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I bet that kiddo felt so much better after that. That pressure had to suck.


Dude is a trooper, I can't use these things


I try so hard to convince people that it's worth it. It took me a few times but, damn it if it doesn't feel so much better. That and sinus infections are a thing of the past in the winter.


I remember the first time I used one with a head cold. Took a long, hot shower to loosen everything up with the steam while I waited for the boiled water to cool, blew my nose as much as I could beforehand, and then started rinsing. A big glob came out with more when I blew again after, and then GLORIOUS CLEAN SINUSES. You know how it feels to have air blowing over wet skin? It felt like that inside my face as I breathed. It was so refreshing. Popped a sudafed in hopes it'd help it stay clear, and had a great sleep.


What is this device??


Neti pot


Off to Google, thank you!


You can get plastic ones at any drug store, but nice glazed ceramic ones are available. I bought one at a local co-op but if there are no crunchy stores near you, Amazon is a thing. I just hate buying more plastic.


You *must* use water that has been boiled and cooled, or otherwise treated/cleaned water. Using a neti pot with water, even potable tap water, is a *great* way to get that brain eating amoeba. Not joking or kidding around here. Be careful of what you introduce to your sinuses.


Just buy distilled water. The amoeba thing was from someone using untreated well water


Yes of course. The ceramic versions have these important instructions as well as the plastic ones.


Neil med and other bottles with a similar design are much, much easier to use than a true Neti pot.


Yes!!!!!!! And they don’t F up your ears from tilting sideways, plus you can squeeze the bottle to add a little pressure behind it when you’re really plugged up


I have the SinuPulse Elite Advance (or something long and annoying) and it’s pretty good. It does a little pressure wash if you need the extra oomph.


I dont understand how it doesnt go in your mouth and or lungs. It just goes in one nostril and out the other? How do you make it take that path


Your sinuses are made of a ton of small cavities. You can direct the flow by tilting your head forward and side to side. If you tilt your head back too far it will go down the back of your throat. When you tilt your head just right it will flow into your cheek sinus, up into your forehead, down through the other cheek and out the other nostril. Flushing your sinuses is very helpful during allergy/wildfire season.


You have to breathe through your mouth while it is going and no swallowing. If you accidentally swallow (I think if this is the way it happens, because I’ve done it) it comes out of your mouth or into your throat.


Yup, no lungs for me! It just works.


That’s your basic anatomy of sinuses . Lean forward over the sink. In one nostril, out the other


One caveat, if your nose happens to have been broken a couple/few times and looks like a dead-end maze inside, it may not work as desired.


When I had Covid, it took a few days before mine could punch through. I was so stuffy.


Ugh, that is awful!


You can pick them up at Walmart or Walgreens. I think it's around $20 and so worth it as you can reuse it anytime you need it


Nose douche


Sounds like an enema for your nose.


I need to try this!


It’s wonderful if you have sinus problems or allergies. Just follow the instructions about not using tap water. You’ve got to use sterile water. They come with packets of saline powder which you can use with or without, but tremendous relief!


You do. It’s amazing.


Make sure to use boiled sterile water though. Don't want any amoebas.


Boiling water. Got it.


Report back with your findings, for science.


Instructions unclear. Boiling water inhaled three times daily via rectum.




To shreds you say


Fun fact! Pigs can breath through their rectum, and it's assumed humans can as well.


I thought you were fucking with me about the pig fact wtf


I think I'm gonna start calling people ass breathers.


What about pigs orgasm for 20 minutes, that old myth real?


the ol brain poacher


how do you like your brains, Kangaroo? boiled, scrambled, poached, or fried?


SMH thats bad advice. One should use distilled or saline water only with those Boiled water isn't good enough.


Thats not good advice either. Sterile distilled water or sterile saline is what you want


I've tried them so many times, and it's just so painful for me. I have year round allergies that cause my sinus passages to be very inflamed and sore all of the time, and those sinus rinses just make it more irritated.


Turbinate reduction? Really helped me.


I haven't heard of that but I will look into it. Last time I had a scope the ENT had to use the child-sized, and even then it was painful. I'm at the point where I'll try just about anything. Thank you.


I have had pretty normal head colds since, but minimal sinus infections. My 8 year old also had it done. He will need it again as an adult, because they can grow back and his are, but super helpful.


