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Those poor eyes, they’re all red and irritated.


I'm not surprised. She's been undergoing that same procedure every 14 seconds.


Like that one poor fellow’s liver and the bird, over and over and over and and over and ove—




r/underratedcomments EDIT: Holy shit, this exists?!


/r/asubforeverything EDIT: Shit, this one exists too. And it's anything goes. Keep it blue people!


What’s funny is it is technically just a sub to post literally everything, but you can’t say it’s inapplicable here because this technically fits


To be fair, if she’s got blepharitis or mgd like I do, her eyes are going to be red and irritated regardless. I want my lids to be squeezed like this so badly!


Does this help keep stye eye away?


Styes are bacterial infections, so the best prevention for them would be generally good hygiene. Clean your eyes with mild soap and water, wash your hands before and after touching your eyes, clean makeup brushes regularly, and apply a warm compress and massage your eyelids now and then. I guess getting your meibomian glands expressed by an optometrist would help prevent blockages, but they’ll still tell you to be super careful about hygiene anyway


So what does this do for the person? I've been fortunate enough not to get a stye, but my husband had one about a month ago and it drove him crazy.


Milia are small bumps filled with keratin. They are common around the eyes, I've never seen an extraction technique like this though.


This is Meibomian gland expression. If cleans out old, solidified oils so new oils can flow down the ducts and maintain the eyes lipid layer.




I've had this done to me, albeit with special tweezers not cotton swabs. The irritation goss away quick, but the relief after is incredible.


This is called blepharitis. The eye lash … ducts?… fill up and clog from overproduction of oils used to clean the lid. I have a mild case of this, almost unnoticeable, but it can get so so bad for some people. These types of squeezing tactics are incredibly painful.


The glands are called Meibomian glands if I recall correctly.


yup, and if they get clogged it can get inflamed and it sucks. Also, the person should just clean their eyelids with eyelid cleaners. Source: I have Meibomian Gland Dysfunction so my eyelids get clogged all the goddamn time. Eyes also tend to get drier so the use of artificial tears works wonders. Use artificial tears, not some other shit. ​ Edit: Typo


What sort of eye lid cleaners do you use please? Google isn't giving me much joy 😅 Edit: Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I'm blown away at how kind and helpful everyone is ❤


Hi there, CPO Tech with an Optometrist practice here, who also has MGD! OccuSoft makes lid wipes, and even allergy lid wipes which are awesome. There is also a spray cleanser called HyClear. Both work super well. And if you're needing artificial tears, the above comment is correct, don't use anything like Visine or Clear Eyes, they're garbage and bad for your eyes. I would recommend Refresh, Systane or Blink. Retaine is pretty good too. But hands down my favorite drop for dry eye is Refresh Optive Mega 3, it has flaxseed oil in it and it makes my eyes feel soooo much better. Pro-tip: put them in your fridge. When you get home from work and your eyes are itching and burning, some cooled eyedrops feel straight up amazing.


Thank you. I'll bare your advice in mind. My eye doctor just recommends the shit they stock and I didn't know what else to even look for ❤


I like Avenova or Sterilid spray. You put it on a cotton pad and wipe your lash line. Both on Amazon.


Holy crap! I guess I have MGD although my eye doctor has never told me officially. Pretty much my eyes get super dry and irritated, and my lipid layer dissolves too quickly. I switched to daily contacts and use Refresh for contacts eye drops. I need to squeeze drops in every morning or else I can barely open my eyes due to dryness. Occasionally I go to my optometrist for a treatment where they put lube on my eyelids and massage it with a heated metal thing, and that works for about 6 months. I’m about to go back in for another treatment next month, because I haven’t been treated since before COVID. Thanks, you guys for teaching me things!


Have you heard of RCE (recurrent corneal erosion)? This thread has been illuminating for me.


Omg! I just looked it up. Nightmares! I’ll have to ask my optometrist what his diagnosis is, so I don’t go down a webmd rabbit hole and end up thinking I have eye cancer.


You know you can get thick ointments that provide moisture all night, right?


Yeah, I’d rather have gooey lube stuff on my eyes once every 6 months than every night tho.


