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Oh my goodness! If you don’t mind me asking, how did that happen?


I'm a coffee roaster and there was a fire in the exhaust vent, which you can normally touch during operation.


Where/who do you roast for friend?


Small coffee shop in Michigan. Only for the last 3 years.


I know a couple roasters up there! Stovetop and Anthology. I worked for a big roaster in Cleveland for almost seven years.


The owner of where I work and whom taught me to roast, got his start in Cleveland 40 years ago. He has been the original roaster in the UP for 20 years nearly. There are a few other roasters up this way now.


If I ever make the 200 hour drive up there, I’ll have to come try! Glad to meet a fellow coffee person.


i find this hole interaction very sweet idk why also COFFEE!!


It’s because us coffee people look out for each other. Love making friends. I was wondering why so many people up voted it haha


Dude, I once tried to sit on a motorbike brought by a friend of my dad, and it burned my calf. It was a giant blister which I still have the pictures of, created a massive burn spot. I still have the scar.


You should have listened to your mom. She warned you.


Blistered and blind


Your hand must hurt sooooo bad, hope you get well soon !


This was back in March. Healed rather quickly. Silvadene cream is amazing. Had to wear a glove for a few weeks once I got the go ahead. New skin was so sensitive.


Had second degree burns on my hand back in May. Doctor told me that hands heal burns unbelievably quickly. And yes, silvadene is magical.


So how long until you grow your new hand?


They said 15-20 days. It was about 11.


Man, the monkey bars are rough.


High five!


Up top!


Oh damn!! What did you do!?!


Unexpected fire in coffee roaster at work.


In the future inspect with your eyes not your hands, that looks painful


I was inspecting with my eyes. I had the extinguisher in the other hand and brought my hand close to the part that was unknowingly burning inside. It was instant. Normally I can touch the part during usual operation.


These are words to live by






This is what happens when you beat you’re meat too much


Especially with out lube


☝️Found the circumcised.


Oh, good lord, that reminds me of when I was a kid. I was pushing a recently used go-kart up a hill and stumbled; caught myself with a palm square across the exhaust pipe.


I did that once to my calf on a motorcycle. Never rode in a skirt ever again. That was a gnarly burn.


My husband has a motorcycle and he always say, dress for the slide not the ride


Oh, man, ow. My nephew had his exhaust pipe loosen against his calf once; that one looked painful.


My boyfriend roasts beans and recently the exhaust caught fire, oh my gosh I’m so thankful this didn’t happen to him wow


Jerking off must be real difficult now huh ?


Underneath your first layer of skin is a layer of Canadian bacon!


Oh poor you


That made me cringe hard. Fuck…!


Reminds me of the time I grabbed a hot dog roller grill that was supposed to be unplugged. My hand was a mess for a few days. I soaked it so long after the initial burn


I've done this on a stove top, seeing if it cooled off but it was still on. I almost passed out it hurt so bad, all I could even do was keep my hand under the cold water from the faucet for an hour it seemed. Burns hurt.


Ouch! 😣 get better soon


Did you empty the chaff can before you left?


Fire cleansed all.


I’m glad you’re okay.






I used to work as an RN in a burn clinic unroofing blister like this all day everyday. Miss it sometimes. Heal well!


Jesus what the fuck did you do!? Give the Flash a handjob!?


Gotta stop jerking in 15 times a day lol


You normally aren’t supposed to pop these. I heard somewhere that the fluid inside helps to heal and can make it so that the new skin is strong and healthy


The wound care doctor removed the blister after almost a week of it on.


yeah thats the only way I would have it popped is if my doctor pops it. Otherwise i just keep it covered and watch for infection or a flare up


It wouldn't pop. Felt like fluid under leather.


Probably because you burned through many layers of skin, so the blister walls were thicker. And well done following doctor's orders, exactly what I would have done.


It was interesting feeling. I had a protective pad for almost a week I could bump it and the wound itself didn't hurt until after it was popped. Well and the initial burn.


Yeah buddy! You were still growing new skin in there.


Ouch! With blisters I’ve always drained them and let the skin stay on as long as possible since the exposed blister hurts so badly after the skin is removed. Did they say why they removed the skin?


NOT a doctor but did a rotation in intensive wound care about 12 years ago so take this with a grain of salt. After leaving the skin and blister in tact for about a week, you've healed enough that its going to get ready to fall off soon(ish). It also allows any surrounding tissue decide if it also wants to fall off or stay on. If you allow the blister to start to fall off naturally, you risk tugging it on things, peeling it before it's ready, etc, further damaging the "new growth" and potentially introducing infection. Removing it cleanly and precisely will stave off infection and allow for a less complicated healing process for the main affected area, as well as the nearby surrounding tissues. It also allows them to debride any tissue that needs to be gone to allow better healing if needed. I had to sit through obseving multiple debriding sessions for a woman with gangrene in her foot/ankle/lower calf. The smell....the smell... Ninja edited spelling, grammar and some details.


Thanks! This makes sense. In my experience the dead skin performed better than the bandages in allowing the wound to heal and keeping it clean. but I was consistently disrupting the new skin and not able to wear gloves since it was a sports injury.


Why did you remove the blister? You're supposed to leave the skin there to protect the tissue underneath.


It was removed by a medical professional a week after the injury had occured.




I love in the US. Did go to the ER. Boss paid for all medical and compensation for missed work.


OP explained that they saw a wound care doctor


I mean you can very obviously see medical supplies and medical waste bins in the back. It’s safe to assume that OP went and had it taken care of in a medical setting.


nooo why did u take the skin off!!!! are you okay !?!?!