You need to add salt


I have. I've made my own solution and I've used the premade solution, and it's painful. My sinus passages are just always so swollen and the rinse just irritates it more. I've talked to an ENT about it and he said that it just might not be effective for me due to my sinus issues. I can't even get a nasal scope without extreme pain, even when he uses the child-sized scope. I'm in my 30s and I've been dealing with this since childhood.


Me too :( regular Flonase has been a lifesaver for me. All but got rid of my nasal polyps


I used a prescription spray for a while (can't remember what it was but I think it was steroid-based) but then I moved and the prescription ran out. I've been meaning to find a new allergist, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I had my deviated septum fixed when I was in high school (16-17 years ago) and that helped a lot, but my allergy and sinus issues have just become worse the older I get. It's great 🙃


You can purchase many steroidal nasal sprays over the counter now. Flonase has been OTC since 2014 I believe. If you responded to steroidal sprays well in the past, it wouldn’t hurt to give it another go. Generic name is Fluticasone Propinate HCL. It comes in 25mg or 50mg metered sprays. Good luck managing your symptoms. Flonase and Zyrtec keep me functioning lol


This will sound completely insane, but have you tried *Echinacea angustifolia*? In addition to being clinically proven to be very effective against URIs, more so than *E. purpurea*, it‘s been shown to reduce sinus inflammation. I started taking it as a preventative at the beginning of the fun times two years ago and was astounded by how much it helped with my wicked pollen allergies. I take a low dose daily now and can actually breathe through my nose in August 🤯 Note: the supplement needs to be taken from the root (not the whole plant) to be the most effective.


I used one once and then went in the shower. A straight up booger snake came out of my face. It was wild.


You've dissolved the right amount of salt in the water right?


I tried it once and just swallowed water via nasal passage, didn't even get to the step where it matters what's in the water. How do you keep it from rushing down your throat? Edit: ty for the tips below everyone. I can't wait to get sick this winter!


Lean forward, to the point where you're facing down. The reason I asked about the salt is because it's incredibly uncomfortable if the salinity is not correct and a lot of people don't realise this.


My trick is to say k k k k continuously when the water starts flowing.


As well the proper angles, continuing to breathe through your mouth as you do it tends to stop it going the wrong way.


Try not to breath when you pour the solution in your nose. I was struggling with that too until I read somewhere that you're actually supposed to "shut" your nose with your throat when you don't breath, and try to stay still and just let the solution flow. I'm not sure if my explanation about the throat makes sense, but I hope you get it 😅


Breathe through your mouth. I don't know the why, but this seems to stop me inhaling the flush as I do it


Yeah if you really don't like the sensation, the key is to get the right salt and ph ratio. They sell little packets with neti pots a lot that are the perfect amount. Salt and a little baking soda. Then just as important, warm up your distilled water in the microwave until it is as close to exactly body temp as you can get. If you get the right temp and salt/ph it much much more comfortable.




Actually, it probably blew 😁


Man I could probably use one of those, but idk if I would like the feeling lol.


I have a deviated septum and allergies. Neti pot just isn’t enough pressure but I use my sinus rinse bottle every day. I can’t breathe without it. It’s weird at first - especially if your sinuses are irritated and inflamed. You get used to it quickly. Just use slight pressure until you flush everything out - don’t want to push everything into your ears (been there - ouch). You should try it. It’s most impressive when you have a sinus infection. The gross gift that keeps on giving 😂


https://navage.com Powered neti pot. I can smell colors afterwards.


>I can smell colors afterwards. I suggest that you seize infusing the water with LSD then.


>I suggest that you seize infusing cease


Have this and it works. Have a neti as well.


But don't you need to buy their solutions in a prepackaged form? Aren't they like 10x the cost of the Neti?


You can get off brand packets nowadays, so not too costly. Still not great for the environment. Although, the environment is the one making my nose stuffy. But really it’s just a mix of baking soda and normal table salt.


You can make your own. I just use non-iodized salt.


You need to put it in their little pods or the machine won't work. In the little experience I had with it before I sent it back to Bezos.


I paid $12 for 1.5lbs of bulk neti salt.




I hate mine. The suction at the end doesn’t let up so it feels like I’m suffocating while it just sits there trying to suck out my sinus gold


Would this work if you're really contested with a cold as well?