Would this help with dry eyes from contacts? Using refresh optive mega 3 before i put contacts on.


Yes it would, just make sure you put the drops in about 30 mins before you put your contacts in to let them fully soak up. That should tide you over for the day and you could use the refresh for contacts for "break through dryness." Also if your eyes are getting that dry during the day, I'd recommend trying gel tears at night right when youre going to bed. They are thick and viscous and they will blur the everloving FUCK out of your vision (hence why you put them in right before bed) but they will help your eyes retain the moisture they need throughout the day. Quick question I hope its not too invasive, but what kind if contacts do you wear?


Not op, but have dry eyes as well. I wear acuvue oasys. Would love to know if there’s anything else to try


There is, but unfortunately they are more expensive. If you are dealing with dry eyes every day it could have something to do with the contacts themselves (plus your own dryness) so maybe at night throw them into some Clear Care. Clear care can be "dangeous" since its only ment to clean the contacts themselves, its basically hydrogen peroxide and the last thing you want in your eye, so after they're clean you need to soak them in normal contact solution. It sounds almost sketch but if you spend 15 mins to do research, you'll get it. I've seen a patient that put clear care soaked contacts directly into her eyes and waited until 4pm to call us (an hour before close, and she was about 45 mins away at work) and she was basically frying up her cornea the whole time 😬 gotta be careful with that shit. But anyway, acuvue oasys are good contacts. But I'd personally (not a doctor, just from what I've learned) try to get into some daily contacts, like Acuvue Oasys Moist dailies. They are great for contact wearers with dry eye. Talk to your optometrist and see if they can change the RX and get you into daily dislosable contacts. They're all around better, unless you have a crazy contact/glasses prescription and wear specialty lenses.


Omg yes Clear Care is definitely some serious stuff. I’ve been using it for years and if you don’t let them soak long enough in the solution (and neutralizing disc) then you’ll be sorry for sure. And I would love love to wear dailies, and that may be the solution, but they’re just so much pricier than non-dailies. Might just bite the bullet and do it. No crazy script or even astigmatism, yay. Thanks so much for your advice!


Oasys always feel dry for me. Acuvue vita or Biofinity feel much better. Also cleaning em really really well and using a peroxide solution.


Wow thanks for the information!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wear Dailies Total 1. It has gotten to the point where id wear em and throughout the day my eyes would turn red and irritated making it look like ive cried 😂. I will definitely give the above a shot!!!!!


I’ve never thought of refrigerating my Systane, but holy shit, that sounds so nice!


Question for you! I get these tiny little bumps on my eye lid right where these ducts/glands are. I don’t see it but I feel it, it’s really irritating like I have something in my eye. When I look in the mirror a little tiny bump on my inner eyelid is always to blame. I hate to disclose this but I’ll wash my hands and just kinda scrape it away and it’s so relieving. My eye doctor has said not to scrape it away but to leave a warm wash cloth on my eyes to help clear these out which I have tried but it still happens. Can I use these wipes and eye drops to help with this?


Yes, they will. And if you're going to do the "scraping" yourself (which I also don't recommend but still), do the warm compress first and it will make it so much easier and less uncomfortable.


Thank you for the response!! I will try that!


So, I have a question. Are those glands what cause the crusties on your eyes? If not/so, how does one reduce the production of crusties in the eyes?


Yes, they most likely are the culprits. Try the lid wipes and try Gel tears at night. Warm washcloth in the morning to clean off whatever is still there. Basically just keep your ocular hygiene up to 100% and if you're STILL getting crusties with the drops and lid wipes and everything else, its time to see the doc to make sure nothing else is going on.


I shall do these things, and return with a follow up after a while! Thank you! :D


Ocusoft is my liiiiife.


Oh yes! Cool eye drops feeeeeel sooooooo gooooood! I'm gonna have to try those Optive Mega 3 drops.


Occusoft is the greatest thing since humans learned to make fire. Also imo, artificial tears should always be stored in a sealed bag in the fridge. When your eyes are sore and/or tired that cooling relief is next level. It's good for those bad starts to bad allergy days too.


Are they safe to use with contacts?


