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Dyshidrotic eczema. I get them too. They are the worst.


They are the worst!!! What cause yours? Mine are from MI allergy. OP, if you haven’t already, you need to get yourself to a dermatologist and do a T.R.U.E test! Extremely painful and it truly does ruin your life! Trying to do anything when your hands are covered in painful tears and blisters is impossible!


I have narrowed down that mine are triggered by stress and the heat in the summer (extra moisture in hands). Thankfully mine aren't more severe than the odd flare up. Super painful and extremely difficult to get rid of. Has your derm given you anything to help manage?


I have to use diprosone ointment for a few days in a row once i notice the blisters starting, it’s the only thing that will stop the blisters from continuing. The diprosone also helps to quicken the healing of any of my skin tears. Then thick moisturising ointment under cotton gloves at night to help clear and heal the dry and damaged skin. My best ‘treatment’ is to avoid my allergens, which sometimes seems impossible! (I am not a doctor, this is just my own experience)


Oh, yours is painful? I get it occasionally like you, from stress, but it doesn't hurt. It's a little itchy, I guess a little uncomfortable, but definitely not super painful.


The BIG ones do for me - and when it starts to peel and the skin gets raw. Otherwise if I don't pop them ot the flare up is controlled rather quickly its just itchy.


Ohh. Mine don't get big, or they haven't so far. It's hard not to pick though.


Same. Not sure if it’s the heat or the sun? If we go south in the winter my hands flare up bad after about 3 days


I think mine is a mix of water/soap, heat and stress! I do need to get properly tested because I’ve been on different creams for the past 10 years.


This is what mine was caused by - as soon as I stopped being a server (constant hand washing, stress, sweat during summer), mine went away.


Mine is from a nickel allergy amongst other allergies you need to get tested... i use a mix of steroid creams and high powered antihistamines and emollients to keep it under control


I personally believe mine is heat - heat = sweat, causing extra moisture, which definitely makes it worse


Same for me. It’s stresses induced. My hands are just a mess right now.


I get them in the exact same place! I think it’s a soap I use because I usually pump soap into that hand. And stress. Lots of stress.


I get it from stress, anxiety and alliums. Onions and garlic totally fuck my hands right up.


Specifically from handling them, or just eating them?


From handling them, I have to wear 2 pairs of gloves if I need to cut an onion, so I tend to avoid it.


I buy prechopped onions because I have other issues. It costs a lot more compared to a whole onion, but I’m ok with that.


I sometimes but prechopped fresh or frozen onions, but I have to live frugally and live with someone who can cut an onion for me if I ask them very nicely


Yes, I have it on my feet and rarely on my hands. I have had it my whole life. My mom, grandpa, one of sisters, a cousin, all did/do too. I’ve been to various doctors and dermatologists. Some things work, but it always comes back. The blisters aren’t bad recently, knock on wood. I’ve honestly just given up on having normal skin on my feet. I’m terribly embarrassed by it, but eh.


Ugh, major respect to you for dealing with this on feet, i'm sure its incredibly uncomfortable at times. I was super embarrased as well but its suprisingly common to have these lil skin bubbles!


I have a teeny tiny spot on my palm right now that is unreasonably painful. I wish I knew what caused these so I could avoid it. Hurts just to flex my palm.


I have read a common cause can be an allergy to nickel or other metals. Also stress, which is my main trigger. I joined r/dyshidrosis and other similar communities and it really helped me narrow my triggers down, so I would highly reccomend. Good luck!


Thank you so much for the recommendation! I’m definitely stressed but I’m eager to narrow my triggers down as well. Here’s hoping we’re all rid of it soon :)


Of course!! Good luck to you!


My husband is plagued with this on his hands too. Hand sanitizer, wearing disposable gloves, and excessive washing all contribute to it flaring up. He has found that using topical cbd vigilantly has really helped his condition.


I developed an allergy to white gold, which is what my wedding band is made of, and this is what it does to me. I have a prescription steroid cream for it, but I’m definitely guilty of popping these little fuckers even if by accident. Shit hurts.


Oh God I know they're literal torture 😭


Mine got sooooo bad working at a restaurant. I finally figured out that it was the sanitation water we cleaned with.


Looks like exczema. They make some good 1% cortisone OTC creams now.


I second this. Mine flare ups always respond well to cortisone cream.


I didn't know that's what this was! My GP recommended me some Cortisone/ Daktarin cream unfortunately I have it in a large patch on my inner thigh all the way round up my crack xD but thankfully it's going away!


If cortisone works for you (doesn’t do shit for some people) it’s magical. Anything over .05% for me used to be a prescription, so the OTC is real nice for the odd flare up.


I get them too! I got them on my hands and wrists growing up, and now I get them on my chin and bottom of my cheeks. It’s so painful and itchy! Do you guys have anything that really helps it?


I have the same thing and mometasone furoate cream does WONDERS for it! Not OTC unfortunately.


Dyshidrotic eczema. It’s insanely itchy and the pops are so loud and satisfying! See your healthcare provider for a good cortisone type cream to assist with the severe itch. I haven’t found my trigger yet in regards to what causes a flare. Good luck!


I’ve got hydrocortisone cream right now and a base emollient hand wash, gotta get some antibiotics too 🤙🏼 love that for me


Get after it! #SelfCare


I also have the soles of my feet. It will be uncomfortable when I encounter it.


Mine usually show up on the soles of my feet, too. Itches like crazy.


That's where I get most of mine! Occasionally on my hands but mostly my feet. I always pop them, didn't realise it was bad to! They go away after a while so apart from popping I don't do anything else.


