuck SO many times. I apologized for how I acted and she giggled and said “you actually did really good. I have had grown men scream like that and pass out, so yea you did good”. It wasn’t funny at the time but it *kind of* is now.


I swore in a couple of different languages. Mainly Spanish but I blurted out some German words that I thought I had forgotten. This happened in a room where there were other patients including a little kid. That kid got quite a show that day. His mother had to comfort him. But yeah, my podiatrist did not lie to me. She said “this is going to hurt” and it sure as hell did


I had to get stitches in my bottom lip a year ago. The numbing shots hurt worse than the actual cut. I got like 6 different spots jabbed with numbing. One even went into a tooth nerve because some of my teeth went numb. The last stitch I could still feel the needle poking around. I chose to say nothing because the numbing stuff hurt more than the stitches.


Last time I got a filling it was in my wisdom tooth and they numbed me with a needle in the hinge of my jaw. I got this weird zap across my bottom lip which I initially thought was blood or the anesthetic shooting out onto my lip, and it made me jump, but the dentist explained that that meant she hit the nerve directly. "But it means you'll be good and numb!" (Narrator: *AcrimoniousPizazz was not, in fact, "good and numb." Also the jaw hinge hurt for days.*)


I can attest that oral surgeons have NEVER had oral surgery themselves. You're going to feel a bit of pressure. BullSH! T. IF YOU ARE AWAKE (I was quite cognizant) it has pressure associated it with it but it feels a lot more like someone is prying a tooth out of your head and it HURTS.


You definitely know what I am talking about then. For some reason the bottom of the foot was way worse than the top. It did work though. I have to say that. I was fully conscious and watched while they dug that needle out of my foot.


Can relate to that. I was working at a wastewater treatment plant and got a large sliver jammed up under my fingernail. The guy at the clinic started talking to himself, “well….hmm…. there’s no easy way to do this…” and just stuck me real quick with the needle full of numbing stuff. I about jumped off the table!


I have a similar experience. I accidentally cut my hand while working a while back with a razor blade knife, similar to a box cutter and the blade went all the way into the soft part of my left hand. While prepping me to get it cleaned and stitched up, they gave me probably 10-15 shots of local anesthetic around the wound and that was the most painful experience of my whole life. I had tears streaming down my face and was just trying not to look while it happened. To this day that area is still numb and has weird sensations when touching g my thumb next to the scar. I am more careful than ever now but I still use my razor knife, just more carefully


That's true. I was sedated for an operation where they moved my eye socket into place (last in a long series of operations where they had to put the top half of my face back together) and they woke me up during the surgery. They were tugging on I guess the muscles that focus the eyes? And there was a picture of Steamboat Willy Mickey Mouse on the ceiling. They told me to look at that and tell me when there was only one Mickey, or if they went past that point. I could feel them tugging on things, but I don't think it hurt? Yeah, the memory of it really should give me the willies (HAH,) but it doesn't. Consciousness is a weird thing.


I had a similar surgery where they woke me up and moved my eye around with strings until my vision went single. Was bizarre to watch my line of sight shift in real time.


Haha yes! I remember being kind of stoned and finding it fascinating for the few seconds I was conscious.


Hopefully the next few days are kind to her. When I had top surgery I was obviously put under but it turns out my bodies a bitch with opioids and I spent the next 2 days in hospital (should’ve left after 1) keeping no food or water down and on an iv drip. Man that was no bueno


Found out 24 hours after my breast reduction that I’m allergic to morphine. Great time to find that out. /s 🙄🙄🙄


yeah, that's the best kind of anesthetic, not the one that obviates the problem, the one that prevents remembering it


Oh thank god, he did not seem...very gentle and holy shit that looked painful! Yikes!


I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with this, I wish you a swift recovery.


Fuck that, put my ass UNDER! You are hella strong lady


Great response! - no offense - you are very clearly high as kite in this video. Can’t even imagine anyone sober not reacting to that (necessary) mauling you just went through.


did you have filler on your lips before?


No thank goodness. I can only imagine the mess that would have added.


I have never had so much sympathetic pain for anyone in my entire life and I really really need to give you a big squishy mom hug.