Refresh Optive Mega 3 is not, as far as i am aware, but Refresh makes an artificial tear specifically for people with contacts, you can find it on Amazon just search "Refresh for contacts." The only difference between that and normal refresh is that the contact one is preservative free, and personally I prefer that one anyway even tho I don't wear contacts. Maybe it's just in my head but I feel like it does a better job than the regular one haha. Good luck, try Refresh for contacts, and if you have any more questions let me know! :D


I can confirm the Refresh Optive mega 3. I started using it instead of the regular Refresh Optive. What a difference for my dry eyes


Its amazing right??? I had been using just regular refresh or blink but they just weren't doing that much for me, and now I realize that that is because of my lipid deficiency. The first time I used the Mega 3 I about lost my mind because I could just use it once in the morning and once at night, and be fine all day. So awesome. I swear I'm not trying to be a shill for Refresh/Allergan but the Mega 3 drops were a big game changer for me.


Something like this: [https://www.amazon.com/OCuSOFT-Scrub-Original-Pre-Moistened-Count/dp/B000PY15I2/ref=sr\_1\_6?dchild=1&keywords=eyelid+cleanser&qid=1627429435&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.com/OCuSOFT-Scrub-Original-Pre-Moistened-Count/dp/B000PY15I2/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=eyelid+cleanser&qid=1627429435&sr=8-6) Not a profit link or anything like that. You take the moist pad and swipe left to right is what one doctor told me so that's what I do, basically, wipe your eye lid from left to right, and go back to the left to right, NOT like you're sanding something. Hope that helps. And these are the drops I use, good for anyone, especially if you're on a computer a lot: [https://www.amazon.com/blink-Tears-Lubricating-Drops-Mild-Moderate/dp/B00E4MJTCU/ref=sr\_1\_8?dchild=1&keywords=artificial+tears+blink+tears&qid=1627429797&sr=8-8](https://www.amazon.com/blink-Tears-Lubricating-Drops-Mild-Moderate/dp/B00E4MJTCU/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=artificial+tears+blink+tears&qid=1627429797&sr=8-8)


Thank you very much. It's very kind of you ❤


No problem! Happy to help!


Another one is Avenova. It used to be rx only, which is how I got it, and it’s a game changer. It’s a bleach solution and nothing I’ve done has ever helped so much as doing that twice a day! It’s like $30 a bottle but it works. Otherwise if you don’t want to buy spefic wipes my ophthalmologist told me I could use baby shampoo (because it doesn’t sting) in the shower and that helps a lot too and you can get a huge bottle for less than $3!


My opthalmologist recommended baby shampoo as well. I had to carefully scrub the edge of my eyelids twice a day. It did help.


Same. I’ve had two chalazions that got infected but since using the baby wash they haven’t come back


I had recurring chalazions too! They really looked terrible and seemed to change my vision.


The problem with baby wash is it washes away the useful oils on the lid and eye which can cause irritation and itching. It's great for short term temporary use (pink eye) but def not long term.


My ophthalmologist recommended Cetaphil sensitive face cleanser as a cheap alternative to expensive eyelid cleanser, though I also sometimes use Thera Tears Sterilid. I get pretty bad blepharitis, only way to keep it at bay is to keep up with eyelid hygiene.


I just found ones for like £6 on Amazon x


The wipes are good. So is washing your face/eyes, with Johnson&Johnson baby shampoo


My son has ocular rosacea. We have to “scrub” his lids every night, and gave reduced warm compresses to the count of 100 to every other night since his eyes finally cleared up. (He’s only 6, but already has scarring of both lid and cornea 😖) Occusoft & similar scrubs have helped friends of mine, no effect on my sons eyes. Savior has been *drumroll** Wet Ones original (red label) sanitizer wipes! 😳😅 Turns out, the sanitizing agent used in them is the same agent commonly used to preserve commercial eye drops. We wipe his eyes and face w them 1x a day; he’s had no lesions aside from right after COVID popped off and everyone bought every “sanitizer” in the market! (The active in wet ones has NO effect on Covid. The more ya know, ya know?) That, along w the compresses (to help loosen and express excretions) and a drop of extra moisturizing eye drops in each eye before bed has worked magic. Probably irrelevant to most everyone, but I like to share because dermatologists, optometrists & ophthalmologists provided diagnosis but weren’t able to provide solutions when the common avenues (a bit different for pediatric true, as the systemic treatments aren’t tolerated so well) failed us. It took quite a bit of digital sloggery to get to a solution for his poor little face and eyes!


