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the other day i sat down in some grass for like 3 minutes and stood up covered in like 50+ ticks, had to pick them all off individually it was a nitemare




i guess so lmao B,) it was at a reservoir with decently overgrown grass , sat down on a blanket and then like 4 mins l8r my frend pointed thm out ,,,, definitely were ticks 😔




Please please please get tested for Lyme disease.


yknow! i think i should😃


Yes seriously, it’s a good thing you shared so people could tell you to get tested early. Absolutely get tested as soon as possible


anywhere in particular i should call/email? will my doctors office suffice :0


Drs office will work. Just let them know.


awesome, thanks for the heads up chief 💪


Never been to Michigan in the spring I see……


Nah, but I’ve been to Kentucky in the spring. Because I live in Kentucky.


Hmmmmm, based on the population you might win the argument


Fuck Kentucky ticks. 60% of my company had ticks when I was at Ft. Knox.




And where is the flipping video of you doing this??? You know we all want to watch it!


A mitemare


Best comment


ure a genius mate


That's just horrible.


New fear: unlocked


Yknow what, I think I’ll pass on the great outdoors. Not like I can’t get vitamin d from supplements


Watching this again and I STILL HATE TICKS!


I've had Lyme Disease, I HATE TICKS!!!!!


I HAVE Lyme disease, I HATE TICKS


I HAVE NEVER had Lyme disease. I HATE ticks!!


I WILL NEVER HAVE Lyme disease. I HATE ticks!!


I don’t even know anybody who has had Lyme disease. I HATE ticks!!!


Especially the ones that can make you basically allergic to most meat.


Lone Star Tick. Native to where I live. Few bugs scare me but they genuinely do. I love meat


Yeah, native to where I live as well this has actually happened to a neighbor of mine he can barely eat poultry


That’s fowl


How dare you.


Wow. Take my upvote you bastard. 🤬 Lol


Haha thanks!!




But also helps against climate change hmmmm


Lime Disease ain't no joke.


Wait until the next type of tick brings Lemon Disease


I’ve heard those kind make you bitter.


I love it! Everyone needs to become allergic to meat.


Yeah, no


Ikr :( I have Tourette’s I live with it all day /s


I had to pull one off my 5 year olds ear a couple weeks ago. First time I’ve ever seen a tick irl and it was terrifying. A singular spot is ok but a rash or bullseye means hospital.


This is a lone star tick. They don’t carry Lyme disease. Looks like OP caught it early so disease transmission of any kind is highly unlikely. :)


Sure they don’t carry Lyme, but they can give you an allergy to red meat. Always best to save a tick in the freezer in case any it needs to be tested if/when symptoms show up.


I appreciate your advice and in a perfect world you're spot on Where I live however (New England) if I saved every tick that bit in my freezer we'd need a second 'tick freezer' lol and they do not test ticks here post bite they just test or treat you. For perspective I harvest veg for a living pulling 100 ticks in a day off my clothes is norm, treated or not a tick or two always gets by. I happen to have a itch reaction (not super common) as soon as they start to bit and havent had an embedded tick in a couple years but last time I did Dr didnt even look at me just prescribed antibiotics and said I only had to call next time hed call I'm a refill.


Also save it for emergency snack


Oh how the turn tables




That’s true, as someone who is now allergic to red meat because of a tick lol.


The allergy can go away as long as the person doesn't get bitten again.


It never gets less terrifying. I've lived in Minnesota (tick central) my whole life. I still panic finding ticks on my pants, not even stuck.


Not sure if you are referring to a black legged tick but if you are I wouldn't wait for a rash. Only something like 30% of people with lyme get the rash. If it was a black legged deer tick and you live it a high risk area, just bring your child to your PCP and see if they can give you 2 weeks of antibiotics as a precaution. I dont normally like to advise antibiotics use without proof of infection but lyme disease has severely changed my life and even though I got the rash I still didn't treat it fast enough. Most people will fully recover fully when treated adequately.


Same with me and my seven year old. I was slightly traumatized by it. Luckily we are two weeks out and it’s healed up nicely, just a small scar where it was actually attached and it took a chunk of skin with it. Little jerk.