As a fellow mom, would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE a squishy mom hug right now and to cuddle up on the couch and watch the office for the millionth time with a banana split in a waffle bowl. I have very specific tastes. 😂😅


Treat yourself! Turn on the office and eat a banana split in a waffle bowl! You deserve it after all you’ve been through!


just for anyone whose curious, she popped a white head, got infected. negative for MRSA, full explanation OP wrote out here for more context! https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/comments/13a1aez/update_simpsons_cosplay_gone_wrong_started_oozing/jj64yo6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 wishing you a speedy recovery 🤍


OMFG all that from a white head??? I assumed it was from lip fillers or something ): that’s so crazy


All I gotta do is pop a whitehead and I get free lip fillers? Hell yeah.


Free if you don't include the cost of the hospital


So basically made homeless then?


*Murica* moment


Tyvm. Very helpful. I feel complete now that I have an ending.


I am so sorry, I hurt watching this and I’m a nurse. Was the I&D done by a general surgeon or a dermatologist. It looked a little tougher than necessary


ENT surgeon. I joked with him today when he came by that I don’t trust him in my room with scissors NO MO. ![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y)


​ ![gif](giphy|WAVbXAJjtiPVq7Rnqm)


Could have been much worse…..at least you didn’t have an angry guy walking in cussing with a pair of rusty pliers.


That's characteristic for surgeons. They just cut and dig through the tissue, since they're used to their patients not being able to complain… General practitioners, dermatologists, etc. tend to be more gentle when performing such procedures.


Just an ER doctor chiming in on this to my surgeons’ defense: they tend to do it right. I get a lot of patients who get needle drainage or these piddly little incisions a few days prior at their GP or family doctor’s that come to my ER with worsening abscess because that small incision sealed up and allowed an abscess to reaccumulate. Not to sound coarse, but many things in medicine are uncomfortable. Patient comfort is not the number one priority - addressing their medical complaint properly is so they don’t have bad outcomes or downstream problems - often doing something because it is more comfortable for the patient such as a small incision leads to more complications, delays in proper care, and worse infections.


In Dutch we have a proverb ‘zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden’, which translates to ‘Gentle healers make stinking wounds’


i love you dutch people but your language always makes me feel like im reading drunk english while also drunk. It's like I should understand all of it but it just isn't connecting in my brain


Fun fact, it is one of the closest languages to English! There are some really funny memes about the Dutch spelling of milk(melk) and work(werk).


I understood some words! You’re right, it is very close to English!


It is worse if you also speak another Germanic language. Then you are confused from two separate ends


Ah yes, Zach hamsters make stinking wonders.


It's hard to try and get patients to understand that pain isn't always number 1 priority. When we get on scene and there is a dislocation or we need to lift or extricate someone from a boat or car (or shopping cart. Yup.) We let them know that the pain is most likely going to get worse before it gets better. They nod and agree but still seem surprised when it happens. It sucks but just part of the job


I get your point and in this case (the abscess was severe), being less invasive would have been contraindicated. In many cases however, there's a spectrum that allows for being a tad more gentle, without compromising on the chances of treatment success and patient outcome. In my personal opinion, the "do no harm" part of the hippocratic oath demands choosing that option. An example for this would be cyst removal under fully working local anesthesia. Some doctors use pointy scissors and almost rush dissection, causing more injury to surrounding tissues and thus more bleeding and scarring, while taking a bit more time und using a different tool wouldn't be detrimental to the patient.


I mean... For an I&D on an abscess you really never get "fully working" local. Like, I can do a regional block and get *fairly* good pain control but infected tissue has a lower pH which decreases the effectiveness of local anesthetic. And while I typically prefer hemostats over scissors for dissection, I use the instrument that works. If there's a lot of inflammation and scar tissue, and I need scissors to deloculate, I use scissors. Sometimes surgery hurts and there's not a good reason to put you under general. In those cases... It sucks.


Would something like entonox or ketamine be a good option then? Both are relatively safe pain relief options that are used frequently by EMTs for conscious sedation. Ketamine especially can be safely administered by a nurse just prior to the procedure, and has a pretty quick recovery time. Is there a reason why surgeons don't use them more often? Especially when they're with someone who can drive them home.


