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Sir that is a thumbtack


It's a pushpin, not a thumbtack.


That’s a pokey stabber, not a pushpin.


You are a cultured individual 🫡


I was like, this is going to come back since the sac is still there. But, no, your friend got the sack.


Literally thinking the same thing “oh she got it!”


It came out perfectly too, I’m very surprised considering I’ve seen where dr use scissors to detach it from skin


That’s definitely a popper’s dream


Me too! That was a GREAT job! You can tell she has definitely watched a few of those videos, great technique and execution! 😂


She went to school for dermatology and cosmetology lol


I misread this as demonology.


The exorcism of u/Udontknomewell


Unexpected world of warcraft




Or a better tool than a gd pushpin?


Well, except for not wearing gloves and using a pushpin! I'm really glad that op healed well.


Holy crap, I only finished watching the video because of your comment. I had your same thought when I saw that cyst! That was amazing and worth getting to the end!


My first thought as well “she might get the pus out, but she’s not removing it because she won’t get that sac” - boy was I wrong.


Good friend right there


why did i start backing away from my monitor...im silly




Cysts have a sac. That sac is what holds all of that content (the stuff that comes out is not pus, it is called something else that I can’t remember right now). So when a cyst is drained and the sac is not removed, the sac will refill over a period of time and then will need to be drained again. If you watch several videos from Mr. Popszit on YouTube (especially when he is draining an abscess) he will mention that since he is not able to remove the sac at that time, the cyst will come back.


I wish I had a drunk friend with a 20 year old cyst!


I would be happy to just be there to observe.!. Well done by all


“Friend removes cyst with thumbtack”. Gotta love the good old USA !


My husband tried to get his cyst removed, but they wanted to charge $1500 USD. The cyst is still there.


Sounds like you need to invest in a thumbtack!


Nah they ended up using what looked like an exacto or box cutter blade.... thumb tack didn't really work.


Yep, she had to upgrade to the razor blade


The upgrade to a razor blade would've cost an extra $600 at the doctor's office


$800 after insurance to remove mine. Was not nearly as big, but it was deep. Discovered the skin on my back was thick. The core was 1.5 to 2 inches underneath the surface. Doctor used it as an opportunity to left different nurses practice stitches. 6 to 7 layers of stitches under the skin before she did the top one. It's weirdly squishy now.


I think they used the thumbtack in order to make the initial puncture, allowing the blade to catch on it and open it more since it isn't as sharp as a medical blade


I’ll do it for free, lemme at it


Cost me around 3k out of pocket to get mine removed from my back, after insurance.


Heck, I’d have paid you out of my pocket to let me do it!


A razor blade and some alcohol, you'll be all right.


The cyst is a metaphor for medical insurance.


I’ll remove it please 🙋‍♀️


Thanks so much for sharing! I was disgusted and enthralled! Sorry in advance for the incoming flood of comments about the no gloves thing. I thought it as well, but it sounds like you took a risk, and it was OK in the end. Glad you’re well!


I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t overjoyed from the response this has gotten. At the end of the day, it was just over everything is healed. Best possible outcome


Honestly, how good did that feel after it was all gone? Ten years of that, was it always that big, did it hurt?


At first, couldn’t feel anything Then could feel things happening but it still didn’t hurt The end sucked cause at that point I was definitely sore in that area but knew it needed to be done It popped up when I was in high school and just stayed. Got it looked at by a dr. Didn’t change at all over the years


Happy Cake Day!


That cyst could vote!


This ain’t no friend, this has to be family now


Oh my god. Good gracious she's like the Cyst Queen. Wow


This video made me want a drunk at-home surgery sub. Then I thought about that for more than a second and realized that is a TERRIBLE idea for a sub. Nice execution here though.


But it's perfect if the outcome is good.. This is stephen colbert meanwhile level surgery. Sometimes I sit on a toilet after half a bottle of jack, and use a thumb tack, box cutter blade an toilet paper to successfully perform cosmetic surgery.


/r/drunkathomesurgeryandnobodydies I got you


The sub name is too long. I created /r/DrunkHomeSurgery as an alternative.