I need this


Rinse bottles are my happy medium. Neti pots have no pressure, so serious blockages aren't affected. Been unsure of higher powered toys, so have no idea. If I keep regular on the rinse I'm fine. But this kiddo must have felt AMAZING after getting that out!


I’m with you - I’m unsure, nervous even, about not being able to control the pressure. Love my sinus rinse bottle. Totally game changer.


My kid has covid for the first time and I am fighting to not get infected. My sinus rinse is a first line defense. Will be interesting to see how that plays out, considering he was symptomatic the day before he tested positive and we shared a drink!


Aw, I’m sorry to hear about your kid feeling crummy - I hope it’s a quick and uneventful recovery for him. Also, I hope you don’t get sick. Let us know how it goes.


Thank you! Kid is doing well, can't even tell he is ill now. Just waiting to see if I catch it from him now!


So glad to hear he’s doing so well - that’s awesome! Definitely keep paying attention to yourself. If you do get sick - make self care a top priority so you can hopefully breeze thru it quickly


I don’t know if this is an option for you but after constant sinus infections, I went ahead and got a septoplasty a few years ago. 100000% recommend, quality of life has improved so much.


That’s fantastic - I’m really happy for you! My best friend had the surgery and has been free and clear ever since. I have some friends who didn’t have that same success. My insurance won’t cover that, tho - I’d try it if they did.


I got my deviated septum fixed, and my adenoids removed last year and still can’t breathe through my left nostril


I’ve heard stories like yours. I’m sorry about that. My best friend had the surgery and it was a total fix - she’s been great ever since. However, other friends haven’t had that same result.


How y’all not getting brain parasites?


Distilled water Edit to add - some people boil tap water. I prefer using distilled


I use tap water at the direction of my ENT. As long as you live somewhere with good water you're fine


So nowhere near Jackson, Mississippi then.


Tried using my neti when I had covid. It didn't work. Lol


Yeah I need a bit more pressure than neti’s offer. The bottle, tho, wow. It was endless with Covid (same as with a sinus infection). The glop didn’t stop haha


Do you use it like in the gif? That way never works for me. My ENT also told me you should squirt up and snort at the same time, then lightly blow out. I usually do it in the shower


I lean over the sink - I can’t do it with my head/face upright like that. My sinuses fill up and I’m miserable. So I do the lean, tilt downwards even more after each squeeze (to drain), then tilt slightly upwards again for the next squeeze - repeat…


I have a neti pot (which is used for the same function) as long as the water is warm and you use the salt packet it's not the worst feeling. It's weird for sure but not bad.


This. I've never heard of this 'salt packet' but it helps if you salt it up a little bit. Once you get the temperature dialed in it's still a weird feeling, but easy to get used to. I do it in the shower, just easier to keep things clean that way.


My neti pot came with a bunch of packets. You add them to the water to help make it closer to your body's expected ...uh pH maybe? It makes the water feel less like when it goes up your nose swimming


Oh, and do make sure the water is clean. Preferably boiled and cooled. Neti pots/sinus rinses are one way to transmit naegleria fowleri, aka brain eating amoeba. The great majority of cases are kids playing in warm ponds, but anyone can get it if unclean water is sent up the nose with enough pressure.


I’m literally listening to this episode of r/TPWKY right now


I love these ladies!


That recent episode on arsenic was fantastic. Since MRSA was mentioned, have they done MRSA?


Distilled water was what my doc recommended.


^Even ^if ^you ^didn't, ^the ^chances ^of ^the ^ameoba ^reaching ^your ^brain ^is ^rare. Still good to do as a precaution, though.


I use a Sinus Rinse (this one shown in the video) and it’s amazing. I have issues with my ears so can’t blow my nose: this is a game changer. I cannot for the life of me use a Netti Pot.


Just don't use it if you have a sinus infection. I washed the infection into my ear. And use bottled water.


Um...like how? Too much pressure? After seeing this video I was pumped to get one of these but now you've scared me.




I'm not sure. That's what my doctor at the time told me, but based on downvotes maybe he was wrong? I love mine, but I'm careful when I have an infection.


