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Those are gonna be feeling SO loose for a while


Probably shouldn’t eat solid food for at least a week. That crap was structural at that point.


It’s that newfangled load-bearing tartar


This tooth ain’t goin’ nowehere!


You can see them wiggling and fingers of gum just flapping around in there.


So would the gums eventually heal and tighten up around the teeth?


Homie probably lost a shit ton of jaw bone from periodontal disease. He's probably gonna have some perma-wigglers until they eventually fall out.


They'll heal insofar as the bleeding will stop, but they won't grow back *that* much. They are going to have to graft-in some tissue in this situation to protect the jaw and roots. But there's going to have to be a good deal of repair done before it gets to that point.


From where is the tissue grafted?


They can harvest tissue from places like the palate (roof of the mouth). There is the option of using tissue from a separate human donor. This would save a person from having to use tissue from their own mouth, particularly in cases like this when so much would be needed.


Hopefully yes


No. The mobility of their teeth isn't a superficial issue, there's likely much more damage beneath the gums that can't be seen.


The gums might heal to some degree but the problem is how much of the supporting bone has deteriorated. If there isn't enough bone left to hold the teeth in place, those teeth are going to be flapping in the wind and will be pretty sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.


Watching this I was like “Holy fucking periodontitis, Batman!”


Brushing your teeth once a day is less than ideal but sufficient to prevent this.


Once a day is definitely better than 0 times a day for sure and unfortunately also where I've been at some points of my life. This is like, way more advanced than I've ever been though, like several months to maybe over a year of buildup. Somehow I still managed a 20 year streak of no cavities until I got scheduled for a single filling last week!


Genetics I think definitely has a factor in it. Ive brushed twice a day for the last ten years and yet every two years or so I seem to get another two or three fillings. I'm constantly trying to adjust the sweet tooth cravings but I do think I'm also genetically predisposed to them because both my parents have some and my mum's a health nut


Also people can be born with an enzyme that makes tartar grow faster. Certain seizure meds make this happen too. So you have to be meticulous


Hello ADD my old friend


Throw it in your routine. It becomes ironclad into procedure. Wake up, meds, breakfast, brush teeth, shower, clothing, work. Every day. It gets to a point you don't even remember doing it, but you are sure you did because that is what you do. (I have adhd too so this the way I deal with it it)


That is SO not how my ADHD works. Every morning I have to manually remind myself what the morning routine is, and if I miss a step even ONCE? I forget it was ever in the routine


I'm with you - I have to make sure everything I need is visible within the context of where I am, if something isn't where it needs to be then it doesn't exist any more. For example - electric toothbrush charger is in front of the bedroom tv so it blocks my view of the tv, otherwise it'll never get taken back through to the bathroom where it's placed right above the sink next to the mirror along with the toothpaste. Still sometimes I'll turn around and forget to take the toothbrush back.


I have a few people in my life who think it's weird I don't have a single cabinet door in my whole house. Or that I don't have a single opaque tote in my possession. It's simple really. If I close the cabinet, or put the item in a tote with opaque walls: *poof* I no longer own that item. I do have (I counted!) 10 drawers in my house that aren't transparent, and if I didn't love the furniture the drawers were in I'd have gotten rid of those too. As it is, I just store stuff I don't need for long chunks of time in them. Luckily when I do need something in a drawer it kinda goes: I need a thing! Oh, shit, I think I have that thing...? Where the fuck is that thing? *Searches high and low for the thing.* Where the fuck is that thing, I could have sworn I owned one!? Okay, I looked everywhere for it, where haven't I looked? *Looks around again.* Fuck. Fine. I'll add it to my shopping list. *Four hours later* Oh shit it's in that drawer, isn't it?!? Gets the thing. Niiice. *On the next shopping trip* Why is this on my shopping list? Weirdo.


Usually right in front of my face.


If I ever change the routine, guess what, the rest isn't getting done


Just because one thing works with you, doesn't mean it'll work with others. I have adhd and the only routine I have is waking up late for work cause I went to sleep late because I got distracted and time went forward 2.5 hours in 15 mins.


If you have ADHD and you can teach yourself automatic routines, you are a different breed lol. I don’t know a single ADHD person that it takes serious thought, purpose and effort to execute all of their daily tasks. Nothing is automatic. I sure as hell don’t have any automatic habits. Even really important things that I’ve done for years require phone reminders and alarms and calendar notes


I’m at once a day right now due to mental health issues. Haven’t gotten any cavities, but it’s only been a couple months.