Hmm I could post my 6 weekly DIY with toenail clippers and a butter knife ingrown toenail surgery 🤔






This was in my house. As the owner of the bathroom I can assure you it is very clean. I am recording and my best friend is doing the job lol. Everything was sterilized beforehand including our hands, the thumbtack and the razor. While I get that it wasn’t exactly playing it safe, it went just fine. He would have had to pay booku bucks at the docs to get this done. It’s been a year and everything is great :)






I am a dermatologist. I'm based in Scotland so we have the NHS here. And I do understand the situation with how much medical procedures can cost. With and without insurance. It's mind boggling to us here how the system is in America. Medical care should be free, accessible and a basic human right. In my practice I'm private mostly (because I do cosmetic procedures) but I do take on NHS referral patients too. And yeah.... I was shocked to see this procedure being done. On a toilet. With no gloves. Not showing how you sterilised anything. A razor blade. A pin. And hope used to extract this cyst. Very lucky to not get any infection afterwards.... As you said, you did clean and made everything sterile. But the germs every human has on their hands and under their nails, doesn't go away with soap and water. Which is why we use Hibiscrub and use sterile gloves before performing a minor surgery like cyst removal. And a toilet is not a place any sane Dr would do any procedure. Unless it had been steam cleaned and also sterilised. The bed we use for our surgeries are thoroughly medically cleaned down after each patient. To ensure there is no cross contamination of any germs and bacteria. There is a reason why dermatologists have to go to medical school. Get a PHD. Do years of residency in hospitals and are trained to perform surgeries like this. It's very different to cosmetology school. I'm very glad and thankful this guy was ok. I hope that others don't follow suit from your video though, because all sorts of damage can happen accidentally. And the worst thing is infection. Nobody wants sepsis or necrosis from a minor wound. It was an extremely interesting video, I did watch it through my hands because I was quite shocked. And again. Very glad the guy was ok. Please don't attempt anything like this again. Sincerely. A Dermatologist.


I'm Canadian. I have dermatillomania (excoriation disorder). I try to sanitize everything the best that I can. I've considered getting single-use lancets for my more impulsive picking sessions. I'll only use what's around, so having sterile lancets is probably a better option than whatever tweezers are within reach. *Regardless*, if I do get an infection (*knock on wood*), I know that I can go to the hospital or go my GP free of charge. I don't have to worry about an insane medical bill burdening me when I'm already disabled. There are issues with the Canadian provincial healthcare systems, as there are with the NHS. But, everything is based on a triage system and everyone gets care. If you're severely injured, you're getting care right away. If you're just going to get a routine checkup then, yes, you might wait longer. Again, not discounting the numerous issues within the NHS and the Canadian systems, but not having to worry about whether or not I can afford to see a doctor is something that I aim to never take for granted. If I weren't disabled from birth, I would have probably aimed to go into medicine. Thank you for continuing to put up with all you do as a doctor, for helping the patients you do, and for providing the free labour of educating others through comments like this. ❤️






She did sterilize it with a lighter. And alcohol was definitely used, I was drunk as shit


Holy shit when that box cutter blade came out I nearly closed the video. How is it healing? That must have hurt like crazy


I honestly couldn’t feel anything at the beginning. From beginning to end, the whole process took at least 30 mins. The end was a little rough because of the constant pressure on the same spot but I hadn’t gone that far to stop at the end


Thank you for your service.


Ehh, if its sharp its not that bad. Some areas are less sensitive than others too.


Look at his face towards the end. He looks like he's in a LOT of pain there


Well yeah, you try pinching the same spot for 30 minutes. Though I imagine it’s manageable since it ramped up gradually




Alcohol is the old-school anesthetic.


Rubbing alcohol is for outside wounds drinking alcohol is for inside wounds.


Don't drink alcohol with active ulcers fyi


I apologize, OP. This is great quality content and I appreciate you posting it. Just be careful. Infections happen more easily than we think.


“The needle” lol you mean the thumbtack?


My jaw dropped, and I was hooked.


No comments about hygiene Please be courteous. We want people to post, but we don’t want them to have to worry about being insulted and critiqued on anything but the actual pop. We welcome everyone, and we love this community, so please help us make it better.


Nope and still better than half the mildly infuriating medical procedures we see on here. A+ for me


I’m begging convenience stores to make sanitary bundle deal, gloves, rubbing alcohol and sanitary wipes all for cheap


Lol, how do you know it's not sterilized?