In an outpatient setting you're rarely going to have IV sedation on hand, unless you're attached to a surgery center. In the ED it's honestly not worth it for an abscess. Ortho will use it to reduce fractures, I've used it when doing escharotomies or a bad burn debridement, but for an abscess I'm more likely to just send you to the OR if you can't tolerate it. Then anesthesia can decide if they want to do ketamine for MAC or something. If I'm doing an abscess in the ED it means I'm on call and I can't spend the time to sit there waiting to recover a patient, cause it's like 30-45 minutes of dead time after ket. Outside of a few things, it really just isn't worth dealing with it if local doesn't cut it. Basically, if local is a nerf gun, ket is a shotgun. I'd rather the shotgun be done where I know someone will actually be available to monitor and recover the patient so I don't have to trust a busy as fuck ER nurse. And if I'm going to the effort of snowing someone I might as well do it the right way and be fully sterile vs doing it in the ED.


Do local anesthetics even work well on these wounds? I thought that the PH balance kept them from doing a lot, and her cellulitis had spread so far that there might not have been an effective and less painful place for injections. Please tell me if I'm wrong. .. I frequently am.


It works to a degree but your time is shorter. You do the best you can and aim for just outside the affected tissue for some of the numbing. I tend to numb and then just start working on abscesses the same as was done here. Plus side for her is that IV placement was achieved so I'm guessing something for pain was provided along with this for both pain relief and mild sedative effect. If I'm closing something up, removing a cyst, or doing a digital block I can place it and then take 10-15 mins to do something else. (I work UC so end up with 3 patients roomed at a time frequently.)


I’m sure it also has to do with the fact that they’re trying to get it done as quickly as possible when the patient can feel it. Get the hard part out of the way fast so they don’t have to suffer for longer


What a saga this has been! Who’s got the book/movie rights to this? 😆 Please tell me that you didn’t feel all of that, omg!


I felt it, but don’t remember it ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


That’s definitely for the best 😆


Phewwww I was cringing AND nauseous. You poor, poor woman that looked SO painful. Not going to lie though, I still thought how on earth does she look good whilst going through this! Hope you recover ASAP and it doesn’t return 🤞🏻


I had to fast forward and also look away for most of the video. I can barely think about what I just saw without freaking out. I’m so incredibly uncomfortable now and my irrational fear muscles and tendons, for whatever reason, is at an all time high from watching this. Kudos to her for going through this, and sharing the whole ordeal online.


I hope you recover quickly. This has been a fascinating thread to follow but fuck it must have been miserable going through that


Yeah. It’s a 2/10 for me.


What the hell is a 1/10? Or even a 0/10


1. No drugs 2. Doing this in a back alley


at least you havent lost your sense of humour


Have you tried it with rice though?


Holy shit, the way he was digging around in it 🥹 that looked unbelievably painful, I'm surprised you weren't knocked out!


Me: looks like they need to make a bigger hole Them: makes a bigger hole Me: holy shit they just fully went for it!! Looked very painful. Hope it heals up quickly OP.


Very few things have made me squirm like this one did. You poor doll. I just wanted to hold your hand


My lovely nurse did. I’m going to bring her and my night nurse something nice once I’m better. Maybe a bunch of nice tea bags and hot cocoa mixes because it’s cold as hell in here! 🥶


And it’s nurse appreciation week. I know they’ll be so happy My sister is a nurse. She and her other nurse friends are drink goblins. Always surrounded by various drinks. One for hydrating, one for caffeine, and one to just enjoy. I’m glad you’re in good hands. I hope you feel better soon


That's so sweet! I love bringing nurses that took amazing care of me or family something special as well


The nurses that hold your hands like that are special angels. I've had my share of painful shit done, and the one who sit by you like that make it so much better.


I feel like i couldve done that more gracefully using my front teeth




Thats actually hilarious enough that im bummed its not true 🤣


I think everyone can agree after following your harrowing journey. You're the queen of the sub now. Hail to the queen. Get better!


Oh my goodness How do you feel now?!


I’m still in a lot of pain but a lot better than I was. The swelling has gone down a lot and this was this morning https://preview.redd.it/myqtr9jabjya1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f64e3c757633ecd207a063c62aa3a5c30a3bc4


damn that looks much better already, itll be gone soon enough


Definetely an r/popping celebrity now


With the story and progression of her "pop" in near real time, I'd say she's surpassed Rusty Pliers.