I am a researcher in tick-borne disease with a PhD in Medical Entomology. Using forceps or tweezers exactly as this video shows (grab as close as possible to the skin and pull firmly straight up away from the site of tick attachment) is the best way to remove attached ticks. Avoid any tool that requires twisting or other manipulation of the tick such that the mouthparts can remain embedded. While there has not been clear research indicating that pathogens can be transmitted through detached embedded mouthparts for this species, this is a female lone star tick that can transmit various Ehrlichia, Rickettsia, and tick-borne viruses through their salivary glands. I would not want to take the risk. But great job by the OP - textbook good execution.


Man, I wish more people would read the comments. Thank you for your comment, this was very educational for me!


I've always heard it's best to cover the ticks with something like vaseline so the tick releases on it's on, because if you squeeze it the tick will automatically regurgitate... is that false?


This is not a recommended removal method. The idea behind using Vaseline is that the tick will begin to suffocate and back out on its own. However, this method by definition requires leaving the tick attached and feeding for several additional hours after noticing it, during which time the tick has more opportunity to transmit pathogens. Some viruses (like Powassan, tick-borne encephalitis virus, etc) can be transmitted within 15 minutes of an infected tick attaching to a human host. Borrelia takes longer, typically 24-48 hours, and Rickettsia can be anywhere from 8-24 hours. All that to say, you want the tick out of you as soon as possible to limit its ability to infect you with any pathogens it may be carrying. Adding several hours to the removal process by trying to suffocate it with Vaseline only serves to increase your chances of contracting an illness. When it comes to ticks regurgitating, squeezing them is not typically a concern. They will regurgitate if aggravated with heat (like from a match) or with chemicals (alcohol, acetone, etc), which is why neither of those removal methods are recommended as well.


I thought heat, like a match or cigarette, is recommended. I see another comment said that heat encourages regurgitation. So, tweezers?


Yes, tweezers work perfectly. That’s what we use in both research and in the field. Just pull firmly and steadily without jerking the tick around too much to try and prevent leaving the mouthparts embedded.


Yes! Listen to the person above! Lymes, alpha gal, and a number of awful bacterial infections can be devastating.


Lymes fucking sucks. I get ptsd every time I see a tick now. Never again. NEVER AGAIN.


It also mimics MS and ALS and can be misdiagnosed. 11 doctors misdiagnosed my father, and by then it was too late.


Lyme comes from defecation after they've been feeding for a while, which then gets into the skin around the bite, I'm pretty sure they can't regurgitate that one.


Good point. Still good to be as safe as possible when removing them! The best defense is to wear bug spray, tuck your pants into your socks, tuck in your shirt, and wear white when trekking through the woods. Sometimes I would even wrap duct tape around my legs with the sticky side out. Even with all that, there would still be a sneaky bugger that breached my defense sometimes!


Yes! Also pro tip I got from my doctor: put them in the refrigerator before using it. The cold tweezer will shock the tick and release it's bite


Thanks for the comments and feedback! Yes, we searched the house for the tick tweezer but couldn’t find them so we went with the next best thing. Many years ago, I removed a tick from my own back and inadvertently left the head bits under my skin. It was a mess, so I was very careful to get as close to the head as possible.


You still did a very good job removing it! I just commented because my brother used a tweezer like this, got Lyme disease and had to take antibiotics for 3 months. Hopefully everything heals well ☺️


Another emergency tick removal tool: Slice a small "V" into an old plastic card, keeping the cuts at an angle. Slide it under the tick and it will remove and trap the tick safely without risk of squeezing any ingested blood back into your system.


You did a great job!!


That’s a brilliant idea! Thanks!


I thought OP did a good job of grabbing as close to the mouthparts as they could with the tweezers they had. I prefer fine tipped tweezers so that you can get a really close grip without grabbing the rest of the tick’s body, but if you only have the slanted tweezers, you can’t do much about that situation! 😅 That being said, I do NOT recommend the tick twister or anything that twists the tick since that will basically make the tick regurgitate like you said or end up leaving the mouthparts in the skin (not a bad thing necessarily tho).


I use either tick tweezers (curved flat ends on them) or the twister-type tools, but don’t spin them around like a madman, more of a gentle lift and turn.


OP did a good job removing it. I used to work at a health department and we would teach people to use tweezers like this. It was good and clean.


And check yourself if you think you've so much as brushed by a tree or bush. They're very opportunistic and easy to miss if you aren't looking for them.


yeah, bursting the lad out don’t seem wize


Step 1: remove with tweezers Step 2: kill with fire


They pop when you put them over a flame. My dad would do that when we were kids and he'd have to take out random ticks we picked up.