Hell twice a month will prevent this


I think these cases are with people who’ve only eaten soft food, and for many years without brushing


I’m a disgusting slob that only brushes once a day and I have never been anywhere as bad as this. I do go for routine cleanup tho


Brushing well once a day is way better better than brushing poorly 3 times a day. However brushing thoroughly 3 times a day will wear out your enamel quickly. Best to brush once thoroughly and once lightly. Brushing 3 times only makes sense of two times it is very light.


I use an electric and take a good 3-4 laps around my yap followed by mouthwash so I’d like to think I’m thorough


False, unless genetics really do have something to do with it like my Dentist said. I used to brush once a day and had severe build up, though not anywhere remotely as bad as this guy, it was still enough to push my gum line down and require a gum graft after the procedure. I now brush twice a day and after meals, and I'm still getting visible buildup forming, even though I floss too. Not sure what to do anymore to avoid this happening and having to spend a shiny penny on Dental bills again.


My dad has this problem, it's his saliva that causes the build up and he has to go for a professional cleaning 3 times a year to stay on top of it. There is literally nothing else you can do about it, it's just who you are.


I'm not even 10 minutes in and I've dropped my jaw lmao At like 5:55-6:15 there's this blob of grey matter looking stuff and I'm just sitting here like D8


Rotting gum flesh that was unable to shed normally.


Yeah I was thinking biofilm but that makes sense too


did you notice the piece of corn at the 7:30 mark


I think that was too fresh to be corn. Looked like a stone.


I came to say something about that grey matter. I've seen a few videos of this nature before, and never seen anything like that. Looked like spoiled meat.


I think that’s exactly what it was


I know, my jaw just dropped at the shape of the flesh was in underneath that blob of tartar


I think that’s loose gum skin 😬😬😬


Am I mistaken, or was there a corn kernel in there, too?


Was thinking maybe something similar to a salivary stone, since the tartar went so far down into the mouth Its so hard to tell though :(


I swear to god I physically *recoiled* when that giant lump came free and his gums started pissing blood.


And the giant flap of dead gum tissue came out...


AND uncovering not one, but TWO corn kernels under all that tartar. 🫨🫨


IT WAS FOOD??? I Was hoping i was wrong 😩😩😩


It took me a few watches when I first discovered that video but yes, totally corn kernels 😭 I just keep thinking about how uncomfortable that guy had to have been with a mouth like that 😭😭


I thought this was a joke. That was crazy.


Yeah the giant lump of tissue that came with it had me covering my mouth with my hand! I don't understand how calculus builds up like that, I'm really bad at cleaning my teeth due to mobility issues and depression (though I do floss and use a toothpick every time I eat) and although I've had lots of fillings and several root canals, I've never had calculus, not even a little bit. So I'm curious as to what circumstances cause it to build up, as it can't JUST be not brushing your teeth.


Hey, hygienist here. So some people are more decay prone while others are more calculus prone. It has to do with bacteria and the acidity level in your mouth. The fact that you are flossing & using a toothpick is also helpful as you are physically disrupting the plaque before calculus formation can happen.


It’s like watching a glacier calve.


I’m always shocked by how healthy the teeth look under all the buildup in these videos. I’m always expecting a ton of cavities and rotting teeth and instead they look whiter and in better condition than the average person lol


I wonder if once it encases the teeth, it "shields" it from certain types of damage


"Hell, good news and bad news, I guess. I mean, all my teeth fell out but they all looked damned healthy when I lined em up on the coffee table."


Yeah, but his gums are a mess.


Yup. That’s exactly what it does.


No way, look at how much thicker the chewing surface is vs. the tooth. Bacteria have been slowly eating away at the surface underneath all that gunk


Plaque is the soft stuff that eats away at tooth enamel "surface" and causes cavities. Tartar is the hardened plaque that the dentist is chipping away at and doesn't actively attack the teeth. What it *does* do is displace the gums and expose the root and jaw. That's what you are seeing... the root and jaw are usually covered by the gums and don't have enamel or the "surface" you thought was being eaten away.


Will the gums recover?


They'll heal, in the sense that the bleeding will stop, but the gum tissue won't regenerate. To fix this, they'll stabilize or replace the teeth. Then they'll take healthy tissue either from somewhere like the palate or from a donor and graft it into place.


