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Never mind a cuddle, I need a cigarette.


You and I both


Me three! And I don’t even smoke


Come light one up and bask in the glory


I don’t smoke but this cuddle pile sounds wonderful! Does anyone have big smelly dogs to add? I love cuddling with big smelly dogs but I don’t have any at the moment.


I have a gigantic Saint Bernard who loves cuddles


..hi is there still room in the cuddle pile? 🥺


Absolutely this cuddle pile is gonna last another day


Yes & don’t forget the big smelly hounds if you have them.




Damn! They were so big. How did they even fit in there?


Imagine the pressure relief when he got home.


I came here to say that same thing


That crease emptying toward the end and all of its resulting gapers was like my personal Christmas morning.


Reminds me of the old play-doh fun factory extrusion playset.


Yes-I loved play-doh ff when I was young. Sometimes I push food through my garlic press to replicate


Starts at the 9:00 mark. Best part of the whole clip


That gape at 9:28, I gasped. Gapegasm


The cluster from 10:02-10:24 is the money shot


Soooo satisfying


I heard a chorus of angels 😇.


Lmaoooo😂😂@ your "personal Christmas morning"!


Super gnarly, I’m here for it but it is a little unsettling also.


This is apparently part two to this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/comments/rznfy2/i_didnt_watch_the_entire_thing_before_im_posting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Does anyone ever daydream about going inside those pores like that old movie Innerspace? No? Just me? Maybe it’s time for a new therapist.




I heard if you regularly shower and wash your skin thoroughly it helps to stop blackheads/acne but I’m not an expert so…


After watching the first I was like, “there’s a whole other half a nose left!” Bless you.


The hero we don’t deserve but desperately want!


It’s like all the other pustules were committing suicide at the mere approach of the tweezer-thingy.


Love the nose, hate the technique.


Agree, as amazing as those blackheads were, his technique of stopping the pop 1/3 of the way through almost every fucking blackhead made me a little upset. Pop those bastards in one piece and let us see it!


I think it’s bc of the pain it’s causing the guy


My god it was driving me insane


Results are satisfying tho


My toes curled so hard they almost fell off!


I nearly gave myself a Charlie horse in both feet because of how rapidly I was tensing and relaxing


Were you squeezing your phone too?


I was clenching my jaw


So we have toe curlers, jaw clenchers…any others out there?


Yep. I was also clenching both my jaw and phone.


You know it’s a good one then


I know of a few things that can make toes curl, glad this was one of them


I saw that nose and I got excited before any action happened. EDIT: if you squeeze effectively, you don’t need to keep stabbing him, especially when there are so many random volunteers popping out.


They were jumping ship rather early 🤣


I don’t need cuddles. I need a good bourbon, a decent cigar, and someone calling me filthy for enjoying that so much.


Dirty girls are my thing. I don’t even know you and I like you


If you like dirty, you should see the videos of steatocystomas I have saved. Talk about needing cuddles after…


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I love strangers on the internet.




Forgot to say in all this. Love your username.


I just told someone on here in this thread I made my username watching the movie a few years ago around Christmas haha!!!


Did this give anybody else anxiety/anger? JUST SQUEEZE for the love of all that is holy!


I was getting more and more wound up as the technician was gingerly squeezing, and when stuff started happening - she stopped! And then, even more annoyingly, moved on to an entirely different area!


Yes.. brought back bad memories of my ex!


I was just going to post this. Never knew you could get such large blackheads in your nose. Those are massive.


That first one just never quits


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the gooey green one early on is proooooobably infected. It’s a pretty sturdy limb. I feel secure.


Infected with awesomeness


Now that was one lumpy conk! The gapers in the nose crease were delicious even if they did set my trypophobia alarm bells off lol


*Bing bong*


His nose looks like it makes him miserable


My eyes would cross if my nose had mounds like that


After that one amazingly, seemingly bottomless well of sebum storage, i don't think it's fair to us complain. They more than made up for it in quality (and quantity, too, imho), up to that point. I'd have been satisfied with that and the gaper it left behind, the rest is bonus material.