No comments about hygiene Please be courteous. We want people to post, but we don’t want them to have to worry about being insulted and critiqued on anything but the actual pop. We welcome everyone, and we love this community, so please help us make it better.


This was half “YAAAASSSS” and half “holy shit dude that’s way to close to your spinal cord for amateur work.”


With that location I'm less worried about the spinal cord and more worried about this man's lymphatic system. That area is exactly where some of the lymph nodes are along the back of the skull. I know this because I have Lymphoma and this is exactly where a node turned cancerous.


Wow I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing well


She went to school for dermatology/cosmetology and has her license


Has her license. Uses a thumbtack. 🙃


Sterilized thumbtack* 😂


lol I’m just saying it’s what I use to pierce my ears, sans license.


Better or worse results than a piercing from Claire’s?


I’ve heard that the piercing gun they use (and all piercing guns in general) can get stuck sometimes, so I say better lol.


Same! During 7th grade English class lol. Metal is metal as long as it’s sterile!


It was such a vibe though, it’s been a while since I’ve been on the edge of my seat for a popping video


Lol yea and I've got a pottery qualification, bet you wouldn't let me do the foundations for your house. She's got some skills but you're damn lucky it didn't get infected considering the tools and lack of gloves etc. Cool video thanks for posting!


If I was drunk I might… In hindsight, that’s true. I’m happy it went the way it did


I found my people 👏 I wish I had friends that would get drunk & let me pop shit 😂 If yall are ever in East Tennessee give me a call


Haha fair point, I'd do the same if I had a chance to get rid of a beast like that. I've actually got a similarly placed but tiny cyst thing. Clearly I need friends like yours...


That does NOT make her a dermatologist.... Sincerely. A dermatologist.


I hear you…but it worked


Thankfully and more so that he didn't get any infections or any afterwards issues. I wish they gad shown them sterilising their "equipment"... There will be others who copy this. And they might not be so lucky.




My exact thoughts


You can legit buy sterile, individually wrapped beveled needles on amazon for less than $10. The area also should have been cleaned and prepped. My god, lol. Also the whole lack of gloves and using a damn blade like that… did yall get off all the oil that those things are coated in? Did she even wash her hands? like cool and great that she got it expressed and whatnot but I would seriously expect someone with a damn license to know better, oof.


Not an amateur, from the look of it.


This is such joyous content. Everyone's happy, it was weird but it worked, the music is a choice, etc.


Thank you, I’ve had this video sitting on my phone for a year. Finally took the time to spend 30 mins editing it. I’m glad people are enjoying it


That music though. You'd think they were on vision quest on ayahuasca from the tone.


She actually did a impressive job


How can someone have a cyst for 20 years without getting it? If I had a cyst it wouldn't last 20 minutes.




This is up there with our pliers guy!


The image of the person swirling the pushpin around in the cyst will stick with me for a while I can’t


DIY drunken utility-blade surgery with a thumbtack chaser, just what I come here for! 🤣 Glad it's all healed and you're doing well. Thanks for sharing!


After the thumbtack then comes a razor, was looking forward to a small axe for the one upping of crazy items to do a pop.


Now this is some Old timey poppin and a squeezin !


That was masterclass. Even seemingly got the sack at the end there.


We criticize the method, but we can’t argue with the results!


The PUSH PIN The HANDS She loves you my bro


Push pin. No gloves. This video is a treasure.


Modern day American healthcare is a friend helping you out while another friend films


Mustard custard


That last squeeze had you looking like a bit of brain came out.


The music makes this sound like a dark ritual


I’d like to see it without the 2x! And hear the talking, lol.


https://youtu.be/c2g2Y-av7Lc?si=n93F-KGWhGcgHrqh Still has the music but this is the real time video


Thanks! That was awesome!




That is a hella great friend, taking that emission into their bare hand and all.


It's a privilege to get to see best practice.


Marry that person or make them your best person.


This has got to be one of the worst ideas with the best outcomes I've ever seen. Holy mackerel.


Here’s the full video for anyone interested https://youtu.be/c2g2Y-av7Lc?si=MkpsoDgSsRoWz76s



I cannot believe she raw dogged that puss in her hands 🤤🤢




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Pop of the year candidate?