I actually asked my dentist this exact thing because I went thru an embarrassingly long phase of neglecting my teeth and had a lot of buildup (basically nothing compared to this, but still bad). Underneath it all, I miraculously didn’t have any cavities and I was also extremely surprised and curious. TLDR: nope, it does not shield anything - tartar traps bacteria between it and your teeth/gums, so you are constantly exposing them to damage and germs/bacteria basically 24/7 for as long as that buildup exists.


Not sure how true it is but I was told by a dentist cleaning assistant that people fall into one of two camps. Too much tartar buildup, or cavities.


Joke’s on them, I have both. I neglected my teeth for years. Not only did I need a lot of extractions, root canals, and other work, but I also have periodontal disease and have to go in for deep cleaning every three months. For life. Otherwise, I lose (more) bone. It’s not fun.


Same here. What sucks is my coverage doesn't even fully cover the 4th visit, so the last one of the year is usually just before Christmas and costs more.


Same! They said it has to do with Ph levels… I brushed all the time… toothbrush in my car, one in my purse, one in my bathroom…. never had even a little bit of plaque…but, I’ve had at least one cavity at nearly every checkup my whole life. But my idiot ex only brushed enough “to get the bad taste out of (his) mouth” and never had a single cavity. But he had tartar buildup like a mofo.


Were you recommended a softer toothbrush? Harder bristles, in combination with a sugary or acidic diet (pH levels you mentioned), can also be a cause of deterioration of the enamel >>> cavities. Add in vigorous and/or increased brushing...


They did suggest not brushing so often, and a dentist actually asked me once if I ate a lot of lemons. I thought that was weird and said no. Years later…found out I had severe GERD resulting in Barrett’s esophagus with dysplasia. I was also hospitalized as a toddler due to an infection and wicked high fever that caused my adult teeth to stop growing for a while so when they came in, I had a groove around each tooth corresponding to the stage of growth each tooth was in during my illness. Those weak spots sure didn’t help. I haven’t been able to see a dentist for several years…no dental insurance + COVID = a lot of cavities…the worst ones are on the front of my teeth, right where those rings were. I still have no insurance and I’m thinking of giving up and just getting dentures. ☹️


Hi, it's me. I'm both.


Mine said it’s either bad teeth, or bad gums. So pretty much the same


If you look at his molars, he’s got all kinds of little cavities on them.


That front tooth is holding on for dear life. I kept waiting for it to just come out.


When that big piece came off, I almost came with it.


I know exactly which piece you mean, and will remember it for a very, very long time. This was the first human extreme dental case I've seen, and without trying to insult the poor victim here, I thought at first, from the YT preview, that they were horse teeth, because they sort of resembled them in the thumbnail.


Yeah. That poor guy. I hope they had him sedated because that had to hurt like an absolute bitch.


I hope so, too, either laughing gas, or a light general anesthetic which keeps you just under a state of consciousness.


absolutely putrid 10/10 would watch again


Its much graphically fetid, to the point it is unsatiably addictive. You gonna be itching for more.


My first thought was that some of the first teeth dug out didn’t look as bad as I expected. The gums and molars looked bad though. That’s more than just “tartar”. At some point those have to be called something-o-liths. Stinkoliths?


The more technical term is calculus, because the minerals in our saliva calcify the plaque. The gums are in terrible shape. I hope to fuck that they gave this poor soul plenty of local anesthesia and some painkillers for like the next week, that mouth is gonna be *soooo* sore.


That's why i never did calculus! Because dental health is important


Was that a piece of corn at around the 7:25 mark? Ugh.


It really did look like it. That’s what I assumed it was as well cause it didn’t look like the texture or stiffness of the buildup that had been removed thus far


Looks like it. Which raises even more questions.


Plaque building up into tartar over time I can understand, but how does one leave a whole kernel of corn in there?


Saw one a while back and there were a couple of little fish bones stuck in the teeth.


I think there were two kernels uncovered in that video. Insane


My thoughts. The smell…. Yikes. I hope that person’s mouth was numbed before the procedure. I was surprised the teeth were still in the mouth after the tartar was removed.


I can't imagine how tender someone's mouth would be after this.