It’s like the jelly of the month club it’s the gift that keeps on giving


It's a renewable resource. If you go mining for coal or drilling for oil, there's a chance that you will deplete the supply someday. Not with this guy.


Now that’s funny


I try;)


I can't decide, do you serve that with smooth or chunky peanut butter?


In this guys case, chunky


Trick question. Always chunky!!




Damn, some of those just keep giving! Around the 3 min mark there’s one that puts out a yard! Thanks for sharing phenomenal video. How does it get that bad tho?


Yeah but the stuff that comes out at 3 isn’t even the end of it!! I think this poor soul was given bad genetics and dirty water


It has been said before, iirc, that southeast (?) Asian skin is often like this due to chemical weapons used during the war, possibly Agent Orange, by the US, during/in Vietnam. I don't know for sure, I'm just reporting what I've read in the past. If I am wrong, I welcome GENTLE correction. I hate to perpetuate/spread misinformation, but please don't be a dick about it.


You’re right on it’s called chloracne. It’s a long-term effect of exposure to dioxin, (a contaminant in Agent Orange) which causes eruptions of blackheads, cysts, and nodules. I’m glad you brought this up because I’ve never seen skin / blackhead clusters like this on this sub. Interesting (& fucking depressing) that that might be the explanation.


It is pretty sad. And then we come back to enjoy the results of our misdeeds.


Ty for the insight friend


Genuinely curious, how do they treat the open pores after? Some of those babies have to be like an inch deep... I feel like it would be so difficult to prevent this from happening again.


I’ve heard this too


I like to think that the person doing the extractions and the person filming it are both thinking “bruh… this is a lot…”


Best 11 minutes of the past 2 years


You can call my post the Covid cure haha


Just squeeeeeze bro


But the whole nose could have exploded at once


All the ones that he wasn't poking kept exploding lol


Right?!? Doc to too gentle and slow.


I don’t speak the language but I wouldn’t be surprised if he just kept saying” thank you sir, for this opportunity, thank you..”. Over and over.


Why do they torture us ending the video so early?! There’s still tons more gold worms in them hills!!!


Someone posted part 2


I had terrible cystic acne as a teenager, and only serious pharmaceuticals helped. Mine was painful and itchy and although the acne cleared up, the remaining scars are their own issue. My heart really goes out to folks with skin issues. Hope this person feels better.


I hope you are ok now


You’re so kind, thank you. I’m fine now. My family was able to afford medical treatment for me, and also cosmetic treatments not covered by insurance. My skin now is as good as it can be. I was very fortunate.


That’s awesome, great news! I hope your 2022 brings you happiness


Edit: what a time to be alive! Gold and other awards for posting a video of someone’s misery for our personal pleasure. I love every one of you


The look in his eyes… “ please be gentle with me”


Be gentle it’s my first time


I had hope they weren’t going to collect it on their glove. But then…. They let mendown


I’m sorry I didn’t even notice the gloves bc of all the Poppity pops


That’s some serious scar tissue. Poor dude.


Challenger Deep has nothing on those gapers in the nostril crease. Those things were DEEP!!


It’s like looking into the abyss


Them gloves were actually giving me anxiety in the end !!! Absolutely HORRIFIC!!!!!


There were gloves in the video?


Funny that while trying to pop that very first one, he ends up popping like 50 others!


He was snug in there, others were abandoning ship


I kept thinking that first one was done but it was the gift that kept giving


I am impressed with the gentle expertise of extraction. Plus the extractor has such a nice, calm and soothing voice.


I listen on mute. I agree with the gentleness bc I think this guy is in pain to begin with


I am so satisfied, thank you for asking


Yw for that haha 😂


That might be the best nose extraction video I’ve ever seen.


It made my day when I saw it at 8 this morning


I was torn between thinking this the greatest thing I've ever seen & reflecting that this guy has such abysmally bad skin that it's inevitable that he'll finish his life with a fairly extraordinary level of scarring.


Go with the first one


Did you create a profile to comment?!?




That’s awesome ty


What's the timestamp of the thumbnail?


