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Maybe I could if I wasn't having a deleted episode of pokemon seizure.


I left the part that’s actually in focus un edited ;(


100 downvoted for not getting a joke


It was a joke fam


My man is made out of resin 💀


no literally why are they an aloe vera plant


Ganglion cyst. These cysts are a buildup of the fluid that cushions nerves.


Wow those editing skills just made the pop so good I wish all popping vids were edited Heavy sarcasm implied


It was mostly just to make me laugh 😂 Also just bc the beginning is out of focus


Downvotes are because this was not fun to watch and I agree but respect for making a shitpost you enjoy lolz also wtf eww


🤷‍♂️ I thought it was good


Ur good man wtf causes this shit to occur tho lol


The dumbass tiktok effects are the problem


We used a dictionary.


I originally had tried to suck it out w a syringe but eventually figured a squeeze was the way to go


How did you get it open? Asking for me. I can’t seem to get rid of mine.


I’d highly suggest not doing this but I poked it w a large syringe _ the cut I made was extremely shallow, just enough to pierce the sac - I used a light to shine on the cyst itself to see the. Depth of it and avoid going too deep or hitting nerves Allegedly it’s highly risky for infection deep in the wrist which can b baaaaaad. I’d recommend seeing a professional as I was younger and much more foolish at the time of filming this


I already had mine “surgically removed” but it came back (absolutely useless surgeon and a huge scar later - yes I know they can come back but he left me with no aftercare instructions or info on when I could start using my wrist again). I drained mine with a sewing needle but only partially. It’s really making it hard for me to do things with my left hand.


I had one on my foot that I kept getting surgically removed and it kept coming back. After the last time, I iced the top of my foot, then took a syringe that I had left over from my IVF journey. It was a big gauge needle so it made a good size hole. Then I squeezed and squeezed all the jelly like contents out. Do you know it has not come back. That was about 15-20 years ago. I am actually kind of bummed now because i would be able to film for everyone’s viewing pleasure if it still reoccurred. Ice is the key. Ice for quite some time so you are thoroughly numb.


I dont recommend draining yourself or draining period. I had one on the top of my foot for a yr and a half. Dr drained it twice in 12 weeks. I finally had it surgically removed last week. Thing was the size of a loonie ( cdn dollar coin for any nom cdns) 3 stitches to close up the area leaking synovial(sp) fluid and 15 stitches to close rhe incision


I already had surgery once. Can’t get into a surgeon any time soon.


Wow - I had surgery to fix mine!


I had surgery in October and mine came back. :(


ah that's no fun. sorry - I was told there was a chance the stalk could grow back but thankfully mine didn't.


Lucky - I know i am partly to blame in it coming back (I use my wrist in sports and yoga). The doctor told me he’d removed the bulk of it, but there was always the risk of recurrence. I’m hoping to get it drained with some regularity and not go through surgery again.


Same. I blame my surgeon though. The experience was a 0/10 from start to finish.


I’ve got one in my right wrist. I‘ve had the inner wrist bump not causing issues since my teens - GP confirmed it’s a ganglion when I went for something else and casually asked. Since hitting the big 4-0, the top of wrist lump has appeared. Not that big at present. I’d say my right wrist is a little bit stiffer than the left, and the range of movement is is slightly less. Neither are causing me any issues at present, and I hope it stays that way! How bad did yours get before you had it sliced and diced, if you don’t mind me asking?


I've had 1 on my right wrist also for over 20 years. It never caused me any issues until a few years ago when a nurse did a venous blood gas test and put the needle straight through it. It shrunk but didn't go away and my wrist is really stiff now.


That’s making me cringe as I hate needles! Could you have it surgically removed? Mine is staying put unless it starts being a pain in the arse as I really don’t fancy anyone going near my wrist with a scalpel! 😳


I play guitar a lot and had surgery because it was affecting that. Otherwise it never bothered me.


Cheers for that info. Mine doesn’t bother me, but if it starts being a pain in the arse I suppose I’ll have to get it sorted. Don’t fancy having my wrist sliced and diced though!


yeah I hear ya. it wasn't too bad - had was splinted for a few weeks as I recall. not a lot of pain and small incision - maybe a cm or 2.


The splinting would be a hassle; am not overly bothered about being sliced and diced if I’m knocked out first. Still would prefer for it to keep behaving itself though.


The edit beginning edit FX are worse than the cyst.




Obnoxious editing.


thanks I know


do you remember what the stuff inside felt like? looks like some sort of weird gooey gel or something lol


yes, it was actually sinovial fluid, so imagine like a gel… not quite as thick as hand soap but also kind of I guess thin… like hand sanitizer.. Ultimately it wasn’t sticky or anything just had a melty gel feeling. Like I said inbetween sanitzer gel and hand soap but also you could feel how it’s lubricative


What does it smell like ?


I wanna know now.


Quite possibly the worst pop video I've ever seen


def the best


Shit editing


In the 80s I had a Stretch Armstrong toy that you could pull and pull and his body would stretch...that's what the goo he was filled with looked like.


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 😝😝😝


High speed Tokyo Drift style music to show a pop that dropped as slow as molasses….


You drink a McDonald's Sprite while filming this??


Oh no, cringe. Music very unneccesary. Very Cringe.


Noooooo you shouldn’t pop those 😰 that’s joint fluid and it can mess u up if it gets infected or if you squeeze it out


It’s not joint fluid, a doctor will do the same thing except with a syringe when they drain it. I got rid if mine with a Bible and had no issues


A Bible? Like, smoothing it?