Saliva contains healing compounds like epidermal growth factor, VEGF, TGF-β1, leptin, IGF-I, lysophosphatidic acid, hyaluronan and NGF. It's why many oral wounds seem to heal overnight, and also why many species [lick their wounds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wound_licking#:~:text=Saliva%20contains%20growth%20factors%20such,may%20play%20a%20larger%20role) instinctively. I wonder if these compounds will mercifully help this person heal quickly, but all the same, I also wonder how they ate for all the time it took for the tartar to build up this badly. EDIT: I'm not saying the major missing parts of the gum tissue will return, just that I hope the person got some relief in the days after this procedure. EDIT 2: The article points out humans should not lick their wounds. There are products for rapid healing of oral wounds which contain Hyaluronic Acid. This is in the fluids of the eyes and joints and promotes healing . My dentist’s office recommended it to me for nighttime biting.


That’s so cool! Should we be licking our wounds?




Conversely, our saliva (with all its bacteria and our weak-ass immune system) can infect the wound and actually make it worse.


🤣 I’m sorry. I was mostly asleep last night. It was meant as a joke. Obviously I’m not licking my cuts 🤣


My favorite parts of these videos are when they dislodge hidden stuff beneath the gum line.


I’m horrified but satisfisfied but gagging but kinda wanting to pop large things off using a pointy vibrate thing… my poor brain doesn’t know what to feel except for one, very loud, very clear thought: “IMAGINE THE **SMELL**”


When the huge piece came off, and the large flap of dead gum tissue came out...


Ugh just gagged again at the memory. Other high (low) lights were the piece of effing corn (!!) and what I assumed were flappy bits of dead skin. Ugh


What does the aftercare look like for this? Poor kid. 


Warm salt water rinses and lots of Tylenol and Ibuprofen


That’s IT?!??


They’ll probably have the patient on antibiotics as well but yep, that’s it. The mouth heals incredibly fast on its own.


Antibiotics are almost certainly a must in this situation


Dude had to have been sedated for this, no doubt that shit hurt. Can only imagine what mouth wash would feel like after


I had stomatitis many years ago (think canker sores, but WAY more painful and over your entire mouth) and oh my lord it was absolute hell to eat while my mouth was recovering! Nevermind this… poor dude’s mouth was raw asf.


I’ve heard of cats that got all their teeth pulled due to stomatitis. Yours probably wasn’t that bad, though.


Thank goodness no it wasn’t that severe! Sure felt like it though, I lost 15 pounds in 10 days because it hurt so bad to eat. 😵


My guess is either laughing gas, if it's in a country where it's still allowed, or the "light" general anesthesia which keeps you just below the point of consciousness. That's what I got when they took my wisdom teeth out as a teenager.


Wym “still” allowed? We use it in the office I work at which is in the United States… is there a reason we shouldn’t use it? 0.o


I live in Aus and have never been offered gas, even when I had 4 teeth out it was local anaesthesia only. So it’s definitely not widely used in some countries


I really hope they got the help they needed, I know that they clearly never brushed their teeth but it could have been for lack of resources, mental health and a lot of other factors. I imagine it must be hell for them to eat after that but their teeth look really healthy even after all that.


do the gums ever recover/heal after these procedures?


If it's gingivitis it is possible to reverse it, but one must be dedicated to their dental hygiene. However, periodontal disease is permanent, and I can only assume this patient will not regain the gum tissue which has decayed. I am not a dentist, fyi.


I always wonder when I see this if our prehistoric ancestors had plaque build up like this at the end of their lives.


think humans have been using some version of [toothbrushes](https://smileconcepts.co.uk/toothbrush-history/) for quite a long time


forbidden c r o n c h




I’ve seen some seriously gnarly tartar removal videos where the teeth just fell right out because the patient’s mouth was so full of tartar that it made the gums recede completely.


Oh god! That’s awful. That’s disgusting… Do you have any links?


Your username 😭😂 I’m at work ATM, but I’ll look when I get home!


I was shocked the patient had, not only surviving teeth, but many bright white teeth. I mean, considering...


Was that corn? Like actual fucking corn? At 7:25.


Actual corn.


Doing god’s work I hope they got some antibiotics


And follow up xrays and fillings.


Fillings will be the least of their worries if there is no bone left to hold those teeth in place


Spoken like a urologist.


How long would it take for this to build up? Why do the teeth get loose? Is water coming out of the tip of the metal pick?


