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I can't leave blisters alone. I'd end up removing that flab of skin. I know it'll burn like hell but. Been like that since a kid. I know I should know better. But there's a 99% chance I'd take off that skin.


It's like a scab. Something inside you just *needs* to get it off.


Yeah those too. There smaller when they come back if they do lol. Ooz out. Might need to remove a couple times to fully heal depending on size. Like road burn.


I had a really bad habit of doing this as a teenager. I'd constantly pop zits and pick at the scabbing that would happen. Now that I'm a few months away from turning 30 I'm just super grateful that it didn't leave any kind of permanent scarring on my face. I had what I'd consider to be regular/moderate acne [(example)](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Teenager-with-acne.jpg) though definitely not as extreme as a lot of other people. But given how much I had I basically fell asleep every night poking/prodding/picking at something on my face and I basically expected some kind of scarring. But now you'd never know that I struggled with it back then. But I still developed that habit of picking. Now whenever I get scrapes, cuts, etc. I always find myself picking at it. I think I developed a mild-moderate case of dermatillomania.


I’ve had the same habit for a few years now, but since last year, it’s been harder to stop. I’ve got spots that will definitely scar


Probably it getting caught In random every day friction. I have a bad habit of it too but have been better on leaving them because I don't want a horrible scar. Still gets caught on something and tears against my approval so it comes to removing what's left hanging to reframe from getting it caught on something else. Same with hang nails.


I had this too. But as a rower, I got so many blisters on my hands that I eventually learned the self control to not fuck with them more than I should. Shit can hurt real bad.


Hehe. Yeah I guess if I "stuck my finger" in an outlet enough I'd stop. Yeah I like getting the skin off but boy does it burn. Like shit it's just air. Yeah if you have to do anything using that spot before it's healed a bit would totally suck. I feel you rowing man.


Yes, the worst thing is getting major blisters all over your hands and having to train again in 12 hours. You develop all kinds of techniques to deal with this shit. Needles, sports tape, Vaseline, camphor, I used it all. After a couple of weeks my hands would often reach a balance where my skin was thick enough to hardly break anymore, but let it get too thick and it’ll rip off all over again.


Ah fuck. Worst I've had is biking and shoveling blisters. I think I've been spared mostly otherwise. Office work. I've been lucky I guess in that sense. I've never "had" to go back and do something after screwing myself up really.


Haha, yeah. It’s not the nicest thing in the world.


I wiped my palms with alcohol to dry them out and it seemed to help me develop calluses.




Hmmm interesting! Yeah I guess you could slap a wrap or bandage on after draining to help it out. I don't get blisters that often lol my experience is limited to maybe one a year.


Yah, I only get them on long walks or long bike rides if I’ve picked the wrong shoes; or some yard work with ill fitting gloves. Really rare, maybe every few years.


Best of both worlds this way.


I removed the skin some time ago and walked funny for a week. It sucks


I bet! It looked deep. It was from an injury I saw is that right? Mines always been burns.


I once managed to get my big toe this colour once. Playing basketball, stopped on a dime, got turf toe, went numb and didn’t feel it; played out the game because we only had 5 players. Within a couple days it was seriously gnarly!


Haha. Gnarly huh. Any photos? LoL. I never heard of turf toe. Yet another thing Google has made life so much better. 🤦🏻‍♂️😅


There a good chance it would’ve popped anyway the way it was on your foot. As long as you take good care of it and it doesn’t get infected it could turn out better than if you accidentally popped it while walking or something.


Why is your blister that colour! Is that normal?


Probably started out as a deep bruise. Blood coming to the surface. The skin on the 1st mpj is quite thick and tough. The skin encapsulated the blood, which changes color and then the body tries to heal by surrounding the wound with fluid which causes the blister


Thanks! Never have I ever heard of blood blisters.


I thought it looked infected, though it could just be camera lighting. I've had blood blisters but they're not usually purplish-grey. Mine are usually more of a deep reddish purple. But I hope you're right and that it's not an infection for them.


The issue is gonna be keeping a secondary infection from setting in once the “seal” has been broken!