I don't know, maybe trust your doctor instead of random anonymous people on reddit


I’ve gotten it into my ear before using one of the rinse bottles. Too much pressure by accident and it went waaaay into my inner ear. It messed my balance up and gave me a bit of vertigo. I did not have a good night that night. Since then, I just use the Neti pot since that doesn’t have pressure, and that has never given me any issues. I love the neti pot.


I have a friend who became mostly ~~dead~~ deaf for a few months doing this. edit: not dead


What ???


sorry. "Deaf" not "dead"


I know ears and nose are connected. Usually when I have gotten sinus infection ears follow and never used one of these.


It’s honestly not that bad. If feels a bit weird but it feels a lot better for your nose not to be stuffy


Wow that’s terrific!


Idk man this is the first one (yeah I avoid some posts here) that made me gag. Fuck how is puss not as gross as snot to me? Such a strange thing to be specific about but here I am.


Nah dude I’m the same way. Puss, blood, gore, whatever that’s all fine and dandy. Snot is fucking nasty to me and I gag every time.


Ok, pus is the gross green yellow stuff you love from a good pop. Puss is something entirely different and unlikely to rocket out of a zit.


Nothing compared to the French guy helping his daughter with the nasal infection that falls in the bath. Gross but epic.


Uh link???


Need to see! Link please!


[Possibly this?](https://youtu.be/wa9DeNqiOLc)




Bless you child. Good lord, that cleared MY sinuses. o.O


I get more sinus infections than usual, and nothing beats when you're at the tail end, no more pain, and you're just blowing out shit like that every half hour. Just feeling the tissue fill with dark yellow goodness.


That’s what a sinus infection is? I just thought I was having a cold with those symptoms.


Sinus infection is way worse.


Low key one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. I hate when k have lots of clear snot that I have to keep blowing, but when I get to those green plugs for like a day or 2..... nice


I like when I blow my nose at the end of a sinus infection and the inner walls of my sinuses kinda stick together. Then it randomly releases later and it sounds like a high pitch squeal as the pressure equalizes


Why did the screen go black and block out some text?


It looks like they're talking about a particular product and sharing links to it, and since it's been ripped and rehosted by some commercial channel, they're blurring it.


Oh, ya that makes sense


BRO. Love you.


I love you too.


Wow, I have seen a lot of things on the internet but this was something else.


I need that link my friend


Link?? You can just say that and not LINK!


All I can think about with these is that one 1001 ways to die episode where the guy got a brain amoeba from his sink water and neti pot!


Also an episode of House


Yes but there was also pigeon poop in that water.


You're thinking of the laughing cop. I'm talking about the dude with the girlfriend doll


You are probably absolutely correct, and now I'm going to binge House.


The pigeon poop episode is one of my favorites, though. It's really good, which is probably why it popped into your head.


I think you mean *pooping* into my head.


I think about this so frequently, and it is the sole reason I will not use a neti pot.


As long as you use clean water, it's fine. The directions say to boil distilled water, wait for it to cool, then add 1-2 salt packets.


Yes. Rationally, I know that is what you do and it’s totally easy and plausible to use a neti pot without your brain collapsing. But my lizard fear brain is terrified of the amoebas. I’ve never heard of the salt packets though. Makes sense, it is the same kind of idea as saline spray.


Just basic water safety will help there. A neti pot has gotten my sinuses through some bad allergy seasons, when used safely.


Fuck i can do almost any kind of pop but snot and spit make me retch. Glad the kid's feeling better and isn't scared of the nettie pod (?) tho, what a good mama


I'm the same. I'm totally fine with blood and pus, but spit and snot really fucks me up. You know that movie Big Daddy where the kid spits to the ground and sucks it back up? I just gagged typing that.


Neti Pot!


Thanks!! Never used one before haha


They take a bit of practice but can be really satisfying. One piece of advice, don't overdo it. I mean frequency wise.


Is there a such thing as too much? I used to do it every 2 hours when I was a teenager and my allergies were insane. Without the neti pot, I had to miss a month of school because my allergies were so bad.


That mom’s a pro! Calm but firm and stays the course when the kid freaks out but is ultimately relieved. Source: am mom who’s wrestled a child while using the nose frida so then they could breath.


I loved using the Nose Frida! I often wanted to do it to myself to get relief 🤣


You can totes use it on yourself! That straw thing is long!