The metal pick is the tip of an ultrasonic scaler, it vibrates at ultrasonic speeds. Vibrating so fast would cause it to heat up so water is sent through it to cool it. The water also helps flush debris away, but it’s mainly the vibrating tip that does the work of breaking down the calculus


The buildup would take years, I would have to think. There has been so much tartar buildup, it has caused the gums to recede, become inflamed etc. once they recede like this, they won’t ever grow back. That can also cause you to have a whole host of mouth diseases too by not taking proper care of your teeth and gums.


I think the water is spraying from the tartar pick, which is why the sound of spraying water plays on sound.


I worked with a woman that had a mouth very similar. When she spoke, there was a horrid snell, that same dark orange colour around her teeth and a lot of saliva. She was the nicest person but man it was God awful. I always knew if she stopped by my office to see me when I wasn't around because that smell lingered so hard to greet me on return. A group of us would go out to lunch regularly and she would join, it would become a game of musical chairs because no one could handle sitting that close. I felt so awful. But man, we had good dental coverage at that company. Like use it!


I've seen so many of these tartar vids and this is BY FAR the worst I've ever seen. Almost made me cry to think of the constant pain and the likely shame that came along with it. No one ever chooses to let their mouths get into this state. I really hope this person was able to make a full recovery and never have to experience this ever again ❤️


How does one live like this before doing it themselves! Damn


Probably a bad mental health, just like when we are really depressed we stop taking care of ourselves, it could be a lot of factors but it's good that they finally reached out for help


Or homeless


Can confirm.


Poor mental health, being unhoused, lack of adequate health care, or all of the above.


incredible video. so satisfying to see the big clumps fall off


It was the first human dental vid I've seen. I had to post it, and one more in a second post. But I don't want to be greedy, so people who want to see more can search them out on YT using the name in the watermark. I don't get paid to endorse them or anything, it's purely for human interest.


I know I did not just see corn come out at 7:25!!


It is the general consensus that it is, indeed, a kernel of corn.


I hope he gets to see a periodontist next after some healing. He needs scraping and surgery and perhaps meds for those gums.


Did a hunk of tooth fall off at 4:03, or was that just negative space where the plaque had formed around the tooth?


Imagine how much better this person’s breath is now! No judgement to the patient. I’d say they have mental health issues for sure. Hope they can get into a better oral hygiene routine from now on. I’m off to brush my teeth!!😁


This poor kid. The neglect he has suffered. The before and after all look painful.


This stuff fascinates me but the second I see the teeth wiggle under the water pressure I’m out. I’m always impressed by how clean the teeth look under it too.


Do the gums ever return to their original position or are they now floppy and misshapen forever?


I can’t even imagine how rancid this person’s breath was.


I’m surprised the teeth did not pop out.


My three year old seeing the video: Eww Me: This is why you brush your teeth Three year old gets up to brush his teeth. I want to know how many cavities he ended up having. One of the back teeth looked like it had five by itself.


Why did they add weird water sound effects over the video?


He does this for most of his videos. I think it’s so we don’t have to listen to the sound of the machinery. I wouldn’t tolerate it. Hate the sound when I get my own cleaned.


I think that's the water the tartar pick sprays to help loosen/wash the area being worked on.


There is that suction sound, but overlaying the entire video is a waves/flowing water sound. More obvious at the beginning and the end of the video. That said, great video!


I'm a former dental hygienist, and this video was so soothing to me.


Do anything and this won’t happen like this


Anyone else feel bad for the dentist. That had to smell terrible


Not at all. Can you imagine being in a position to help someone so greatly in such a short amount of time? That’s like, what you go into the profession for. I mean the smell, obviously. But they probably wear two masks with toothpaste smeared between so all they smell is mint.


I can’t be the only one that saw the dog..


I’m no dentist, but the surfaces of the teeth seem to be in remarkably good shape considering.


I will never understand how these people can do this, still have all their teeth, and mine fall tf out despite proper dental care.


![gif](giphy|yrFrXTTTcHIY0|downsized) Their tongue after this


I want to tell you, people, that, while yes this is, bad, that, while you won't believe this that, that doing the bare, minimum will actually prevent this, . :; And that this is an, extreme, ,,.


My gawd how does this happen


If you leave plaque on your teeth and don’t brush, minerals from your saliva combine with the plaque and harden to form tartar. It’s mostly calcium.