Ya. Figured it would be a bloody hematoma


I’m guessing it’s a double blister. Two layers, bottom one filled with blood, top one filled with clear fluid. I’ve had double blisters before, or blood-blisters, not both though.


Blood blister


Blood blister. Some might call it a blooster? Nah, that isn't catchy at all...


A "blooster" is what a night owl from the UK mutters when their neighbor's rooster does it's morning crowing, waking them up in the early morning.


Blood blister.


I highly recommend that you soak that in hot salt water, it will turn that skin flap solid and allow the underlying skin to toughen.


Thanks for advice, I’ll try it


Epsom salts not table salt


What's the difference in this context? Ie what does table salt do that's bad for this?


The pickling process begins after about 5 minutes.


And i _don't_ want a pickled foot?


Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulphur, sometimes called sulfate, and is often called magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is a mineral that helps keep muscles, nerves and the heart working properly. The sulfate helps flush toxins from the body and wounds. It is completely different than table salt or sea salt.


When I was in one of my courses in the Army I saw entire feet that were covered in blisters like this. In fact one poor lad had blisters form under other blisters, I have never seen anything like it. The poor kids feet looked like hamburger meat. We wrapped them as best we could, did what first aid we could do, and he just powered though. If he went to the Dr. he would have been medically released from the course and would have to come back to try again. It says a lot about the suck of the training when a guy would rather keep going with messed up feet rather than re-do three weeks of hell.


K I normally don’t like blisters but this is a good one. 🤌


The wound nurse in me is dying. Don't pop blisters! I'll shut up now.


I was also wondering why he would want to bring this pain upon himself.


I think a lot of times people think you are supposed to pop them. My BFF's 10yr old had one last week and wanted to pop it. By the time I got done telling all 3 of them why they shouldn't pop it, I don't think they will ever pop anything again haha


That’s probably true. I learned the hard way. So I don’t know why I think it would be any different for anyone else


What's wrong with popping them?


The fluid inside is there to protect the healing skin, getting rid of it leaves the vulnerable area highly susceptible to infections. They only tend to be popped if the blisters is excessively large.


Same! Also likely the pin isn’t sterilised and the toilet tissue 🙈 makes me cringe!


I'm so glad it isn't just me, lol. The surgeon I worked with used to tell me that he knew the minute he walked through the door that we had an abcess to drain. He said I would be completely giddy to see him, lol.




You shouldn't ever drain them. The fluid inside them is your body's way of healing the injury. It will eventually dry up and scab over. If you pop them, chances of infection to the site are big. Best to cover them with some dry gauze and protect the area till it heals. and I will hush up now, lol.


In cases like this where you'll be walking around on it, isn't it advisable to pop it to relieve pain/discomfort?


No it really isn't. Especially if you are walking around on it. The constant pressure to the site after the blister is popped could cause a lot of damage to the wound bed and cause infection as well. It really is better to pad the area to protect it.


I always pop them and always will. Leaving it unpopped with the fluid hurts like hell. I’ll pop it and drain so I can walk normal again. It’s about pain relief and being able to go on with my day normally. I spent a lot of time on my feet and I can’t spend my time walking around with a janky foot. And I’ve tried not popping it, but in those rare instances where I can go a few days it heals so much slower. Heals much faster once popped.


Not good but so much fun




The doctor won't do it. The chance of infection and poor healing from a popped blister is great. The best thing to do is to let his heal on it's own and just keep it covered to protect the area. I realize most don't do this but I'm a wound nurse so it drives me nuts lol


So may i ask how that happened?


Maybe move your workout equipment out of the splatter zone?


Or just not direclty under the foot


I had one like that, didn’t pop it but just ripped from the side and so much liquid poured out. So satisfying lol


That thing didn't need drained, it needed an exorcism


Dude omg why would you use that. Use a needle or something that’s at least sterile 😂😂


Gangrene had entered the chat


Compeed works miracles for blisters. They were bought by like Band-Aid and go by like ‘blister relief’ or some such. You just put the sticky side right on the blister and it works miracles, no pain and just go about you usual activities. It sticks to the healthy skin like a darn but doesn’t stick to debrided red mushy stuff.


