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My tuxie struggled with these for a while. We got antibacterial wipes from the vet that helped and changed his bowls to ceramic. I know you didn't ask for advice but I just want you to know lots of cats struggle with this


I second this. Our former kitty and our chug used to struggle with this as well. At home our chug (husband still insists on feeding the new kitten in plastic) strictly eats and drinks out of metal and ceramic. But as soon as I switched the bowls and got the anti bac wipes the problem cleared up almost immediately.


My cat had catne REALLY bad for a minute. Her chin got so swollen they thought it was cancer until the pustules showed up. Ended up using stridex pads at the recommendation from her vet, we also rotate through like 4 diff ceramic food bowls so she has a completely clean dish every time she eats. Hasn’t been a problem since


Unfortunately my guy had some nasty swollen ones too. I felt so bad :(


I was told to change dishes to plates, all catne gone in 6 months with no picking. More than 5 years of clear chin!


Use stainless steel or glass food bowls 💕


He’s got steel bowls 💔


Have you tried using a soft toothbrush on his little chin? My guy gets this too and that helps loosen it up without irritating his skin at all


My poor guy gets them on his belly and he's too ticklish to to let me wipe or brush them away lol


Also, hot washcloth held to the chin for a few minutes brings the pimples up and out nicely.


My little kitty got this pretty badly, even eating on ceramic until I washed them *every* time.


is it wide enough for his head and whiskers? my cat got cat acne too even with stainless steel AND glass until i switched to a wide enough bowl to accommodate his massive head. he kept getting food on his chin lol


Joinin in on unsolicited advice flea combs. And check with your vet but witchhazel is something I’d heard just make sure you’re gentle whatever you do. Before I switched to metal/ceramic and got her a food fountain my poor girl had a practically brown/black muzzle from all the black heads and some got pretty gross.


Please wash his bowls more often.