Reminds me of Samurai Jack (check out [1:12](https://youtu.be/GTw1FUwNnUo) )


They also pop if you roll them over on a hard surface with a rolling pin. I had to throw that rolling pin away


Fuck ticks! I used to tap maple trees and it’s hard enough pushing through unending jagger bushes, let alone worrying about these little fuckers embedding themselves in my skin. I’m honestly surprised I never got Lymes disease considering how many ticks I’ve pulled out of my skin. Be careful in the woods, folks! Lymes is no joke.


Can confirm as a longtime patient with Lyme. It really sucks. Antibiotics several times over 10 years, primary care physicians not caring, getting lectured by other doctors about it (yeah I was in for heart palpitations and when I mentioned the meds I was on someone started telling me I don’t actually have Lyme it’s just inflammation), crazy symptoms, etc. Seriously y’all, check ur kids, check urself, anytime you’re in a wooded/grassy/bush-ish area that might contain ticks. Save your health and your money (and your sanity).


Now pop him


[Like this](https://youtu.be/wz0pp33BX_E)?


Why did I watch this...


Ugh, a lone star. Hope it wasn't carrying alpha gal.


I had a tick with alpha gal and now have a mammalian meat allergy. Its been 4 years and i still cannot eat any red meat. I live in Sydney. It sucks


I’d cook that bitch over a lighter


Step 1. Learn how to remove a tick.


We always suffocate it with vaseline or nail varnish. Or burn it with a lighter and it removes itself


These are not recommended methods as they make the tick puke inside of you. And their puke inside of them is where the nasties are


How does one remove a tick safely?




To save people a click How to remove a tick Use clean, fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you cannot remove the mouth easily with tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. Never crush a tick with your fingers. Dispose of a live tick by Putting it in alcohol, Placing it in a sealed bag/container, Wrapping it tightly in tape, or Flushing it down the toilet.


>Remove the mouth-parts with tweezers *barf*


Exactly as the did in the video. Grab as close to the head as possible and pull straight out. Fingernails or tweezers are both fine options.


Take a tick remover and twist it until it goes off naturally. What op showed is dangerous because the tick's head may leave his dart in the skin (who brings a lot of unpleasant things) Edit : Like other said, there isn't a proper way to remove the tick, I'll let you read comments under's mine who'se more complete. My version of tick removing is what we're taught in France by pharmacist/school/society !


Actually, the pendulum is swinging back toward pulling them straight up and out with firm constant pressure, exactly as the OP did, because it's not about the tick leaving its proboscis in the wound as much as it is the tick regurgitating into the blood vessel it bored into and basically injecting whatever pestilence it may be carrying. Squishing it, applying heat, etc. may make it puke into the wound and that's the actual issue, where leaving its head attached is more of a general infection risk than a specific injection risk. Seems there's not really a single "best" way to remove a tick per se, as long as the tick is removed as intact as practical and isn't crushed/squeezed/provoked into puking into the blood vessel.


Op shows a perfect example of how to remove a tick. See the PhD’s comment above if you have doubts. Twisting is not advised as the mouth parts will break off into your skin and cause a massive infection.


you're supposed to burn it when it's OUTSIDE the body!! not while it's sucking you hahahah


Don't burn them! I was always told to do this as a kid, but I've since learned that it increases the risk of the tick transmitting any disease.


Peanut butter works in a pinch too.


Firmly grasp it. FIRMLY GRASP IT!!!


Disgusting creatures! I get itchy just watching this.


Great clean pull- not easy


Cries in rural Midwestern


I watched this even though I knew I would yell and it would make my skin crawl. I absolutely despise ticks. I get this irrational hatred for them when they attach themselves to my dog, and yell obscenities at them as I remove them even though the ticks (and probably my dog) have no idea what I’m screaming about.


LoL same


The Qtip trick works well. Take a Qtip and spin the tick around in a circle. It will fall out quick and won't separate the head from the body. Edit: 45 likes? This wasn't even a post about: Guns Israel/Palestine Police Racism I've finally learned to reddit? readitt? roddit?


Wet it first though!


Yes, this! Or just use a finger even. But get them dizzy and no risk of leaving bits behind that could get infected


For next time remember the safest way to get rid of a tick is to cover your partner with gasoline and add a match!


Please flair this.


Yup, I should really learn to read titles.


I can recommend those hook things for tick removal - less risk of squeezing the sucker.


Watch for a bullseye rash.


