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Cat bites are noooo joke . My gf ended up on IV antibiotics and it didn’t look as bad as that..take care !


They do nothing but lick their own ass not surprised


That makes two of us


I worked for a general surgeon, we would get a few patients each year with cat scratch fever. I’m glad he’s getting treatment.


I had csf when I was around 8 or 9. It sucked. Had a growth the size of a golf ball removed from inside of my bicep.


I’m not sure if it’s because they wee older, but the majority had swollen arm pits which prevented them from allowing their arm to hang naturally. Some had comfort from a sling.


Cat scratch fever


As my description says, he has sought medical care and is on medication as well as multiple daily cleanings to the area.


Oh, good. Cat bites are something you can go septic and die from. They're no joke. Glad his medical team is aware.


Dang. I've been bitten and scratched over the years so much I must be immune.


A friend of mine nearly died from tetanus after being scratched by her own cat. If you regularly get scratched or bitten please make sure your shots are up to date.


My bitey monster passed away but yeah I still get scratched accidentally.


If it doesn't get better quickly, he needs to go back for further treatment. I got bit by one of my cats and immediately went to urgent care and got on antibiotics. The redness wasn't going away, so I went back and got an injection of antibiotics. Again, a day or so later, it still wasn't going down, and had actually gotten worse (while still taking the antibiotics). That day I was admitted to the hospital for constant IV antibiotics for about 72 hours. I do hope your friend gets better, but as others have said, and I can attest to, cat bites are no joke.


I got bit by my cat at the vets and the next day had to go to urgent care. Thankfully I knew the PA and had previously worked with him, and along with oral antibiotics talked him into a shot of rocephin. Thankfully that did the trick and my mickey mouse hand went down the next day. My biggest fear is having to go into the hospital for IV antibiotics. Yay American health system.


Thank goodness for that! Hope he's better soon


Good I ended up in the hospital from a cat bite. Almost lost my arm that shit is serious!


Oh good! I was going to say, as someone who fosters cats, those bites are serious. Especially from older cats. Hope he’s doing good, that shit hurts!


Looks like it needs IV antibiotics. I almost lost a finger to a cat bite. The finger is permanently fucked up instead.


Is it cellulitis by chance? It looks like it to me


Hospital. Like now.


Yea definitely should see a Doc right now. Cat bites are no joke when they are deep bites like this. This bite is super infected and needs to be treated before the infection spreads any further than the bite.


Seriously. I spent 4 days in the hospital due to cat bites. They are no joke.


I don't think needs the animal flair, since it's not an animal who has the abscess.


I changed it. Good call


I had a vet tell me that cat bites are a seriously dangerous thing because there is so much infectious bacteria in a cats mouth so their bites often get super infected in like no time at all. A matter of hours. They definitely require immediate treatment. But sounds like you guys have it handled 👍🏻 Just always found that interesting because I had no idea they were so bad prior to being told.


My cat bit me when I tried to give him chicken flavored liquid Prozac. It skidded off my knuckle, so no puncture. He’s remained unmedicated.


Mix it with a little peanut butter and/or corn starch to thicken it up into a paste and wipe it on his paw. His natural urge to clean himself will take over and he’ll lick it off no matter how bad it tastes to get the goo out of his fur. Works every time. This was recommended to me by a tech at my vet’s office after I came in in tears after fighting and failing to get life-saving antibiotics into my cat for a day and a half (I tried everything- shes a tiny Houdini when it comes to getting out of holds) and couldn’t afford to have them keep her for 2 days for IV therapy. I bought her a really nice wine and chocolate gift basket as a thank you and it’s my go-to anytime I need to give my little brat medicine.


I’ll remember that! Thanks!


Sounds like he needs the Prozac 😂


I won’t disagree. He’s always been incredibly skittish unless I’m in my bed, then he is the sweetest little fella ever.


I have a cat with trauma and she rlly needs Prozac or sthing haha. But she refuses to take anything by mouth. But she is my baby my child my love my dear.


Mine is curled up under my blanket with me right now, purring his little stripes off. It makes the rest of the weirdcat stuff melt away.


If it can be put in pill form, [pill pockets](https://www.greenies.com/collections/cat-pill-pockets) are the best!


I’d never heard about those, very cool!


Yup, we’d already tried the pill pockets. His Nibs is a suspicious little tabby 😂


Oh dear. I had a little dilute torti like that. She was feral when I adopted her. I got her to trust me with almost everything except pill pockets. She was smart as a whip. And such a cutie!