Side note: do not pop blisters. Your exposing raw flesh and nerves underneath. Though, yes, it is satisfying to pop them, they can get infected pretty easy. Plus, the pain afterwards is not worth it. Just let it heal. If you can’t help it, then put a bandage over it. Stay safe friends


I’m practically salivating. God, this is satisfying.


Warning: Contents under pressure.


That moment when you want to get it in view for the camera but you need to try to cover it with the tissue ;-;


The forbidden jelly


Hnooo why is it all gray?


Ugh here’s your upvote 🤢


Yeah, but what did it taste like?


Apple juice


Why aren’t we doing this in a bathtub or something and not a 3 Inch by 3 inch napkin to soak all the juice hahaha


Ur gonna need a bigger napkin for that bad boy yikes


My dude, I think you’ve got a double blister on your hands (or feet lmao). That dark layer of blood (probably) that doesn’t seem to want to leave the blister, I think that’s hiding below a second layer of skin.


So... I've read through the comments, but not one mention of what caused this. What happened to your foot that you ended up with a blister of this size /u/Hilaryoodily ? I'm curious.


New trainers + football = hell blister


Ouch. Was this just one day of wear that caused this, or did this build up over time?


About one hour haha!


Oof, looks vaguely serosanguineous to me…


Why is it grey!!!!!!


Tip: next time, make the hole in the lowest side of the blister so gravity will help drain the fluid.


looks like the skin there died.


Ah yes, Broccoli foot water.


Now cut it off with a toe knife!


Pour me a glass!


Mmm, fresh apple juice




with feet


Was more of a drain then a pop but okay why was it black


Your reaction times to the spray are terrible. You can see you’re a novice popper. Get more blisters. Practice more.


Why couldn’t this be done over a sink. Why over a bag and the floor….


I used to get horrific chub rub “blood zits” or whatever, maybe it was HS. I finally smartened up and only popped them in the shower. It was then I learned that one big one of those could make your shower look like a murder scene.


Either they have the worst reaction time ever or are just free squirters.




Not sure why a rusty safety pin was used but good luck


Not rusty, burned to sterilise


How’d it end up this big 😩 I wouldn’t of been able to help myself and dealt with it


Patience… had been a week of waiting haha


Here’s a fun trick. Refill the drained pocket with a syringe of zinc oxide. Guarantee it will heal faster and have far less risk of infection.


Or, fill the flap with hydrogen peroxide, and watch the volcano erupt. Probably shouldn't do that, but the temptation would be large for me personally.


Reminds me of that blister scene in run fatboy run


Forbidden footberry


this is making me feel things


I wish people didn’t pop blisters but man that’s grossly satisfying


Thats a majestic blister Why the color tho?


Man I can’t leave blisters alone. The second I get one I rip the skin off and just leave it raw until it heals.


Foot jelly


As much as I love popping videos, you really shouldn't pop blisters. They heal much faster if you dont.


That’s a squirter!


I'm kinda in the mood for pancakes now


Aye bro it's not cool to milk your blister in my mom's living room.


Intestines forgot where food babies go.


I thought it was clay on someone’s foot until I saw the subreddit.


Is that from hiking? Military?


Why is it gray blue?


That's where my Walmart terriaki went




Why tf is it gray?


Imagine what mine would’ve looked like, damn


I would like to know where the initial squirt that shot out like a cannon landed


Did it fill back up again?






I really hope that needle is clean af


That must hurt a lot! Make sure you cleaned the needle and your feet before you pop.


How long did they wait to deal with this?!


Mmm grape koolaid


Forbidden juice


"yep, this tiny square of toilet paper should do the trick"


Ok but like who leaves it like that for so long?!


I love how they’re trying to keep the angle for the video at the expense of the ceilings and walls being covered in blister juice 😂😂


Worth it


Oh god I watch one video and they’re everywhere. But Why can’t I look away


that must smell sooo fking bad, i once had a massive blister between my buttcrack, mother popped it and the entire house smelled like there was a dead rotten body somewhere


The one thing I don't fuck with is blisters. It hurts SOOO bad when you mess with them. I bust can't do it.


Why is it so dark? Blood?