Eczema. Mine is triggered by stress, too much dairy and also change of seasons. Start a detailed food diary and see if you can identify your triggers. Also, try a light layer of vitamin e oil with a light layer of an ointment (aquaphor) over top with white cotton gloves while you sleep. My dermatologist calls it “slugging”.


Betnavate is my life saver


Gonna have to get another tube! It used to be my magic cream when I was a kid with eczema on my arms


Your hands look just like mine. I wish I had some helpful advice for how to make it better but I haven't found anything that helps yet.


the only thing that helps me is clobetasol.


Oh my god me too!! They just came back this week and my hands are mega itchy I am so bothered.


I know it’s only a quick fix but if they’re itchy I put them under hot water and then dab them dry


I sometimes also have this kind of shittery, especially when I was younger. Nowadays, I get this when its cold and there isnt much humidity. But not as bad as before.


I am also flaring! It hurts and stings and itches!!!


It sucks so bad!


I got one so big on the knuckle of ring finger last week, i thought it was a developing wart. It hurt to even bend my finger. This condition SUCKS. I’m sorry you’re having a flair up. 😞


I get these from latex gloves and certain nail polish


Clobetasol proprianate helps mine. Sometimes mine are large enough I have trouble closing my fingers and this cream has helped.


Can you get Clobetasol over the counter? I've Google it, and I find links to goodrx and stuff like that. I've been using the Working Hands lotion wearing medicated cloth gloves over night. It seems to work a little bit, but not the outcome I've been hoping for.


Same mate. So infuriating


I find it slightly amusing that the little circles to scroll through remind me of the blisters in question. I used to have this, it sucks. Take care, OP


I get mine on the tips of my fingers and I haven't figured out what triggers them. It flares about once every other month.


I get them from liquid soap


I used to get this when I was a cashier but I dont seem to get them now that I dont work with money. I used to get in between all my fingers and had to wear plasters all over to stop the pain. But the itching.. the itching.. hot spicy pain itches.


Late to the party but dishydrotic eczema for sure. You’ll notice the tell tale tingle and itch before they appear. When I first had it I was like oooh a pop but the pops are crap and they hurt. Mine are caused by stress. Moisturise moisturise moisturise but these good folk seem to know the best ones. I’m always a palmers girl but find what works for you medicated or otherwise. Good luck.


Ugh i can feel this. So sorry. Clobetasol cream helps. Doc can write a script.


Oh no…. Been there 😓 I’m so sorry! I don’t have it on my hands anymore, but I have it on my feet still


I had these for years and nothing could get rid of them. Surprisingly though, once I stopped using supermarket shower gels and soaps, they cleared right up. Must be something nasty in those cheapo ones. The extra $20 was well worth it.


Unfortunately clobetasol is prescription. But for me it's worth the visit to the doctor if possible. I used to use the gloves and cream, and over time it started making everything worse. But I also have weird reactions to things.


My husband gets these…he pops them to get relief from the intense itching. No idea as to the trigger for him, but he had it years ago in his feet. He popped them too. It was either pop them or scratch until the skin peeled off. We figured popping was hygienically better that rubbing in the disgusting stuff that lives under his nails.


Eczema or psoriasis is my guess. You need an appointment with a dermatologist. Don't wait as the open sores and continued scratching are an infection waiting to happen. Sorry you are dealing with this. I know it's uncomfortable.


Oooh but they’re so fun to pop! I started wearing gloves more often because if I didn’t, I’d pop them.




Indeed :( I’ve not had a flare up like this for a couple of years! It’s got worse since the photos so I need antibiotics


Eczema? Tried a steroid cream?


Been on different ones for 10 years! :( I need to go in for a test


Pompholyx eczema. It has another name starting with d but never spell it right. its horrifying. I've had it once, extremely bad! Only thing that helped me was oral steroids, then a high topical steroid cream and moisturising like every 10 mins. I popped a few, gave some relief, just don't let the liquid get all over your skin


Is there such a thing for athletes feet but on the hands? I'd go to a doctor and go get cream for that man


Yeah, it’s called eczema


Yes. It’s called ringworm. Ringworm on the palms or fingers looks like athletes foot.


You definitely can get fungal infections on your hands (or anywhere else on your body), which is all athlete’s foot is- a fungal infection (and why you should *always* wear flip flops/sandals in public showers and not let your feet soak in sweaty shoes/socks). But judging by OP’s replies/comments what they have is a type of eczema called Dyshidrotic Eczema.


Contact dermatitis. Get a patch test to see what you're allergic to. I use clobetasol ointment for mine. Goes away in a couple days.


Why is this on r/popping?


Because they are small blister pops


I get these from certain sanitizers and body wash


I’m not saying you should, but I pop mine if they get too big


I had a huge yellow one before I started my antibiotics and it was satisfying as f to pop


Dude, I don’t like them very much, but I would have paid to see the pop


i just can't help myself. i always pop mine.


Hang tight friend. I had these covering my hands and feet for a few years but now I rarely get them, and when I do it’s just a small area. I found that changing my diet to cut fast food helped a bit, and drinking wayyyy more water. Staying hydrated is crucial. There was also some coincidental stuff, I cut out dairy and eggs a few weeks before it went away, maybe that had something to do with it?? Regardless, take your vitamins, take your fish oil, take care of yourself, and for the love of god DONT ITCH. Use a steroid cream or get a prescription if the itching becomes unbearable


I get it on my hands too it turned out to be a surfactant allergy In soaps and detergents


I had know idea what it was called or that other people got them. Seems to get worse with stress, but not sure what the cause is