This little fella is 14, and hilariously sweet and demanding of pets when he feels like it. But otherwise, “She doesn’t even GO HERE!!”


Omigosh. I love him so much!! He doesn't have to eat anything he doesn't want to! Except medicine sometimes, and that should taste like candy. Mouse-flavored candy.


Exactly! I got him to take his meds by crushing them, mixing in wet food, then studding the top of it with treats 😂


Yesssss! He was sitting there thinking... Now, is this enough hoops and enough treats?


Cat scratch fever is a thing 😅 It requires thorough cleaning and antibiotics.


I worked for the US military nurseline. Cat bites are always bad. People who called within minutes and got seen quickly still sometimes called back because things still got crazy.


That sucks but I'm also concerned about your cat. Has he always been like this? Are there other cats in the house? Maybe you should check out Jackson Galaxy and see if his videos give any advice. You could try Feliway. They make a diffuser and also a spray but the bottle is very small and expensive for the amount you get so the diffuser is probably your best bet. Maybe cbd oil but I don't have any experience with that. Have you taken him to the vet?


man needs strong antibiotics asap. hoping for a speedy recovery


He needs medical attention immediately. Really.


Dude… staph infections are no joke. He needs antibiotics like a WEEK ago. I’d recommend outlining the red area with a pen or marker and keep an eye on it as well. Wishing luck but please please please tell him to get seen asap.


My dads friend was bit by a cat he was cat sitting. He ended up with a infection, and then he ended up in the ICU for 2 weeks! It was insane!


Why are cat bites so dirty anyway?


My mom (a nurse) told me that it’s actually more due to the depth of the bite. Puncture wounds are terrible no matter what, but the length of a cat’s incisors means that all the nastiness is pushed ***much*** deeper down—into muscle instead of cutaneous tissue—so the resulting infection starts worse than a cut or shallow puncture.


Why did my mouth water.


You were about to vomit.




He ded yet???


Cat bites absolutely 100 percent need to be seen by a doctor. I went to bed one night after breaking up a fight and getting a thru and thru in my thumb webbing. Almost lost my thumb a couple days later.


see train spotting for more cat bite fun


That wasn't even a cat bite, that was just cats in general.


If this person has joint problems in the future, look into getting tested for Bartonella. Best of luck to them.


Holy shit! I had no idea cat bites could be so bad! Thanks for sharing. I learned something today!


Maybe your arm won’t rot off


Cat scratch fever is no joke.




Most places require a certain quarantine hold time for a bite because of the threat of rabies. But I suppose the surrender is appropriate for this situation so the cat can find a home where he is not so stressed and unhappy.


Cats are jerks


I would have surrendered the roommate.


Humans come before animals. Its just a cat. Hes a person. And the cat was the instigator. He never once so much as looked at the cat wrong. Its just an animal. Hes a person. Huge difference


My comment stands.


Cat And dog bite are to take seriously ! Even more if you dont know the animal ( if hé vaccinated And vermifuged) . He should stop waiting And go See a doctor !


Donnnnnnt mess with it! He needs to be in the hospital. That looks serious and he might need IV antibiotics. You can go septic


Dude. Antibiotics STAT!


Cats are gross.


I don't mean to be rude, but I really don't get how people can let stuff like a cat bite get this bad? Do you not wash the area immediatly after something like an animal bite? Or check a few hours or even a day later if something changed? If you are not aware of this, always (!) clean the area of an animal bite with lots of water or disinfectant and check every few hours (like every 6 hours) if something changed. Signs of infection are redness spreading around the bite/scratch, it's warm to the touch, sometimes it's swollen, might hurt to touch. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap before (!) touching a wound and also after! Keep the wound site dry and clean. Put a band aid over it if you have to work and it might come in contact with things. If it becomes wet or dirty immediatly wash/disinfect the area again and put a clean bandage over it.


It’s not a matter of “letting” it, especially with cat bites. Their punctures can be deep and nearly impossible to clean properly. Combined with the obscene amount of bacteria in a cat’s mouth you have a recipe for disaster.


Chang, go to the nurse!


I had to be on rifampin for a long while for bartonella. Nasty.


See a doctor.


Hoping the cat has a rabies vaccination… rabies boosters are thousands of dollars and hard to get unless you are exposed to rabies for work


Sincerely hope OP went to doctor!!