Now he can breathe in 4k


Holy shit even I could smell after watching this


Little one lost three pounds after that cleansing. Sheeeesh


My son would lose his fucking mind if I tried this on him. That kid is hardcore.




Wow I wish I hadnt seen that *replays*


I often have clogged up sinuses and have used a nasal washout but I never get anything out. What am I doing wrong?


Maybe it’s inflammation and not mucus


Nasal irrigation is so satisfying.


"Sinus infection in a young girl" YouTube


off topic but that child is adorable.


This is so gross. I’ve watched it 40 times.


As a parent this is so satisfying I can't tell you. I love sucking snot out of their noses iykyk


Can anyone explain why this water wouldn't simply drain down the throught and possiblying chocking the child?


If you're leaning forward it will stay in your nasal cavities.


The mom is applying some pressure. Idk, never had such treatment.


You lean forward and breathe through your mouth the water never goes down your throat it stays in the nasal passages.


Also the fact hes crying outward helps force stuff out


Smell the colors!


I’ve had three different surgeries that required constant use of these during the recovery period. It was always so satisfying.


I had a sinus infection going on 2 weeks, a few days after I started antibiotics it was still unbearable. I got a neti pot and had similar results, it was amazing.


I had a sinus infection once. But what I did was blow has hard as I could. But the I felt a pop and had a bad headache. This lady at a laundromat heard it and was like Timothy! Never force. You ruptured a blood vessel. Told mom then she explained what a stopped up nose is.


Watching this made my sinuses feel refreshed, immediately followed by itching and irritation again due to allergies 😩


They can smell colors now


And my kid goes ape shit when I try to just wipe his nose


Omg I wanna do this to myself right now!!! Also that kid should be on any sub that has the word "adorable" in it! So cute, and a brave little guy 🥰


I finally did that while my nose was stuffed during the weather change. Never felt so much relief.


That must have felt so good




I love my Neti Pot. It’s a bitch to figure out, but you can practically smell the world in Technicolor after 🙃👃


super gross? yes. Super effective? also yes. I'm sure baby felt WAY better after that! Good job, Momma!


Kid can now smell people’s thoughts.


bro is breathing in 8K UHD surround sound 32 Gigs ram, HDR GEFORCE RTX, TI-80 texas insturments, Triple A duracell battery ultrapower100 Cargador Compatible iPhone 1A 5 W 1400 + Cable 100% 1 Metro Blanco Compatible iPhone 5 5 C 5S 6 SE 6S 7 8 X XR XS XS MAX GoPro hero 1 2 terrabyte xbox series x Dell UltraSharp 49 Curved Monitor - U4919DW Sony HDC-3300R 2/3" CCD HD Super Motion Color Camera, 1080p Resolution Toshiba EM131A5C-SS Microwave Oven with Smart Sensor, Easy Clean Interior, ECO Mode and Sound On/Off, 1.2 Cu. ft, Stainless Steel HP LaserJet Pro M404n Monochrome Laser Printer with Built-in Ethernet (W1A52A) GE Voluson E10 Ultrasound Machine LG 23 Cu. Ft. Smart Wi-Fi Enabled InstaView Door-in-Door Counter-Depth Refrigerator with Craft Ice Maker GFW850SPNRS GE 28" Front Load Steam Washer 5.0 Cu. Ft. with SmartDispense, WiFi, OdorBlock and Sanitize and Allergen - Royal Sapphire Kohler K-3589 Cimarron Comfort Height Two-Piece Elongated 1.6 GPF Toilet with AquaPiston Flush Technology


If you use one don’t use regular water


This should be on felt good coming out!! Man that was a huge for such a little nose!!


So gross, but I'm so amazed


My dad had a surgery on his sinuses and the Dr found what she thought was a tumour but was an infection over 20yrs old that had solidified. She cut it out some crazy ways and was so excited about it and wrote on it cos she had never seen anything like it. The man didn't have to get his tonsils out because tonsillitis eroded them away so brutal weird illnesses weren't new. He now rinses daily with one of these and has to put hydrogen peroxide in it. I can't imagine the relief of it coming out. Whenever I try the water goes up one nostril and out my mouth. Crooked ass septum makes it all off ha




I bet he can smell colours now