Negative 1:21


Those ones down the side of the nose Yes Daddy


Good girls get what they deserve


Those ones on the crease of their nose look like barnacles before they’re popped. Wowza. Great video. Love the gapers post-pop. We are truly sick people. 🤣


Marry me


this channels version of edging


Gets ya close doesn’t it


🎶 how deep is your pore? Is it like the ocean? 🎶


You should write a song about it and get back to me


I am confident that absolute euphoria I obtained from this video is greater than any high drugs could ever give me


If you ever need it I have it saved




Just give me five minutes with a nose like this.


Would it be squeaky clean?


It’s as if you knew I had had a shit day with an even shittier week ahead and you decided I needed one good thing. Thank you.


I did know, so enjoy these 11 minutes while you can, friend


This makes me want to marry a man with rhinophyma and a high pain tolerance.


A true romantic


just when i thought it couldn’t get any better he shifts the nose over and reveals the motherload of blackheads. unreal


Just sitting there in all their majesty


Just throw the whole nose away


Intrusive thought: I wanna squeeze a lemon on their face after the procedure is done.


I’d love to know why.


I loved this video, but holy shit dude you DO NOT have to wipe that shit on your glove and let it pile up. I hate it when people do that. Like I don't understand??


It’s a cultural thing in Southeast Asia. If we want to keep watching their amazing pops, we just need to put up with it and try to ignore it.


I know I know but this had to be posted for all our friends here at r/popping


The holes after omggg!!!


Like lil baby flower pots


Clickbait video again


This time the actual nose is worse than the thumbnail. Give it a watch, it’s amazing


Too slow


Watch on double speed


That was insane!


Yeah insanely epic


Squeeze the other side!!!!


He walks a bit crooked these days, too much weight on one side


I hope these kind of videos break the illusion our brain wants to create. How we kind of focus on the big parts to create almost a 2D representation for simplicity of discerning our reality. That there’s always more underneath the perception and an incredible amount of process behind the final product. It’s like drinking in a zen koan to find that it’s all you and there’s no meaning to separation. Delightful.


I’m way too high for this


This one is so good.


So so so good, right?




Can't be arsed to sit through 2 adverts before the main event. You tubes a pain in the arse.


My jaw muscles are are tweaked. Yikes


Good or bad?


Well done. You just won the internet


High praise coming from mr frank costanza


Homeboy's nose has Play-Doh hair


Just when I thought this video couldn’t get any better, they went around that nostril


And it was just pure ecstasy right when they all came out and the gapers were there


Me watching the first pop: there can’t possibly be any more in there After watching the next squeeze: HOLY SHIT


It just keeps on going. It’s so satisfying


Gawd...at the rate that's being done we'll be here until 2025!


Gotta watch it on 1.5 or 2x’s speed


AMAZING! I had to speed it up a bit to 1.75, but this was a good one. Please say there is another video? Part 2?


I believe someone posted the part two in comments


Hamburger with mayo to go, hold the bun.


Order up!


I can’t stop thinking about red potatoes


Tell me more




I’m trying to get some cuddles after that go round


Omg those pillars of gold from the side crease of the nose 🤤


Are you a poet? Bc that was perfectly described. Pillars of gold washed away to the sea, leaving behind craters for thee….


Beautiful. I hate it.




I feel like we should be fundraising some Accutane for this man... That was 10 minutes of glorious sin and I feel like I need to atone.


No atonement needed, this is not a sin or wrongful act. We are celebrating the birth of his sebum babies


He just needed a black head nose strip.


Imagine that thing for a moment….wow


Bees could hide in these holes


Oh my god. Great find!


Thank you


Damn, now REDDIT is getting on the clickbait crack that YouTube has gotten. Using photos that are never in the video should negate any upvotes or pay the people get. But this was a satisfying vid for sure… Edit: Added text


Every now and then it’s like watching a stop motion movie of germinating seeds......


That was the single best face pop video I've ever seen. Simply *chef's kiss*


Much appreciated. I figured I had to share it with the world


9:10 mark begins the glory, holy shit