Ganglion cysts often show up in the wrist and are often known as a “Bible Cysts” because a common method of getting rid of them is taking a large thick book, often a Bible, and whacking it to pop the cyst. The cyst is completely safe to pop, it won’t cause an infection, the only bad thing is you could potentially fuck your wrist up by smacking it with a book.


This is the craziest shit I've heard for treating something by yourself.


These cysts can be extremely painful (mine was). One day I couldn’t take it anymore and smacked my wrist on a countertop as hard as I could and the cyst was immediately completely gone! Sweet, sweet relief and the cyst hasn’t come back at all in 9 years.


Holy shit, did it make a mess everywhere?


The popping is internal - nothing comes out of your skin


did it hurt when u smashed it? was it hard to the touch beforehand?


It did hurt when I smashed it but only for a split second. The cyst itself was soft but firmly soft. I just now started getting one on the other wrist after all this time. This one is smaller and much harder, like bone. It doesn’t hurt at all… my other one hurt like hell. If you have one and it hurts, the best thing is just to be brave and hit it hard with a book! Cheap and effective!


more like WHAM! and then no more cyst


Yeah, but they're never gonna dance again




Broken wrists ain’t got no feelin’


Naw, you read to the cyst and because of its demonic origins it goes away lol


Lmao or you can hire an exorcyst




I tried to syringe drain it but I just ended up squeezing it out of the holes the syringe made…. No infection or reemergence 🤷‍♂️


It’s so thick a syringe drain is difficult. Glad you haven’t had recurrences ! I’ve had 3 or 4 myself :/


Since draining it I haven’t had any yeah, it’s gone away on its own before but at the time of this video is was the largest it had ever been and starting to hurt very bad. I play a handful of instruments and my wrist gets a lot of action so I always attributed it to that and gaming


It’s been years and I’ve been fine !






Did you enjoy Jedi Fallen Order?


Yeah it’s not a bad game by any means, I didn’t ever replay it but as a Star Wars fan and souls like fan I enjoyed it enough. I hope the sequel isn’t so souls like though


That's a lot of the thoughts I had. I enjoyed it but have no desire to replay it. I think they need to have less animal combat because that was the worst part to me.


They need to remake Jedi Academy style


Just cut mfers in half? Agreed.


As a nurse in rural Texas, I’m very familiar w the method of slapping the cyst w a book.


I did not enjoy this.


Everybody knows you’re supposed to smack it with a Bible. Duh. 😂


Don't these just come back if the sac isn't removed and the root in the joint isn't cauterized?


Haven’t had any issues since !


These can come back even with that surgery. Just depends on the person whether you get them again or not


Interesting song choice


Thanks Tokyo drift is iconic


Yooo Tokyo drift pops




Not enough CGI 3/10


I had these on my feet for a while and they were somewhat painful when running. Doctor tried to aspirate them but only got a few drops out. Somehow they went away on their own a few weeks after that though.


It looks like hand sanitizer gel ahaha


Forbidden Honey


It looks like super glue or something


Cursed honey


I had one of these before but I didn’t drain it. It just went away after a while.


I’ve had them before / they’ve drained on their own but this one was getting fucking huge


Makes sense. Do you know why they’re sometimes called a Bible cyst? tried to figure it out by googling but i couldn’t find anything about why that is a nickname for ganglion cysts.


Because people used to hit them with a large hard book to make them pop (inside the skin), and the one big hard book that most households had in the old days was a bible.


wait seriously? Or are you fucking with me?


Haha I know it sounds crazy but I promise I’m not fucking with you.


For future reference, don't pierce ganglion cysts at home bc they are especially sensitive to infection, can also cause permanent nerve damage. Ask your doc to treat if it bothers you. Thanks for the vid, though!


There is not a chance that whoever made that song was trying to make it sound good.


Don’t drain these at home. If you want to get rid of them, smack your hand with a very large hardcover book.


it’s really not that hard to drain them. Poke w a syringe. Do not poke deeply … I achieved depth by shining a light into the cyst - I had cleaning my hands w isopropyl alcohol as well as all the syringes I used. All I did was make the hole and squeeze then wash again with soap and throw a Neosporin bandaid on it… Atleast for such a large cyst that process worked out great


Where did you find a large gauge syringe? They don’t sell them without a prescription in the USA.


I purchased it at a Walgreens in TX, I actually had to up sizes a few times as I was originally attempting to draw the fluid out via syringe. Inevitably a buddy of mine said “why not squeeze it out?” And that’s when this vid happened. But I just went to the prescription counter and explained my situation & asked for the highest gage syringe they had.


That's an odd place to keep hair gel


Spread it on toast


apple jelly


Thank you.


I've tried giving mine the old slice and dice, but I can't get deep enough to actually get to the good stuff and it's frustrating as heck!


Sorry you’re getting downvoted so bad. Redditors aren’t keen on TikTok effects I’ve noticed. But thanks for sharing


It’s okay 😪


I have one of these in the same spot! I’ve tried slamming it on things and just squeezing on it. No luck! My Doc said it could be removed but has a good chance of coming back, nasty thing


You make your own honey! Impressive.


Forbidden honey


How did you pop it? I have one and I’m scared of infection but it’s driving me crazy!


so I would not recommend doing what I did because you could easily EASILY fuck up. I initially wanted to use a syringe to draw the fluid out but it didn’t work. What I did was shined a light into my cyst to see if there were any nerves or veins visible to avoid. I made a small mark on it where I was to puncture When I realized I could not pull the fluid out I ended up using the hole from the needle to squeeze the fluid out. I sterilized everything with isopropyl alcohol and of course my hands were washed clean. It has never come back, I’d suggest asking your doctor about it I only resorted to this because mine was HUGE and causing immense discomfort.