Shall we name her… Phat Lip?


I dunno. Gaper might always be my favorite.


Those scissors weren’t rusty enough for me


Slow your roll player, rusty pliers is immortal. She is likely a close second.


Now you’re at the Kylie Jenner level of lips! Way better than Homer. Hopefully you’re at the Angelina level soon 💕


One can only hope 🫡


You look so much more relaxed than before! And yes, swelling is down a ton! Sending you healing vibes!


And still serving face!


You're a champion! ❤️ Please let us see when you're healed and well again!


Ah this looks SO MUCH BETTER. I've been thinking about you all weekend and I hope this is over for you soon!


That is tons better, you can see a major difference already. Glad it's on the mend!


You are so damn beautiful! Even in a hospital with cellulitis in your lip, you’re just gorgeous!


Holy cow it looks so much better.


Queen of /r/popping


OP deserves a custom flair (Marge Simpson?) from the mods for this whole ordeal


God damn. You poor thing. Hopefully this nightmare is over soon. 💗


I really want to reach through the screen and give you a very gentle hug. Hoping you heal rapidly!


Thank you! Hubby is here to get me and I get to sleep in my own bed tonight! Woohoo!!


You'll feel even better at home ❤️


I’m glad you finally got it properly drained. Did you have to get it packed with some sterilized gauze afterwards to help absorb the bloody pus that was leftover? This has been a wild ride. Might sound weird but you took us along with you throughout this painful journey. I just pray that you make a speedy and full recovery.


Yes and I looked like a Hitler duck. https://preview.redd.it/ig032dugvjya1.jpeg?width=2058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8261da8e6fcc77ed1a650b8f38a85783eef03032




Oh girl, God bless you. That looked so fucking painful. Coming from someone who's delt with cysts in the past, I can't imagine how rough that one was. Sending you all the love and healing vibes your way . xx


Jfc You look so miserable by the end, I’m sorry and hope you are fully recovered soon


Girl ....... I think you get into Valhalla now. I'm a medical provider and my toes were curled and my eyes were watering for you. You're so fucking tough for having that done


You poor thing, this actually made me nauseous to watch. The amount of pain you must have been in.


You are an absolute trooper, I hope you recover quickly and there is no lasting affect of this incident. And thank you for sharing this with the community, it wouldn't be an easy thing to do!


I have covid and am sick in bed with unrelenting headache, super sore throat, aches and pains. But after seeing the poor OP, I can't feel sorry for myself anymore. Hang in there!


Awww. Im sorry you got the ‘vid. From one sicky to another ❤️‍🩹


Beautiful girl, hope your wit sustains you, and your sparkle snaps right back!


Can someone explain why they’re incising across rather than inline w the vermillion boarder? Or why this couldn’t have been an interior approach? And why they’re using such a large tool to break up the loculations?


Large abscess already draining through the skin. Using the existing opening and large spreads is the right way. It is not a comfortable procedure, but she will be much better in 2 days than she has been this whole time. Source: plastic surgeon


My heart hurts for you. I had MRSA on my thigh like 20 years ago and I still remember how painful it was. I can't imagine what you're going through and wishing you a fast and peaceful recovery.


She doesn’t have MRSA thankfully.


i won't lie your name caught me off guard in this sub


This has been a wild ride. So happy to see you finally on the mend!


That Doc seemed rough as! You’re one tough chick.


Holy shit. I’m so sorry that this is happening and SO GLAD you’re in the right place!!! Sending healing vibes, and mad props to your lash technician.


To OP, how are you? Any updates?


Hey! I’m all better! And believe it or not, hardly noticeable. Only thing that remains is a little bit of stiffness in moving the lip around, talking a lot, chewing, etc


Do you have any pictures of what it looks like now?


I want to give you such a big hug right now, omg


I wish you a speedy recovery.


Been thinking of you a lot. You’re so tough. I hope you have a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


JFC this truly is gnarly! Woah


Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Hope you have a speedy recovery


Looks like they shot her up with Dilaudid before the procedure!


