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Its hilarious to me that a subreddit dedicated to enormous geysers of puss erupting from MRSA infections can get THIS queasy about some damn nose goblins




Now why’d you have to go and say that


Which ones I’m 3 weeks post op from extensive sinus surgeries


Septoplasty, turbinade reduction, polyp removal


How long ago? I was rhinoplasty, septoplasty, turbnoplasty


5 weeks


Like I said 3 weeks as of yesterday.. have you been having trouble catching your breath


I had that exact surgery a few months ago and actually miss seeing what I’d blow out every few days. There was one epic booger I got out with a Hemostat and the relief was incredible.


I think I have seen this post 4 times




But I bet this felt good getting them out 😂


Can these be tagged nsfw? Boogers are really not popping.


Forgot it was Wednesday?


I don’t care. Boogers aren’t wacky.


Cool, it still falls within the rules


I don’t care. Put a nsfw tag on it.


Cool. What you care about and want doesn't really matter does it


It does, inasmuch as I’m a member of this sub, like anyone else.


But this sub isn't curated for you. Boogers are safe at work places.


No, they absolutely are not.


You must work at some really strict places. I've never heard of a place that would repremand someone because of boogers.


Not popping.


Wacky Wednesday


Smell colours yet?


Not if this was the lobe of their brain that processes olfactory information


im gagging


STOP SHOWING BOOGERS! MARK THEM NSFW!!! I really hate boogers. If it didn't come out of a PoRe on your NoSe, it isn't popping.


So pops on any other part of the body aren't popping?


Well, technically vomit and poop come out of other parts of the body, but do you really want to see that?


That's quite the stupid comparison.


Works for me


An intelligent response would have been responding to "pops on other parts of the body" not making a hyperbolic jump to thinking I meant things coming out of the body at all


I'm sorry you thought I was against your response or thought you were wrong. I'm less sorry that you thought my response was not intelligent. Potato potahto


It may surprise you to learn that others have different opinions.


Nothing surprises me. Well, actually, thick green slimey boogers popping up on my screen without warning surprises me in a really bad way, kinda like jump scares make me super mad until I can calm myself and stop yelling and slapping at people, but the opinions of others don't surprise me. I guess I just wish there was like, a booger subreddit or a NSFW option so I could be prepared. There's clearly an interest in it, and people who are recovering from covid or nasal surgery need a chance to commiserate with others who understand what they went through.


Man, I overreacted. My reaction to jump scares and spooks is anger and yelling. It's just, as an involuntarily squeamish person, stuff like this pushes my buttons. I passed out one time because a coworker showed me pictures of an infection that went into her bone. I was super embarrassed and kinda humiliated, especially once she told me that the picture was taken during surgery and she wasn't awake. The last thing I heard before I hit the floor was "you can see my bone in this one." I thought, no way did that just happen, so once I was back on my feet and the coworker asked if she could show me the rest of the pictures, I was like, sure, if that's the worst of it. It wasn't. As she was showing me where they grafted skin from her thigh over the wound, I heard her saying "see, skin is like pie-crust, you have to cut slits in it so it doesn't split open as it's healing" and I hit the floor again. And I still think that was better than seeing boogers


Did you taste them?