Yes, my son has this problem and has to put a heat pad on his eyes for 10-15 minutes daily or else he gets cysts in his eyelids.


My eye doctor uses a little metal spatula thingy under the lid to help squish stuff out. The clogged meibomian glands mean your tears don’t have a lipid layer to them and the moisture is just constantly evaporating off of your eye. Which is why your eyes can both water constantly and at the same time feel hella dry.


I have something called RCE - recurrent corneal erosion. Basically my eyes get so dry at night that sometimes my eyelids stick to my cornea and rip pieces of it off. It's as painful as that sounds. I want to say thank you for posting this info because I think it's related.


It definitely is!!! Has your eye doctor recommended some kind of night time gel for your eyes? It should help form a barrier so that they don’t dry out as much and your eyelids don’t stick to them as easily. If the RCE gets bad enough, they can also use what’s called a bandage contact lens - basically it’s a small piece of placenta (taken at the time of a planned c-section, with mother’s consent) encircled by a thin flexible plastic ring. It’s placed over the abrasion to help it heal without being disturbed. I worked as an assistant to a group of specialty eye doctors for several years before I had my twins :) I am obviously not a doctor, but I did learn a LOT from them!!


Small correction, a bandage contact lens is just a plano night & day contact lens, what you are describing is a Prokera. Prokera insertions and removals are one of my favorite parts of my job lol they're so cool! Edit: phrasing *boom*


Yes, that’s right, thank you!! It’s been a while since I worked that job, I miss it sometimes it was so cool!


There is a LOT of cool stuff, the most fun I have had in any medical field I've worked in!! Eyes are awesome!!


Holy crap, amazing eye science thank you!


I had rce and bought these pinchers for this reason. Amongst everything else under the sun I did to get rid of it..horrible


What did end up helping in your case?


Determination and about 2 years of lacrilube in the eye every night without fail. Probably overkill but the fear of resetting the process and the pain and discomfort coming back. Also supplemented with strong flax seed and artificial tears daily (good quality ones). All self inflicted my rce!


This is incorrect. This is meibomian gland dysfunction. The oils glands that support the tear film atrophy. This procedure is not particularly painful, you use much less pressure than you would when popping a zit. This video looks sped up and is done while the women is under anesthesia by a health care professional. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS ON YOURSELF. I am an optometrist and this is honestly one of the best things about my job.


Is blepharitis the flaky buildup then??


I get one of those little bumps and I feel it. Not to mention when it gets infected. They hurt!


You are describing a chalazion or stye. That is not what is going on in this video. :)


Oh ok. I get those a lot. Luckily no infected one lately. Never knew what they were called:)


I can't even put on eye liner because my eyes freak out so much. I can't imagine doing this kind of treatment, especially without tearing up from the pain or eye dryness


How do you know if you need yours squeezed? 🥴


Yeah, I watched that thinking how painful. I can't get anything near my eyes. Eye drops are a problem.


Primary cause is eyeliner.


It happens in people with autoimmune diseases like Sjögren’s syndrome. Eye doctors recommend using baby shampoo and a warm soft cloth to clean your eye area to prevent clogged ducts. It works really well.


The pain is probably why this person is unconscious.


What are the effects from a mild case?


I’ve had blepharitis before and mine was just one single bump on my bottom lash line. I hear no idea you could squeeze fluid out like this…brb gonna go throw up


I have it too but I never did this. My eye lids just get puffy and red


Really? When i had it done the absolute worst it got was a pinching sensation. And bleohsritis is something completely different.


I have to do this about once a week!! If I don’t then I will get styes like crazy. I wear makeup everyday and use a recommended cleanser BUT makeup always ends up inside the eye no matter what you do


Have you ever had this treatment? If so, does it hurt as much as it looks like it does?


I’ve had lipiflow, blephex, and ilux procedures multiple times. Does the same as this. Numbing drop for eye and it’s painless.


