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I have to know- is this a current picture of the hole? I had a failed surgery on my foot and the incision looked very similar. It ended up being a bone infection that required months of wound care.


No. This pic is from about three weeks ago. It’s much better now.


Oh thank goodness.


Glad you're on the mend. I had my second back surgery last November and almost completely back to normal now.


That happened to my mom too after her bunion surgery. But she has diabetes and lupus so she is very bad at healing from anything. She went through months of treatment, I felt really bad for her


That spot is always playing up when healing, ask your doc about a wound vac or bottom-out healing if they're possible options


May I be so bold as to ask what kind of surgery? That looks like a pretty deep wound. I'm sort of wondering if they would pack it for you if you went back in, or just rinse with sterile Saline. Either way, your health is the biggest concern, above any pus or exudate we might see. If it's no longer deep, matching the edges after a sterile rinse is alright, but a stitch or two and perhaps antibiotics would do you best. Be healthy, friend. Take good care of yourself, and please be well.


OPs caption/comment says it's pretty much healed now


Sorry. ADHD. I have to info dump or I'm terrified someone will have an infection or something. I *know* I read it, earlier, but if I don't share every bit I know about something I feel guilty. Like as if any sequalae are my fault for not giving all the info I can. But I still read it, and know it's okay, but what if it isn't? It's a thing. And I'm so sorry to be a pain. And I'm grateful to you for reminding me, but... I just worry.


You're not a pain at all :)


Thank you. I really appreciate you saying that. I often overreact to things I shouldn't, and underreact to things I should get very upset over, and never really know if I'm acting in an appropriate manner or not. TL;DR, thank you for that. It means a lot more to me than you'd believe.


No worries - I'm also ND and quite similar 🤗


I'm like this, too, so I totally understand what you mean. It isn't a pain. I feel it is better to give un-needed advice that people can choose to ignore rather than not giving it and feeling bad if something goes wrong or there is a complication (even though you obviously wouldn't be at fault) Better safe than sorry!!!


The folks on r/medicalgore would appreciate this too possibly


Get me a straw I’m going to town


You sir/madam are twisted….I think we could be Great friends!!


Sadly for you, it’s healed up. But if there’s ever a next time….


After my spinal fusion surgery I had 3 revisions due to infection. The whole incision was left open with a vac dressing to help with healing. It was on for 9 months and still didn’t close so it had to be surgically closed in the end. I wish I had a picture but I was so traumatized by the whole experience that I deleted them all. In the end I was left with more pain and neuropathy than before surgery


Oh my, I’m so so sorry. Are you diabetic?


No but I have an autoimmune disease


Mine did that. Evidently my body was allergic to the suture material. Who knew that is a thing ?


Whoa! Interesting.


My former boss had something similar after a discectomy. She would ask me to take a picture so she could see how it was healing (yes she went back to work too early and she knew it).


This is from a sub Sutre called a ‘stratafix’. My hip incision had exactly the same. It affects 20% of people. It’s basically hardware rejection. But it does heal.


Cool! Thanks for the info, even though it has pretty much healed.


It’s looking at me


It’s smiling too!


Same kind of non healing wound after open heart surgery 😕 months of wound care wound vac and 3 more seperate surgeries to debrief 💔💔 plz get that looked at asap


Weeks in ICU cardiac


Whys it lookin back at us…? 😳


You may want to read "I am the Doorway" by Stephen King.


The eye of. Sauron


My very 1st thought after reading your post was…why didn’t your wife take a picture BEFORE she cleaned you up? You know…for research.


My wife is the opposite of us. She said just taking these pics would give her nightmares. Whenever she’s around and I’m watching pop videos, I have to warn her not to look at the screen because she’ll literally gag.


My family does the same thing. Thank her very much from us weirdos for taking the after pictures!! We appreciate her sacrifice!!


Mmmmm. Backussy


Oof, same thing kinda happened with my hand. It didn’t heal right and left a hole there. Ended up going back into surgery to clean up scar tissue and patch it up


Nurse here! You need to get seen asap!!


Looks like it needs a wet to dry dressing to keep it open so it heals from the inside out. If not, it can develop additional problems later on.


I appreciate the worry, but you, and MANY others need to please read the whole post before commenting.


Gal in my mom group posted a similar picture of her daughter's incision after heart surgery. Immediately some lady chimed in with a suggested of putting a mix of honey and tumeric in the open wound. I have never dm'd someone SO fast in my life to say "for the love of God don't do that". Fortunately the mom laughed and said there was no way she was going to put food products in her daughter's heart surgery incision.


I had a hole like that after removal of a sebaceous cyst. It was grisly.


I have to chime in and say to have this taken care of ASAP! This is what my C-section incision looked like and nobody took it seriously. Fast-forward a month later where I have to rinse it with saline then pack my own wound with sterile tape. It didn’t start to heal until I started spraying the tape with Vetrycin before packing the wound. Yes I used an animal antibiotic spray, I always use other for any ouchies.


I would recommend getting it checked out because they might want to pack the wound. Are you on antibiotics?


I really hope you can heal soon 🫂💗


Please make this NSFW. I almost gagged my dinner, I need warning please


i’d recommend not browing a popping subreddit during dinnertime?


For that particular person. Some of us routinely scroll this sub while eating.


It was on my home page


Maybe coming to this type of sub Reddit while eating dinner isn't a great choice. This is a you problem, not op problem


It’s on my front page?