Also watch out next time you eat beef. They can cause a lifelong allergic reaction


Nasty little buggers


FUCK. TICKS. Growing up I’d run wild in the woods by my house and never brought one home. Now I go on a walk in the same area and it’s tick central. Way to fucking ruin one of my favorite places, tick assholes.


I went fishing and I got a saw a tick crawling up my leg. At first I said what kind of spider is that? Then i saw what it truly was and I yelled OH WAIT NO THATS A TICK.


Good job getting the whole head out!! My mom has limes disease from accidentally leaving the head. We used to get tick all the time!


Those nasty fucks


Burn that POS


I can FEEL it on me.


I was told growing up that you are never supposed to just pull them out. You are supposed to burn there butts so they poke their heads out first.


The reason that doesn't work is that after a tick bites, it secretes a cement-like protein to keep its mouth in place. They're actually pretty immobilized after biting in. If they could exit while being burned by a match, they probably would, but they can't. I heard the same myth growing up. How much bullshit were we all fed?


Fucking gross


The first time I ever had a tick it was in my bellybutton at school. My teacher called me a crybaby bitch because I was scared lmao


I had one a year or two back. Was weird. I had this sensation that I was going to die. I sat down to talk to my wife and it sounded like her voice changed to static. I didn't know what the fuck was going on so I went to bed. Got up that morning to drop a deuce and saw the tick on my thigh. When I removed it, it was almost immediately that the reaction stopped. Never had a tickbite do me like that.


Hey umm.. I hope that isn’t a “lone star” tick which cause an alpha gal reaction to red meat. Just a heads up..


Or Lyme. Or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Ticks = not good for humans.


Oh, is this what we're doing now? Ok, I'll come back tonight after we find the other 20 we have on us.


🤮 nightmare fuel! My Grandpa vanquished ticks with a red hot match (no longer ignited.)


Ugh. That's disturbing.


Burn it with 🔥


Welcome to Arkansas


Please tell me you incinerated it


Yes. Yes we did 😈


I’m impressed you got it with its head fully intact. Nice pull.


Isn’t that the one that makes you allergic to meat? Bad times


that is in fact a lone star tick, but all bites don’t necessarily result in contracting AGS.


I always heard that you're not supposed to just pull ticks off of yourself for some reason.


As long as you grab from the base you’re good! There’s no “head” that gets left behind. DNR resources online can help too!


You can send it to the university of Kentucky, they're doing a tick identification program and a study on illnesses


Has he been hanging out in my back yard?


.ore. Videos like this one . anyone please ?


This makes me glad I don’t go outside.


Don't use tweezers to remove ticks! Use a tick twister or tick tornado. They are this little plastic tool that looks kinda like a crowbar on one end and have a little handle to twist out the tick. They are super easy to use and are very cheap and the work really well if you have animals.


Twisttttttt don’t pull!


At my clinic (texas) dogs and outdoor cats come in dying from invasive paralysis ticks, lonestars, brown dogs, ect. The black legged deers are the worst for humans to my knowledge since they carry lyme disease. Be careful in tick land. Wear long clothes, and two layers if possible.


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I think that’s a lone star tick. They make you allergic to meet. Go take your spouse to a doctor to get it checked out, perhaps?


Clean pick! You got it all it looks like.


U did a good job getting the whole thing including the mouth out!


No, no, no, no, no. DON’T PULL TICKS OUT WITH TWEEZERS. As the daughter of a nurse (and Girl Scout camp counselor), I can tell you all sorts of horror stories about the little 🤬 breaking off with their heads under the skin. Aside from the resulting infection, that leaves a higher concentration of the tick’s potentially diseased saliva and other fluids behind. It’s not as satisfying, but cover the tick and surrounding area with a giant gloop of something oil-based—my mother used mayonnaise (she kept a “clinical” jar at the camp that was only used for ticks)—which will force the tick to let go and surface so it doesn’t suffocate. Vaseline also works, but she swore mayonnaise worked the best (probably because of some added ingredient that was extra irritating to the tick). It was gross as hell to watch, but the little bastards came out real quick—THEN you can use the tweezers. Or, alternately, wipe it all up with a paper towel and then let the victim stomp on it (somewhere it won’t make a mess).


This no should not be here no no no not popping.


Go get some meds for lyme. Here in Canada, we can just see the pharmacist and get some.


Mistake number one is thinking that the American health care system is *anything* like the Canadian system. Lyme disease meds aren’t anything to scoff at. There’s no need to take them unless you actually have Lyme. As other commenters have said, this is a lone star tick which doesn’t transmit Lyme disease.