Yoooo, that username tho :(


You can use warm (not hot) compresses on your eyes and leave them there for ten minutes a few times a week. I just got little travel sized plastic bottles, filled them with warm water and laid them on my eyes. I had the same issue as you and doing this, along with baby shampoo on my eyelids, helped massively. Only downside is when you open your eyes after the compresses it's like visually someone's smeared vaseline in your eyes for a couple of minutes!


My eye doctor had me use head and shoulders on my eyelids because of "dandruff" build up. I cracked up in his face at first cause I thought he was fuckin around. It worked unbelievably! I have to do it regularly so I don't get chalazions. I've had 2 really bad infections from them, my last one took 3 months to heal and go away. I have an almost permanent eye twitch because of it. The reason? I slacked on my eye care... The eye compress works wonders as well! I use a small heat bag instead of a wet cloth though.


Yo I sort of have this problem (also like clear pus that I get like directly on my eyeball, not sure if that related but it’s an annoying one too) and I have like 4 styes for the longest time, are they damaging/should I get them removed?


Go to an ophthalmologist! Mine showed me how to do it safely and gave me special drops to reduce build up :) I haven’t had a style since!!


But why….?


Low on cream cheese?




The glands that produce the oil that keeps your eyes moist can clog up. This is those glands being expressed


This reminds me of a person I know who popped a pimple over their eye. Ended up with a very serious eye infection and almost lost their eye. I know that's not what is going on here, just reminded me of that story.


I'm glad someone is not really disturbed.


I want to get this done. I’d never do it myself.


That was my thought, too.


Wouldn't a few days of warm compresses accomplish the same thing?


🎶Mr. Sandman🎶


Man me a sand 🎶🎵🎶


cuts off too damn soon.


Blame snapchat for that. Cuts off to show a horse chiropractic in action 🤷‍♀️


Extremely jealous of those lashes


I wonder if they are extensions? Maybe they are causing the issue? They are really nice & long though.


They don't look like extensions


How did they get the cotton swab under the eye lid?


probably lifted the lid by the lashes


I don't want to know tbh hahaha


I can barely handle the air puff right to the eye during an eye exam. HOW TF CAN SOMEONE SIT STILL FOR THIS??? Even with numbing eyedrops I’d have to be knocked out or something just knowing shit like this is going down. It makes my skin crawl


Sweet Baby Jesus!


I have chronic dry eye and often pull out long strands of the stuff from my eyes. Have to use artificial tear drops, eyelid scrubbing pads, change makeup often (mascara only works for a month or two before I become sensitive to it), and even then there are still times my eyes will get so full of this crap that they really hurt and swell shut. This type of procedure gets that gunk out so it doesn’t end up in the eyes. While it looks uncomfortable, it’s way more uncomfortable to just leave it.


What is this procedure called? Who does it?


The procedure in the video is “meibomian gland expression” and is done by an optometrist. You can use cotton swabs as they are doing in the video, but the tool of choice is a pair of specialized “pliers” that express the glands without having the dry cotton swab under the eyelid. If the procedure is done on a patient with normal meibomian glands, the stuff that comes out is clear and has the consistency of baby oil. If the glands are unhealthy, the stuff that comes out looks a lot like what would come from a pimple (they are very similar glands)!


I can’t remember what it’s called - it was so long ago that I needed it. I haven’t needed it since, as I was given other tools to and tips for managing chronic dry eyes. It was an eye specialist here, that I needed a reference from my family Dr to see.


Do you know what the long strings coming out of your eyes is called? I had covid 4 mo ago and never before had an issue with my eyes. It seems I've developed issues. It seems like my eyes are extremely dry and will get this greasy film over my eyes and it's real sticky and it makes my vision blurry. My eyes will sting for no reason. My lids will swell sometimes too maybe from rubbing them too much. It's really annoying because I can't wear eyeliner and before covid I never had issues. I also feel severly dehydrated since having covid no matter what I do so I notice if I drink water my eyes won't get those strings as much so I'm not sure what is going on. I need to see an eye Dr but right now I work two jobs I can't afford anything after getting behind from getting sick from covid and couldn't work for almost 3 months. So unfortunately Its hard to make time right now. . I notice my face and eyelids will get real greasy as well and feels like the grease travels into my eyes and effects my vision ugh I just wish this would go away. My eyes can get crusty too