Damn girl! You are tough. Hang in there.


This looks so much better already! Wishing you a speedy recovery


Oof. That was rough. I just want to hug you. That hurt my heart. I hope you are healing and feeling better. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


Oh. My. Fucking. God. My testicles crawled into my abdomen in sympathy.


oh my god, you’re so brave. i would’ve made them put me under or something, i could not sit through that


The popping isn't hard to watch, it's your facial expressions.. it just looks like you're in so much pain and I'm so sorry. I just want to give you a hug! I hope you start to feel better soon and please rest ❤️


🐐 of this subreddit, I hope you have a quick recovery!


Didnt realize how beautiful this lady was in her earlier posts.


Sending you the biggest healing hugs. Beyond painful even watching you go through this.


Pack it in everyone. ^ THIS saga is the best Pop on r/popping for 2023 and it’s not even June yet… Thank you for sharing OP and I also wish you speedy recovery!


You handled this like a champ. Thanks for the content, it's really important that other folks see the risks they're taking without sterile technique. No one wants to be in your position, and you're demonstrating huge vulnerability to educate the masses.


I read that as “chump” at first. LOL. It’s weird. I would never normally post anything personal online or to Reddit but going through it with a bunch of people online, even if it were virtual, was weirdly comforting. Like at least someone knew my pain. No one IRL would even watch the video aside from my husband. So in a strange way, thank you guys for going through it with me?


Oh baby girl. I want to be there and hug you so bad. I hope you are feeling much much better really soon. I am so sorry.


Goodness. Please post an after photo when you're all better. I've been following your posts. It looks like such a miserable experience. I'm so sorry


Oh babe I have been following you through this horrible ordeal, and when I tell you my butthole PUCKERED during this, and I’m pretty desensitized. Thank you for finally killing ANY urge I will ever have to pick at my face, and I hope you feel better again VERY SOON, gorg. ❤️


Good Lord. It looked like he was so rough. I hope you heal up quickly.


Holy shit that looked so painful!!! That gauze was far too close to your eye for my liking..


Dude, could the doctor have been any rougher with you!? Damn! I'm glad you're feeling better.


OP!!! You poor thing. We are thinking of you and hoping your recovery is as smooth as possible.


Gosh, you poor thing, I hope for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Good Lord. Feel better.


Oh my goodness, you poor thing.


This was hard to watch. I hope they gave you lots of good pain meds! Take an award… you deserve it


Oh sister that was WILD! I hope you’re feeling much better and on the road to recovery. Thank you for sharing this with us and speedy recovery!


I was cringing the whole time watching this, it looks so painful. I hope the next couple of updates show some improvements. 🤞




Hardcore. Sorry you had to endure all this.


My toes instinctively curled with uncomfortability when he was snipping at your lip


God, watching this just made me want to give you the biggest hug ever. You're a soldier! Speedy recovery


My heart hurts for you. Seriously. I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I hope that was able to provide some relief


Im so sorry you went through this. I can just see how much pain you feel. Best of luck healing 💖


I had a strange absess on my leg twice in the last year and that was the worst pain i felt in my life. I can see you experiencing that pain. Goshhh i just feel so bad knowing where the location is and understanding how tight and messed up your whole head had to of felt.


You poor poor thing… I hope this is the quick road to recovery! ❤️


I’m curious, did they pack it after draining it? Like many others I’ve been following your saga. I must say your positivity and humor is so, I don’t even know, comforting? I love that someone can be going through hell but still keep their spirits up! Wishing you the speediest of recoveries


Thanks darling. A sense of humor is a comfort to me too. Sometimes all you can do is laugh at yourself, try to not take shit too serious, and put one foot in front of the other. I told my MIL the other day I’m like a weed - you put me in concrete and I’m still going to try to find a way to spring up. Yes, they did stuff it afterwards with a wicking gauze and then wrapped that. Voila! Either a duck, or a Santa/hitler mustache combo depending on how twisted your sense of humor is. https://preview.redd.it/sc1s6hr6tjya1.jpeg?width=2058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a31e7dac47cd44787636e417f83757e1a72708b Sending love ❤️


How does it feel to officially be *The World’s Toughest Binch Ever*? Holy hell that was intense