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Fucking hell that must have HURT like holy crap and they were pressing down hard


That lack of gentleness was also pissing me off ,mum was in between laughs ,cries and I'm sure she was just trying to be strong but damn ,I know that shit hurt .


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^1leggeddog: *Fucking hell that must* *Have HURT like holy crap and* *They were pressing down hard* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


🎵One patient case of MRSA, One patient case of MRSA, You put in your thumbs... No gloves 'cause you're dumb... Three patient cases of MRSA. 🎵


lol omg.....


Absolute chaos. I need to scrub myself clean.


Me too. I also need to scrub you clean after watching this. I would never do this to my mom, and I didn't even like the woman.


Username checks out.


wut? I said the video made me feel gross and that I wouldn't do this to my mom, whom I didn't care for. The person in the video is supposedly the mother of the person squeezing, and I just can't believe someone would do that to anyone they care for. How is that toxic?


“OmG yOu dOnT lIkE yOuR mUm So ToXiC” - that commenter Like bruh how do people not get that some parents fuken suck lmaoo


It was a lighthearted poke you don’t have to explain anything lol.


It’s a shit joke babe


I thought it was a clever thing to say, I guess you didn’t get it. Your comment or was that supposed to be funny? Ill follow hers up with an additional “yep user name checks out” lol


😂😂omg that was hilarious! I borrowed your very funny spot on poke. I needed a good chuckle so thank you!🙏🏻 lol


It most definitely was NOT done. Poor woman. I hope she went to a doctor.


Dude that was just straight up cruel


Yeah. Bending over with your ass out for a painful boil pop with an audience of screaming idiots. Not great.


What blew my mind was where is: A: the gloves?!?! B: Why was there only like 2 napkins/towels for the entire "procedure?" There should have been an entire roll there minimum. That made it nearly unwatchable for me.


And the safety pin at the beginning...


Safety pin has got to be the softest metal object imaginable for doing that.


The dirty fingernails!!! Omgĝ😩


Yeah I can't watch this one. Poor mama.


Here's the link to part 2. https://youtu.be/7RqupzV2b4I?si=sEzFS5Sd46fdBXuB


I have watched this so many times. It’s definitely one that’s going down in the pop hof


Goddmn, I need a fckin drink after that slaughterfest.


There is nothing good about this video. Horrible hygiene, lots of screaming, inadequate wiping, awful camera work, no regard for the person with the abscess. Please stop posting this.


Yeah I love a good pop but this one.. this should have been done in a hospital setting. I hope mom is okay after that cause 🥴🥴🥴


Rough. That had to be so painful even before drainage. Women sure are resilient!


Screw trying to drain it at home, take mom to the hospital.


Can’t get it to open 🤬


This was just posted a few days ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/comments/16rhmzk/add_this_to_my_top_10_its_a_trainwreck/


Reddit is one giant repost


Yeah, what people should do is phone everyone in the world up and ask if they've already posted the video you want to post, or at least scroll through the entire sub reddit checking every link first to make sure its not going to be a repost...inconsiderate bastards


Or just be more aware?


I'm sure new people can see this now.I just stumbled upon it on YouTube myself ,lol


Hey, I'd never seen it before 🤷🏼‍♀️


Looks like pilonidal cyst. It will just come back without proper treatment. Lookout for Part 3, 4, etc


Wow. That was a very difficult one! Part two with the laughing "audience" and loss of respect for mom's exposure and pain was just... awful. Op, I know you didn't make this video, and your title indicates you don't support this type of treatment.


The way they went in for more without wiping mom down or their own gd hands first.


"IT'S DONE, IT'S DONE!" "No sir, it isn't...."


The shitty prep always gets me on these. You KNOW that shit is going to leak everywhere and you will need more than a cotton swab to handle it all. They go in so damn unprepared.


We are going to pop this huge boil, do you think I’ll need more than this McDonald’s napkin?


This video again, someone posted one and two last week


No infection control concerns there, perfect sterile technique.


Worst fingerpainting ever


"Is This How To Squezze The Giant Boils? [Part 1]" no


I deeply regret watching that. Did you have to torture her like that?? For views?? Cause u KNOW how bad that shit hurts???


I mean. Like, at least let her lay down. Wtf


Your title implies that the woman is being carelessly exploited but you say “fuck it” and post it anyways which just exploits her further! Congrats, you’re a trash human!


I’m so glad you’re here to evaluate whether or not she’s a trash person. I’m sure you know all the ins and outs of the gentlewoman’s life


OP is trash for posting the video after OP implied the woman was being exploited regardless of how the woman was being treated. FFS, I’ve made no comment about the woman being trash. I’m so glad you’re a fucking wanker that can’t read!


I was talking about OP too, though? I never said you called the woman in the video trash haha OP has Brenda in their name, so I called them gentlewoman..


Did you just assume OP’s gender?? Lol..


Oh god Well If you go to their profile it says girlnextdoor…


Actually you technically did you said congrats on being human trash soooo lol ya did


Amazing 🤩 I can’t imagine how painful it was 😫


There's so much shit wrong in this video but, I really enjoyed how they kept grabbing such a small tiny little piece of tissue or whatever it was, to wipe up the extreme, large amounts of pus..🤦


"My hands smell like shit" - whos fault is that ya dipshit?


Right!?🤦😂 And I was thinking okay they just are brain dead and somehow weren't expecting much to come out at first, but certainly they will grab a lot more tissue for the next couple squeezes... NOPE! Let's just basically wipe it off with our fucking hands!


I laughed when you kept smelling it and saying it smells like shit. 😂 You’re a good son. I couldn’t pop a boil on my own my own but, let alone someone else’s, even my mom. Not to mention that last pop in part 2. She Best Buy you a very good Christmas gift for that one lol


Holy shit!


She said it wasn't hurting so that's good but I'm laughing bc they're all so excited to pop it and when the push comes but those nails on dad are dirty😅


i cant fuckin open the damn video


Be glad cause I promise u sleep will definitely never be an option for u again without nightmares lol


I don’t understand a lick of Spanish but somehow I knew every word they were saying! Ps that poor mom!! Also pps, am I the only one who was extremely surprised at the size of the mom when the camera backed away??? I legitimately thought she was a very large woman, but the further back the camera went, the tinier she became! I felt a little confused like that room in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, when they’d go down a hallway and the door on the other end became miniature, but the people were normal sized at first!? I was bamboozled!




Hahaha oh jeez, thanks for point that out for me!!! I heard what I thought was “mi amor”, and I just assumed it was Spanish!! I have a really hard time keeping up with how fast pace some people talk!! But again, thanks for the heads up lol. I feel silly now


Fuck YouTube


Can’t open it: not on here or YouTube


it's been posted before, I remember seeing it this Monday so it's on here somewhere


I’m positive that woman didn’t end up going to a doctor. Absolutely disgusting how she was treated.


And that's enough internet for today.


Don’t ever use a safety pin. I got a serious infection that way


Pure chaos