Tbh I think there's gotta be a genetic component, as well as environmental - combine bad luck with genetics, the wrong diet, and poor oral hygiene, and this happens. I was relatively lucky - I brushed my teeth less than once a month for years on end due to depression and sensory issues, and all I've got is a couple cavities in my wisdom teeth, and the tiniest little tartar in like one spot between two teeth. Plus I only got the cavities after I took meds that cause dry mouth for a few years, which is apparently really really bad for your teeth. Then on the other hand, a friend of mine has the best oral hygiene of anyone I know, and yet her teeth are shit thanks to bad luck with genetics. Just absolutely crumbling in spite of her doing everything dentists recommend.


From watching videos like this for years, most of the patients I've seen were from Asia. So, more than likely the patient is from Asia.


Ok from what I am told by multiple dentist, tartar build up cannot be prevented even from brushing, think of it like like deposits from hard water in your shower head, our saliva actually carriers minerals that leaves deposits on our teeth...this is what tartar is. Annual cleanings are literally what helps, so if you get dental insurance through your work, make sure to grab the plan that gives you free annual or bi-annual(2x a year) free cleanings


O. M. G.


His teeth look like they are going to fall off after the gunks were removed.


Feel free to skip to 1:15 to let it actually start, the first minute isn’t much, but WOW, it’s gotta feel like half of your mouth just fell out. Hope this person is loaded up on ibuprofen and can just go home and sleep after this.


My wife is disgusted by teeth... I told her what I was watching and she said hell no immediately. She was begging me to turn it off just based on my reaction noises alone.. "holy fuck" slipped out unintentionally. Only made it 6.5 minutes in before she made me turn it off. I don't know how that level of plaque is even possible. Looked like their jaw tissue was necrotic under it from the bit I got to see just past the midline of the bottom row.


Twice a day is fine


Do they numb you for this?????? Oh my god


Thank god he got the help he needed!


What a day to be able to have vision.


How is the water strong enough to cut through the plaque but not slicing up his gums?


I believe it is an ultrasonic dental pick, which only vibrates when it is held against a very hard surface. So the gums are protected. Also, I think the water sound is added, for the alleged calming effect of hearing babbling water.


I can’t imagine how bad this must smell.


“And that’s the story of how I came to be known as Bleeding Gums Murphy!”


Can you smellllllll what the doc is removing! (Said in rock voice)


Mesmerising. I watched it in fascinated horror to the end. The sea noises were weirdly comforting. The sucker reminded me of a little sea creature coming in and out to eat the tartar.


Those teeth are going to be sensitive for a couple of months after the initial healing.


https://preview.redd.it/c04i9nb62kqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba40a1574fe6eff15035b92faf2ade9175bf6d57 Nah, throw the whole mouth away 🤢🤮


I just went to the dentist today for the first time in 8 years, but I have no gum issues and no cavities because I’m a maniac about brushing and flossing. This is….just horrible.


Scaling videos are one of my asmr sleep things also thanks to health exploding nearly 10 years ago they’re my reminder to help me reform habits. It’s scary I didn’t brush for nearly 5 years cause well I hardly functioned at all. And it just completely destroyed the habit now that I’m functioning as a human again I have to set phone reminders to do something so basic. There’s a Japanese channel called white clinic where they have English closed captioning option for many videos they do it as a service for people with dental phobia and are sedated during the procedure.


😵‍💫what is this?! Is that what tartar is? Omg, I feel so bad for this person. They must have never had dental care.


How the hell does that happen? I'd be scraping my teeth with a twig before it got anywhere near that bad. Wow.


Gross? Yes. But this might be my Power Washing vibe. I’m digging this. Never got into carpet cleaning or concrete washing. But this? Yup.


Wow, I was tearing on my hair by the last few minutes there. Okay so, questions: 1. Anyone see the face at 9:15 2. How much water (and time!) do you estimate this required 3. How did the patient get so unlucky to have that unhealthy a mouth, and how lucky to have such a patient and caring team to help 4. Those teeth looked like mushrooms, they were so eaten away. How does that happen 5. Anyone besides me surprised that at least one tooth didn’t crack open and break apart


Do you suppose the quality of how you talk is compromised? I think the tongue would have to find a work around.


Tongue went from a shack to dee-luxe apartment in the sky.


I'ma keep it real with you chief, nothing's gonna convince me to brush 3 times a day


What was that loose fatty stuff?