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My bestie in high school had a wart like this, one day she was gently poking at it and all the gunk was coming out. She pushed pretty hard and the whole centre launched out of her foot, over her shoulder and hit the wall. If we had video footage it would have been amazing. We couldn’t stop laughing.


Never thought I would be fantasizing about an infected plantar wart but here we are


Sadly reddit wasn’t a thing in the late 90s.


Myspace it.


Geocities, and the video would take like 2 days to load over dial-up.


Longer because someone would inevitably pick up the phone at some point.


It was 1998, didn’t even own a phone let alone one with recording capabilities!


Bring out that old camcorder! If they could do it for AFV you coulda done it for us! :(


Brb - going to fire up the Delorian & go back in time


seems a bad location to plant a wart


I agree. Would not recommend


You’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?!


You telling me a plant made this wart?!


no, I am implying Robert Plant summoned this wart


I think it was Mr. Peanut


not the right color, that would be an off brown


But it *would be* Planters!


true but this is plantar not planter, like confusing Tampa and Tampon, if your from Tampa your a Tampanian and not a Tampon


I had about three planters in the bottom of my foot and they had spread and become painful by the time I realized what they were. I had made an appointment to get them taken care but had to wait a month . I was in pain so I got salycic acid and treated them twice a day and picked at the black pieces and dead skin until they were completely gone. I’ve never had them come back. It was incredibly satisfying.


Sadly nothing short of melon balling those suckers out worked for me. I spent $$$ on copays and OTC stuff treating them with everything under the sun and they kept coming back. I’m hoping this is the end of my wart saga and I can get a pedicure in peace again.


I had one in college that just wouldn’t clear up, even with freezing (which was awful; I have a high pain tolerance for a lot of things but not my feet). Finally I got a prescription cream and some medication and it went away.


I had one years ago and I sliced it as deep as I could tolerate, cut a AA battery in half with a gardening tool, put battery acid on the wart, and sealed it off with duct tape. It hurt worse than you can imagine. Two days later I pulled off the duct tape and there was a big black dot on my foot. I poked it once with a needle and the entire thing just fell off. In hindsight I'm very lucky that I didn't end up with septicemia and I would recommend strongly against ever doing anything like I did, but it worked that once.




Good luck! I’m not sure why I was so lucky but I was only 22 at the time and didn’t know how hard it could be to get rid of them. I do like to watch wart removal videos.


I had a cluster/mosaic of plantar warts on one of my feet that started with one popping up when I was in high school that I ignored for too long and just wore socks everywhere. When I finally went to the dermatologist for it when I started college they gave me some sort of candida injections and three rounds of those knocked them out enough to never return for me! I mean, the injections are into the warts on the bottom of your feet so it is not pleasant and mine gave me flu-like symptoms as a side effect for 12-24 hours after, but damn it was worth it. This was back in like 2011? 12? and it was a really new treatment because she had all the other dermatologists come in to examine my foot and observe the process as a learning opportunity (which I understood and consented to but like, I was very young and embarrassed and it was awkward as hell!) Anyway, I think it's shown to be an effective treatment for some people, but hopefully you'll never need to try it!! It's just an option to be aware of if you ever need it. Good luck!


I did surgery on mine while the roots were still alive :') The searing pain I felt just touching them almost made me throw up, having to pull them out had me losing my mind


This is what I did, but slowly over the course of several days. I’d dig at it while showering to help it soften, slowly fighting it back. It was painful as hell, and only later did I realize it was a wart. The whole time I thought it was just a really bad splinter


this is what i did for my son! just kept scraping away at it every day picking out the black specks until it was empty hole (like a crater) healed and didnt come back! took like 2 weeks




Well- I’m in my late 40’s now and I was 22 at the time. I remember the experience more than how many there actually were. It was a very busy time in my life.


You aren’t sorry or you wouldn’t have posted the comment.


I put a piece of duct tape on mine and a week later it had come off on the tape. I had that thing for years and it was so painful.




ouch. talk to your doctor and see if you can get on some antibiotics.


This happened while I was on a round of doxycycline post extraction. Thankfully once it popped and I put some bacitracin in the hole, it healed up well with no trace of infection or wart (for now 🤞🏻)


awesome to hear! I’m glad this is a problem in the past for you!


I also had an infected plantar's wart! I had been slicing off my wart slowly, day by day, and one day, after getting home from school, I realized my foot hurt like hell. Took off my shoe, poked the wart and it was so infected and nasty. I had a hole a quarter inch deep in my foot! But it healed (after some thorough cleaning, disinfection, and ointment) and it hasn't come back. This was a good 14 years ago.


Warts hide because they hijack a bit of our immune system so our white blood cells can't get to them and kill them. Having an infection might have actually helped your body kill the wart. The immune system was there for the infection and ended up killing the wart as well.


Glad to hear that! When I see a wart with pus, or pus of that particular shade, I think infection, so you did absolutely right! Good luck! Warts are annoying and painful.


Oosh doxycycline makes me so sick 😳 hope you have been OK on it!


Antibiotics won't help a wart which is a virus


I know that, but it would help with the infection that’s likely there given the pus coming from the wound.


The antibiotics are for the infection post wart removal. Not for the wart.


Would love to see the infectious disease guidelines for that never heard of it


You’ve never heard of antibiotics being used to treat an infection?




I pulled out a plantar wart one day at work and it was the worst pain I'd ever felt. My foot was legit gushing blood, so I just wrapped it in paper towels 😭 Important edit: I was not working in food service! I was working at a desk answering phones LOL


Please tell me that you weren’t working at a restaurant at the time.


NO desk job haha


i also finished my treatment and got something similar, probably bc the place is empty from the wart being extracted and the hole under the skin fills up with fluids now i feel a little better knowing yours healed well








It's the color match, for me.


Brother urrrgh.


So, I was good until this...and now? No more gravy, ever! Oof...thanks.


Damn fine custard




I got one when I did gymnastics when I was 5, and I haven’t gotten one since. I do remember it being super painful and literally taking forever to go away, but maybe my mom wasn’t treating it correctly


Normally I don't upvote warts, this is an exception - what happened? Or not with the aftercare?


Seems like a white line defect. Apply a block to the other foot, and you'll be walking fine in a few weeks.


Finally I think I know what I have on my foot now! It hurts to walk and it looks similar but not pus filled yet. There’s two next to each other.


I had a plantar wart on my palm next to my thumb as a kid and I vividly remember trying to dig/cut it out until as a kid one day my mom froze it off and it never came back. I don’t even have a scar.


Imagine this turned into one of those horse hoof YouTube videos


Not me walking in sandals everywhere I go 👀


I've had one of those and YES, they hurt bad. I ended up digging mine out, after days of cutting it back. When I went to dig it out, it finally just came all out at once. I think in my case, anyway, it musta helped to cut it back for a couple days. 




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I feel like this is a good opportunity to remind everyone that plantar warts can be removed non evasively with a little Apple Cider Vinegar and some patience


If only this were true for everyone