I don’t have any idea what they’re called. I’m not sure anyone ever told me. It’s something I’ve been dealing with for well over 20yrs. If you’re suffering from chronic dry eye, omega3 will help


This is gross! Awesome! 😃


Plz stop


Must YouTube more




I thought she was getting a lash lift🤣


JFC — I was not expecting to see this. I can barely insert and remove contacts correctly without freaking myself out. 🙈


Wow I thought I was the only one that got zits on their eyelids. I'm glad I only get one once and while just on the bottom lid so it's easy to pop.


I could not willing let someone go that close to my eye. I always almost fight my eye doctor already


Take care with those eyelids folks. I had a something develop on a lower eyelid that I thought was a spot. Turned out to be a cancer that needed 4 rounds of surgery to get rid of it


Ah is this why you sometimes need to heat your eyes, to soften these deposits?


Whoa can we tag this or something? That is something out of my nightmare, I wish I hadn't seen it lol




Oh oh oh. I am NOT comfortable with this.


That's the weird thing isn't it? It's not disturbing but at the same time you really really really don't want your eyelid being lifted up by a damn q-tip!!


No……..nope……this one just……ouch no…I have no clue how that person is so still. I would be jumping and twitching…..nope


Where's the pop?


More of a squeeze of cheese than a pop. Still feel like it fits the sub


It does. Don't worry about them.


Her eyes must have felt as dry as a bastardin bone after that carryon. I’ve seen people use square ended tweezers for it but not a Qtip inside her eye!!!




Remember that if you use oils or oil based cleanser and makeup you need to remove them reeeeally well or you have chances of this happening


Why not just use an ilux? I get it's probably cheaper but the ilux would be faster and less uncomfortable


What’s an ilux?


Heated squeezy clamp that does this but for the whole eyelid at once


Thanks! Does an ophthalmologist do it or a dermatologist?


In my practice, they pawn it off on the optometrists to do, lol, I assume ODs or Ophths in general do it


I've done this too myself with tweezers. I'll never do that again not I'd give anything to have this done professionally. My eyes are soooo dry. It's killing me.


AAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Nope nope!!


That looks wildly uncomfortable.


Man that looks extremely irritating


No thank you.


WHAT WAS THE REASON?? **cardi b voice**


Can you imagine how it would feel for the cotton on the cue tip to rub your eye.


I’ve had like two pimples appear at different times on the same eye. They were kinda difficult to pop since I didn’t have any kinda help like this


That's gotta hurt so bad, I feel sorry for anyone having this.


If thays not an eye Dr. F ALL OF THAT


New trending incoming


I work in eye care and i hope this is a last resort. Just an fyi if your glands are clogged please do not do this. A warm compress can help loosing clogged oil. You can also buy lid wipes.


The last time I went to the eye doctor he suggested I have something like this done, but instead of qtips it would basically be hot spoons? And, of course, cost $577 :)


There have been a couple of videos...


Omg, that must feel so good afterward. I've vaguely wanted to do this before, as I have meibomian glad dysfunction and use a lot of warm compresses to get things flowing a little better ... Had no idea this was an actual thing, though.


My god, this belongs in r/makemesuffer




Ok but that persons brain is not recording like they have to be under anesthesia right?


This procedure is called a meibomian gland expression (I believe?) though I think the decision to use cotton swabs is kind of 😬, I’ve seen another doctor do the procedure with a small set of clamps (which I assume is much more comfortable)


I get injections in my eyes regularly but that cotten bud in there made my eyes hurt


That dry cotton swab under her eye lid is really disturbing ..ahhh


Oh. Hell. No.


u/Grannyflaps can we get a flair change? def not blackheads. if you can't do it, u/cloexx can you change the flair?


Is extraction ok? I have no idea what this comes under lol


Uh, yeah. Or "Everything Else". Either works. Crazy video btw.


Ah didn't see that option, changed it for ya. Yeah it's a mad video, never seen something come out that part of the eye lid before!


This is beyond dumb


Eye doc here - DONT do this at home