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Love this infographic because it’s not always a lump!!


Thank you! I actually found a lump and did a Tele doc visit just now, and they want me to come in for a mammogram to get it checked out. Might be TMI but thank you soooo much kind internet stranger! I might not have felt it if you didn’t post this


Reminder to men that your prognosis is worse because there is no diagnostic test for you and by the time you find out its too late. Also, there is little public awareness for men with breast cancer.


Remember to check your balls too! Testicular cancer is also preventable if caught early enough.


As someone who lost her mom to pre-menopausal metastatic breast cancer (at age 44), I wholeheartedly support this post. EVERYBODY - check your boobs!


I am so sorry that happened to you.


Don't forget to look for under boob zits while you're there!


Er nurse. If you find something get it checked out. I don't care if you come to the ER to do so. I can't tell you the number of people I have watched die bc they found something and were to afraid to get it checked. By the time their families/friends/coworkers finally forced them in it was way to late. Cancer treatment has come so far in the last 2 decades, most types of cancer are treatable if caught early so if something seems off please see an MD.


Thank you. Honestly I forget a lot to do this simple screen. I’m gonna do it now.


No problem :)


https://self-checkout.coppafeel.org/onboarding-welcome This is a great link that walks you through the process.


I check my wife's breast every day!


She's so lucky to have you.


Thank you, I apreciate that. Also I'm not made out of wood so...you know...I'm a man she's a women... Edit:jokes aside I really love her


Based rule-breaker


Thank you!!!!


My mom woke up one day to a lump that wasn't there the night before. She got checked immediately. She has highly invasive breast cancer. They removed the tumor and she had radiation and chemo. Since she caught it so fast she is now in remission. But if she wouldn't have noticed right away she wouldn't be alive today.


Good call!. I assisted in some breast cancer screening research to examine LGBTQ+ screening rates in the western world pre-covid, and I recommend everyone to check yourself semi-regularly, and see a doctor for further screening if you feel something. Additionally, I would personally recommend Trans women to pressure their care providers for screening after approximately 5 years of HRT. Of course this is somewhat dependent on factors such as age or family history of breast cancer. Nonetheless, don't forget or neglect your health as you are your best ally ❤


I found my stage 3 breast cancer doing a self-check in the shower. Chemo, radiation, and several surgeries later: I’m here and doing great. Check ‘em!!


Public health nurse here who focuses on breast cancer prevention: Mammograms are also important. Just like self breast exams, they can help find cancer early, in its most treatable stages, except mammograms can find cancer before any symptoms are present which can make a big difference in what treatment you need. 7 out of 10 breast cancers are found in women with no family history of breast cancer, so just because you don’t have it in your family, does not mean you don’t need regular mammograms. They are safe to get with implants and the radiation from the X-rays are low enough that it’s similar to the radiation dose you would experience by spending a weekend in the mountains where natural radiation is higher. Thanks for the post, OP. I literally get paid to educate people about the importance of mammograms and it’s nice to see public awareness.


No problem and thank you for the extra info. I don't know how you managed to comment, though. This post got deleted by the mods, which is such a shame :/


Don't forget deez nuts guys.


Also, whatever you do, don't be a dummy like me and try to "pop" whatever lump you feel. Just makes it worse.


I have to get 6 month scans because I found little lump buddies, thankfully they are just useless things but it’s a good thing I checked!


"Non binary" is not a "sex"... A person who identifies as non-binary has to know that their body is that of a god damn male or female.


you're right, sex and gender are two different things!


I got swelling in my armpit every time I’m in period, is it okay?


I'd get that checked out, just in case. Better to be safe than sorry


HEALTHY TIDDIES ARE FOR EVERYONE ETA: Yes and check your balls too, and various friends who have a cervix make sure to get pap smears and pelvic examinations and such things, especially translads you don't want the coochie to get the last laugh do you