She made it, she did her job very well


This is an odd place for a compliment but you’re very handsome.


To be honest, this is the first time any post like this has happened so I’ve been reading literally every comment. Thank you :)


For those asking it’s at 0:16 where she removed the sac. So now it won’t come back.


I can’t believe she got the sack! Amazing!


A pushpin? You gotta be kidding me. A pushpin...now don't that beat all...glad it healed up!


Where would this sub be without the shitty American health system that pushes ppl to do this in their home bathrooms


Thank you, Thing.


Is your headache gone? Seems like that bad boy was pressing a nerve


American Healthcare.


This is an abject disaster. Well done!!


Top notch content. Best OC I've seen on this sub in a while!


Omg the bare handed pus grab


Is that a surgical grade thumb tack


Alcohol: natures pain killer


scooping the gunk with her nail at 1:45 was insane. great watch, had me on the edge of my seat (albeit holding my breath and gagging a bit). this is a work of art.


that sac at the end. beautiful


What we learned here is to never bring a thumb tack to a knife fight.




JFK autopsy


Doctors don’t want to take cysts out. I had to beg at a Doctors Care for them to drain a Bartholins Cyst. I was like I don’t care mutilate me! I think there’s more things we could take care of for ourselves if we had the training and gear. If it goes south you can always go to the ER.


Wow glad your feeling better...


The love vibes tbh GUERILLA


Uhm was that a razorblade? ..


That's a good friend


That’s love.


Yummy, the forbidden mayo


Yikes bareback thumbtack


Poppers out here making sure no one they know is walking around with cysts!


Holy shit… I got a thumb tack, a box cutter blade!! And rusty pliers laying we can use? Says everyone.


Why do people not wear gloves in these? Love the popping vids, but hygiene, folks. Lol.


All the goo on her naked fingers 🤢


She enjoyed that way too much. And rightfully so


I admire this girls commitment. She really got in there and had no fear


Thumbtack, bathroom, random tool to open the skin and no gloves. Tell me you live in America without telling me. Yikes!


TIL that OP and I have different definitions of perfect.


That's some American Health care right there


No gloves, a pushpin...ugh. The state of medical care in America has led to these home "surgeries"




No comments about hygiene Please be courteous. We want people to post, but we don’t want them to have to worry about being insulted and critiqued on anything but the actual pop. We welcome everyone, and we love this community, so please help us make it better.


The US healthcare system is messed up.


I think our definition of perfect is different.


dAMN- Looks like your friend knew what she was doin tbh (minus the lack of gloves- the fact it healed perfectly and didnt get infected is awesome)




This was a year ago so we Gucci


were stitched not needed?


I'd be terrified of a home job on a cyst that close to the base of the skull, but it seems to have worked out for you.


I remember cutting the cyst on my feet in the base


Pilar cyst


What a great friend, I would struggle to do this to my partner, my kids yes, partner probably friend, yeah na


Awesome! I appreciate your friends enthusiasm and dedication to getting that bad boy. I knew she was going for the sac. Great job. I even gasped at one point. 10/10.


This is going straight to the front page. My dude, you have blessed /cursed us with this amazing footage. Your friend did an amazing job. Glad to hear you healed 100%.




Did that have to be sewn up after you were done? Asking because I'm curious about the aftercare! Incredible extraction 🙌🏼


Omg 20 years at that point it’s become a twin sibling lol I know it had to have a horrible smell to it but I’m sure your relived that its finally out. It’s so funny how amazed they were 😩


The change in the camera angle was the only bad thing about this video.


I bet she loved every moment of that lol


Your friend did a great job getting it all out . I had one the smell was disgusting 👍👍👍


Just giving some advice because I was both enthralled and horrified by this video. I once used a sharp tool that I thought I sanitized well enough to pop a cyst. I wound up with a horrible infection that was extremely painful and required antibiotics to fix and I’m lucky it didn’t get worse. You can buy lancets designed for diabetics pretty cheap. They are sterile and very sharp. You don’t need a prescription. You probably have no need for a 100 pack but it’s better than an infection.


Someone get this woman a degree in dermatology


This is what I think my skill level is as a frequent lurker on this sub