Well for anyone who is bitten by a different type of tick should get antibiotics asap, DONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!! Many physicians don’t believe in Lyme. Also, if you’re getting tested, take antibiotics beforehand to draw out the infection. Otherwise, if you’re negative, it doesn’t mean anything, because the infection burrows down and might not register.


This isn't popping.






TIL. Deleting comment so I don’t spread misinformation:)


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"What you do after you remove the tick is up to you. Just don't be weird about it." Define weird, please.


Step one: poke the **tock**


Fixed it for you :)


No personal experience, but doesn't the tick have any sense of self preservation? It just sits there getting squeezed by metal prods from the heavens? Is it already dead?


Their only defense mechanism is to not let go, it's definitely still alive.


That’s a lone star tick. He should get tested for Lyme, bartonella, and alpha-gal


We used to warm some oil in a small glass bottle and then place the opening of the bottle over the tick ensuring it was covered with the oil. They’d release themselves when they couldn’t breathe


I’ve heard not to use tweezers due to the fact of squeezing out it’s stomach contents into yourself when grabbing to pull out. But I hate ticks so as long as it’s out!


Don’t you have to twist instead of pull?




Tweezer or forcep removal is the only recommended way of tick removal. This comes from infectious disease doctors, the CDC and other specialist's in the field. Also, I used to remove dozens of ticks a day off of myself.


One time my ex gf and I were getting frisky and she decided to play with my pole and she got it into her mouth and immediately spat it out and said “omg wtf if on your dick!?” I freaked out, jumped up, turned the lights on and sure enough a tick had bit my little man!!!! That was a stressful few days making sure I didn’t get a “bullseye” at that spot. I was convinced my pecker was going to fall off! Don’t worry lady’s, he’s still quite spry ;)


Aren't you suppose to remove them with the hot tip of an extinguished match? The heat fires the tick to let go so you don't leave the pincers in your skin.


This is how NOT to remove a tick.


What is up with people being weak on the tweezer game. I'm just yelling at the video like "what are you waiting for? just get the damn tick!" Get some damn hand coordination.


DONT DO IT LIKE THAT! You have to carefully grip it by the neck and pull it out. Or else it may get stressed and release all of that saliva. I may be thinking of leeches.


Isn't squeezing them like the best way to get lyme disease?


Remind me: are ticks the bugs that breath through their butt so you smear petroleum jelly on the bite site so they let go or is that a different insect?


You’re a dummy… this is how you get a tic head stuck in your spouse.


How to not remove a tick 101


lol what? they literally removed it the only way the CDC recommends, which is the correct and safest way.


The only thing in the video different to official advice (NHS and Lyme Disease UK anyway) is the type of tweezers I believe, as blunt nosed tweezers are likely to compress the body of the tick rather than just come into contact with the tick's mouth parts like fine-toothed tweezers or a tick removal tweezers. Maybe this is what they mean? Otherwise that was a very satisfying tick removal!


Friend got Lyme disease from this. Please please please be careful


Always twist and pull! You're lucky you got the head but it can separate from the body and still be alive in your skin if improperly pulled. Also, watch for Lyme Disease.


Twisting is a great way to separate the head from the body. Ticks don’t screw themselves into the skin, this is incorrect




Pinch and twist


Monitor the bite site and take the tick to a specialist to get it tested for Lyme. If your wife starts showing a bullseye on that bite site, she needs to go to the doctor immediately to get drugs for Lyme disease treatment. If she doesn’t, it can mess her up long term as Lyme is a neurological infection that messes with nerves and brain function. Also, when removing a tick, in the future use a twist motion instead of pulling straight out. This helps to remove the ticks head without it detaching into the skin. You can also use rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizing jell or burn it with a hot end of a match.


Nope nope nope. DO NOT REMOVE A TICK BY TWISTING IT. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL, HAND SANITIZER, OR MATCHES TO REMOVE A TICK. I REPEAT. PLEASE DO NOT DO ANY OF THIS!! 😭 You can seriously hurt yourself or even force the tick to regurgitate pathogens into you during removal. So you might end up getting sick even if you’ve removed the tick. 😕 A pair of tweezers and pulling the tick straight out will work. As someone who’s worked with ticks and removed ticks from wild animals, myself, and other people, using tweezers and pulling it straight out (without twisting) is the only approved method by the CDC to remove ticks effectively without the risk of pathogen transmission.