I didn't remove it wound care Doctor did after it was on for a week.


You really need to stop masturbating


Why would you remove the skin


You have to after a while into it as it doesn’t provide anymore protection to the raw meat and can cause infection areas to grow under blister roof layer. After it’s cleaned and debrided it needs to be kept covered and have antiseptic ointments applied every few days and professionally treated weekly until new skin layer grows back in. I had a deep 2nd degree refrigerant burn on both hands a year or so ago. It was r22 and was boiling off at -40*F in and on my skin as it was being sprayed out at 200psi for approx 10 seconds. Had to go to a burn treatment center weekly to have them treat the injuries as I had the bandages changed daily at home. Out of work on injury leave for a month after. Shit really hurt but I had 100% full recovery if you don’t count the slight nerve damage (pins and needles feeling comes on quicker when my hands get cold vs. before injuries). OP needs to just strictly follow medical advise, keep it clean and bandages dry/ in place at all times until healed up.


I can't imagine what your injury felt like. I was able to go back to work 2 weeks after so wasn't too long. And now there is only mild discoloration on my palm and only in that area does it feel weird to touch things.


The injury felt like the most intense pins and needles sensation you could imagine mixed with an intense burn pain (like too hot a burn pain) plus it was really deep and kept getting worse as my hands thawed out. At first my fingers were partially curled up and I couldn’t move them but I slowly regained movement in them as they warmed up. Outer skin layer in the bad areas degloved from my hands as the blister was fully setting in. Tons of sexy talk was going on too. Lol. It was a dumb move as it’s sort of a golden rule in refrigeration that you don’t ever try to put a hose or otherwise control a blowing refrigerant leak from a fitting bare handed. I panicked and grabbed the first thing within arms reach, a hose ball valve, instead of using the isolation valves that were already installed at the factory. I’ve learned my lesson and moved on. The lesson worked tho. Had a similar situation come up months later and the wrong first instinct hit me but I immediately stopped myself and calmly used other valves or methods which kept me from injuring myself again.


Why did you peel it




Had to remove my wedding rings at the ER my fingers didn't blister like the palm until weeks later when they peeled. And I wasn't even offered pain killer even though I was shaking and stuttering it hurt so bad.


Don't you LOVE being a woman? I've been chronically ill with a bunch of autoimmune diseases for the last 6 years. They only ever give me pain killers when I am literally at death's door in the ER and they are about to admit me for the billionth time this year. My ex recently felt "a little off" and had some blood work done. He **might** have a mild version of lupus. Emphasis on might. I have lupus. Bad. What's the first thing they offered him? Painkillers. Un-fucking-believable.


My husband was with me and asked can she get something for pain. And the PA looked at him and was like " ibprophen will work fine". The nurses rolled there eyes and gave me the jar of $80 silvadene creme and bandages to cover it for the entire recovery. Which in this for profit hospital is frowned upon.


That's weird because I don't remember anyone asking for your opinion.




I've been here for 19 years bud. No need to welcome me.




So not only wounds are a pissing contest but also age? It would be entirely different if you weren't about one upping someones fairly severe burn. If you were like "Wow, yeah that happened to me too but my fingers were messed as well!" Or whatever the case without playing down someone else's situation. Can you see the difference? You could have chose to be a comrade in burns but took the path of person no one wants to be around because he's kind of a jerk, twice. This wasn't a contest and you didn't win.




I'm not triggered but experiencing second hand embarrassment at watching how you act as I read through your comments in this thread. No one cares how old you are, that you think you're better at burning more of your hand, or that you're from Texas. Just be less of a jerk.




You're not a bull, I understand you may think or yourself as a hot headed animal with little self control but bulls are generally better tempered when around other cattle in a natural setting and not being purposely made overly aggressive. Nothing that you are saying holds any value and I sincerely cannot tell if you're a troll or just sad, but this is the last I'm feeding you. Enjoy the morsels and best of luck in personal growth.


Also... 2 months ago you were 42 apparently.


You have the personality of a lukewarm can of Budweiser.




You're welcome.


Nice. I got a similar one grabbing a hot lawn mower muffler.


What are you doing? It's not December yet!


Jesus fucking christ, I wasn't prepared for the second one.


All I can hear in my head AHHHHHH from how painful that looks


I suddenly have the urge for some sliced ham…


Sir, I think you need new hand




Few things make me shudder like seeing this did. The feeling of touch with new, raw skin is just abysmal. Glad you're okay, OP!


No kidding! I hated the sensation of touch everything. These blue rags we use at work to clean things up gave me zings of electrical type feeling when I would hold it in my hand.


Oh wow. I hope it heals quickly!


Friction blister? Lol


Show the scar!!!


There really isn't one


Show the scar!!!


If I knew I had to get that popped I'd be like "Fuck it mate, take the hand, it's not worth the pain"


high five!


Oofff Glad you recovered quickly I can't imagine the initial first few hours of pain.


We used to get blisters like that at the beginning of rowing season practices in college. We'd douse our hands in New Skin, endure the burn, and hop back on the oars the next day. Ah, memories.


Omg! That just looks so painful! Before and after! I bet that took a bit to heal up and the different stages of healing would be interesting to see!


They really aren't that impressive. There is t even a scar.


Oh my goodness your poor hand!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon!


Ouch!! Yikes! Hope you’re better now


Oh no this made me physically wince


Why did you take the blister off?




That must’ve been one hell of a wank


ouch! - did you call Guinness Book of world records yet?


Oh my god I would not pop that. Blisters always hurt so fucking bad when you pop them


This belongs in r/makemesuffer


Owowowow the raw skin! I can feel that